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The paper presents a study which focuses on the interaction between primary teachers' perceptions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and their pedagogy. Their perceptions of ICT are explored in terms of their reported understandings of the nature and purpose of ICT in primary schools. A qualitative, case study approach was used to investigate the perceptions and pedagogy of a small group of teachers working within one school, Carberry Junior School in England. The study was carried out during an eighteen month period of significant change in primary schools responding to the UK Government's National Grid for Learning initiative and its impact on models of access to ICT resources and expectations in teaching and pupil achievement. The paper highlights the teachers' perceptions of ICT as a social and cultural phenomenon, as an ambiguous area constructed as a discrete subject, curriculum resource and higher-order capability, and as a 'new' field in primary schools.  相似文献   

Confusion has developed over the role of ICT in schools as a result of conflicting messages from government-led initiatives and changes in the technology. Amidst the ongoing debate about the purpose and rational for ICT in schools a subject has evolved called ICT (Information and Communications Technology), IT or Informatics. Whilst the nature and content of the subject has been fairly clearly defined with significant agreement between specifications from a range of countries, the pedagogy is still unclear. The analysis that I present here of the pedagogical reasoning process as it applies to ICT teachers who are implementing the ICT curriculum in England reveals the basis of the difficulties in teaching ICT and leads to the identification of issues for the development and integration of theories and practices for learning and teaching ICT. These issues are discussed in relation to developments in pedagogy in other curriculum areas, notably science, and an agenda for developing a pedagogy for ICT is proposed.  相似文献   

The Role of Play in the Pedagogy of ICT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today’s children meet a wide range of technology in their everyday lives, and they become competent users of devices such as mobile phones and games machines without any formal instruction. It appears that highly complex ICT processes and techniques can be learned through informal methods which are very much learner directed—unfocussed exploration, creative invention, trial-and-error, cooperation with friends and asking people who are more experienced. Indeed, the children themselves tend to see their activity as play rather than learning.This paper describes a project carried out in a number of informal learning situations. The children involved were relatively disadvantaged economically, and the majority were not very confident in using a PC. Most had access to both a games machine and a mobile phone, however, and rated themselves as very confident with these. The project aimed to find out how they developed competence in using unfamiliar hardware and software, and how much they learned from self-directed study in a loosely structured learning environment. In order to investigate these issues, groups of children were introduced to new software tools and left to ‘play’ with the software in order to explore the possibilities and discover new features. The children were observed and their questions answered, and the researcher also discussed their experiences with them afterwards.Despite their lack of previous experience with PCs and the particular software used for the project, the children were generally successful in gaining specified competencies with the software. Several children reflected that they were learning in the same way as they had learned to use mobile phones, although there was no evidence for transfer of specific techniques. This indicates that the role of higher order learning skills is important, and evidence emerged that the influence of self-efficacy may be more important in gaining success than previous experience with PC technology. This factor is suggested as the focus for further investigation.  相似文献   

With the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into schools came the expectation that teachers would adopt ICT and change their practices in particular ways. Research indicates that teachers have not changed in the ways expected. Suggested in this paper is that limitations in current research methodologies documenting change in teachers' practices are restricting thorough examination of change in teachers' practices mediated by ICT. This paper reports on the design of a study aimed at investigating teachers' practices from an alternative position from the current research. The research design is a grounded, longitudinal, qualitative study using assorted analysis for the collection and interpretation of the data. This involves a combination of secondary analysis of archive data and collection and analysis of primary data. Participants were able to retrospectively describe and understand their own archived and new data, in interviews and observations. This paper focuses on ways this research design supported examining teachers' practices as including a number of dimensions and the way these dimensions were influenced by the context in which they were situated. Also, the ways this research design provided a means for examining the changes that developed from the teachers' own narratives. This gave some insight into the ways the teachers' understood the changes in their own practices. Examining change from this perspective supports understanding of how and why changes in teaching practices mediated by ICT occur or don't occur. It also contributes to examining the bigger phenomenon of ICT and the long‐term impact it is having on teaching practices.  相似文献   

教育学的性质除了理论性和实践性外,还有行动性。行动的教育学是提高教育学教学实效性的需要,是培养教育学教师教学监控能力的需要,是构建教师教育学的需要。教育学教师的行动要有良好的示范性,应做师德的表率、育人的模范和教学的专家,这是行动的教育学对教育学教师素质的规定性。  相似文献   

