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Mathematics is an important aspect of daily life. Basic numeracy skills are needed to accomplish everyday tasks. However, research regarding the relationship between cognitive ability, mental age, and basic numeracy skills for children with intellectual disability (ID) is scarce. This research study investigated the correlation between intellectual ability and the development of number sense and arithmetic abilities in individuals with ID. Thirty-two students from a special school for individuals with ID in Singapore participated in this research study. Based on the results, basic numeracy is more closely correlated to the mental ages of the students than their intelligence quotient. This finding will be discussed and suggestions for future research will be provided.  相似文献   

当前幼儿教育的理论与实践都存在着过度依赖心理学而相对忽视社会学、文化学等倾向。这种倾向在强调幼儿教育科学化的同时,忽略了幼儿作为特定时期特定地域的群体的文化存在——作为群体的幼儿,受种种宏观和微观环境的影响,表现出具有一定稳定性和普遍性的行为与价值观念。因此,对幼儿的生存状况进行文化学的研究,可以从更广泛和更具有批判性的角度,帮助我们省思教育和幼儿之间的关系。  相似文献   

The literature reflects that numerous factors impact a young child's ability to have playmates and develop friendships. This in turn can influence health, happiness, and stability throughout life. Social relationships may be enhanced through a youngster's efforts and those of caring adults, especially teachers, parents, and other caregivers. Two checklists are provided, one to assist when observing and recording a child's personal behaviors and another to aid adults with the self-assessment of their child guidance techniques. These results are beneficial to those who teach, guide, train, and provide other essential experiences for children.  相似文献   

The theory of the multiple intelligences are discussed in relation to working with young children and young children with disabilities. A rationale for the use of the multiple intelligences is discussed as well as practical suggestions on how they can be incorporated into early childhood programs.  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative study on young Korean immigrant children’s interpretation of American popular culture, this paper reflects on the researchers’ role by examining the research challenges faced. Prior to discussing the research obstacles in conducting the study, we begin with briefly describing its methodology and design. Next, we discuss the various obstacles we encountered when conducting our study and howwe attempted to overcome these dilemmas by discussing two major struggles during the research process: a) the relationships between the researchers and our young participants, and b) the cultural sensitivity that was needed in initially gaining permission from and working with the parents of our informants. It then illuminates how the researchers attempted to cope with such difficulties by rethinking a researchers’s role emphasizing the importance of cultural context in research. Finally, the paper provides some discussions and implications based on our research experiences.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of nonfiction as a powerful antecedent for success in the types of reading required later on in the intermediate grades. Recent trends in informational (nonfiction) books, values of bringing together young children, and informational books and criteria for selecting high quality informational books are identified. Several question types are highlighted and incorporated into three strategies for bringing together young children, informational books, and questions. Also, a bibliography of high quality informational books is provided.  相似文献   

This article examines research on television violence and links violence to specific programs commonly watched by young children. Although there are some who try to disprove any connection between television and aggresive behavior, there is evidence to suggest that such linkages do exist.  相似文献   

从建构主义理论出发,结合当前外语教学中较为普遍存在的问题,提出了对低龄儿童学习外语更为有效的教学方法——“双向马蹄型”法,该法对于激发其学习兴趣,调动其学习动机,培养主动精神、团队精神和创造精神以及提高其表达能力都能起到十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

A developmental approach to the curriculum for young children takes into account the principle that what children should learn, and how they can best learn, changes with their age and the experience that comes with age. Several principles of practice emerge from this basic developmental principle. For example, as children grow older, what they learn changes from horizontal to greater vertical relevance. Similarly, the younger the learner, the more is learned through interactive and active processes rather than through passive and receptive processes. In addition, the younger the learner, the greater the urgency of helping them acquire basic social competence, which is very difficult to acquire later on. These developmental principles of practice imply that a curriculum for young children should include the opportunity to work in small groups on extended investigations of real phenomena in the children's own environments.  相似文献   

黄冈革命老区"留守幼儿"现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
留守幼儿,即父母双方或一方流动到其他地区,自己留守在户籍所在地并因此不能和父母双方共同生活的6周岁及以下的未入小学的儿童。从全国来看,留守幼儿群体数量庞大、主要集中于贫穷落后的农村地区。他们大多具有生活隐患较多、生存状况不佳等问题。目前社会各界对留守幼儿群体未给予足够的重视与同情。我们必须加强对留守幼儿这一特殊群体的研究,聚集社会各方面资源,努力提升他们的福利水平。  相似文献   

预防"留守幼儿"社会性发展异常的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
留守幼儿的数量日益攀升,他们社会性发展的异常表现及由此带来的各种不良影响逐渐被人们所发现和重视。家庭、幼儿园、政府与社会都应采取措施以保障留守幼儿社会性各方面的正常发展。  相似文献   

