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Fauquet, M. “Pour une formation des enseignants à et par l'audiovisuel,” Revue ATEE Journal 3 (1980) 7‐23.

Teacher education geared to modern times has to deal with a new and double demand. The development of audiovisual educational technologies demands from an institution that it “educates” a teacher capable of incorporating these innovations into his practice. A training for the educational use of audio visuals presupposes an initiation into the production of audiovisual aids. It implies even more the study of semiology as well as that of psychological and sociological factors in the learning processes and communication aimed at the achievement of educational goals. This training has to be embedded in an education through the considered use of audiovisual aids. In a world where conditioning forces are ever increasing in strength it is essential that the teacher “educates himself” in such a way that he ensures his autonomy and favours that of his pupils. The strategy defined here makes possible a formative evaluation of the teacher training process. It takes as a starting point the awareness brought about by a supervised autoscopy and by discontinued teacher‐training‐periods inspires by micro‐teaching techniques which are themselves improved by sequential training techniques.  相似文献   

The author analyses the current situation of teacher education in Portugal. The structure of the education system is described, as is the training of teachers for the compulsory secondary cycle, special education, technical and vocational education and Higher education. The author then goes on to recall the changes which took place during the 70s and the context of discussion and reform of that time.

Changes in the school population have brought about an imbalance between pupil numbers and the availability of properly trained teachers. Untrained teachers have been recruited on a massive scale. Special measures have had to be taken in respect of teacher education, particularly for Secondary level. The article focuses on a recent and innovatory change model originally based on an inservice training model.

Despite current developments, it is the view of the author that a great deal remains to be done.  相似文献   

Résumé Il serait bon d'instaurer un système d'éducation permanente formant la synthèse des trois types d'éducation formel, non-formel et informel, qui existe déjà à l'état embryonnaire. L'observation peut en être faite au Bénin à partir de la formation des enseignants, indicatrice des transformations sociales et culturelles. A l'origine confiée à chacun des personnages sociaux, l'éducation était un passage permanent d'initié à initiateur, une éducation-production dans l'agriculture, qui rejoignait 1'éducation permanente et fut restreinte par la réorganisation de la formation des enseignants à partir de 1945. Leur formation continue est encore insuffisante en raison de la limitation du financement extérieur des stages de recyclage, le manque d'enseignants et la suspension de leur recrutement, la fermeture des Ecoles Normales. La réforme de 1975 prévoit dans le cadre de l'Opération Education et Développement la liaison entre école et milieu, alliant travail intellectuel et travail productif, qui bouleversa la fonction de l'enseignant, confrontée à l'évolution technique et l'engageant dans une auto-formation permanente difficile mais concluante. L'enseignement est fondé sur un thème de milieu analysé à l'école et à l'extérieur dans le but d'apporter les transformations nécessaires: l'école devient ainsi moteur du développement. Les restrictions imposées par la Banque Mondiale et la croissance démographique provoquent par ailleurs un développement de la formation continue et de l'apprentissage: la Production Scolaire Artisanale à l'adresse des non-scolarisés et des artisans réunit ces deux éléments. La création d'un système cohérent d'éducation permanente en tant qu'idée volontariste rompant avec les traditions serait possible, dans le cadre d'une société elle-même éducative.
The history of teacher training in Benin, which provides evidence of social and cultural change, suggests that a system of lifelong education should be introduced which unites formal, non-formal and informal education, all of which already exist in embryo. The education originally given to every member of society was a continuing progression from initiate to initiator, a lifelong education that involved, among other things, knowledge of agricultural production. This traditional system was disrupted by the reorganization of teacher training after 1945. Recurrent training of teachers remained inadequate because of limited external funding for in-service training, the lack of teachers, the suspension of recruitment and the closure of teacher training colleges. The 1975 reform, through the initiative known as Operation Education and Development, envisaged links between school and social environment, allying intellectual work with production. This meant a radical change in the role of the teacher, who was confronted with technical advance and was obliged to enter a difficult continuing process of self-training. Furthermore, population growth and the restrictions imposed by the World Bank have brought about developments in both lifelong learning and apprenticeship. These two elements are brought together under an initiative known as Production Scolaire Artisanale, designed for out-of-school learners and artisans. The author concludes that the creation of a coherent system of voluntary education would be possible in a society that was itself favourably disposed to education.