在对教育何以可能和教育学如何名副其实的思考中,教育学知识逐渐浮出水面。之所以教育成"学"的过程一波三折、教育学屡遭困境,是因为生活的、实践的教育学知识观并未能取代本质主义的、宏伟叙事的和规范描述的教育学知识观。教育学知识不是静止的、符号化的陈述,而是实践的、生成的智慧,是站在生活和实践的立场上对教育不断进行批判的一种教育学思维。在芜杂纷乱的教育实践中,只有站在教育学知识的立场上,才能真正把握教育学的发展方向。  相似文献   

有效教学是能够引发、维持并促进学生学习与发展教学活动。基于当代教学论的框架,有效教学的行动表现从目标到评价可概括为九个方面:明确的教学目标定位,全面的教学方案设计,清晰的教学语言表达,适切的教学内容呈现,互动的教学实践样态,多样的教学策略运用,恰当的教学技术介入,高超的教学艺术体现,及时的教学信息反馈。这九个特征,既可以作为评价有效教学的基本参考标准,也可作为追求有效教学的行动框架。  相似文献   

作为教师教育课程体系的重要组成部分,现阶段的信息化教学能力课程,忽视了"师范生"与"中小学教师"的角色差异,与中小学信息化教学改革的现实需求相脱节,不利于培养师范生的信息素养和信息化教学能力,难以有效地支撑卓越教师培养,亟须重构。立足"互联网+"时代背景,在课程调研基础上,梳理分析了师范生信息化教学能力课程建设与实施现状,明确了课程重构的基本原则,并以"信息化教学技术与方法"课程为例,从教学目标、教学内容、教学资源、教学模式、教学活动、教学评价等维度阐述了课程重构的设想,旨在从"过程"和"结果"两个层面有效地支撑卓越教师培养。  相似文献   

论高等教育学与教育学的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建华 《教育研究》2004,25(8):17-20
论及高等教育学与教育学的关系,一般认为高等教育学是教育学的分支学科。但事实上,长期以来,教育学只是普通教育学的简称,在这种意义上,高等教育学与(普通)教育学完全是并列的关系。要想摆脱这种逻辑上的困境,使得“高等教育学是教育学的分支学科”成为客观的事实,重建完备的教育学是必需的前提。  相似文献   

Has ICT changed education? Has the reformative, humanistic and emancipatory role that many educators have envisaged for ICT in education been realized in the reality of classrooms? Bearing in mind these two critical questions, the present paper attempts to approach the visionary narrative of the so-called information society (in recent times also referred to as knowledge society) and the rhetoric underlying the role of ICT as an agent for change and a substitute for education. Latest international facts and figures are examined with the purpose of assessing the realization of this role and raising critical arguments against the idea of perceiving ICT as the totem of educational change. From this evidence, it is argued that educational media and tools cannot revolutionize, but can only strengthen, further and reinforce established educational goals, curriculum contents, teaching and learning methods. This leads us to conclude that, as the educational use of ICT becomes assimilated, it mirrors and to a certain degree broadens or exacerbates prevailing socio-economic problems and current educational conditions. Thus the main focus of the paper is to attempt to redefine and re-approach the role of ICT from a human and democratic standpoint. It concentrates on ICT success stories, which seem to whisper the critical pedagogy tale. These stories serve as an avenue for reflecting upon the liberating possibilities of ICT, which can flourish when they are embedded in an alternative and progressive educational setting. In such an educational context, ICT represents an interesting, challenging and essential educational theme, one of the necessary keys for unlocking, understanding and participating in a competitive, demanding and insecure world. On the other hand, critical use of ICT tools enhances, promotes and extends democratic curriculum practices, processes and structures by offering students and teachers a multiple set of media and tools for expression, interaction, creation, reflection, analysis, construction, communication and meaning making. Focusing on students’ participation in common life as critical, knowledgeable, conscious and able citizens appears to bring about a new conception of ICT, namely a critical pedagogy and pedagogy of praxis perspective towards ICT. Yet, for such a focus to prevail we need to change our view of what it means to educate and what it means to be educated.  相似文献   

