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学科交叉对于拓展学生的知识结构,拓宽学生就业渠道,满足市场对人才的需要,提升高校核心竞争力具有重要意义.通过从素质结构、能力结构和知识结构等方面分析经管类专业的人才培养目标,研究基于学科交叉背景的经管类专业人才培养模式,进行实践应用,取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

知识伦理是形成、应用知识的价值和道德理想追求、根据及其逻辑。不同社会和时代的社会道德和个人品德都有许多层面,但以核心价值为一元根本追求。全面建构理性基本善和物性底线善等不同层面统一的善,是自古以来人类道德理想和知识伦理的共同追求。知识伦理有由国家、民族的道德理想、规范结构决定的逻辑和结构,有由科学文化知识等结构和形成、应用目的决定的逻辑和结构,有由知识的时代性和民族性决定的逻辑和结构。  相似文献   

关于建构知识科学的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以波普的“三个世界”理论为基础,肯定客观知识世界的存在。随着知识世界的发展,我们有了自然、社会、思维(主观精神世界)和知识四个“世界”。目前,我们相应地有自然科学、社会科学和思维科学(包括心理学)分别对前三个世界加以研究,但惟一没有跟知识世界相对应的科学领域。因此,应当建立知识科学。在今天,知识的作用越来越大,成为推动社会发展的首要而最大的动力。这也要求对知识本身进行更加深入而全面的研究。于是,一门专门研究知识发展及其价值问题的科学--知识科学的产生将是时代的必然要求。知识科学是一个大的门类,它同自然科学、社会科学、思维科学等属于同一序列的科学研究领域。它应当包括知识哲学、具体知识学科以及知识运用等三个基本层次,划分为许多具体学科。  相似文献   

钱学森科学分类与科技体系思想述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱学森将现代科学技术划分为十大部门。其中自然科学是迄今为止发展得最为成熟的一个门类,其层次结构包括工程科学、技术科学、基础科学、这三个层次通过辩证自然观 自然辩证迈向人类知识的最高概括--马克思主义哲学。从思想方法上来说,钱学森科学分类和体系建构中有两个特点,一是始终坚持马克思主义哲学的观点和方法。二是始终坚持现代系统腐化的观点和方法,其科学意义 客观世界描绘了同幅科学的图景,为辩证唯物主义关于  相似文献   

在知识经济的背景下 ,针对当前国内学界把“知识价值”理解为“经济知识”和“知识经济”所表露出的一些缺陷 ,从马克思哲学理论出发 ,阐述了它对知识与价值的本体论表述 :知识本质上是人的存在价值的反映 ,是人的实践活动 ,知识价值的实现是人的存在价值的实现。同时还考察了知识价值论与劳动价值论之间的内在联系 :知识经济时代的知识价值和知识创新等现象仍然在马克思劳动价值论的范围 ,以此说明马克思理论所具有的当代视域和当代性。  相似文献   

科学主义与人文主义如何整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学主义哲学的基本内核是将自然视为自然物,把一切现象“物本--物化--对象化”,寻求自然界客观规律的认识途径和对自然的征服、开发和利用,坚守工具理性、功利主义的价值取向。人文主义哲学的基本内核则是以人性为出发点解释一切现象,把一切现象“人本--人化--主体化”,形成从对客观世界的求索转向对人自身的体司,坚守价值理性、道德主义的价值取向。科学主义和人文主义的整合途径是:尊重科学,承认科学思维的价值;反思知识内涵,强调科学知识和人文知识的统一;理解知识的发展与劳动力的发展和社会的发展是同一的历史过程;关照可持续发展的理念;建构新的伦理规范。  相似文献   

应用型人才的知识、能力、素质结构及其培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会发展既需要发现知识和探索客观规律的研究型人才,也需要运用专业知识和客观规律到实际生产之中,为社会直接创造利益的应用型人才。新建本科院校要以培养应用型人才为主要任务。应用型人才的知识、能力、素质既有共性要求,也存在个性特征。在应用型人才的培养实践中,合理确定应用型人才的知识、能力、素质要素是新建本科院校应用型人才培养模式改革顺利进行的前提。  相似文献   

灌输式教学及其批判   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
灌输式教学重视客观、普遍的知识的传授,教师在灌输式教学中处于中心地位,学生被看作"知识容器";灌输式教学过程强调教师对学生的控制,强调知识对学生的控制,其过程呈现封闭的特点,其教学远离生活世界,其基本方法是机械性灌输。在交往理论看来,知识与人的关系是一种对话关系,教学应引导学生在与知识对话中寻求人生的意义,师生之间的关系是一种相互认同和相互尊重的主体间关系,教学过程是一个解放的过程,其间充满了复杂性。教学应回归学生的生活世界,教学方法应该贯彻对话精神。  相似文献   

论知识的个性化意义及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识不仅仅是客观存在的对象物,更是由符号、逻辑和意义组成的复合体。知识教学不应该仅仅关注知识的假定性意义,而更应该关注知识的个性化意义。传统哲学意义上的知识观由于过于重视知识的假定性意义,而造成了知识个性化意义的缺失。我们可以通过以下几条途径来实现知识的个性化意义:多维目标,丰富教学价值;创设情境,实现有效关联;加强体验,促进意义建构;深化理解,实现意义增值;差异评价,促进个性发展。  相似文献   

事实和意义是两种不同的认识对象。近代认识论把认识是否符合事实作为衡量认识是否正确的标准,把形成关于事实的客观知识作为认识的最高目标。在现代认识论中更多地考虑人的因素,认识的主体间性等问题受到重视,对客观事实和客观知识也提出异议。意义作为另一种认识对象受到现代认识论的关注,如何达成意义的共同理解成为讨论的焦点。  相似文献   