Zusammenfassung Die Geschichte der Lehrerfortbildung in Benin, die Beweise für soziale und kulturelle Veränderungen bringt, legt es nahe, ein System für lebenslanges Lernen einzuführen, das formale, nicht-formale und informelle Bildungsformen vereinigt. Alle diese Bildungsformen existieren bereits in Ansätzen. Die ursprünglich jedem Mitglied der Gesellschaft zugängliche Bildung war eine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung vom Lehrling zum Meister, eine lebenslange Bildung, die u.a. Kenntnisse landwirtschaftlicher Produktion einschloß. Dieses traditionelle System wurde durch die Umorganisierung der Lehrerausbildung nach 1945 zerstört. Wiederholte Lehrerfortbildungen blieben wegen begrenzter externer Bezuschussung der Berufsfortbildung, Lehrermangels, Einstellungsstopps und der Schließung von Lehrerausbildungseinrichtungen unzureichend. Die Reform von 1975 sah durch die als Operation Bildung und Entwicklung bekannte Initiative eine Verkettung von Schule und sozialer Umgebung vor, die intellektuelle Arbeit mit Produktion verband. Dies bedeutete eine radikale Veränderung der Rolle des Lehrers, der mit technischem Fortschritt konfrontiert und gezwungen wurde, einen schwierigen andauernden Selbstlernprozeß zu durchlaufen. Weiterhin haben die von der Weltbank auferlegten Beschränkungen sowie das Bevölkerungswachstum zu Entwicklungen in lebenslangem Lernen und Lehrzeit geführt. Diese beiden Elemente werden in einer als Production Scolaire Artisanale bekannten Initiative zusammengefaßt, die für außerhalb der Schule Lernende und Künstler konzipiert wurde. Der Autor erörtert im Schlußteil, daß die Schaffung eines zusammenhängenden Systems freiwilliger Bildung in einer Gesellschaft möglich wäre, die in sich der Bildung gegenüber positiv eingestellt ist.

The author, drawing upon 37 years’ experience of the training of Secondary teachers in Belgium, offers a critical view of the present situation. His remarks bear upon training for the lower‐Secondary cycle, the system for which—though apparently simple— is in fact complex.

A 1981 reform extended the period of training to three years, but lower‐ and upper‐Secondary training, at University level, are still separate. A greater unity is desirable.

Three principles which should underpin all training are: a planned continuation into in‐service training, the development of practice‐oriented research, and (to allow of flexibility) a unit‐based approach. The length of study is important, since it has implications for maturation.

Finally, the author examines in turn each element in the range of skills, aptitudes and attitudes needed by the student teacher.  相似文献   

How can you have experts from over 15 different countries working together on a theme, the professionalisation of teachers, when one of the terms, and the root word ‐‐ profession ‐‐ does not have the same meaning everywhere? Such was the difficulty facing this third ATEE thematic seminar that we had proposed. The original presentation text below allowed us to resolve the difficulty, by organising the experts’ work around the different meanings of the word professionalisation. Four meanings were picked out according to whether the word professionalisation applied:...(i) to the individual, who masters the activity better and better and thus meets the norms of professionalism; (it) to the group of individuals who, carrying out the same activity, improve their status by obtaining a monopoly over it; (iii) to the knowledge put into practice which is the most closely tied to practice and the most effective; (iv) to the training, orientated more towards the activity in terms of its content as well as its teacher trainers, some of whom are practitioners of the given activity. To clarify the different mechanisms at work in each case, we had recourse to pedagogy, history, sociology, and anthropology. These conceptual distinctions were proposed to help in the writing of 12 national case studies, to solicit four keynote papers and to determine the themes of the workshops.  相似文献   

The strongpoints on which to plan the initial education and training of teachers are dealt with. On the training side two elements are considered: that part of training linked to learning processes, and the other part facing the social life of classroom and school, social and affective growth, civic education. It is advocated that the interaction between subject‐matter and its construction/transmission could take place through practical experimental paths within the actual work of school.  相似文献   

Les nouvelles données de la compétitivité (en particulier l'évolution technologique), nécessitent une approche globale et multidisciplinaire des problémes industriels: d'o[udot] le développement en France du Gènie des Systèmes Industriels (GSI). l'Unité de Formation par la Recherche en Génie des Systèmes Industriels de I'Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine au sein du Pôle Technologique de Nancy-Brabois, met en oeuvre cette nouvelle discipline, à l'interface des Sciences de I'Ingénieur et des Sciences du Management.  相似文献   

The teachers of living languages play an intercultural role. In order to perform their task fully, it is necessary that their process of instruction be planned in the light of the pedagogical sciences. These sciences suggest the concept of a curriculum which contains interdependent elements. Therefore, a programme aimed at training teachers of foreign languages should not be regarded as a simple instrument and should not be reduced to a list of subject matter to be taught. It must be designed in such a way as to satisfy the professional needs of teachers of foreign languages in the future. Thus, one must replace the concept of a programme by that of a curriculum comprising a systematic construction.