本文阐述了信息交流技术(ICT)给教学带来的种种好处,同时也介绍了别的国家在ICT的应用过程中所遇到的问题及其对策。最后以ICT在大学英语教学中的成功应用为例证明了ICT有助于提高英语教学质量。  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to census and compare the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of secondary science teachers and their most used information and communication technology (ICT) in two contexts, Taiwan and Shaanxi Province in China. A questionnaire was employed to examine secondary school science teachers' most used ICT and their TPACK in science teaching. Eight hundred and six secondary science teachers from Taiwan and 164 teachers from Shaanxi participated in the study. The analytical results showed that multimedia was the most used ICT in Taiwan, followed by PowerPoint (PPT), Internet platforms, and interactive whiteboards (IWBs). In Shaanxi, PPT was the most used ICT reported by science teachers, followed by multimedia, IWBs, and Intemet platforms. The findings indicated that in Taiwan, science teachers' TPACK was statistically significant in relation to different types of ICT, whereas in Shaanxi, science teachers' TPACK did not demonstrate significant difference. In Taiwan, science teachers who reported their most used ICT to be multimedia were found to show significant differences in TPACK according to gender and teaching experience. In Shaanxi, science teachers who reported their most used ICT to be PPT did not show any significant difference on TPACK by gender; however, they showed significant differences on TPACK in regard to teaching experience. The research implications of this study are provided below along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

教育学教学“诗·思·用”三维模式,旨在从教师教育的高度探讨教育学教学的改革方式。通过“扎根于史”、“启趣于思”、“立足于用”,从时间、空间和实践三个维度进行系统研究,期望从根本上改变教育学教学的现状,使之适应教师教育发展的需要,使教育理论真正进入学生的意识,为教育实习和人职就业服务。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of engaging teachers in constructive dialogue within ICT professional development activity. As part of an ICT professional development program, sixteen teachers across eight geographically removed schools participated in an online threaded discussion forum for a school year. Data reported in this paper are generated from the archived posts to a threaded discussion forum and are analysed qualitatively for evidence of community and quantitatively for different forums of feedback (Mäkitalo, Häkkinen, Leinonen, & Järvelä, 2002) and levels of discussion (Jarvela & Hakkinen, 2002). The findings suggest evidence of both collegial and critical forms of discussion. Collegial discussion was found to be important in developing and maintaining community while critical discussion was vital for its role in transforming teachers' beliefs. The data also revealed a number of practical aspects of online environments that inhibit what is termed in this paper as constructive discussion.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织在修订以往《教师ICT能力框架》的基础上,对标《2030年可持续发展目标》,制定了囊括18项教育ICT能力的《教师ICT能力框架(第3版)》。作为指导教师使用ICT的职前和在职培训工具,很多国家和机构结合当地实际对该框架内容进行了调整,以便实现教师专业发展目标。本研究采用内容分析和文本分析方法,梳理了联合国教科文组织《教师ICT能力框架》的演变脉络,从能力框架开发原则、内容架构、实施案例和资源开发三个维度,深入解读这一能力框架,并提出落实能力框架,需要政府、师范院校、在职教师专业发展机构、骨干教师和校长的强有力领导。构建符合我国国情的教师信息技术应用能力框架,要出台基于“循证实践”的教师信息技术应用能力提升政策;利用智能技术助推课程动态评估;加强教育资源生态系统整体建设;分层制定科学的教师ICT能力提升计划。  相似文献   

从16 世纪90年代末到20世纪30年代初,中国思想家和教育(学)家提出了作为驱民术的教之术、指向有别的哲学教育学、立之高等学术的实践教育学、以实验求功利的科学教育学等创造性命题。这些命题,围绕着教育与统治、教育与财富、教育与文化、教育与人性四个轴心,以多种方式自主辩护和相互关联,形成了复杂多变、隐而不彰的教育学图景,建立了兼具i实践反思和知识导向功能的教育学文化场域,显示了教育学发展及其知识增长外源因素和内源因素之间的冲突-创生关系。  相似文献   

学科产生伴随着知识分化,学科地位的高低又与知识分层密不可分,故知识与学科之间存在着唇齿相依的关系。从知识的角度来看,一种知识能不能成为一门学科,涉及到该科知识有没有分化并在大学得以建制,而一门学科的地位如何,涉及到该种知识的权力大小问题。从教育学知识及其学科权力的形成来看,教育学要真正突显其学科价值,就应以开放的态度迎接各学科知识的融合,积极投身于大学科系统之中,为社会发展贡献自己的力量。探讨教育学的形成以及教育学学科地位的形成,相较于就教育学谈教育学学科地位来说,更能说明教育学的学科地位及其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

课程论是解决“教什么”的问题,教学论是解决“怎么教”的问题,两者内涵与研究的范畴不同,又有着天然的内在联系。研究前者必然延伸到后者,分析后者必然追溯到前者。有关课程与教学领域的研究伴随人类知识体系的发展演进,在不同时期呈现不同的特色与侧重点,寻求二者的融容与整合成为当前的普遍认识。中国课程与教学论发展的特殊性与历史因素有关,现阶段课程问题的研究更为迫切。  相似文献   

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