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21世纪以来,国内学者对工具性理解和关系性理解曾有介绍与评论,但在日常的教学实践中很少运用.对工具性理解进行本土化的解释,并提出数学理解的3个层次:工具性理解、关系性理解和创新性理解.以二元一次方程、分数的乘法、基本不等式3个内容为例进行了3个层次的剖析.给出多层次的数学理解分类:工具性理解的分类;关系性理解的分类;创新性理解的分类.  相似文献   

从培养具有创新意识和创业素质的高层次人才的目标出发,从个性化培养的需要出发,阐述了在自动控制原理课程实践教学中改革评价机制,以激发学生的学习兴趣、分析问题解决问题的能力以及自主创新能力。  相似文献   

理解:翻译的灵魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在翻译活动中,译者的任务就是最大限度地再现源语信息,以达到“忠实”、“通顺”。然而,对原作的“忠实”,在目的语中所表现出的“通顺”,都须以准确理解原作为前提。为了达到翻译的目的,译者必须首先克服种种障碍,准确地理解原作。  相似文献   

英语课堂中要有思维的存在,思维体现在整体课堂当中。学生主体思维是学生在全面参与英语课堂活动的过程中发挥着自己主体地位,在参与过程中学生挖掘自己的思维点,主动、自觉地发展自己。  相似文献   

本文从心理学角度 ,探讨了艺术语言产生时的心理过程 ,认为 :艺术语言的思维是心象性思维 ,心象思维明晰化 ,就成为意象思维。艺术语言思维的根本目的是在“意”而不在“言” ,即“言” ,只是表现“意”的形式材料和手段而已。艺术语言的思维过程 ,首先是一种特殊的形象思维 ,即心象思维 ,“心象”是一种“心灵化的表象” ,它是渗透了主体认知、情感、心绪、审美体验等的表象。潜意识中的心象思维明晰化、语词化 ,就成为意象思维。  相似文献   

听力理解涉及语法、语音、词汇等语言知识和其他方面的综合素养。文章指出听力理解中存在的语言及非语言障碍,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

学习型课堂不仅是一种课堂形态,也是一种课堂理念、课堂结构与学习机制,它是课堂发展到一个较高水平阶段的标志。基于学习型组织的多维理性,实现学习型课堂三个维度的合理与均衡建构,就要将课堂目标资源凝聚成课堂愿景,重建学习共同体,促进学生从单维学习者角色向学研一体的双维角色的转变。  相似文献   

当前教师领导力概念在英美等国十分流行。学者纷纷从建构主义、组织变革理论、批判理论、社会交换理论、社会行动理论等视角对这一概念进行了解读和描述。尽管他们的理解视角不同,但我们从中仍然可以找到一些共同的反复强调的重点,这对于我国学校改革和教师专业发展具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

子杰 《今日中学生》2010,(10):24-25
Tom never cares for his study at all. One day he told me: " Last Friday in class our teacher opened the book and explained the text. I also opened my book and tried to follow him. The first time I found what he said seemed so easy to me. I was really surprised how well I understood it."  相似文献   

I.Read and choose (阅读短文做选择题)
A mother and her son are washing dishes while the father and daughter are watching TV in the sitting room. Suddenly (突然) , there is a crash of breaking dishes (碟子敲碎的声音 ) , then it is quiet in the kitchen.  相似文献   

The lexical quality hypothesis (LQH) claims that variation in the quality of word representations has consequences for reading skill, including comprehension. High lexical quality includes well-specified and partly redundant representations of form (orthography and phonology) and flexible representations of meaning, allowing for rapid and reliable meaning retrieval. Low-quality representations lead to specific word-related problems in comprehension. Six lines of research on adult readers demonstrate some of the implications of the LQH. First, large-scale correlational results show the general interdependence of comprehension and lexical skill while identifying disassociations that allow focus on comprehension-specific skill. Second, word-level semantic processing studies show comprehension skill differences in the time course of form-meaning confusions. Studies of rare vocabulary learning using event-related potentials (ERPs) show that, third, skilled comprehenders learn new words more effectively and show stronger ERP indicators for memory of the word learning event and, fourth, suggest skill differences in the stability of orthographic representations. Fifth, ERP markers show comprehension skill differences in meaning processing of ordinary words. Finally, in text reading, ERP results demonstrate momentary difficulties for low-skill comprehenders in integrating a word with the prior text. The studies provide evidence that word-level knowledge has consequences for word meaning processes in comprehension.  相似文献   

外文阅读学理论研究中 ,“图示”是理解文本 (text)的先决条件。读者只有建立先期语言图示和内容图示 ,在阅读过程中 ,通过对已知信息的激活 ,才能达到对文本的理解。由于外文阅读理解文本的目的不同 ,也就出现了方法和类型方面的差异 ,这些差异将直接影响阅读的效果  相似文献   

文章指出了目前在高职院校学生英语口语学习方面碰到的问题,分析了出现这些问题的原因;介绍了学好口语的方法并对口语的自学和教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This study compares 2 measures of reading comprehension: (a) the Woodcock-Johnson Passage Comprehension test, a standard in reading research, and (b) the Diagnostic Assessment of Reading Comprehension (DARC), an innovative measure. Data from 192 Grade 3 Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) were used to fit a series of latent variable analyses designed to explicitly test the discriminant validity and differential determinants of the 2 measures. Findings indicated that the 2 measures are related (r =. 61) but distinct, and influenced by different factors. The DARC is less strongly related to word-level skills and more strongly related to measures of narrative language production and memory. Both tests are equally influenced by measures of nonverbal reasoning. These differential patterns of relations, which cannot be explained on the basis of differential reliabilities, reflect true differences in the processing demands of the tests for 3rd-grade ELLs.  相似文献   

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