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《冬青集邮文选》(续)2005年8月由香港中国邮史出版社出版发行。《冬青集邮文选》是刘道宜先生的个人文集。刘道宜先生现为全国集邮联学术委员会委员,四川省邮协常务理事。刘道宜先生酷爱集邮,今年刘道宜先生集邮已满60年。刘道宜先生还善于写集邮文章,他的文  相似文献   

《南昌集邮文选》钟泗文主编.江西人民出版社1999年3月出版,16开,418千字,定价32元,印量3000册。分“邮驿与邮政机构”、“清代、民国邮票、邮戳史”、“苏区、解放  相似文献   

自从1929年英国人霍布逊在文选中专门介绍了“至正十一年”(1351年)款的青花云龙纹象耳瓶后,1952年又经美国人波普研究,元青花在瓷器史中脱颖而出。随后,国内元大都窖藏、江西丰城县凌氏墓和江苏金坛的元明墓中先后出土了带有纪年款的元青花瓷,国内外收藏家乃争先恐后收集元青花瓷器。  相似文献   

黄婷 《拳击与格斗》2020,(2):138-138
口述史研究在中国各学科中的发展呈"海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞"的趋势,口述史运用在体育的研究是一大热点.本文采用文献资料法分析了口述史在武术方面的意义.近几年,社会各界逐渐关注体育口述史的研究,武术是中国人民在长期的社会实践中不断积累和丰富起来的一项宝贵的文化遗产,运用口述史方法研究武术的影响体现在以下三个方面:(1)增加了武术史料研究范式;(2)增强武术史料的可靠性;(3)学术方面的价值不可估量.  相似文献   

“从游”理念是以学生为主体,中鱼传感、小鱼尾随、大鱼指引的方式跟随教师在课堂和课外游学。从“从游”教育理念渊源、特点及实施方案方面分析了“从游”理念在武术教学实践、理论研讨、社会实践方面的运用,运用口述史研究方法分析了“从游”理念对教师、学生及师生关系的改观效果,发现“从游”理念在高校武术教学中不仅能促进师生学习共同体的形成,而且通过相互濡染作用塑造学生完美人格。  相似文献   

林衡夫先生发表在《上海集邮》2003年12期上一篇悼念居洽群先生的文章,提及浙江省邮协为完成居老的心愿,准备为居老出版一本“文选”,原先希望居老能亲眼看到这本文选出版。出版社原答应2003年5月见“小样”,可惜直到居老于2003年9月逝世,仍未亲眼见到“小样”,更不用说是“文选”的真正样书了,因此造成了居老终生的遗憾。林先生文内又指出:“此事曾出现在杨耀增先生身上,不料居老亦如此。”  相似文献   

自觉地把体育同市场接轨──学习《邓小平文选》第三卷心得体会蔡天初(福建省体委350005)关于社会主义市场经济,是邓小平同志最早提出的,是建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的重要组成部分,这也是《邓小平文选》第三卷在马克思主义理论上一个重大突破。建立社会主...  相似文献   

《张文光集邮文选》《张文光集邮文选》2004年8月由广州市集邮协会编印出版。张文光先生是我国著名集邮家,2003年被中华全国集邮联合会授予“名誉会士”称号。张文光先生系中华全国集邮联合会第一、二届学术委员,曾任广东省集邮协会顾问等职。此次出  相似文献   

这是我开始写的《邮史忆踪》第一篇。顾名思义,我是想回忆、记述一些邮史方面的陈迹。1969年至今30多年来,我国邮政、邮票史上的一些史实,是我亲身经历、也许是大家感兴趣的话题。我说的“邮史”是广义的,包括30多年来邮政史、邮票史与集邮史上的一些旧事回忆。这与我主编的《中国邮票史》、《中国集邮史》显然不同,那是官方修史,是集体编纂,是依据  相似文献   

一、问题 課的运动量是指在一次課中学生所承担的生理負担量,是学生完成动作在数量(完成动作下的数量和持續时間)、强度(神經肌肉用力的时間)和难度(动作协調性的复杂程度)三方面的总和。由于課的任务、課的組织以及上課对象的水平、性别、体质、要求……之不同,課的运动量大小也有所差异。一般来說較大的运动量,对提高运动成绩有看显著效果。巴甫洛夫曾說“在一定刺激范圍內的强度越大,条件反射的作用就越显著”(见59年足球训练文选)。实踐証明,在教学过程中,只有当学生的身体获得必要的适宜的运动量的时候,才能完成增强体質掌握技术的任务。合理安排課的运动量,对提高教学質量也有后重要的意义。根据我院培养目标的要求,学生应全面  相似文献   

主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法,对比了福建、广西、广东、湖南、天津、辽宁6省市的部分送审教材开发与利用《体育与健康》理论课程内容资源的情况,并对我省中学《体育与健康》实践课程内容资源的开发与利用情况进行了大量的调查与分析。结果表明:各省市教材并未完全涵盖五个学习领域的内容;我省理论课程内容缺乏社会适应学习领域的内容;实践课有引入部分新兴运动项目、民间、民族传统体育活动,但是相比之下,较缺乏地方特色。  相似文献   

