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Unit17 Great womenⅠ.单项填空1.It has often been said that life is difficult.A.as it is B.so it isC.as is it D.so as is2.Sandy could do nothing but to his teacher that he was wrong.A.admit B.admitted C.admitting D.to admit3.You do your homework before watching TV.A.are going to B.are about toC.are to D.will4.—What ever has him today?Tom has never been late for class.—But he hasnRt turned up yet,the meeting has been on for half anhour!A.happen to B.come aboutC.become of D.occurred5.…  相似文献   

第一节:单项填空从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The car is in bad conditionyou can’t drive it.A.so;that B.such;thatC.such a;that D.too;that22.H e m akes it a rule and dom orning exercises.A.getting up B.to get upC.get up  相似文献   

听力部分(略)笔试部分(100分)卷Ⅰ(选择题)Ⅰ.选择填空1.— is the population ofthe city ofY angzhou?—A bout800,000.A .H ow m any B .H ow m uch C.W hat D .H ow2.—Their schoolis three tim es as as ours.—Thatm eans our school is than theirs.A .big,three tim es sm aller B.sm all,largeC.big,sm aller D .large,twice3.The bedroom is so dirty.W ould you please help m e to it clean芽A .take B .let C.leave D .m ake4.The conductor said,“W illyou please m ake for the old lady?”A .place B .room C.…  相似文献   

1.—did you solve the problem?—I solved it learning to forget.A.H ow;w ith B.H ow;byC.W hat;w ith D.W hat;by2.H e is very young.H e can’t carry the heavybox.That is to say,he is carry theheavy box.A.so old that he canB.very young toC.too young toD.young enough to3.—W hy do you exercise every day?—healthy.A.K eep B.To keepC.K eeping D.K eeps4.If you don’t know how tospell this word,youshould in yourdictionary.A.look it upB.look up itC.look it forD.look for it5.—D o you enjoy in…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.句意理解(5分)从 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思 相同或相近的选项。 1.A .G o down this streetand turn rightatthe second crossing. B.G o down this street until you reach the second crossing and then turn left. C.G o down the streetand turn leftatthe traffic lights. 2.A .The box is so sm all,butyou can putallthe books in it. B.The box is big enough to putallthe books in. C.The box is so sm allthatyou can tputallthe books in it. 3.A .I can understand little ofthe story with the…  相似文献   

unit8一、选择填空(15分)1.Your bedroom is so dirty,Danny.You should at once.A.clean up it B.clean it upC.clean up them D.clean them up2.I think we need to some ideas now.A.come up B.think up C.catch up D.get up3.They helped him a hospital at the side of th  相似文献   

The world itself is becom ing m uch sm aller by using m odern trafficand m odern com m unication m eans.Life today is m uch easier than it was hun-dreds of years ago,is has brought new Problem s.O ne of the biggest is pol butlution.To pollute m eans to m ake things dirty.Pollution com es in m any w ay.W e see it,sm ell it,drink it and even hear it.M an has been polluting the earth.The m ore people,the m ore pollution.M any years ago,the problem w as not so serious because there were notso m …  相似文献   

第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 从 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 21.H e takes pleasure in flying kites.W hat in world do you like best? A ./;the B.a;/ C.the;a D ./;/ 22.This com puter doesn’t w ork properly, because a certain virus has the operating system . A .broken up B .broken down C.broken out D .broken away 23.—Look at the actress on the stage. She is already fifty. —Y ou are joking.She doesn’t look . A .it B.so C.that D.the on…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.—ItCs cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.—.A.Yes,take it easy B.Well,it just dependsC.Ok,just in case D.All right,you are welcome2.If you go by train,you can have quite a comfortable journey,but make sure you get fast one.A.the;the B.×;a C.the;a D.×;×3.—If the traffic hadnCt been so heavy,I could have been back by6oCclock.—What a pity!Tina here to see you.A.is B.was C.would be D.has been4.Look at the trouble I am in!If only I your advice.A.followed B.would fo…  相似文献   

1.got stuck卡壳A:What's up?You look so unhappy! B:I got stuck on this problem.It is such a touchy issue! A:Well,cheer up,I think you can make it. B:Thanks.I will try to figure it out. A:怎么啦?你看起来闷闷不乐的! B:我在这个问题上卡壳了,这真是个棘手的问题。A:振作点,我想你能想出办法来的。B:谢谢,我再试试看。  相似文献   

