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Since its inception in 1977 the Dip H.E. at Humberside College has attracted increasing numbers of mature applicants. This paper seeks to identify the reasons for the popularity of the course and its appropriateness for mature students. It goes on to consider two further questions: how the Dip H.E. affects the way students learn and how successful mature students are on the course.  相似文献   

Monitoring and evaluation of a complex course is based on data acquired formally from normal administrative records; from research, sometimes in the form of students' projects; from staff and student questionnaires. Informally, regular tutor‐group meetings and a receptive attiude on the part of staff to student opinion are crucial. Once appropriate questions have been asked, it is then possible to ensure a flow of Information which can affect not only the day‐to‐day operation of the course but also its strategic planning.  相似文献   

The overwhelming majority of Diplomates at Hull College of Higher Education proceed to a degree course within the same institution. The value of the Diploma on joining a range of degree courses is examined in terms of the students performance and their own perceptions.  相似文献   

在社会与经济迅速发展的今天,插图不断拓宽其领域,在商业、科技、文化等各方面的宣传中,根据其特定内容的需要,构思、创作、表现,以特有的形式服务于该行业。商业插图因紧密配合商业设计的创意构思而引起读者的注意;文学插图是在忠实体现原作品精神内涵基础之上的再创作。无论是商业插图还是文学插图,脱离了从属性也就失去了它特有的含义与魅力。  相似文献   

在体操教学课中,合理编排准备活动,正确运用讲解和示范,进行科学的素质练习.这是提高教学质量的根本保证.  相似文献   

In analyzing international student mobility, there is a question which is important from the point of view both of the individuals concerned and of society: what is the value of study abroad? The following article deals with the evaluation of student experience in programmes of undergraduate studies abroad within the context of higher education in the United States.

The article is based on a paper written by W. Frank Hull IV, Associate Research Educator, office of the Chancellor, University of California, Santa Barbara, which was presented at the US International Studies Association in February 1978, in a session entitled “Taking the Measures of Undergraduate Study Abroad, Research and Evaluation”.  相似文献   

Mature students, formally unqualified, now represent the bulk of students on the Dip H.E. at Wolverhampton Polytechnic. While problems have been encountered in establishing the value of the award for employment purposes, the success of mature students in subsequent degree studies makes clear its academic value.

Innovatory aspects of the course derive from the particular needs of mature students and include a flexible approach to admissions, varied patterns of assessment, and a move towards independent learning. The monitoring of such approaches is seen as crucial to the operation and credibility of a new course.  相似文献   

A thorough process of evaluation, both ongoing throughout the four years and an in-depth exercise in 1982, prior to submission of the revised course to CNAA for renewal of approval, has identified the various strengths and weaknesses of the course as a whole, and of constituent parts of the course. Of interest is the extent to which the course has attracted the mature student (75% or more of the students are mature entrants) and the success that these and the other students have had in transferring directly into the third year of degree programmes at linked institutions. Also of note is the extent to which students have been attracted to the notion of taking a broadly‐based programme of study for two years, which has enabled them to keep their options open for future direction, and the extent that students have subsequently been able to determine a direction for further study by the end of the second year. Another point of interest, and one which was entirely unanticipated, is the way that a proportion of the entrants, which was recruited via the Professional and Executive Register, obviously viewed the generalist study in a course such as this as a means of career reorientation, as well as a route back into Higher Education. All these points have served to vindicate the open policy operated in the selection of students joining the course.  相似文献   

艺术体操作为高校体育系教学大纲必修课内容,于近几年才开始施行,但到目前为止,尚无统一的教材。本文根据历年来的教学研究和实践,就如何进行教材选编和课的安排,谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

外文赠书论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外文赠书工作10年,对节约经费、补充外文馆藏发挥了较大作用。由于图书馆外文书刊采购经费持续短缺,自采书刊量减缩,以亚基会赠书为主要来源的外文赠书所占比例不断上升。对外文赠书质量和效益的评估证明,今后相当时期内仍需加强该项工作,进一步发挥赠书的优势,并克服其局限和不足,同时采取其它必要措施,以保证教学科研所需最基本的外文文献资料。  相似文献   

《电工技术》、《电子技术》课程(原《电工学》)是高等理工科大学本科非电类专业一门重要的实践性很强的技术基础课,实验教学是本课程教学中的重要环节,本文从目前《电工技术》、《电子技术》课程实验教学的实际出发,遵从国家教委课程指导委员会对课程的要求,全面阐述了《电工技术》、《电子技术》课程实验教学的改革思路和措施。  相似文献   

针对数据库原理课程的教学中存在的教学方法陈旧、理论与实践教学脱节等问题,以培养学生学以致用、提高教学质量为出发点,结合应用型本科院校数理学院学生的专业特点对数据库原理课程的理论教学和实践教学两个环节的教学改革措施进行了探讨,并提出了一些教学改革建议。  相似文献   

Studies which purport to demonstrate the adverse effects of television on the behaviour and moral standards of young people are consistent in that they refer to the media in isolation. It is frequently forgotten that television is merely one of many cues available to the child. Parents, peers and the demand characteristics of situations are more important as determiners of our social behaviour.

Experimental studies have demonstrated, however, that some children are more prone to be influenced by television than others, variables such as intelligence and the lack of a specific competence being of importance. Experiments are discussed which demonstrate that the extent of a child's pre‐experience affects the amount he is influenced by filmed models, and also that working‐class children are more influenced than their middle‐class counterparts because of their more limited experiences. It is suggested that a child's experiences “innoculate” him against the influence of television. Studies which show that children from relatively deprived home backgrounds are less able to fantasise and therefore are more vulnerable to the impact of television support the idea that the more deprived the child's own environment the greater the impact of television.  相似文献   

本文通过巴赫金的对话原理及功能语言学家Halliday的语言人际功能原理研究广告语篇的对话性特征。通过对广告语料的分析,探讨广告主与目标受众之间的广告对话的主要表现方法。  相似文献   

approach are advantageous in a rapidly changing health care system where managed care and integrated services are of increasing importance. A statewide Geriatric Education Center, in cooperation with faculty from multiple disciplines at a state-supported major medical college and other nationally known experts in this area, developed a graduate level distance learning course to enhance awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary teaming. Evaluation results documented an increase in the skills important to effective interdisciplinary team functioning. Greater improvements in attitude toward health care teams occurred among students employed in jobs where they worked primarily with older adults. Pre-training and post-training motivational differences were also found to distinguish students engaged in direct care, geriatric employment. Results are discussed in relation to other evaluation studies in this area and the advances likely to be documented with increased recognition of the benefits in employing geriatric interdisciplinary teams.  相似文献   

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