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Examination of a piece of psychodramatic work indicates there are similarities, as well as differences between action methods (AM) and action research (AR). It appears that connections between AR and AM could be strengthened for mutual benefit. The article builds on this and introduces AM to action researchers and proposes some ways AM could be used in AR. These include AM's focus on building the spontaneity and creativity of groups in the here and now, the systemic portrayal of situations with the ability for efficient and dynamic iterations of the action research cycle, and the integration of the individual within themselves (thoughts, feelings and action), while at the same time engaging with others  相似文献   

多边形三角化问题是计算几何中的一个经典问题,并在图形学中广泛应用。本文首先分析了凹角对于多边形形状(凹或凸)的重要作用;然后提出迭代的凹角消去的三角化算法。从凹角发出的射线把多边形分块使之转化为多个凸多边形,最后三角化凸多边形。本方法算法实现简易,易于理解,经过试验,取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   

The two‐stranded spiral shown in Figure 1 represents two aspects of the authors’ journey in becoming critical. The journey, conveyed through discussion, reflexive accounts and illustrations of particular and summary achievements, shows how Carr and Kemmis’s work has influenced the authors as action researchers, both individually and together, in nursing, over 16 years. The first strand unfurls their journey as they learned to develop their philosophical and theoretical understandings of action research as collaborative, emancipatory and transformational. They show how they now use innovative and creative methodologies to transform practice and, simultaneously, develop critical practice theory that draw on assumptions from different worldviews in the same study. Their second strand is concerned with the creation of critical communities of healthcare practitioners who undertake action research to transform themselves, practices and organisations. This strand shares the practicalities of an action research team genuinely involving stakeholders in the collaborative, democratic design of projects, their implementation and evaluation. Both strands are concerned with preparing practitioners as researchers of their own practice and with human flourishing as both the end and means of action research. Seven insights are presented.  相似文献   

Gender inequalities in educational administration attract calls for research internationally. The degree of concern and the urgent search for cause and cure are characterised as within an epidemic logic, evoking a managerialist ‘scientific’ reliance on evidence-driven change. Taking a poststructuralist approach, the paper uses a study of South African women school principals to position gender research as a tool for change. It considers one area of their experience that impacts on their leadership, marriage, as a vehicle to explore how research might be used. The paper challenges Western Enlightenment teleological cultural assumptions. It suggests that knowledge may be all we have to continue the negotiation of power where there is no solid ground of rightness about what views and actions disempower or the contrary and that it may, in itself, be a powerful force in the face of intractable problems.  相似文献   

该文分析了科学地肯定具体言行是否实事求是的重要性,通过一切是否从辩证唯物和历史唯物的实际出发,是否透过现象探求事物的本质,是否坚持一切按规律办事3方面详述,提出了如何科学判断言行是否实事求是的原则和方法。  相似文献   

A number of methods have been recorded in the literature with regard to assessing intercultural competence, but extant reviews tend to focus on self-report instruments in which students' responses can be easily quantified. To address the gap, this paper provides an overview of qualitative methods used to assess students' intercultural competence in higher education research. Based on 34 studies, 25 qualitative assessment methods have been identified and captured in a newly-developed typology. Results show that (1) the majority of qualitative methods to assess intercultural competence were writing-based and ‘expressive’ in nature; (2) the assessment results were mainly analysed in a ‘thematic’ or ‘scalar’ manner; and (3) very little assessment took place among STEM majors. These results are further discussed and problematized to provide implications for developing and assessing intercultural competence in higher education research and curriculum.  相似文献   

Brock's (1985) recent suggestion that rhetorical critics who work out of the philosophy of dramatism could enrich their analyses by utilizing Burke's pentad and terms for order in combination is taken up in this essay. Enhancing these grammatical and formal features of drama through application of Burke's “principle of perfection,” nine “indexes of dramatic intensity” are proposed and were employed in a study of the tragic‐symbol preaching of Rev. Jerry Falwell. Falwell's televised discourses are found to be strongly dramatic and appropriately so, given the audience of true believers bent on changing society he addresses.  相似文献   

钻斗钻机的优点及其工程实践实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钻斗钻机具有孔内直接旋挖取土、快速穿越卵石土层和强风化岩层的功能,配上汽车潜孔锤和全套管跟进,可快速嵌入岩层。若同时采用优质泥浆护壁、气举反循环清渣、履带吊车一次吊放长钢筋笼和大料斗灌注桩身砼等工艺,则完全可实现优质、高速钻孔成桩。  相似文献   

让学生亲身参与探究性实验是培养其生物科学素养的重要途径。本文以一个简单易行的实验为例介绍完整的科学探究过程。同时帮助学生理解科学过程和方法。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者、指导者,繁重的工作常常导致工作方法的杂乱无章,建立师生的真诚有效沟通,培训得力的班团干等先进团队作为助手,培养自身多才多艺的综合素质和善于运用积极心理干预能力是提纲挈领的实用方法。  相似文献   

