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根据内蒙古自治区的资源现状,我们分析了资源优势向经济优势转化中的四个基本矛盾以及解决这些矛盾的四个关键问题,进而提出贯彻可持续发展战略的四个基本途径。我们认为:内蒙古资源开发中最根本的问题是选择资源配置优势的问题,并要充分重视人力资源的开发,提高资源转化中的科技含量,建立合理的资源——产业体系,走“选择性发展”的道路  相似文献   

题名为《搜神记》的小说我们目前可以看到的大致有三个版本:二十卷本,八卷本和敦煌本。前两个版本,历代研究成果颇丰,而对于敦煌本,或许是仅存一卷的缘故,历来鲜有问津,基本上都是依附于敦煌变文之后,没有独立的定位。文章从语法这一角度,选取几个颇有代表性的代词、介词,旨在说明敦煌本《搜神记》的年代在变文(一般认为是晚唐五代)之前,其内在语言风格统一,反映的大致是中唐以前的语言面貌。  相似文献   

部分专业师资紧缺,专业老化,层次偏低,管理效益差,观念落后是当前高校内部教育供给中存在的主要问题.为此,需要加强教师队伍建设,正确定位专业、学科的类型和层次,更新办学观念,提高管理效益.  相似文献   

The importance of the ethos or learning environment of a training institution is increasingly being appreciated in terms of its effect on learning process and outcome. This paper reports upon the development of an inventory to measure medical students’ perceptions of their learning environment and upon its pilot use to contrast their experiences in five British medical schools. Broad similarities were found between the medical schools upon some dimensions of the questionnaire, but a number of substantial differences are also reported. It is concluded that it is by no means difficult to develop an instrument which can identify important differences between institutions’ learning milieux. However, reservations are expressed about making other than tentative conclusions from the details of the findings of similarities and differences: the desirability of conducting a more comprehensive study is emphasised.  相似文献   

Behaviourally challenging pupils are a permanent feature of the education culture in the United Kingdom. The realisation that this is not a temporary phenomenon is an important ‘re‐definition’. The problem should be seen as part of normal provision.

Permanent exclusions from school are rising. Causes of behaviour leading to exclusion should not be assumed to originate within the child. Re‐definition requires recognition of their difficulties.

’Market economy’ and stretched resources militate against the ability of schools to implement recommended measures. There are issues for decision‐makers at all levels including targeting resources. Projects show exclusion is costly and damaging. The funding of preventative schemes would enable teachers to teach and not deny pupils their educational rights.  相似文献   


This study is part of a cross-national research entitled In the past and now: Constructivist practices in teaching chemistry—Bulgaria, the Balkans and Europe. The purpose of the research is to explore science secondary classroom environments in terms of the constructivist approach. The study has been carried out at international schools and state schools in Albania, Kosovo, Romania and Turkey. The data collection methods were three surveys: the What Is Happening In This Class? (WIHIC), the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) and the Test of Science-Related Attitudes (TOSRA). The questionnaires were given to 747 secondary school students. The results show that in the majority of the surveyed classrooms, a blended traditional-constructivist type of environment is present. The highest scores for all three questionnaires were given by students of the international school in Kosovo. The traditional and test-oriented teaching in the Turkish schools surveyed explains the low degree of satisfaction and enjoyment of science lessons among Turkish students.


This study is part of a cross-national research entitled In the past and now: Constructivist practices in teaching chemistry—Bulgaria, the Balkans and Europe. The purpose of the research is to explore science secondary classroom environments in terms of the constructivist approach. The study has been carried out at international schools and state schools in Albania, Kosovo, Romania and Turkey. The data collection methods were three surveys: the What Is Happening In This Class? (WIHIC), the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) and the Test of Science-Related Attitudes (TOSRA). The questionnaires were given to 747 secondary school students. The results show that in the majority of the surveyed classrooms, a blended traditional-constructivist type of environment is present. The highest scores for all three questionnaires were given by students of the international school in Kosovo. The traditional and test-oriented teaching in the Turkish schools surveyed explains the low degree of satisfaction and enjoyment of science lessons among Turkish students.  相似文献   

介绍了当前周内学习迁移研究的现状,总结我国近年来学习迁移研究中存在的四个问题:(1)迁移研究的本土化问题;(2)迁移研究中的纵向研究和横向研究问题;(3)关于迁移研究中物理的或社会的情境因素;(4)学生的迁移能力的培养问题。并提出了解决这些问题的初步设想。  相似文献   

论学术期刊编辑编研结合的必要性和应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术期刊编辑,编研结合的道路是保证刊物质量的重要途径,也是办出刊物特色所必需的。学术期刊编辑编研结合应注意正确处理编与研的关系,正确处理编辑学研究与其他相关专业研究的关系。从事专业学术研究应侧重宏观驾驭,从事科研工作应侧重信息分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article reports research in three Nottingham schools, concerned with (1) 'The school as fertile ground: how the ethos of a school enables everyone in it to benefit from the presence of artists in class'; (2) 'Children on the edge: how the arts reach those children who otherwise exclude themselves from class activities, for any reason' and (3) 'Children's voices and choices: how even very young children can learn to express their wishes, and then have them realised through arts projects'. The research methodology was rooted in two modes of inquiry, philosophical investigation and action research. The article draws on this research to argue that arts-based work in school has helped disadvantaged and/or disaffected children to engage in activities (both arts-based and others), and to be able to lay the groundwork for exercising voice and agency as they did so. If social justice is to flourish there is a need for particular kinds of public spaces and a need to create conditions such that children can learn to participate in those spaces, whether or not they are comfortable with the usual settings for 'rational argument' or 'deliberative democracy'. It is suggested that arts-based education, in some forms, is one good way of creating these conditions.  相似文献   

曾纪泽是中国近代一位有头脑、有胆识、有策略的爱国外交家。 1 878~ 1 886年 ,他在奉旨出任英、法、俄三国公使期间 ,写下近 50万字的日记 ,一方面记录了他在欧洲的外交活动 ,同时也记载了西方的政治、经济、军事、文化教育、风土人情等方面的内容 ,并提出了自己独到的见解。可以说曾纪泽的《出使英法俄国日记》具有宝贵的史料价值 ,为我们探究曾纪泽的西学思想、洋务思想以及强烈的爱国思想找到了根源  相似文献   

本文着重评介《太史公生平著作考论》一书在司马迁生卒年、在《史记》叙事起讫与演变等考证上做出的新贡献,评论书中所提出的“司马迁在中华文明史中的地位”这一问题的重大意义;也兼而论及一种学风。  相似文献   

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