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2012年10月25日,著名文学史家、北京大学博士生导师洪子诚先生应嘉应学院文学院的邀请,给文学院的学生开设了一个有关阅读与阅读史的讲座。老先生结合自己的阅读经历,以通俗易懂、风趣幽默方式讲述有关阅读与阅读史的话题,同时对当下的阅读现象一针见血提出自己的看法,让在场的师生们于轻松欢乐的笑声中收获良多。现征得洪子诚先生本人同意,本期特刊发由文学院2013届学生张坚(已考取厦门大学硕士研究生)根据现场演讲录音整理(有删改)而成的文稿,以飨读者。  相似文献   

不管是克林顿的“美国阅读挑战”运动,还是现任总统布什的“阅读优先”方案,美国每位总统上任后,几乎都大力提倡阅读。据全美阅读评量结果显示,美国内陆地区几乎有70%的四年级学童不具备基本阅读能力。布什上任后,提出“不让任何一个孩子落在后面”的教育改革方案,并将“阅读优先”作为政策主轴,拨出50亿美元的经费,希望在5年内让美国所有学童在小学3年级以前具备基本阅读能力。布什夫人也推出“阅读、阅读再阅读”计划,提醒天下父母,必须在孩子童年时为他们铺设一条经由阅读而成功学习的道路。她促成德克萨斯州率先以州预算赞助学前幼儿阅…  相似文献   

阅读是人们获取信息的重要手段,是学习英语的主要任务之一,也是衡量英语语言综合能力高低的标准。本文主要是对教师如何培养小学生阅读能力的认读和理解能力进行观察,分析了提高小学生英语阅读能力培养的教学策略的有效性。  相似文献   


一、快乐阅读,增长见识,转变学生的个性 笔者班里有个学生Z,刚插班的时候真是着实把我们吓了一跳,不要说他的成绩了,就是他的言行,真的让人难以想像他就是一个才8岁的小孩儿,简直就是一社会小青年,读书对他来说简直就是混日子。这真是一大挑战,在这种寄宿制学校,家长几乎是一个学期才来看一次,  相似文献   

阅读,改变人的精神世界当代著名诗人汪国真先生有一首题为《读书》的诗:这是前人的智慧/这是未来的储备/这里有夕阳晚照/洞箫的长吹/这里有晨风拂柳/湖畔的明媚/此时,舒卷便是舒心/此刻,饮茶宛如寻醉/明镜从来不染尘/书本岂容落薄灰/何必皓首枉叹息/读是远见/不读是悔  相似文献   

这是日本学前教育系列丛书里的其中一本,由李季湄教授主编。这里指的“保育”,并非我们平常理解的保育,而更倾向于教师在一日生活所有环节中对幼儿生活及活动的组织与指导。作者提出的中心观点,就是要以游戏为主,并且通过幼儿在各种各样的游戏中的实践记录,帮助教师理解什么是以幼儿为主体的游戏,幼儿在游戏中能得到什么,什么样的游戏才是有效的,以及教师在其中的职责是什么等困扰教师的问题。同时,作者也希望教师学会记录,记录日常的各种小事,记录幼儿在游戏中的各种情况和表现,记录自己的教学反思,并能从中解读到儿童的思维与成长,从而不断深入了解和改善自己的工作。  相似文献   

贾琦 《贵州教育》2011,(3):23-32
写在复习前美国心理学者华尔特·B·科勒斯涅克“学习的外延与生活的外延相等。”这句话之所以受到普遍认同,乃在于它不仅体现了“学习的外延与生活的外延相等”的真谛,还突出了语文学科与生活紧密相关的特点。“语文学习的外延与生活的外延相等”的内涵是什么呢?首先它表述了我们语文教育观念,即消除学校与生活之间的“厚障壁”将师生从课本世界、  相似文献   

阅读威力无比,其乐无穷!从阅读中你可以获取宝贵的知识、有用的建议和成长的力量。阅读让你开拓视野,发展智力!阅读让你走上成功!让阅读成为你每天的习惯!让阅读成为你生活的一部分!成功将随之而来,一切将尽在掌握!  相似文献   

