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为了使实践教学与职业技能鉴定接轨,提高学生就业的竞争力,我们对实践教学进行了改革,使学生在毕业前都取得了1到2种职业资格证书,就业率大大提高。  相似文献   

Early school failure is a critical factor in the development of peer rejection and antisocial behavior in children. This paper describes three sets of instructional strategies that have been shown to promote high levels of academic competence by arranging frequent opportunities for correct skill practice: (a) teaching children at their instructional level and monitoring progress, (b) teaching children differently as their skills improve, and (c) rewarding success and setting goals. Research is reviewed showing that practicing skills to high levels of fluency leads to retention and endurance, the emergence of new forms of a skill, and creative problem solving. The motivation of children to complete academic tasks through the strategic use of reinforcement is discussed, as are the implications of these strategies for encouraging children to be persistent, self‐motivated, life‐long learners. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 19–30, 2004.  相似文献   

While the philosophical importance of the integrated science process skills is often unchallenged, there is a lack of research with middle and secondary school students to indicate when or how these skills might best be taught. In this study different patterns and amounts of instruction on planning experiments were used with sixth- and eighth-grade students. A model for generating integrated process skill lessons was used to produce all lessons. Treatment One involved a two-week introductory unit on integrated process skills, followed by one period-long process skill activity per week for 14 weeks. Treatment Two involved only the same two-week introductory unit. Treatment Three was a contrast group which received only content oriented instruction. Results showed that both sixth- and eighth-grade students can learn to use certain integrated process skills; growth was apparent in identifying variables and stating hypotheses. Differences generally favored treatment one over treatment three. No differences favoring any treatment were found for formal operational ability outcomes.  相似文献   

"说课"是教师充分备课后,在同行面前讲述自己的教学设想和理论依据的过程,通常要求教师在有限的时间内,介绍一节课准备"怎么上"、"为什么这样上",重点在于说出上课的依据.为了便于教师应用,作者主张按备课的思路,从以下四方面来说课:说学习需要(学习内容、学习者和重难点)、说教学目标、说教学策略及说教学过程.本文以人教版高中《生物分子与细胞(必修1)》教材中"细胞的衰老和凋亡"一节课为例,具体分析说课的方法和技巧,  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on text recall in eight‐ and nine‐year old children. The main focus was on whether two different sets of instructions had a differential influence: one set instructed students to focus on an orally presented text verbatim, and the other instructed students to focus on its content. A differential influence on verbatim and content recall might indicate separate storage of verbatim and gist information, and could provide evidence for two subprocesses of text processing – that is, for construction and integration. The instructions were administered either before or after hearing the text, and recall was tested again one week later. The results showed differential instruction effects on verbatim and content recall. These effects depended on the time of instruction. Verbatim instruction had an enhancing effect on verbatim recall, both when instructions were given before and when given after text presentation. Content instruction given after text presentation had a suppressing effect on verbatim recall, but involved no advantage for content recall. Content recall was not suppressed by verbatim instruction at any time of instruction. Thus, the processing of content seems to be less situated than the processing of verbatim information.  相似文献   

This case study examines ideas on a thinking curriculum and learning to learn in the context of secondary education, by exploring one subject area- computing studies- at the Scottish secondary 3/4 (S3/S4) level with 14- to 16-year-olds. The infusion approach used in this project combines direct teaching on problem solving strategies, modeling of solution processes, on-going formative assessment, and developing metacognition through processes of reflection, articulation and exploration. The case study provides an example of how these approaches can be interweaved within a problem-based learning methodology for teaching computer programming at an introductory level. The study demonstrates how an appropriate balance can be struck between content objectives and broader educational goals within an infusion approach, resulting in the achievement of successful learning outcomes. Extending the approach to other subject domains could greatly enhance the connectedness of the secondary curriculum, thus enabling students to learn more efficiently. This would require cross-curricular collaborations and a reformulation of existing curricula.  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the potential for computer-assisted instruction (CAI) to enhance number combination skill among children with concurrent risk for math disability and reading disability. A secondary purpose was to examine the effects of CAI on spelling. At-risk students were assigned randomly to math or spelling CAI, which they received in 50 sessions over 18 weeks. Acquisition and transfer effects were assessed. The results indicated that math CAI was effective in promoting addition but not subtraction number combination skill and that transfer to arithmetic story problems did not occur. Spelling CAI effects were reliable on acquisition and transfer spelling measures, with small to moderate effect sizes on transfer to reading measures. These results provide the basis for additional work with larger samples.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了职业技能结构的形成过程,并对中等职业学校如何按技能结构形成的六个阶段科学地安排实践教学模式进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

家训具体含义无定论,但其内容十分繁富,大致体现在治家、教子、修身与涉世三大方面。就表现形式而论,又不外有专著、家规条款、家书、散文、诗歌格言五种。  相似文献   

实践能力在市场营销专业学生的整体素质中占有非常重要的地位。本文分析了目前高职推销理论与技巧实训教学存在的问题,从可操作的角度提出了校企合作、校内商品展销会、代销等三种有效的实训教学模式,以提高学生的动手能力和解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

Previous research concerning the graphic or visual display of information with academically handicapped students has not addressed the instructional conditions that exist in mainstream settings. This article investigates the effectiveness of graphic organizers for three classifications of secondary students enrolled in content area classes: students with learning disabilities, remedial students, and students in regular education. The results of three separate experiments indicated that graphic organizers, whether teacher-directed, student-directed with text references, or student-directed with clues, produced significantly higher performance than self-study for each group of students. Several practical issues involving the use of graphic organizers with heterogeneous groups of secondary students are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a “telling case” of an interdisciplinary, team-teaching experience that explores how participants eschewed ethnocentricism of their fields of study in order to learn from each other, while providing instruction to students and analysing data collected from the class (a graduate course on literature and pedagogy). Through the process, the participants (a professor of English education and a professor of literature) ground the perspectives of literary interpretation in their field of study and languaculture, and developed a conceptual framework that guided their interactions and analysis of the discursive actions of the class. An ethnographic perspective served as the conceptual frame and informed how the participants observed, described, and developed claims about classroom interactions. Through this study, the participants answer calls for more examples of how faculty in higher education engage in interdisciplinary teaching and research and the need for faculty to develop conceptual ethnographic frameworks for their collaborations.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a preteaching strategy as a subordinate procedure of Direct Instruction.Skill‐deficient second‐graders were provided with repeated trials on a selected component skill of a subtraction algorithm beforethey worked the entire algorithm and compared with students who, from the beginning of training, received systematic instruction on working the entire algorithm. Statistically significant differences favouring the preteaching strategy group were found on periodic probe measures taken during training but not on a 12‐item post test nor on a ten‐problem maintenance test administered eight days later. Implications for using preteaching as an instructional procedure for inducing efficiency in the use of problem‐solving strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

自17世纪初培根提出“知识就是力量”的名言以来,很长一段时间内。人们往往把掌握的知识量作为衡量人才质量的唯一标准。随着科学技术的发展和工业社会的到来。能力开始为人们所重视。人类社会进入21世纪,已经迈进了信息时代,知识经济社会对人才提出了全新的概念。知识就是力量已经无法概括新人才特点。以创新为核心的创新型人才观,更加强调人的高度的责任感、强烈的个性化、高超的自主的学习能力和自觉的团队合作的精神等素质。把握时代性内涵,创新能力培养才能形成自觉行为。  相似文献   

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