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全球气候变化已成为国际社会关注的热点,特别是温室气体的排放已成为各国关注的焦点。温室气体并不仅仅是二氧化碳、臭氧、甲烷、氮氧化物,还有其它碳氢化合物,但主要是二氧化碳。温室气体排放所带来的影响已严重制约着全球经济的发展。  相似文献   

Environmental degradation caused by rapid urbanization is a pressing global issue.However,little is known about how urban changes operate and affect environment...  相似文献   

依托数字城市技术 创建城市管理新模式   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
为落实科学发展观,应对我国城市快速发展、规模不断扩大的形势,北京市东城区委和区政府,于2004年4月成立了以区委书记陈平为组长的“依托数字城市技术创建城市管理新模式”项目组;从更新城市管理理念入手,以应用和需求为导向,综合集成计算机、互联网、地理信息系统和无线通信等多种现代信息技术,邀请包括中国科学院在内的信息技术和管理方面的专家、教授参加新模式的研究、设计和实施,于2004年10月初步完成了“依托数字城市技术创建城市管理新模式”的建设。该项目彻底解决了城市管理中的一些深层次难题,对推进我国城市管理现代化有重要意义。作为数字城市电子政务,以信息化促进结构性调整的一个成功范例,中国科学院院士陈述彭、中国工程院院士崔俊芝、李京文特予推荐,并建议关注该项目推广应用中的体制、机制、技术和产业化等共性问题。  相似文献   

In scholarly debates, Ludwik Fleck's post-war paper 'Problemy naukoznawstwa [Problems of the Science of Science]', published in 1946, has been taken unanimously to illustrate the epistemology expounded in his monograph Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. The paper has also been seen to support parts of the received view of Fleck, notably that he manufactured an anti-typhus vaccine while imprisoned in Buchenwald. However, a different narrative emerges when comparing Fleck's paper with other accounts, also published in 1946 and written by other prisoners alluded to by Fleck in his paper. The situation is further complicated by four papers, published in prestigious scientific journals between 1942 and 1945, by the German medical leader of the typhus studies accounted for by Fleck. In addition, a thus-far neglected paper by Fleck, published in 1946 and summarizing his observations on typhus, discloses his role in the Buchenwald studies. Despite the obvious difficulties with tracing the history behind these works, notably the one on Nazi science, the contention is that what was attempted in Buchenwald in the name of science amounted to pseudoscience. This conclusion is amply supported not only by the accounts given by Fleck's fellow prisoners, but also by his own post-war paper on typhus. Based on the above findings, it is suggested that the mythology about Fleck, established in the 1980s, has been accomplished by a selective reading of his papers and also that the role played by Fleck was more complex than has so far been contemplated.  相似文献   

随着城市化的快速发展,城镇空间结构演化引起越来越多学者的关注。以西北干旱区内蒙古巴彦浩特为例,重点分析其城镇规模、空间结构及形态的演变过程及动力机制。20世纪80年代以前,巴彦浩特城镇空间扩展缓慢,新着新区的建设,城市进入快速发展阶段,其用地扩张主要表现为新区用地的不断蔓延,老城区则由于受到地形条件限制及经济中心的转移影响,发展速度相对缓慢。从总体上看,巴彦浩特城区空间遵循“先主要道路两侧发展,后地块内部建设”的发展规律。城镇空间演变是多种因素共同作用的结果,主要表现为政府层次、经济层次与社会层次3个方面。在不同发展阶段,各种动力的作用效果是存在差异的。经济发展是最基本的动力,政府调控是重要的因素,对巴彦浩特而言,有时甚至是最重要的。交通因素的影响效果目前还不明显。  相似文献   

詹湘东 《科技管理研究》2005,25(2):70-72,64
传统的技术创新以实现经济增长为唯一目标,它体现在产品的研制、开发、生产与销售等各个环节和过程中,由于创新主体创新能力的差异,单一目标的技术创新造成了区域间经济社会发展的不平衡。区域创新系统是区域经济发展的主要动力,人们应以科学的发展现为指导,实施技术创新的生态化转向,保持自然生态与社会生态的稳定和协调发展。  相似文献   

