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由于我国劳动法主体资格规定的模糊及相关法律法规的缺失,在校大学生在兼职过程中劳动权益受到损害的比例很大,对此应当在明确区分兼职、勤工俭学与实习等概念的基础上,借鉴国外做法,将进入劳动关系的兼职大学生纳入劳动法保护范围,使其享受最低工资、工伤保险等劳动保障,同时加强高校兼职管理部门建设并加大相关法律宣传力度。  相似文献   


Part-time teachers form a growing proportion of the global Higher Education (HE) workforce. Their backgrounds can vary from Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) teaching for the first time, to practitioners bringing workplace experience into HE and sessional teachers, all with differing professional development needs. This paper builds on previous research to consider structures and practices promoting sustainable, effective professional development for part-timers, to propose proactive holistic professional development, and raise institutional awareness of the challenges of reaching part-timers. A case study exploring the lived experiences of part-time staff illustrates key features of part-timers’ preparation for their current work and future aspirations.  相似文献   

The fastest-growing group in postsecondary education is part-time faculty. The authors examine why the number of part-time faculty has increased so rapidly and then discuss some of the problems that part-timers face. Part-timers are increasing in academe, and administrators need to treat and evaluate them effectively and fairly. The authors recommend mentoring, job security, compensation, and self-worth as ways to improve performance.  相似文献   

Hidden careerists in Canadian universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our Canadian national survey 1991–92 reveals significantly different profiles of two types of part-time academics: those who have full-time non-academic jobs (Classics 34.5%) and those who only have part-time jobs (Contemporaries 65.5). The two groups have distinct reasons for teaching part-time, structure of work needs, and priorities of motivations that characterize Contemporaries as the real part-time faculty. They differ from Classics in their professional profile and work needs. Contemporaries have chosen the academic profession as their career. Routinization and degradation of part-timers' work, and feminization (53% are women Contemporaries) of real part-timers, camouflage their careerist aspirations.  相似文献   

英国职业教育中的兼职教师   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兼职教师在英国继续教育学院已经是一个具有相当规模的、不容忽视的群体。本文介绍了当前英国继续教育学院兼职教师的现状,从兼职教师的规模、年龄结构、岗位类型、待遇收入、培训与持证情况等方面出发,对继续教育学院兼职教师特点进行了系统的分析,研究了大量使用兼职教师的原因以及兼职教师聘用与管理中存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   


This article is devoted to a phenomenon of increasing relevance in contemporary higher education in the UK-the growing resort, especially noticeable since the early 1980s, to using part-time adjunct teachers for the performance of conventional teaching duties. It offers a typology to comprehend the variety of such teachers, including many who are not individually enumerated by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), and it discusses two distinctive employment relationships that differentiate between part-timers. It describes some of the existing studies of part-time teachers in UK higher education, as well as drawing analogies to the better-developed North-American literature on the equivalent topic there. The article also describes a telephone survey conducted in mid-/late-1997 among personnel officers in an achieved sample of 22 'old' and 'new' institutions in order to ascertain information on the approximate numbers of particular types of part-timer at each institution and on the terms and conditions of their employment. It presents information on the relative prevalence of various types of part-time teacher according to type of university (including whether 'old' or 'new' sector) and to further institutional characteristics. It discusses, on the basis of the collected data, sector-specific employment practices concerning part-time teachers and, from information about the terms of their employment, it assesses the degree of their contractual disadvantage in relation to conventional full-time staff.  相似文献   

Part-time workers have become a visible and noticeably larger component of the labor force in recent years. From an economic perspective, relative compensation changes may be a major factor determining the growth of the part-time sector. Yet, surprisingly little has been done to explore the effects of these changes on the relative rates of growth in part- and full-time labor markets. In part, this is because of the difficulty in obtaining data on the compensation paid to part-timers. In this paper, we suggest a methodology for deriving such data through statistical estimation and use survey data of over 2,100 institutions of higher education, conducted by the American Association of University Professors.  相似文献   