“学导式”教学法在普通高校排球专项课中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学导式教学法在高校排球专项技术课中的教学实验研究表明,只要能根据大学生的特点及教学内容的具体情况,新授课采取“导”在前,复习课采取“学导式”的教学方法,是切实可行的,可以获得较好的教学效果,同时可培养学生的自我锻炼能力,提高学习积极性。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、献资料法、数理统计法对我校上形体课的学生心理进行了研究,发现造成学生厌学形体课的不良心理主要有:懒惰心理、自卑心理等。对此进行了心理诊断,并探索了对其实施的教学对策。  相似文献   

康茹萍 《体育科研》2000,21(1):32-34
通过回眸中国学校体育走过的近百年风雨历程,总结历史经验以及教训,展望二十一世纪中国学校体育的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章运用历史学研究方法和逻辑分析法,在查阅相关文献资料的基础上,从易学的视野出发,对形意拳理进行了详尽分析,从而厘清形意拳的基本理论体系,为形意拳习练者提供有益的理论思考。  相似文献   

传统体育养生作为我国独特的健身方法,不仅有着悠久的历史,而且健身效果良好。高校民族传统体育专业和许多大学体育课都开设了传统体育养生课,由于传统体育养生的运动特点与其它体育项目有着显著的区别,如何根据其特点来把握教学方法的应用,也是这门课能否开设成功的关键。文章根据教学实践,对传统体育养生功法的教学特点及方法进行研究,以期为其教学提供参考。  相似文献   

运用文献研究方法,对我国普通高校体育教学中保健课作为课型之一进行了分析和探讨;揭示了目前对保健课认识上存在的问题;提出了对保健课不同的观点,及其新的认识和定位。  相似文献   

我国培养足球后备力量的历史思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
笔者从新中国五十多年来足球后备力量的培养历程,运用文献资料法进行纵向与横向的比较分析。  相似文献   

Background: According to the classroom ecology paradigm, teachers and students interpret, predict, and respond to each other repeatedly in a reciprocal way. Such a reciprocal relationship is reflected in bidirectional interactions between a teacher's behavior and student (dis)engagement, an issue that has been confirmed in longitudinal studies including measures at different moments in a school year.

Aims: Starting from the perspective of self-determination theory, the aim of the present study was to investigate bidirectional relationships between student (dis)engagement and need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior during the first 15?min of a lesson.

Sample &; method: The first three 5-minute intervals of 100 videotaped physical education lessons taught by 100 different teachers (51.9% male, M age?=?37.5?±?10.9 years) were observed and coded for need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior, student engagement, and student disengagement. Correlations were calculated to explore relationships between student (dis)engagement and teaching behavior over the first 15?minutes of a PE lesson. Next, path analyses were conducted to analyze 5-to-5?minute interactions between teaching behavior and student (dis)engagement.

Results: Student engagement correlated positively and disengagement correlated negatively with need support, while engagement correlated negatively and disengagement correlated positively with need-thwarting over the first 15?minutes of the lesson. There were few significant relationships between student engagement and teachers’ behavior across and between each of the three 5-minute intervals. Only when teachers provided more need support during the first 5?minutes of the lesson, students were more engaged in the third 5?minutes of the lesson. When students were more disengaged during the first 5?minutes of the lesson, teachers displayed less need support in the following 10?minutes of the lesson. In contrast, student disengagement in the second 5?minutes of the lesson related to more need support in the next 5?minutes. Most of the within-interval relationships between student engagement and teachers’ behaviors were inconsistent, but we did find positive relationships between student disengagement and need-thwarting teaching behaviors in the first and third interval, suggesting a rather direct and momentary within 5-minute intervals interaction between teachers and students.

Conclusions: Findings of the present observational study suggest that, although overall relationships between student (dis)engagement and teachers’ behavior were in the expected directions, the picture might become more complicated when relationships are investigated according to the timing of the lesson, an issue that has remained uncovered in self-reported studies. While student disengagement was related to less need support and more need-thwarting teaching behaviors, more detailed analyses showed that it was particularly student disengagement in the beginning of a lesson that elicited less positive teaching behaviors. When students display disengagement further along in the first 15?minutes of the lesson, teachers seemed to respond in a more need-supportive way to student disengagement. Such findings provide interesting insights to build interventions for teachers around certain critical moments during the lesson, for example when dealing with student disengagement at a specific moment in the lesson.  相似文献   

Chosun Marathon Bogeuphoe was a Korean marathoner training centre, which was organised in August 1947, in the era of poverty and social upheaval under the US Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK), and produced the world top-class marathoners, including Suh Yun-bok, Ham Kee-yong and Choi Yun-chil. This study aims to investigate the sport historical significance of the Bogeuphoe in terms of operation, organisation, venues and funds by content analysis of John R. Hodge's telegraphic messages, the record of Special Committee for Anti-ethnic-act Investigation, the primary historical materials including 1947 Boston Marathon winner, Suh Yun-bok's notes, newspapers, photographs, autobiography, memoirs and interviews with Ham Kee-yong, the 1950 Boston Marathon winner. The findings of this study are that the Chosun Marathon Bogeuphoe contributed greatly to bring forth Korea's golden age in marathon history and served as a diplomatic advance guard in enhancing Korea's national prestige abroad and opening up a way-out for the nation's independence. This gives a valuable lesson to recent sport administrators and sport associations occasionally blamed for their unsuitable management despite the affluence of human and material resources. This study is expected to add to the literature to be used as a reference for the study of Korean sport associations' history.  相似文献   

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