文化生态:以一种对话的视野回救现代性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代性理论及其实践使人类以前所未有的动力和勇气摆脱了中世纪黑暗统治 ,从自然的束缚和封建专制统治的桎梏中解放出来。在科技革命的推引下 ,人类创造了丰富的物质文明、精神文明和制度文明 ,但同时也导致了个人利益至上主义、技术统治和温和的专制主义。在整个现代性过程中 ,人类在无休止地应付着身外之物的挑战 ,一味地向前而远离实存。与“回到古希腊”或“走出现代性”不同的是 ,我们需要重铸一个“对话性视野” ,从持守“非此即彼”的现代思维范式中走出来 ,“回救”现代性 ,“规劝”现代人 ,建构不同文明或各种文化因子竞相生长的合理的“文化生态”。  相似文献   

城市交通拥堵问题是我国城市化发展中亟待解决的问题,通过建立城市绿色交通系统动力学模型,分析造成城市交通拥堵的各因素之间的关系。以深圳市为例对城市绿色交通模型进行模拟仿真,结果发现私家车的保有量和机动车尾气存量的增加是城市交通拥堵和环境污染的重要驱动因素。限购政策、拥挤收费政策、限行政策通过影响私家车的保有量来控制城市机动车的出行量,从而降低汽车尾气排放,进而改善尾气造成的环境污染问题。同时,实行新能源补贴政策,提倡居民购买新能源车;改善公共交通基础设施,提倡乘坐公共交通出行。通过多种措施并举,才能建立结构优化、低污染的城市绿色交通体系。  相似文献   

When accessing an information retrieval system, it has long been said that undergraduates who are in an exploratory stage of researching their essay topic should use a high recall search strategy; what prevents them from doing so is the information overload factor associated with showing the undergraduate a long list of citations. One method of overcoming information overload is summarizing and visualizing the citation list. This paper examines five summarization and visualization schemes for presenting information retrieval (IR) citation output, then discusses whether these schemes are appropriate for undergraduates and other domain novice users. We ask and answer four questions: (1) What is the message these schemes try to communicate and (2) is this message appropriate for domain novice users like undergraduates? (3) How do these schemes communicate their message and (4) is how they communicate the message appropriate for a domain novice? We conclude that (i) the most appropriate message for information space visualizations for domain novice users is associative thinking, and (ii) the message should be communicated with a standardized look that remains relatively constant over time so that the shape and form of the visualization can become familiar and thus useful to students as they navigate their way through the information space produced by a high recall search strategy.  相似文献   

按照国家水利部“城市水务实时监控与信息系统建设指导意见”的指导思想。从海口市排水系统的现状出发,对海口市城市水务排水实时监控与信息系统建设的原则和目标,监测点位和项目设置,构成设计.模块设计,软硬件配置,数据传输网络等方面进行研究。  相似文献   

基于宁波市城镇低效用地数据,在县域、镇域尺度上运用标准差椭圆、核密度两种空间分析方法,计量研究不同类型城镇低效用地的空间格局。结果表明:宁波市各类型城镇低效用地整体分布广泛,局部相对集中,分布趋势皆为"西北—东南"向;宁波市城镇低效用地中旧厂矿与总体相似,都只在余姚中部出现一个高度集聚中心,呈现出"一核一带"的分布格局;旧城镇与旧村庄在余慈—中心城区—鄞奉轴线上出现若干高度集聚中心,并在市域范围内存在众多次级集聚中心,呈现出"多核多点"的分布格局。  相似文献   

Climate change and increased urban population are two major concerns for society. Moving towards more sustainable energy solutions in the urban context by integrating renewable energy technologies supports decarbonizing the energy sector and climate change mitigation. A successful transition also needs adequate consideration of climate change including extreme events to ensure the reliable performance of energy systems in the long run. This review provides an overview of and insight into the progress achieved in the energy sector to adapt to climate change, focusing on the climate resilience of urban energy systems. The state-of-the-art methodology to assess impacts of climate change including extreme events and uncertainties on the design and performance of energy systems is described and discussed. Climate resilience is an emerging concept that is increasingly used to represent the durability and stable performance of energy systems against extreme climate events. However, it has not yet been adequately explored and widely used, as its definition has not been clearly articulated and assessment is mostly based on qualitative aspects. This study reveals that a major limitation in the state-of-the-art is the inadequacy of climate change adaptation approaches in designing and preparing urban energy systems to satisfactorily address plausible extreme climate events. Furthermore, the complexity of the climate and energy models and the mismatch between their temporal and spatial resolutions are the major limitations in linking these models. Therefore, few studies have focused on the design and operation of urban energy infrastructure in terms of climate resilience. Considering the occurrence of extreme climate events and increasing demand for implementing climate adaptation strategies, the study highlights the importance of improving energy system models to consider future climate variations including extreme events to identify climate resilient energy transition pathways.  相似文献   