More than one-third of all Canadian faculty are part-timers who contribute significantly to academic work while consuming only marginally universities' economic resources. Mythical images of their temporariness in the workforce obfuscate the differences of career aspiration and motivation within the group. Two factors render them invisible or hidden academics: one rooted in the economics of the university system and the second in the ideological structures of academic practices and traditions. In the political economy of universities the relentless drive to manage enrolment, finances, and teaching costs has resulted in a bureaucratic rationalization of the academic workload and a bifurcated academic labour force hierarchically split into full- and part-time faculties with radically different work processes and treatment within universities. Part-timers are now a permanent and low-cost academic workforce, producing a surplus value transferable within the university to compensate for what would otherwise be fiscal shortfall. Degradation of certain workprocesses by rationalizing and de-professionalizing certain academic functions legitimized the academic workforce split in relative pay and job characteristics, which reinforces the evident feminization of the part-time faculty.  相似文献   

One focus of gender equity policies in universities has been the creation of ‘retention’ part-time work for professional staff, which allows employees to move between full-time and part-time hours at their request. This paper examines whether such ‘good’ part-time jobs can contribute to or at least not impede women’s career advancement. The paper examines the correlation between job classification and part-time work, and whether a period of part-time work acts as a significant ‘brake’ on a woman’s career trajectory. This study uses data from the 2011 Work and Careers in Australian Universities survey. Part-time work is used extensively by lower-classified women, but rarely by those in higher classifications. Part-time work stalls career advancement compared to working full-time, but this brake is reduced if a woman transitions back to full-time work.  相似文献   

This paper examines current part-time mature learners’ views on the potential impact upon future students as full fees are introduced from 2012. It investigates the problems which part-time mature learners may face with the advent of student loans and subsequent debt, given that they are usually combining complex lives with their studies, with less time to repay any loan in their working lifetime. Despite government rhetoric about the need to increase participants from these groups, most advice and guidance has focused on the traditional full-time market, with little being done to investigate the views of part-time mature learners or to provide appropriate support for them from 2012 onwards.

The views have been gathered through focus group discussions with students in a traditional English university and four of its further education partner colleges via online forums. Resultant data have been analysed to look at emerging themes, which can be summarised as: relief that the respondents had avoided the new fee regime; lack of understanding about current funding; fear that their families would suffer and taking a loan would somehow be a ‘selfish’ strategy; fear that graduate employment would still elude them; fear that their age would mean that they would never be able to repay the debt; a perception that the new regime would generate ‘extra’ money for universities which would be reflected in increased contact hours and wariness about the generous repayment terms currently offered because a change of government could signal new policies and processes.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Canada-wide survey of women engineers has provided a wealth of detailed information about a still small, but rapidly growing, minority within the profession. A major source of satisfaction of these women is the interest and variety of the work they do and for which they are financially rewarded on the same scale as men. Few wives earn salaries equivalent to those of their husbands, but women engineers do. This fact may account at least in part for the egalitarian nature of their marriages. With two professional salaries coming into the household, it is possible to engage competent and reliable assistants. The proportion of women engineers who have household employees, either full-time or on a part-time basis, is many times greater than for Canadian women in general. The ability of women engineers to divide their time between family and profession seems to maximize the satisfaction they derive from each. Their use of continuing education to maintain continuity of professional interests during their short periods out of full-time employment as engineers shows careful planning and individual ingenuity. In spite of occasional instances of unfairness or perceived discrimination by an individual, women engineers report a high level of satisfaction with the profession they have chosen. Many wrote at length about why they would recommendit to other women who want an interesting, challenging, and rewarding career. They say that engineering is a great profession—especially for a woman!  相似文献   

This article first describes the several types of part-time teacher in higher education in the United Kingdom and laments the paucity of data about them. It discusses how the Higher Education Statistics Agency [HESA] was founded and the extent of its coverage of part-time academic staff, focusing specifically upon how the criterion for submission of an individual staff record was developed and the implications of this criterion for enumerating the numbers and use of part-time teachers. Then are presented approximate survey-derived estimates of the numbers of various types of part-time teacher in United Kingdom higher education. There may be as many as 75,000 teaching positions, and probably more, in six particular categories of part-time teacher and it is suggested that perhaps 50,000 of the persons performing this work are not individually enumerated by HESA. Various reasons are suggested why many institutions might have been reluctant to compile full data on their part-time teaching staff, before a conclusion is given which stresses how contemporary developments in employment law are making it increasingly incumbent upon institutions to have adequate data on all their teaching staff, including those employed on different types of part-time basis.  相似文献   

