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This article examines early childhood educationin Hong Kong from three perspectives: historical, socio-economic, and educational development. Each perspective highlights different issues and problems in the development of early childhood education. The historical perspective identifies some major events and their influence on the formulation of educational policies particularly at pre-school level. The social-economicperspective considers education as the means toachieve economic development, which is whythe amount of resources allocated is closelylinked with the future needs of the economy;therefore preschool education has long beenneglected in Hong Kong. The educationaldevelopment perspective reflects the Hong Konggovernment's expectations for education, and thereview of the educational policies helpsunderstand the development of pre-schooleducation. Analysis of some historicalbackground and current trends of early childhoodeducation development, highlight possible future developments of early childhood education in Hong Kong, particularly after the reunification with her motherland, China, in 1997.  相似文献   

试论英国殖民统治对缅甸教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪英国入侵缅甸在教育方面造成极大的影响,这种影响是双重的:一方面奠定了缅甸现代教育的基础,培养了一批近代知识分子,促进了缅甸民族主义运动的发展;另一方面,英殖民者的教育体制是奴化性的,制约了缅甸教育的正常发展。  相似文献   

It is common in the literature to refer to British colonial education policy as if it were ‘a settled course adopted and purposefully carried into action’, but in reality it was never like that. Contrary to popular belief, the size and diversity of the empire meant that no one really ruled it in any direct sense. Clearly some kind of authority had to be exercised from London but as Arthur Mayhew said of education policy in the Colonial Empire in 1938: ‘No Secretary of State for the Colonies … [is] anxious to adopt too definite a policy. He will be content with a few assumptions and a statement of general principles. And he will not be surprised if these principles in their local application are adapted with the utmost elasticity to local conditions.’ In the absence of any strong direction from the centre, this paper examines the factors that shaped twentieth century education policy in the 47 crown colonies, protectorates and mandates under the aegis of the Colonial Office in Whitehall. They included the all‐important attitudes of the governor and his senior administrative officers towards education; the status of the director of education; the influence of the Christian missions both in London and in the colonies; denominational rivalry; long‐standing British educational traditions based on social class; the state of the local economy; the attitudes of the European settlers; the advice and status of the London‐based Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies; the influence of the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the government of the day; the attitudes of key senior Colonial Office officials towards education; indigenous pressure groups; special reports and recommendations; war; national rivalry; the so‐called Cold War; post‐war constitutional changes, and the pressure of world opinion as reflected in the League of Nations after 1918 and the United Nations after 1945. Clearly there was great diversity in the ways in which education was developed from one territory to another but only detailed case studies can generate the data for broader and more historically accurate hypotheses about the development of British colonial education as a whole.  相似文献   

英国皇家植物邱园位于伦敦西郊,是全英最大的植物园,于1795年由奥古斯塔公主下令建成。在英国18-19世纪殖民扩张蓬勃发展阶段,这里不仅仅供大众游览,同时担负着对海外殖民地植物的科学研究、树种优化、珍稀植物标本保存等科研任务。而对于例如金鸡纳、橡胶树等经济附加值很高的植物,邱园又承担着提高植物产量和输送新品种到其他海外属地的作用,以此发挥其经济功能。所以,殖民扩张时期的邱园对英国产生的作用可以分为三部分,即公共社会服务、植物学研究、提高经济作物价值的作用,这奠定了邱园在英国近代史上的独特历史地位。  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of language‐in‐education policy in Hong Kong during the first six decades of British rule (1842–1902). In particular, it analyses the changing roles and status of the English and Chinese languages during this formative period in the development of the colony’s education system. The textual and statistical data presented in the article provide a corrective to the claim that the British imposed English on their colonial subjects and in the process rode roughshod over the indigenous languages. The evidence suggests that Hong Kong’s education system provided opportunities for native students to attend purely Chinese schools, purely English schools or mixed‐medium schools. Although the British apparently attached more importance to English teaching, they were generally at pains to emphasise that English should not be studied at the expense of Chinese. The findings indicate that language policy (be it Chinese or English in orientation) was always tied in some way to Britain’s political and economic interests in the region.  相似文献   

英国在保守党政府执政时期,出现了公立学校私有化的迹象,1997年新工党上台之后私有化成为其重要的执政议题,政府通过各种政策为企业和商业部门进入公立学校提供便利.从保守党到新工党执政,公立学校的私有化政策从起源经历了不断的演进,通过各种方式对公立学校进行变革,尤其是学院(Academies)将私人资本引入公共教育,新工党政府的历史与传统价值观念对其私有化的政策具有重要的影响,通过保守党和工党两届政府的发展,私人资本迅速在公立学校内扩大影响和势力.  相似文献   

信息技术为现代化教学提供了优良的条件,它让学生的主体地位得到真正确立,使自主学习、探索学习和协作学习得以真正实现,使终身教育和学习的社会化得以实现。信息技术教育与课程的整合是现代教育发展的必然,文章对信息时代到来之后,美术教育面临的机遇与挑战,从美术教学的角度作了探讨。  相似文献   

被称为"日不落"的大英帝国,在其殖民统治时期,不仅改变了殖民地的经济、政治、人口结构、生活环境以及宗教信仰,而且使英语逐渐变成一种国际语言走向世界。尽管如此,英语统治地位的形成还是经过了多种不同的途径,同时英语的传播也对大英帝国的殖民统治产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines Britain's colonial education policy in Cyprus in the late 1930s, and more specifically, its efforts to establish a university on the island. The British unpublished plan for a university in Cyprus is considered in the light of the particular social and political context of Cyprus and also in relation to Britain's broader colonial education policy. Primary source material is used as the basis for investigation and analysis.  相似文献   

西方矿业公司在英属撒哈拉以南非洲殖民体制中占据重要地位,在殖民统治瓦解过程中发挥了各自的影响力。从西方矿业公司对英属中非联邦所产生的作用显示,尽管各国公司影响当地政府、英美政府和非洲民族领导人的措施、步伐不一致,但能够共同维护集体利益,有效施加影响。矿业公司要实现的目标和历史结果之间存在差异,联系列宁帝国主义论,可以揭示出其所反映的时代特征。  相似文献   

大学新生适应问题与适应教育探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入大学是人生中的一次重要转折,大学新生在适应这一转变过程中会在心理适应、学习适应、生活自理适应、学生管理方式适应、人际适应等方面产生诸多困难和问题。高校应切实加强新生适应教育工作,帮助大学新生尽快适应大学生活。  相似文献   

品格教育在英国教育政策中的重现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪60年代开始,品格教育在英国受到忽视。当前英国品格教育的发展现状和趋势也令人十分担忧。面对这种现象,英国政府一直不断努力并最终使品格教育重新被提上教育政策的议事日程。  相似文献   

印度的工业化进程始于19世纪中叶英国殖民统治时期。通过剖析殖民统治的“双重使命”和印度工业化起步的具体状况得出结论,在殖民地这一特殊的环境之下,印度工业化的起步呈现出其自身的特点。它是一种依附性的移植的畸形的工业发展,是不可避免的。英国殖民主义者既是阻力,又是客观推动力,充当了历史的不自觉的工具,客观上推动了印度工业化的起步。  相似文献   

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