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文化乃通一切界而又不限于一界,因此,文化是一种渗透并体现于不同实存领域中的“柔性的”创生力。文化的这种“无用之用”特性折射出了文化发展的功利性。从深层次看,文化的“无用之用”表现为一个由某种地方性和特殊性而不断趋向于不同层级的普世化的展开过程。文化所取义普世化实质上就是文化的“共通性”,由文化的这种“通”性义来重新审视“全球化”,“全球化”进程实质上已铸成了社会发展和人类存在趋向于无节制的“消费性”,而儒家文化的生存节制意识正可对目前“全球化”的过度“消费性”偏向起到补救作用。建设现代意义上的儒学和文化形态必须走出两个误区:1.偏执于文化的普遍性、共时性的层面,而忽略其个性和历时性的意义;2.关注儒学的教化和实践特性和功能的同时,倡导重建制度化的儒学,倡导建立儒教并定为国教。要培育三种文化意识:1.要努力创造儒学的当代形态;2.致力于重建儒学与民众生活的联系;3.注重“以身体道”群体的养成。  相似文献   

文化乃通一切界而又不限于一界,因此,文化是一种渗透并体现于不同实存领域中的"柔性的"创生力.文化的这种"无用之用"特性折射出了文化发展的功利性.从深层次看,文化的"无用之用"表现为一个由某种地方性和特殊性而不断趋向于不同层级的普世化的展开过程.文化所取义普世化实质上就是文化的"共通性",由文化的这种"通"性义来重新审视"全球化","全球化"进程实质上已铸成了社会发展和人类存在趋向于无节制的"消费性",而儒家文化的生存节制意识正可对目前"全球化"的过度"消费性"偏向起到补救作用.建设现代意义上的儒学和文化形态必须走出两个误区:1.偏执于文化的普遍性、共时性的层面,而忽略其个性和历时性的意义;2.关注儒学的教化和实践特性和功能的同时,倡导重建制度化的儒学,倡导建立儒教并定为国教.要培育三种文化意识:1.要努力创造儒学的当代形态;2.致力于重建儒学与民众生活的联系;3.注重"以身体道"群体的养成.  相似文献   

通过问卷和访谈对藏族学生的藏、汉音乐文化认同状况进行了实地调查,分析内地环境下藏族学生对本民族文化和汉族文化认同状况,藏族学生对藏汉音乐文化在认知、情感和行为上的表现。结果显示,藏族学生对本民族音乐文化认同和中华民族音乐文化认同的状况都是积极认同,且藏族大学生对本民族的音乐文化认同高于对汉民族的音乐文化认同。  相似文献   

从电影《当幸福来敲门》看美国文化价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美利坚民族有着自己独特的文化价值观,美国电影是该民族文化和价值观的载体,它的运用方式集中体现了美国的文化特征。本文试图通过分析美国电影《当幸福来敲门》来探讨美国的主流文化价值观,即美国文化价值的核心——个人主义及其渊源,并由此解读美利坚这个民族特定的性格特征以及在这部影片里所体现的美国宗教、历史、文化以及社会与时代背景。  相似文献   

仲岩 《职业技术教育》2006,27(16):69-71
“城中村”居民普遍存在着受教育程度偏低、劳动技能缺乏、文化生活落后等问题,阻碍了“城中村”的城市化进程。发展社区职业教育,不仅能够为“城中村”居民提供劳动技能培训,改变劳动生产方式和生活方式,更能够提升其文化素质,促进“城中村”与城市文化的融合,加快城市的现代化建设。  相似文献   

Many organizations in recent times have changed their working culture to embrace such ideas as group working and self-management teams. As such, the introduction of GroupWare technology into an organization, either business or educational, should be considered carefully. In addition, both in the business world and academia there is some confusion as to what exactly constitutes a GroupWare product. Furthermore, not only must technological requirements be considered but also social and cultural aspects. As a result, introducing GroupWare technologies into the educational environment may enhance group working, but due care and attention must be given when introducing such technology. In order to comprehend the technology it is a prerequisite that both business organisations and academic institutions understand the social and cultural aspects of introducing group working into their establishment.  相似文献   