近年来,关于婴幼儿归纳推理能力的发展研究受到国际心理学界的重视,其中婴幼儿是否能够基于概念进行归纳推理是一个焦点问题。Mandler等人利用概括化模仿技术对婴儿的归纳推理进行了研究,发现:9-20个月的婴儿的归纳推理受到领域水平的概念类别所限制,是一个基于概念的过程;Gelman等人探讨了类别成员关系、语言标签、心理本质主义在幼儿的归纳推理中的作用,发现:2-4岁幼儿的归纳推理受基本水平的类别成员关系所限制,也是一个基于概念的过程。二者的分歧可以用语言的作用加以解释。  相似文献   

家庭教育中父母的缺失、隔代抚养的缺陷以及农村幼教发展滞后等使得留守幼儿的“留守”处境比学龄留守儿童更为艰难,“留守”给他们的发展带来更为不利的影响,他们是更“容易受伤害”的一个特殊群体,他们的利益急需得到关注。  相似文献   

特殊幼儿融合教育个案研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用个案研究法,通过观察记录、访谈记录、调查问卷、环境分析、教育建议与结果资料分析探讨成功的特殊幼儿融合教育经验,为特殊教育工作者、家长、幼儿园教师提供适当的建议。研究内容包括:特殊幼儿家长需求;普通幼儿家长对融合教育认识及需求;幼儿园教师对融合教育认识及需求;特殊幼儿与普通幼儿互动情况;特殊幼儿融合教育幼儿园所需支持辅助。提出几条建议:体制的保障,特殊教育师资培训,专业人员支持,家庭成员提供支持辅助。  相似文献   

本研究采用纵向实验研究的方法,在六个月的时间里,考察了51名三岁半不同语言能力幼儿错误信念理解与一般语言能力发展之间的关系。结果发现:在3岁半到4岁之间,汉语幼儿的错误信念理解能力发生了显著变化;语言能力超常组在错误信念任务上的表现显著好于普通语言能力组幼儿;幼儿错误信念理解能力和一般语言能力发展之间存在密切联系,但难以确定二者相互作用的方向。  相似文献   

The intent of this study was to examine young children’s perceptions of writing self-efficacy (Grades K–1). Most research studies find a significant relationship between self-efficacy and achievement in older students (Grades 4–16). Research has also shown that children are affected by personal perceived self-efficacy. Therefore, self-efficacy can affect young learners as well. There are few self-efficacy studies among young learners, especially kindergarten and first grade. This study was conducted to determine if young learners could describe their writing self-efficacy and, if so, how student perceptions compare to teachers’ and researchers’ perceptions.The data showed that participating students from kindergarten and first grade could describe their writing self-efficacy. Several characteristics of children with high and low writing self-efficacy are discussed. Comparisons between teachers’, researchers’, and children’s perceptions of writing self-efficacy showed consistency with 14 of the 18 student participants.  相似文献   

Teaching young children basic concepts of geography such as location, place, human–environment interaction, movement, and region is a great challenge. This article advocates literature-based instruction as a way of promoting geographic awareness in early childhood classrooms. Examples of children's picture books are given to show what early childhood teachers can do to make the five geographic concepts more concrete and understandable to young children via picture books.  相似文献   

4-5岁幼儿感数能力的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
感数指通过视觉迅速而准确地识别小数量集合数目(一般在3-6个项目以内)的能力。幼儿感数能力的发展水平在一定程度上反映幼儿数学认知能力的发展水平。本研究以4—5岁幼儿为研究对象,采取二因素混合实验设计,探究数量大小对学前儿童感数活动的影响及其感数能力发展的年龄特点。结果表明:(1)3以内的数量大小对感数成绩的影响差异不显著;当数目大于3时,数量大小对感数成绩的影响差异极显著。(2)当数目在3以内时,4岁和5岁幼儿感数成绩的年龄差异不显著;当数目在4和5时,两个年龄组感数成绩的年龄差异显著;当数目为6时,年龄对感数成绩的影响差异不显著。(3)感数能力具有后天发展的可能,应积极发挥早期教育的作用。  相似文献   

随着教育事业的发展,有特殊教育需要幼儿的入园人数已显著增长, 学前随班就读的一体化教育体制已成必须。虹口区十二所幼儿园就普通幼 儿园随班就读的管理、师资建设、评估与安置、教育策略等方面进行了随班就 读的教学实践研究,对幼儿园中如何进行特殊儿童的教育进行了探索,并讨 论了学前随班就读成功的原因以及所存在的问题。  相似文献   

Self, who we are and how we come to see ourselves, is increasingly viewed as the ongoing and changing story we tell about our lives. It is a story that begins in the early childhood years and that we actively construct out of the relational matrix of home, school, and community. Early childhood settings are crucial sites where young children construct stories of who they are in relation to others. Teachers play a meaningful role in guiding young children in constructing an ongoing sense of self in relation to others.  相似文献   

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