Human rights education is meant to make people capable of understanding human rights and to enable them to take a stand for their own rights as well as those of others, so that in the long term ahuman rights culture may develop. Human rights education is understood as a comprehensive task which, apart from communicating knowledge, is meant to stimulate the debate on values and attitudes and to support competencies for action, which are called learning about, by way of and for human rights. From a psychological point of view, the article analyzes in how far human rights education may be implemented as a three-dimensional support of knowledge, values and skills and where, in this respect, it comes to its limits, also regarding the question of the feasibility of an attempted human rights culture. The high expectations connected with human rights education are questioned in order to get a more realistic idea of what human rights education may actually achieve.  相似文献   

科学知识在内容上具有客观性、确定性、普适性、单维性,科学知识的探究形式为因果说明、主客分离、客观方法;科学知识的表达形式为科学概念的操作性,科学判断的数学化,以归纳方式为主要的推理形式;科学知识旨趣体现在对自然的描述、解释与预测。科学知识的价值体现为科学的道德价值,科学的审美价值,科学的方法价值。科学知识独特内容、形式、旨趣与价值对科学课程的设计、实施与评价均有重要影响。科学课程开发不能忽视科学知识的知识论基础。  相似文献   


In two studies, the role of nature experiences and social norms during childhood is explored next to adulthood biospheric values, connectedness to nature, environmental identity, and objective knowledge in relation to pro-environmental behaviors. Study 1 (N?=?185) tested the hypothesized model in the realm of general pro-environmental behaviors and sustainable fruit consumption on a sample of students. Study 2 (N?=?155) tested the model in the realm of sustainable seafood consumer choice on a general population sample. Path analyses show consistent results across samples. Results show that childhood nature experiences and exposure to pro-environmental social norms during childhood are related to adulthood development of connectedness with nature and biospheric values; these, in turn, help in shaping adulthood environmental self-identity ultimately influencing the enactment of sustainable food choices during adulthood. These findings point toward the relevance of childhood experiences for pro-environmental behaviors as compared to the provision of information. The role of objective knowledge across samples is inconsistent, thus requiring future investigations.  相似文献   

恭维语是人类言语交际中的一种常见的礼貌语言.恭维语的运用和社会、文化有着密切的联系,不同的文化社团对恭维语的对象、内容、场合以及对恭维语的反应各有不同.对中西方的恭维语在实施过程中所反映出来的功能、价值观念和文化规约等方面的差异的了解,有助于我们在跨文化交际中正确恰当地运用恭维语,真正促进中西方文化的交流.  相似文献   

课程文化发展的客观标准是以课程文化内在的客观价值为基础的,它反映的是人与客观物质世界之间存在的一种客观关系。它以课程所代表的文化的生产力发展水平为标尺。代表先进生产力的课程,就是先进的课程文化;反之,就是落后的课程文化。课程文化发展要求人们在课程开发中坚持绝对主义知识观与相对主义知识观的统一,努力推动本民族的课程文化创新。  相似文献   

学科知识是以学科思维为形式,而以释放不同能量为内容的主客观实践过程的形成物;教育把学科思维转化为个体思维,使知识内化为个体品格。知识内化的本质是人类自我的重塑和对自然力的再创造。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to verify the effects of the interaction between text structures and prior knowledge on memory and learning from expository texts. It examined the effects of two levels of prior knowledge and two types of mixed structures on a post-reading questionnaire. A total of 119 French-speaking, sixth-grade subjects were selected on the basis of a multiple-choice questionnaire. This questionnaire served to distinguish two groups, one possessing a high level of prior knowledge about the topic covered in the text (HP group), and another having a low level of prior knowledge (LP group). The children’s reading ability was evaluated by a cloze test that also served to eliminate children with reading comprehension difficulties from the experimental groups. The subjects in each group were arbitrarily assigned to subgroups. One group read an experimental passage, “The effects of acid rain on maple and pine”, which was organized in a collection inserted in cause/effect structure (SI). The other group read the same information, but which was organized in a comparison inserted in cause/effect structure (S2). The post-reading measure consisted of 24 questions that varied according to three criteria. The statistical analysis revealed that the effects of text structure were dependent on the level of prior knowledge and on the type of questions and confirmed that prior knowledge had a determining influence on knowledge acquisition.  相似文献   

书法是中国化的重要组成部分,既包含知识技法方面的内容,又有其丰富的人内含,书法教学不但要突出知识技法主题,更要关注人主题,才能实现素质教育的目标。  相似文献   

新课程理念中提出的"三维目标"得到了广大教师的赞同,尽管教师们已意识到其科学性,但在实际教学中仍然表现出对"知识与技能"的单一关注,对"过程与方法"及"情感态度价值观"缺乏正确的认识。因此,有必要对"三维目标"的教学目标作进一步的认识与阐述。  相似文献   

The validity of several dimensions of knowledge which were inferred from concept maps was assessed for its psychometric and edumetric aspects. Data were collected from 14 students who enrolled in the university first-year introductory geomorphology course and in its prerequisite introductory geology course. They took an objective geomorphology test, the tree construction task, and the Standardized Concept Structuring Analysis Technique (SConSAT) version of concept mapping. Comparisons among these dimensions of knowledge before and after the geomorphology course yielded convergent evidence. For the psychometric perspective, the SConSAT version of concept mapping and tree construction had similar knowledge structure representations, and the cognitive map correctness was moderately positively correlated with the objective test but not with the geomorphology course test. For the edumetric perspective, the majority of the dimensions of knowledge structures from the SConSAT showed large improvements following the geomorphology course. This evidence shows that the knowledge structure dimensions have moderate to good construct validity which warrant their widespread use for evaluating learning outcomes in both experimental and classroom settings. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 925–947, 1997.  相似文献   

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