The author examines childcare preferences of African immigrant parents living in the United States. Based on interviews with eighteen parents with preschool-aged children and working within Bryman, Lewis-Beck, and Liao’s (2004) narrative inquiry, the author demonstrates that although many of the African immigrants surveyed for the study preferred family members to take care of their children in their own homes to instill African cultural identity in their children, the majority of their children were in childcare centers. The author demonstrates further that although putting children in childcare centers is not their topmost choice, in spite of their precarious financial situation, and despite the high cost of putting children in childcare centers, the immigrants were still happy to put their children in childcare centers because of their busy schedules. The immigrants’ collective nature of child upbringing contributed to their choice. The author recommends that centers must take the immigrants’ culture into consideration during their operations.  相似文献   

本文以比较的角度对作者的文化体验进行反思性分析,重点探讨作者作为一名具有比较教育学习背景的学者在不同国家工作生活时,如何透过比较视角从不同文化汲取经验。文章也试图展现比较教育的学习背景是如何帮助作者挣脱其成长文化的束缚,以此能够采用外群体的角度进行研究并形成认识论议题,以及作者是如何受益于比较教育的学习,得以凭借关于不同教育体制的广博知识和对文化的敏感度快速融入异种文化。作者将分析他在澳大利亚、香港和新加坡工作、生活时是如何抓住各地不同的研究和认识论议题的。文章将从近几十年来,由全球化进程中的移民潮产生的学术迁移现象入手,探讨澳大利亚、中国香港和新加坡基于不同的社会经济、政治、文化背景如何回应全球化主题,以及在此过程中上述国家和地区如何形成不同的研究和认识论议题。作者是站在内群体与外群体的角度进行观察和分析的。  相似文献   

Multi‐ethnic schools in Flanders are frequently portrayed – both in popular media and research – as highly problematic working environments for (beginning) teachers. This article reports on an exploratory study of beginning teachers’ experiences in one secondary multi‐ethnic school in Flanders. Based on data from questionnaires, document analysis and semi‐structured interviews with both six beginning teachers and two mentors, the study concluded that the structural and cultural working conditions as well as the personal belief systems of the teachers were essential to understand the actual impact of the multi‐ethnic character of the school on new teachers’ job experiences. Due to the mediating role of these factors, beginning teachers do not consider the multi‐cultural character of their working environment as problematic as such.  相似文献   

文章结合工作实践,对非物质文化遗产的目标界定、保护主体的职能划分与保护的几个层次进行了分析和阐述,提出了非物质文化遗产目标界定的四个基本点,提出了具中国特色的非物质文化遗产保护主体的职能区分及实现良性互动的方式,并将非物质文化遗产保护方法梳理为三个层次,指出保护的最高层次是培育传统文化生存发展的土壤,合理开发利用传统文化资源,推动优秀的非物质文化遗产融入现代日常生活。  相似文献   

英汉广告语的语体与修辞特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代社会中,随着广告事业的发展,广告的语言也已逐渐形成了自己独特的风格.广告语以其凝练、通俗、生动、形象和音韵和谐的特点而备受消费者的青睐以及普通人的关注.广告语集宣传性、趣味性、文学性于一身,是各个民族劳动人民高度智慧的结晶.在结构形式、修辞方法、语体特色,音韵和谐和语用功能方面,英汉广告语都有其突出的特点.我们从中可以更好地了解二者的关系,以及二者间的文化差异和相似之处.  相似文献   

在汉英两种语言中,颜色词蕴涵着极为丰富的语言文化意义。在语言文化两个层面上,颜色词具有或同或似或异的特征。本文从语言文化学的角度,通过汉英对比的方法,探讨了颜色词的语言文化意义及作用。另外,还谈及颜色词在汉英互译中需要采取的相应的技巧。  相似文献   