Les enseignants de langues vivantes jouent un rôle interculturel. Pour qu'ils remplissent pleinement leur tâche, il faut planifier leur formation sous la lumière des sciences pédagogiques. Elles nous suggèrent le concept de curriculum qui contient certains éléments interdépendants. De ce fait, un programme tendant à former les enseignants des langues vivantes ne doit pas être considéré comme un instrument si simple et réduit en une liste de matière à enseigner. Il doit être conçue de manière à satisfaire les besoins professionnels et éducatifs des futurs enseignants des langues vivantes.

Die Fremdsprachenlehrer spielen in der Schulpraxis eine interculturelle rolle. Daher muß die Lehrerausbildung unter Berücksichtigung der Erziehungswissenschaften dermaßen geplant sein, dass die Fremdsprachenlehrer dieser Aufgabe nachkommen können. Nach Erkenntnissen der Erziehungswissenschaften ist die Entwicklung eines Studienplans, der aus in einem Zusammenhang stehenden Komponenten besteht, unerlablässlich. Aus diesem Grund darf der Studienplan nicht als ein einfaches Medium und als eine bloße Themenlist betrachtet werden. Der Studienplan ist dermaßen zu entwerfen, dass er den beruflichen Bedürfnissen der Fremdsprachenlehrer entspricht.

Los profesores de idiomas extranjeros juegan un rol intercultural. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea completamente, su educación debe ser planificada bajo la luz de las ciencias pedagógicas. Las Ciencias Pedagógicas nos sugieren el concepto de programa educacional que contiene elementos interdependientes. Por esta razón, un programa guiado a educar a los profesores de idiomas extranjeros no puede considerarse como un simple instrumento y no puede ser reducido a una lista de materias a enseñar. Entonces el programa debe ser diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades profesionales y educativas de los profesores de idiomas extranjeros.  相似文献   

The article undertakes a close analysis of the perceived weaknesses of Secondary teacher training in Greece. The analysis is based upon the criticisms of other observers and of the Greek Federation of Secondary Teachers, and especially upon an enquiry conducted of 233 Secondary teachers in May 1983 (approximately 2% of the cadre). The teachers concerned were invited to report upon their own perceptions of the training which they had undergone, and of its relevance to their later professional careers. The overall picture is one of considerable dissatisfaction with a training which is labelled, at one point, ‘anachronistic'; the view is expressed that the education given does not even attain its declared aim of instilling an understanding of scientific methodology.

There exists a strong demand for a greater emphasis upon pedagogy, with the approach through psycho‐pedagogics being much favoured; the author enters the reservation that the scepticism which begins to be shown in some European countries is not yet evident in Greece. There is also a demand for greater emphasis on practical training, though there exists a debate over the question of consecutive versus concurrent training, with the majority favouring the former.

Explanations for the present ‘disastrous’ situation in Greek teacher training are varied, ranging from the view that forces of political conservatism are at work to the view that Greek educational thinking is over‐dependent upon ideas brought in from other European countries. Certainly the author sees the Greek system as imposing a high level of conformity upon the beginning teacher, who is ill equipped to offer challenging ideas to existing practice. The climate, however, is one of change, and the author is finally optimistic about the growing contribution of educational sciences to Greek teacher training.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur met l'accent sur l'une des principales contradictions des sociétés industrialisées: l'accroissement de l'espérance de vie aux âges élevés et, en même temps, la marginalisation des personnes âgées. Le vieillissement dans ses différents aspects, notamment socio-démographiques, devrait constituer un thème éducatif de première importance dans le cadre de l'enseignement scolaire et dans la formation des intervenants auprès des personnes âgées. L'éducation peut enfin contribuer à enrichir les connaissances des personnes âgées mais aussi les aider à mieux assurer leur rôle de transmetteur de savoirs et d'expériences.
The author stresses one of the principal contradictions in industrialized societies: the increase in life expectancy at advanced ages, at the same time as the marginalization of the elderly. Aging, in its different aspects, and notably that of social demography, should be an educational topic of first importance both in school teaching and in the training of those who care for the elderly. Education can help to enlarge older people's learning, but it can also assist them in their role of transmitter of knowledge and experience.

Zusammenfassung Der Autor hebt einen der Hauptwidersprüche in Industrieländern hervor: die Erhöhung der Lebenserwartung und zur gleichen Zeit die Ausgrenzung älterer Menschen. Das Altern sollte mit seinen unterschiedlichen Aspekten und besonders dem Aspekt der sozialen Demographie als bildungspolitisches Thema höchste Priorität besitzen, und zwar sowohl im schulischen Bereich als auch in der Ausbildung von Altenpflegern. Bildung kann Lernmöglichkeiten für Ältere erweitern, aber sie kann sie auch in ihrer Rolle als Übermittler von Wissen und Erfahrungen bestärken.