生物学是以观察和实验为基础的实验科学,在教学中,必须重视对实验能力的培养,培养实验能力,贵在导引,实验教学活动的每一环节都应施“导”促“练”、促“学”。那么,如何在实验课教学中施“导”呢?在多年的教学实践中,作者总结提出了“四导(疏导→指导→引导→辅导)”教学,通过“四导”使学生真正地、全面地、深入地掌握每个实验。这样做,既提高了学生的操作能力和观察能力,又锻炼了学生发现问题和解决问题的能力,也培养了学生严谨求实的科学态度和良好的实验习惯。1课前疏导与实验有关的知识每个实验都涉及诸如实验原理、设计思路、方法步…  相似文献   

物流管理是实用性很强的学科,高校物流的教学内容中应该设置相当比例的实践性教学环节。以在A公司的实践活动为例,提出与中小企业合作,探讨物流实践教学的创新模式和具体方法。  相似文献   

以安全工程专业为例,提出基于OBE理念构建实践教学体系。其要点为:依据培养目标和毕业要求明晰实践教学环节的教学目标,形成"一体化、多层次、递进式"实践教学内容;构建由教学目标、教学内容、教学方式、教学平台、教学评价组成的实践教学体系;实施教学与科研、虚拟与现实、校内与校外相结合的教学内容与教学方式;通过改变实践教学的评价方式,实现实践教学的持续改进。  相似文献   

“金字塔”模式的内涵是:点线面结合,表浅里渗透,融会贯通,螺旋式升华。具体应用中先讲授章节的知识点,然后连点成线开展生动的课堂讨论(其中穿插案例教学),再对大家讨论的结果进行整理和加工以形成知识面,最后以企业见习,实习等实践环节进行验证和强化。这种教学法具有循序渐进,从理论到实践,变被动为主动,能够解决实际问题等优点,具体实施中需要教师,学生,学校和社会协调一致的配合。  相似文献   

Following the 1990 World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand, many developing countries are making efforts to achieve basic education for all by the year 2000. However, when it comes to measuring educational progress, there are few methodologies that can overcome the many problems and controversies in this area. This paper describes a serviceable methodology for measuring basic education (competencies in reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as selected life skills), which has proven to be simple, inexpensive and rapid. This approach, termed the Assessment of Basic Competencies (ABC), has been tested in Bangladesh on 2,100 children between the ages of 11 and 12. The results are discussed here. This methodology may be of use to education programme managers in other developing countries.
Zusammenfassung Nach der Weltkonferenz über Bildung für Alle 1990 in Jomtien, Thailand, bemühen sich viele Entwicklungsländer um eine Grundbildung für alle bis zum Jahr 2000. Wenn man jedoch die Methoden zur Bemessung der Leistungen der Schüler betrachtet, gibt es nur wenige Methodologien, die die zahlreichen Probleme und Kontroversen auf diesem Gebiet bewältigen können. Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine praktische Methodologie zur Bewertung der Grundbildung (Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten, arithmetische Fähigkeiten sowie ausgewählte zum Leben notwendige Fahigkeiten), die sich als einfach, preiswert und schnell erwiesen hat. Dieser Ansatz wurde in Bangladesh an 2.100 Kindern zwischen 11 und 12 Jahren getestet. Das Ergebnis wird in diesem Artikel erortert. Diese Methodologie könnte Bildungsprogrammleitern in anderen Entwicklungsländern von Nutzen sein.

Résumé En réponse au Congrès Mondial sur l'Education pour Tous qui a eu lieu en 1990 à Jomtien, Thaïlande, de nombreux pays en voie de développement multiplient leurs efforts pour réaliser l'éducation de base de tous d'ici l'an 2000. Quand il s'agit pourtant d'évaluer le progrès pédagogique, rares sont les méthodologies pouvant faire face aux nombreux problèmes et controverses existant dans ce domaine. Cet article décrit une méthode efficace pour évaluer l'éducation de base (compétences en écriture, lecture et arithmétique de même que certaines aptitudes à la vie pratique), qui s'est révélée simple, économique et rapide. Ce procédé, appelé Evaluation des Compétences de Base (ABC — Assessment of Basic Competencies), a fait l'objet d'un essai au Bangladesh auprès de 2100 enfants entre 11 et 12 ans, dont les résultats sont discutés ici. Cette méthode pourrait être intéressante aux organisateurs de programmes d'éducation dans d'autres pays en développement.

行动研究是一种反思性教学策略,它既包含了在实践中反思和对实践的反思,更重要的是它的主要目的是为实践反思,使教师不仅回顾过去,对过去的教学过程进行察觉与质疑,更能于实践前未雨绸缪,以超前反思指导未来的教学行动。这种实践-反思-再实践的模式能够在教学实践中形成良性循环,不仅促进学生发展,而且促进教师发展,使教师从冲动的例行的行为中解放出来,让教师以审慎的意志方式行动,从而成为更好、更有效率、更富有创见的行家。行动研究本质上是追求更为合理的教育教学实践的过程,旨在使教师获得一种内在启蒙和解放的力量,打开新的思考维度和新的探询方向,增强实践能力和自我超越的能力。本篇论文通过具体的行动研究实例分析阐明了行动研究作为反思性教学实施的方法之一,是反思策略中最重要也是解决教学问题最有效的途径。  相似文献   

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