For some people, a part-time job is merely an intermediate state that serves as a stepping stone to further employment and makes labour market integration easier. Yet, part-time work also appears in highly unstable careers. The present research aims to determine the role of part-time employment for young people with non-university studies. Using the Survey on Transition from Education/Training and Labour Market Integration (ETEFIL-2005), we build the monthly sequence of labour states for young people from when they finish their non-university studies until the time of the survey. The analysis allows us to conclude that part-time work is fairly atypical in the early stages of a career but that those who have part-time jobs spend quite a long time in them. In addition, we identify several patterns in the use of part-time work, the ‘integrative’ pattern proving to be the most prevalent. Factors such as education and early preferences are seen to have a major impact on career paths.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, in Australia and overseas, there has been a steady growth in the numbers of part-time research students. It is possible to view this as substantially a product of "creeping credentialism" following from the previous growth in part-time coursework Masters degrees. However, research degrees are a different kind of credential and program to coursework degrees. They are not only about research training-- in the sense of teaching people how to conceptualise, plan, undertake, analyse and communicate research--but they are also "tested" by the candidate's production of some new and significant knowledge (especially in doctorates). Therefore, unlike coursework degrees, some new public "good" is created and added to the "stock of knowledge". Common criticisms of the "traditional" PhD research degree, in Australia and overseas, are that it is (now) too narrow and specialised for either the graduate or their research findings to be of utility beyond their specialism, the graduates are limited in their communication and workplace skills, and their employment opportunities are relatively weak, especially given the high costs of their research degrees. However, the rise of part-time candidature and of professional doctorates--commonly involving research in workplaces or professions-- suggests that, if this criticism is valid, it would be unlikely to be valid for part-time PhDs and professional doctorates. This article analyses these criticisms in relation to the ways in which part-time research students are positioned within the knowledge economy. It makes an argument for a greater understanding and analysis of the impact and benefits of part-time doctoral students to the knowledge economy and the public good.  相似文献   

勤工助学的大学生遭受侵权的情况严峻:大部分低于最低工资标准,且时被拖欠;超时工作严重;扣押现金或证件;不良中介诈骗;工伤事故的风险.造成大学生屡遭侵权背后的无奈原因是:法律保障的空白;缺乏有效的监管、维权机制;勤工助学组织不完善;供过于求,竞争激烈;学生社会阅历浅,法律意识薄弱,缺乏维权意识.防止大学生勤工俭学活动遭侵权的对策是健全保障机制:(1)部分勤工助学活动应纳入劳动法律规范的调整对象.(2)应出台专门的《勤工助学法》,规定劳动部门是勤工助学的政府管理机构,负责勤工助学市场的管理;参照《劳动法》,规定勤工助学的工作时间及勤工助学的最低工资标准,规定工作种类和劳动强度限制等合法权益;明确各高校勤工助学中心的职责和要求,创建畅通的维权渠道.(3)为推动勤工助学活动的健康发展,可制定减免雇用大学生的企业、个体户的相关所得税的规定,以鼓励商家聘请大学生的积极性.(4)加强大学生安全、法律知识教育,让大学生用法律武器维护自已的合法权益. 保障机制:(1)部分勤工助学活动应纳入劳动法律规范的调整对象.(2)应出台专门的《勤工助学法》,规定劳动部门是勤工助学的政府管理机构,负责勤工助学市场的管理;参照《劳动法》,规定 工助学的工作时间及勤工助学的最低工资标准,规定工作种类和劳动强度限制等合法权益;明确各高校勤工助学中心的职责和要求,创建畅通的维权渠道.(3)为推动勤工助学活动的健康发展,可制定减免雇用大学生的企业、个体户的相关所得税的规定,以鼓励商家聘请大学生的积极性.(4)加强大学生安全、法律知识教育,让大学生用法律武器维护自已的合法权益. 保障机制:(1)部分勤工助学活动应纳入劳动法律规范的调整对象.(2)应出台专门的《勤工助学法》,规定劳动部门是勤工助学的政府管理机构,负责勤工助学市场的管理;参照《劳动法》,规定 工助学的工作时间及勤工助学的最低工资标准,规定工作种类和劳动强度  相似文献   