An analysis of the image of teachers found in the mass media reveals two conflicting stereotypes. One represents an idealised view of teaching, emphasising teachers’ interaction with individual pupils, the other singles out only the problems faced by the profession, such as personal conflicts, inadequate resources, or the atmosphere of tension and violence in the schools. These two images appear to follow successively in the self‐image teachers hold of their profession. During the course of their careers, they move further away from the idealistic view and adopt a more troubled outlook as they face up to the widening gap between their ideals and the realities of their employment.  相似文献   

Résumé Le présent article aborde l'épineuse question de la formation des enseignants en essayant d'explorer les activités et processus médiationnels développés par les étudiants, aspirants-professeurs, en vue de s'approprier des compétences souhaitées. Pour ce faire, les auteurs ont mis au point un instrument de recherche approprié, un questionnaire, qu'ils ont soumis à un groupe d'étudiants de l'Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Bukavu au Zaïre. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent que les activités qu'engagent les étudiants au moment où ils sont confrontés à des tâches d'apprentissage sont très importantes dans la détermination de ce qu'ils apprennent. En effet, à côté des activités nominales prévues dans leur programme de formation, les étudiants s'impliquent sérieusement dans leur apprentissage professionnel en recourant à des ressources souvent insoupçonnées de leurs formateurs. La discussion de ces résultats amènent les auteurs à formuler des propositions pouvant enrichir la théorie et la pratique de la formation des enseignants.
This article deals with the crucial question of teacher training in an attempt to explore the activities and means which are developed by students, future teachers, in order to acquire the required competence. To reach that objective, the authors designed a research instrument, a questionnaire, which they submitted to a group of students at the Institut Supérieur Pédagogique in Bukavu, Zaire. The results demonstrate that the activities in which students engage when confronted with learning tasks, play an important role in determining what they learn. In fact, besides the normal activities foreseen by the curriculum, students make serious use, during their professional training, of resources which are frequently unsuspected by their instructors. The discussion of these results has led the authors to formulate propositions which may improve the theory and practice of teacher training.

Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel wird die wesentliche Frage nach Lehrerausbildung aufgegriffen, indem die von Studenten und künftigen Lehrern zur Erfüllung der gestellten Anforderungen entwickelten Aktivitäten und Mittel untersucht werden. Die Autoren entwickelten zu diesem Zweck einen Fragebogen, den sie einer Gruppe von Studenten am Institut Supérieur Pédagogique in Bukavu, Zaire, vorlegten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß von Studenten zur Lösung von Lernaufgaben ergriffene Maßnahmen eine wichtige Rolle dabei spielen, was gelernt wird. Neben den bereits im Lehrplan vorgesehenen Aktivitäten, bedienen sich die Studenten jedoch während ihrer beruflichen Ausbildung von ihren Ausbildern häufig nicht erwarteter Mittel. Auf der Basis dieser Ergebnisse legen die Autoren Vorschläge zur Verbesserung von Theorie und Praxis der Lehrerausbildung vor.

How do teachers in the second cycle regard in‐service training and what are their expectations? This article proposes to describe their attitudes on the basis of a postal survey carried out among a representative sample of teachers in lower and upper secondary schools and LEP (upper‐secondary vocational schools) in France. The survey brought in 2106 usable replies, of which a representative group of 988 replies have been analysed.

First it was noted that three‐quarters of the teachers had in the past had some in‐service training. It consisted of self‐training, done especially by reading and fairly short courses, bearing essentially on knowledge of the main subject and on the methods and techniques of teaching.

More than two‐thirds of the sample knew about academic plans of training, though in most Académies it was the first year of their existence. Half of them enrolled for at least one of the proposed courses and 60% of these candidates were accepted.

After multidimensional analysis of the expectations of contents, five concepts of training can be identified:

  1. a traditional concept of didactic training, centred on the contents and methods of teaching, is widely shared by all the teachers;

  2. a concept based on the ‘modern’ contribution of didactics, the pupil‐teacher relation and collaboration inside the institution;

  3. a concept centred on pupils’ knowledge, external collaboration and innovation, (like the preceding one, this concept is shared above all by women, the young, vocational and general subjects teachers in the LEP);

  4. a concept centred on interests not directly linked to classroom activities but related to teaching. It is especially held by vocational teachers in the LEP.

  5. a concept centred on personal interests not directly linked to the teaching profession, especially held by men, the young, LEP teachers, auxiliary teachers and LEP teachers in technological teaching.

Teachers in the classical and modern upper secondary level and even more so the agrégé teachers are the ones who share the least in these concepts, except for the first one.  相似文献   

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