在翻译过程中,对文化因素的处理一般有两种原则:归化和异化。从文本性质、翻译目的和读者对象等方面考虑,归化和异化各有其存在价值。The Country of the Pointed Firs是一部描写美国缅因州沿海渔民生活的小说,具有很浓厚的文化和地域特色。在对该书部分章节的翻译过程中。我们使用了异化原则对文化因素进行了处理,以保留原语文本的异质性。文章对部分采用异化原则的例句进行了分析。  相似文献   

《楚雄彝族文化史》是楚雄彝族文化研究的集大成者,作者在对一个特定地域的民族文化研究中,体现了一种文化的自觉意识。彝族文化是一种地域文化,其发展过程是一个积极进取和交融吸纳的过程,民族性格和民族精神是它的核心和灵魂。  相似文献   

从福斯塔夫与阿Q在精神流浪这个视角入手,将不同时代、不同国度,不同文化背景下产生的两个文学形象放在世界文化这个大背景中进行考察,通过比较分析,对他们作为流浪汉的生存价值、生存方式进行新的文学观照,从而发现他们的人生,实际上也是生命苦囚般的体味和经验,是生命存在的方式,作为人类一种独特的文化现象,可视为人类生存困惑的象征。  相似文献   

Parents’ involvement in schooling and education is highly important for children’s results. Still, both levels of involvement and their effects vary according to social class. Previous research on educational reproduction within the family has, however, largely studied differences between the middle and the working class, and generally ignored differences in the composition of cultural and economic capital. In this article, we aim to fill this gap in the literature by separating cultural and economic resources and investigate their correlation with two kinds of parental involvement in four different European countries. Results show that parents with more cultural resources are more likely to be involved by having future educational expectations, and parents with more economic resources are more likely to be involved in their children’s current schooling (e.g. help with homework) than those with more cultural resources. The association between economic resources and involvement in educational expectations is however stronger in Spain and Iceland than in Belgium and Norway, suggesting an influence from system-level features as well as general economic trends.  相似文献   

"一国两制"承诺香港的政治体制50年不变,这50年是香港与北京不同政体的融合,也贯穿了80后一代人生命中最辉煌的时段。运用质性和量化相结合的研究方法,研究发现京港两地80后青年专业人士在工作、生活领域都面临着缺乏向上流动的机会,常常选择辛勤工作的方式来克服"地位恐慌"。然而,京港两地专业人士对于是否给彼此带来竞争和威胁这一问题持不同观点,由于两地人才政策等因素,跨境工作人士难以融入当地生活。这些不同境遇的根源在于两地历史文化、政治制度和社会结构之间的差异。因此,京港双方应借助经济发展的平台,促进文化政治的交流和融合,以经济依存带动文化认同和身份认同。  相似文献   

习语是人们在生产劳动和社会生活中长期使用而提炼出来的一些固定的短语或短句。由于地理、历史、宗教信仰、生活习俗等方面的差异,英汉习语承载着不同的民族文化特色和文化信息,它们与文化传统紧密相连,不可分割。文章分析了英汉习语中所体现的英汉文化差异及英译汉语的翻译。  相似文献   

To deal with the problems of the disquieting biases between cultures in our times, the author analyzed the multiple horizon character of morality, proposed a four level model of morality. By using this alternative model of ethics, the author exposes the frailties of cultural stereotypes in both the East and the West, arguing that the moral efforts of all nations should be appreciated. The reason that people do not often see this fact comes mainly from their preoccupations with different moral horizons. The dialogue between different moral horizons and hence different cultures will help each side to develop a more adequate value system which can better solve problems decisive for the coexistence in global context.  相似文献   

This paper reports the outcomes of a survey to investigate the level of cultural understanding and confidence for teachers working in culturally diverse classrooms. The survey was administered to teachers in primary and secondary schools in an Australian regional city. The aim of analysis was to determine the direction and strength of association of six demographic variables with measures of cultural awareness among teachers and confidence in supporting the learning of students. It found that teacher responses to working in culturally diverse classrooms varied according to levels of familiarity with the cultural groups concerned and with the level of schooling within which the teacher worked. The paper outlines the implications of these findings for the development of professional standards and for teacher education. It discusses how these findings contribute to further investigations into the extent to which teachers understand cultural diversity and their confidence as literacy instructors.  相似文献   

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