请看2006年高考英语福建卷第28题:She____Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely. A.picked out B.made out C.made up D.picked up解析:答案是D。此题考查的是短语动词pick up的用法。在本题中的意思是"偶然获得,无意中学会……"。Pick up是中学英语中常用的短语动词,也是高考近几年经常考  相似文献   

O nce w hile trying to reach his car key, L i K a-shing dropped a tw o-dollar coin, w hich rolled underthe car. H e figured thatw hen the car started the coinw ould fallinto the gutter, so he squatted dow n in anattem pt to pick it up.Seeing this, an Indian attendanton duty im m ediately picked it up for him . H aving retrieved his coin, L iK a-shing surprisingly gave the attendant 100 dollars as a rew ard. H isexplanation for such a big rew ard w as: “If the attendant hadn’t pickedup the…  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=doctor)A:This morning,while I was lifting a heavy box,I had a very suddenpain in my lower back.It was so bad that I fell to the ground,andcouldn't get up.B:Is the pain still as bad?A:Yes,it is.At first I felt faint,and broke out in a cold sweat.Now,  相似文献   

The telephone rang just when I finished my lunch. A roommate of mine picked up the receiver and answered, and then told me that a girl calling herself my elder sister wanted me on the phone. Really? Who is it? A kind and familiar voice came from the other…  相似文献   

1.Class Two will go for a picnic.They made_______6o’clock to meet at the foot ofMt.Tai.(2007山东淄博市)A.it B.thatC.them D./2.Look out!The traffic is_______fast_______we can’t cross the street now.(2007湖北潜江市)A.too;to B.enough;toC.so;that D.such;that3.—Don’t_______too late,or you will feeltired in class.—I won’t,Mum.(2007湖北随州)A.stand up B.stay upC.wake up D.get up4.By the end of last year,we_______thework.(2007新疆乌兰察布市)A.has finished B.had finishedC.have finished D…  相似文献   

21.Great changes ____ in the City of Guangzhou since 1980, and a lot of big buildings ____.A.were taken place, were set up B.have taken place, have set upC.have taken place, have been set up D.have been taken place, have been set up22.The pen ____quite smoothly.A.writes B.is writing C.can be written D.is written23.Water ____ into steam if it is heated to its boiling鄄point.A.is going to be turned B.will be turned C.has been turned D.is being turned24.—I saw that new film yesterday. …  相似文献   

Unit 6 Good manners填空Ⅰ.单项填空1.I guess it will notrain tom orrow,?A.willitB.w on'tit C.do I D.don't I2.The w ord is wrongly spelt;you've a letter.A.leftoutB.leftoff C.left behind D.left3.—W hy don'twe take a break?—Didn'twe justhave?A.it B.that C.one D.this4.H is glasses he was like a blind m an,fell to the ground andbroke.A.which B.from w hichC.with which D.withoutwhich5.H e has three sons.O ne is a worker,is a doctor,the is ateacher.A.another;other B.another;thirdC.other;thi…  相似文献   

A m an ofthe state(国家)ofSong is worried abouthis seedlings(幼苗)growing too slowly.H e pulls up theseedlings one by one and com es hom e.“I am tired out(精疲力竭)today.Ihelp the seedlings to grow,”he says to hisfam ily.H is son hurries to the fields to have alook and finds thatallthe seedlings have withered(枯萎)up.根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D中选出最佳答案。1.The m an is a farm erofthe state of.A.Zhou B.Yuan C.Song D.Qing2.The m an pulls up the seedlings,because.A.he has nothing to do B.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.does your favorite singerlook like?A.How B.WhatC.Who D.When2.My hair is long,but isshort.A.his B.herC.your D.it’s3.He tall and he amedium build.A.has;is B.is;hasC.is;is D.has;has4.Doyou knowIhaveanewfriendClass One?A.on B.atC.in D.to5.I yo  相似文献   

A Snake in Class One of my third-grade students brought in a snake for show.I amafraid of snakes,but since the boy was responsible(负责的),I decidedto let him go ahead.Another teacher had come in to help that day and,not being fearful of snakes,picked the snake up with the stem(柄)ofher glasses so everyone could see it.  相似文献   

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