Men and women who held a full-time appointment at lecturer level and above in Australian universities in 1988 were compared in terms of the career paths they had followed, geographic mobility, domestic responsibilities, work roles, and levels of performance as an academic. Women had more often spent a period outside the workforce or in part-time employment due to childcare responsibilities. They more frequently had followed their partners to another city or country, they more often had been a tutor (a non-tenurable position) before becoming a lecturer. The survey indicated that substantially more women than men pursuing a full-time career as an academic were combining substantial household labour and childcare with employment. However, even when number of children and ages of children were considered, there were no differences between men and women in self-rated performance in such academic roles as research, teaching, and administration. The results are discussed with reference to the question of why in numerical terms there have been so few women academics in Australian universities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the motivations and outcomes for mature students who study part-time in higher education (HE) in the UK. Although many students in HE are mature part-time learners, they have not been the specific focus of much research or policy interest. In-depth narrative interviews were carried out with 18 graduates who had studied part-time at a university college specialising in part-time provision. The sample was drawn from a quantitative survey of 1539 graduates concerning their motivations for studying and the benefits derived. Researchers could therefore choose respondents on the basis of previously reported outcomes of study and on other life course information, which was included in the survey. The paper reports a wide range of motivations and outcomes, which are regarded as forms of capital, and illustrates how studying part-time as a mature student can have a profound effect on people’s lives.  相似文献   

This study investigated the sense of belonging of part-time students through interviews with 53 novice or experienced students enrolled in part-time programmes in Hong Kong. It was found that students were more easily able to affiliate with their class groups or teaching staff than with their department or university. Seven methods are suggested for promoting a sense of belonging. Class cohesiveness can be developed through learning activities and maintaining classes as a cohort. Relationships with teaching staff can be developed through encouraging interaction, providing good quality teaching and making a positive initial impression. There was also evidence that a sense of belonging was more likely to develop if enrolment was through departments and part-time students had access to resources and facilities. The data showed that promoting a sense of belonging contributed to better quality learning outcomes and increased the chances of students completing programmes.  相似文献   

There is a need for a questionnaire designed specifically to evaluate taught postgraduate (TPg) awards for quality assurance or enhancement purposes. Comparison of undergraduate and TPg awards suggests that as the former have broadened their ambit to better nurture generic graduate attributes, TPg awards have concentrated on advanced specialised knowledge and skills. Those enrolling in TPg programmes are often mature part-time students working in a field associated with the subject studied. A set of interviews with TPg students revealed that they had clear expectations of the knowledge and skills they were expected to acquire from their studies and were able to comment critically on curriculum design. This made it clear that instruments designed for undergraduate degrees would not be suitable. Therefore, a TPg questionnaire was designed based on a model derived from a qualitative study, which adopted a grounded theory approach to collect views from 21 part-time TPg students from seven programmes offered by six institutions in Hong Kong. The conceptual model underpinning the questionnaire design was tested using structural equation modelling. As the results showed a good fit to the data, the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed. Use of the instrument in a routine quality assurance exercise across a university revealed that results from the questionnaire were highly diagnostic, so providing constructive feedback for curriculum reform.  相似文献   

随着社会竞争日趋激烈,大学生就业形势日益严峻,面临着高校收费体制改革和用工单位对工作经历青睐的双重压力,越来越多的在校大学生利用课余时间走出校园,走入社会,从事兼职工作。调查发现,师范院校大学生参与兼职存在兼职大学生的正当权益得不到保障、兼职渠道较少、兼职种类单一、兼职的目的性不强、兼职与自身专业相关程度较低等问题。文章应用成因分析从国家、学校和学生自身三个层面寻找解决问题的对策,使每个兼职大学生都能在兼职过程中有所收获、提升自我。  相似文献   

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