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Researchers have shown a growing interest in science teachers’ professional knowledge in recent decades. The article focuses on how chemistry teachers impart chemical bonding, one of the most important topics covered in upper secondary school chemistry courses. Chemical bonding is primarily taught using models, which are key for understanding science. However, many studies have determined that the use of models in science education can contribute to students’ difficulties understanding the topic, and that students generally find chemical bonding a challenging topic. The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ knowledge of teaching chemical bonding. The study focuses on three essential components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): (1) the students’ understanding, (2) representations, and (3) instructional strategies. We analyzed lesson plans about chemical bonding generated by 10 chemistry teachers with whom we also conducted semi-structured interviews about their teaching. Our results revealed that the teachers were generally unaware of how the representations of models they used affected student comprehension. The teachers had trouble specifying students’ difficulties in understanding. Moreover, most of the instructional strategies described were generic and insufficient for promoting student understanding. Additionally, the teachers’ rationale for choosing a specific representation or activity was seldom directed at addressing students’ understanding. Our results indicate that both PCK components require improvement, and suggest that the two components should be connected. Implications for the professional development of pre-service and in-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a qualitative case study approach, the mental models of quality among employees working in a small manufacturing company with a Total Quality Management (TQM) agenda are identified and described. The results of a content analysis of subjects' verbatim responses to open-ended interview questions, employing Hyper RESEARCH software, indicate the presence of five overlapping yet qualitatively distinct mental models of quality. In order of least to most complex, these are: a) product-based, b) production- or process-based, c) value-based, d) continuous improvement-based, and e) TQM-based mental models of quality. Each mental model offers a different perspective of what constitutes quality and appropriate quality-oriented practices. Implications for training are discussed.  相似文献   

We cannot really understand how to create computer support for collaborative learning without first becoming clearer about what we mean by communication, collaboration, and learning. After distinguishing several conceptions of communication, and highlighting transformative communications for learning, I consider how, via broadband telepresence, distributed multimedia learning environments may establish such communications by adequately acknowledging the social and material embeddedness of everyday communication. I then describe high-priority areas for advancing this agenda: in sociocultural theory, in examining conceptual change by means of conversational analysis, and in technically establishing affordances of tools to sustain and potentially enhance joint activity beyond the here-and-now and the face-to-face.  相似文献   

父亲联结是指成年子女感知到的16岁前父亲对自己的行为和态度。它包括两个维度,一是照顾:即女儿感受到的行为和态度为温暖、慈爱、善解人意的;另一是过度保护:即女儿感受到的行为和态度为干涉、严格和控制。父亲联结强调女儿感知到的父女关系和父亲对女儿的态度,父亲联结与女儿的心理健康有着极其重要且深远的关系。从心理健康的角度出发,父亲联结的类型的不同,相应地女儿的自我客体化、抑郁和饮食态度都会呈现显著的不同。同时,它也对其他心理健康因素有不同程度的影响。未来的研究可以通过实证的方法进一步加强父亲联结对女儿心理健康影响的因果关系研究。  相似文献   

本文通过对开放教育环境下学习者的学习动机、工学矛盾、自主适应性、学习技能与支持服务体系建立等问题进行调查分析,探讨学习者对开放教育学习模式的认识程度、适应状况及影响适应能力的因素。最后提出了转变学习者观念、端正学习动机、培养学习技能、引导学习方法等相应的提高适应能力的措施。  相似文献   

心智模式与学习型组织   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过分析心智模式的意义及内涵,讨论了在学习型组织的五项修练即系统思考,自我超越,改善心智模式,团队学习,建立共同愿景中,心智模式对于学习型组织构建的重要性,通过对学习型组织两个主要元素,终身学习的组织成员与终身学习的组织环境的分析,论述了心智模式在塑造学习型组织上的运用,提出精练改善心智模式的双环学习,精炼知识学习的三种形态以及精练心智模式的三种学习地图,使自己成为终身学习的个人,使组织成为学习型的组织。  相似文献   

心理模型是心智对实在的或想象的情况的表征,是人类进行推理的常规形式。词汇推理也是以心理模型为推理基础的、在大脑中建立与逐步完善一个包括二语词汇的语义、句法、形态等信息的词汇推理机制。因此,词汇推理与心理模型是互生互存的,又是动态生成的,而且推理过程是以心理模型为基础同时又是建构相关词汇的心理模型过程。  相似文献   

在日常生活中,经常会出现人们对歌词的误解现象。以徐盛桓提出的基于心理模型的语用推理范式理论为基础,研究日常生活中人们对歌词的误解现象,并探讨歌词误解产生的动因,希望有助于人们在欣赏歌曲时减少对歌词的误解。  相似文献   

从机理、使用范围和主要特征等方面介绍了5个振荡反应模型:Schlol模型、Lotka-Volterra模型、Brusselator模型、Oregonater模型和Bubbelator模型.  相似文献   

心理词汇是上个世纪语言学领域提出的一个较为新型的研究课题,也是语言习得研究从单纯的语言学层面向语言学和心理学相结合的双向层面迈出的一个突破性步伐.在心理词汇形成和发展的过程中,语义产生的作用举足轻重.文章综述和分析了目前普遍认可的两种代表性的语义组织模型:激活扩散模型和层级网络模型,通过对比两模型异同之处,提出了心理词汇重建的必要性及其意义.  相似文献   