界定了资源型城市产业系统持续性的内涵及影响因素,从产业系统总量、结构、经济效益和资源环境4个方面构建了产业系统持续性评价指标体系.运用模糊综合评价法对盘锦市产业系统持续性进行评价.结果表明,1998—2007年盘锦市产业系统持续性经历了"上升—下降—上升"的变化过程.通过灰色关联分析对产业系统持续性影响因素的贡献度计算,表明产业系统结构和产业经济效益是影响产业系统持续性的最主要的2个指标,产业结构因素是产业系统持续性变化的关键变化因子.  相似文献   

文化因素在经济发展中的作用受到普遍重视的情境下,中小企业发展的地域"根植性"也备受关注。特殊的地理环境、经济模式和社会心理决定了甘肃地域文化的传统性、封闭性和超稳定性,也使得甘肃中小企业文化深深地烙上了地域文化的印记。甘肃中小企业文化的变革,应当在地域文化生态的优化及企业文化与社会文化的互动中探寻新的路径。  相似文献   

Urban planning and morphology have relied on analytical cartography and visual communication tools for centuries to illustrate spatial patterns, conceptualize proposed designs, compare alternatives, and engage the public. Classic urban form visualizations – from Giambattista Nolli’s ichnographic maps of Rome to Allan Jacobs’s figure-ground diagrams of city streets – have compressed physical urban complexity into easily comprehensible information artifacts. Today we can enhance these traditional workflows through the Smart Cities paradigm of understanding cities via user-generated content and harvested data in an information management context. New spatial technology platforms and big data offer new lenses to understand, evaluate, monitor, and manage urban form and evolution. This paper builds on the theoretical framework of visual cultures in urban planning and morphology to introduce and situate computational data science processes for exploring urban fabric patterns and spatial order. It demonstrates these workflows with OSMnx and data from OpenStreetMap, a collaborative spatial information system and mapping platform, to examine street network patterns, orientations, and configurations in different study sites around the world, considering what these reveal about the urban fabric. The age of ubiquitous urban data and computational toolkits opens up a new era of worldwide urban form analysis from integrated quantitative and qualitative perspectives.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,城市竞争优势的建立与当地知识产权的发展状况有着愈来愈紧密的联系.以广州市创建国家知识产权示范城市为基本时段,对广州市知识产权工作中存在的问题进行了深入具体地分析,并在此基础上提出了相应的措施.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between patenting activity and the population size of metropolitan areas in the United States over the last two decades (1980-2001). We find a clear superlinear effect, whereby new patents are granted disproportionately in larger urban centers, thus showing increasing returns in inventing activity with respect to population size. We characterize this relation quantitatively as a power law with an exponent larger than unity. This phenomenon is commensurate with the presence of larger numbers of inventors in larger metropolitan areas, which we find follows a quantitatively similar superlinear relationship to population, while the productivity of individual inventors stays essentially constant across metropolitan areas. We also find that structural measures of the patent co-authorship network although weakly correlated to increasing rates of patenting, are not enough to explain them. Finally, we show that R&D establishments and employment in other creative professions also follow superlinear scaling relations to metropolitan population size, albeit possibly with different exponents.  相似文献   

中国的农业创新:寿光案例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂俊  吴贵生 《科研管理》2004,25(6):63-69
本文结合技术创新理论,对寿光蔬菜产业创新过程进行考察,提出“四冲程”农业创新过程模式,试图探讨农业技术创新过程的特征和规律。  相似文献   

The changing and challenging conditions of the 21st century have been significantly impacting our economy, society and built and natural environments. Today generation of knowledge, mostly in the form of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and arts, is seen as a panacea for the adaptation to changes and management of challenges. Making space and place that concentrate on knowledge generation, exchange, and marketing has become a priority for many nations. Consequently, the concept of knowledge city is coined at the beginning of the century and since then it is widely researched and practiced. This paper aims to scrutinise and provide a clear understanding on the evolution of knowledge city research and practice. As the methodological approach, the study employs systematic review of the knowledge city empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals. The findings shed light on the emerging patterns, identify research and practice gaps, and point out research directions to advance the field.  相似文献   

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