心理创伤的治疗模型与理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心理创伤(trauma)指由某种直接的外部力量(生活事件)或强烈的情绪伤害造成心理损伤,尤其是与这些生活事件有关的天灾人祸所引发的强烈的情感反应。目前心理创伤的评估主要采用量表问卷,如创伤性事件问卷、创伤应激评估量表等。心理创伤的治疗理论较多,比较常用的有心理动力学的心理创伤性治疗理论、眼动脱敏和再加工(EMDR)、整合发展治疗模型,虚拟实现技术,以及绘画治疗、舞蹈治疗和阅读以及创作疗法。  相似文献   

心智模式是人的思想方法、思维习惯、思维风格和心理素质的综合反映,是影响人们认识、评价、判断事物的标准。在网络学习迅速发展的今天,我们应该正确利用网络学习环境改善自己的心智模式,不断超越自我,培养全新、开阔而系统的思维方式。  相似文献   

The nature of the faculty has changed dramatically over the last forty years; and today’s faculty model no longer meets the needs of students, faculty, or institutions. However, the issue of redefining faculty roles is extremely contentious. In this article we report our examination of open-ended, qualitative data from a larger survey study of stakeholders’ beliefs and opinions about new faculty models. We found that different groups, such as non-tenure-track and tenured faculty, deans, and provosts, have constructed very different mental models around the challenges to implementing new faculty roles and that they offered different solutions for moving forward.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of relating distance and scale by way of alternative models of perception taken from the history of science.The intuitive patterns of modern school children in evaluating the Solar System are then compared with those in the history of science. Immediate experience and intuition by children often contradict scientific understanding. The children in this study, for example, do not see the rays of the Sun as being parallel and ignore the curvature of the Earth. The authors argue that children's understanding of the rays of the Sun as not being parallel as well as their ignoring the curvature of the Earth is due to the limitation resulting from the students' `actual activity zone', and not to their insufficient knowledge. This study makes specific suggestions to broaden the scientifically based `actual activity zone' of students. We suggest that laboratory work based on historical experiments using elementary geometry – as, for example, the determination of the radiusof the Earth by Eratosthenes – promotes a scientific understanding of astronomicalmeasurements....The scale of space and time, which we customarily observe on Earth, and which is part of time, we become aware of the vastness of our universe, we are awed and humbled. But if astronomers spent all their time speculating about the immensity of the cosmos and the prodigious interval of time necessary for the evolution of the stars, their accomplishments would be few. The primary concerns of the astronomer when studying the cosmos are physical and mathematical interpretations of observations, predictions of future observations, and the development and refinement of his instruments for such interpretation and prediction. To help him in the conceptualization of his problem, astronomer may, consciously or unconsciously, visualize a small model representing the cosmic system under investigation. Using this method, we can arrive at an understanding of the relative dimensions of the system and an understanding of the time intervals involved.Shklovskii I.S. and Carl Sagan (1966)Intelligent Life in the Universe  相似文献   

This article reports on the third year of a three-year longitudinal investigation into six secondary students' understanding of optics at a secondary school level. In the third year of this investigation the students, who by now were in Year 12, underwent a teaching sequence that centred on the teaching and learning of physical optics and quantum ideas. The students' mental models of the nature of light were explored prior to, and following this teaching sequence. The researcher took on the dual roles of teacher and researcher. This paper will outline the findings of the third year of this study and the implications they have for the teaching and learning of optics at secondary school level.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of introducing college students to complex adaptive systems on their subsequent mental models of evolution compared to those of students taught in the same manner but with no reference to complex systems. The students' mental models (derived from similarity ratings of 12 evolutionary terms using the pathfinder algorithm) were significantly similar to their teachers' mental models and were correlated to their performance on an essay on evolution. Introducing students to complex systems facilitated their understanding of the mechanism of inheritance, the mechanism of evolution, and the role of chance in evolution.  相似文献   

心理词汇也称为内部词汇或者心理字典,指的是储存于大脑中的词汇。桂诗春(2000)认为研究心理词汇应该主要关注词汇是怎样储存在记忆里,又是如何被提取的?为此学者们提出很多不同的模型理论。本文从储存模型和提取模型两个角度着手,总结概括原子球理论,分级网络模型,扩散激活模拟,并行提取模型和窜行提取模型,深入讨论它们的研究现状,存在问题以及进一步的研究建议。总结得出随着这些模型的不断修正,他们当初所强调的假设越来越微弱,它们之间的距离也越来越短。  相似文献   

远程教育领导们思考着:影响远程教育未来发展的问题究竟是什么?院校的远程教育战略又究竟是什么?本文著作者采用定性研究的方式对比了三所社区学院对远程教育的战略思考与战略选择,比较的命题是:每所学院的远程教育领导们采用的通用战略智力模型(即环境问题和关系的思考方法)和三所学院的远程教育领导们通常所采纳的产业化水平的战略智力模型。比较研究发现:战略信心比期望的有更多的差异;远程教育的战略选择几乎是匹配于当地状况精心考虑的;领导们的信心和学院的战略选择紧密相连。  相似文献   

谈判是一种常见的社会互动现象,整合式谈判是一种双赢谈判,共享心理模型揭示了整合式谈判的心理模型机制。心理模型与团队共享心理模型的研究是谈判共享心理模型研究的前提与基础,谈判共享心理模型的相似性与准确性影响着谈判结果,未来需要加强对谈判共享心理模型的动态研究与理论研究。  相似文献   

Students' misconceptions before or after formal instruction have become a major concern among researchers in science education because they influence how students learn new scientific knowledge, play an essential role in subsequent learning and become a hindrance in acquiring the correct body of knowledge. In this paper some students' misconceptions on chemical bonding reported in the literature were investigated and presented. With this aim, a detailed literature review of chemical bonding was carried out and the collected data was presented from past to day historically. On the basis of the results some suggestions for teaching were made.  相似文献   

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