《英语课程标准》对高中学生阅读能力作出了明确的要求。教师应通过对阅读技巧的指点,阅读方法的训练,提高学生的英语阅读能力,从而达到全面提高学生综合运用英语的能力这一最终目的。  相似文献   


This article does exactly what the title suggests: It reads Derrida’s idea of close reading into Doug Lemov’s idea of close reading by close reading Lemov’s definition for close reading. Building on work that considers poststructural approaches in reading classrooms, I engage Lemov and Derrida in a conversation about the meaning and uses of reading as a classroom practice. This approach asks questions about who gets to read, where, and in what ways. Within this conversation, I aim to open new considerations of reading in classrooms in public schools in the U.S. The article concludes with some possibilities and risks of pursuing these ideas, focusing on the potential of new inquiries into the ‘right’ to read.  相似文献   


Reading self-concept is an important predictor of reading comprehension and vice versa. However, the mechanisms that are at work in this relation have yet to be identified. In line with the self-enhancement approach, we propose that in the reading domain, amount of reading, book choice (text difficulty and book length), and intrinsic reading motivation should function as mediating variables in the relation between reading self-concept and reading comprehension. We tested this hypothesis with longitudinal data gathered from N = 405 German students in Grades 7, 8, and 9. The results showed that reading self-concept had a positive effect on reading comprehension, intrinsic motivation, book length, and amount of reading. However, indirect paths between reading self-concept and reading comprehension were found only for intrinsic motivation, not for amount of reading or book choice. The results are discussed in the context of students’ reading comprehension development, and consequences for research and education are derived.


以游戏活动激发幼儿主动说的愿望,通过"花样式"阅读促进幼儿早期阅读的发展,帮助幼儿在人生的最初阶段学会阅读的方法、养成阅读的习惯。  相似文献   

Reading pedagogy is constantly an object of discussion and debate in contemporary policy and practice but is rarely a matter for historical inquiry. This paper reports from a recent study of the history of reading pedagogy in Australia and beyond. It focuses on a recurring figure in the historical record—the ‘reading lesson’. Presented as a distinctive trope, the reading lesson is traced in its regularity in and through the discourse of reading pedagogy, starting in 1930s Australia and moving back into 19th-century Europe, and with specific reference to the UK and the USA. Teaching reading is expressly identified as a moral project—something that, it can be argued, clearly continues into the present.  相似文献   

多角度,有创意地解读文本,是语文新课程阅读教学改革的一个方向,其实现的条件是:构建民主平等的师生关系,充分研究学生的阅读基础和经验;精选并恰当编排阅读文本;优化阅读教学过程,将学生教师,文本之间的对话落到实处;改进阅读评价,促进学生多角度,有创意的阅读。  相似文献   

阅读规律与阅读教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“披文入情”,熟读记诵;“以意逆志”,自得自求;博约相兼,“循序渐进”;“专心致志”,坚韧有恒,是我们的古人从长期汉语文教学实践中总结出来的阅读规律。它的应用曾为灿烂的华夏古代文明建设和华夏精英的育养做出重要贡献。它根源于中华民族心理特征和汉语的非形态性、汉字的表意性。它至今仍具有很大的实践价值。继承并发展它,将有效提高阅读教学水平,使语文教学早日摆脱少慢差费的困扰。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine Australian learning difficulties specialists’ knowledge about, and the use of, the term dyslexia. An online survey was constructed based on a current definition of, and evidence about, dyslexia and distributed to members of relevant professional associations. A total of 179 participants responded to the survey. Statistical tests were used to identify significant differences in questionnaire scores between a number of demographic subgroups which included special professional interest group, professional discipline, years of experience and engagement in reading-related university study. Results indicated that these Australian professionals all possess a similar and generally high level of accurate research-based knowledge about dyslexia and how to support individuals with significant reading issues. However, while affirming the relevancy of the term dyslexia in their professional work, most participants preferred another term and favoured a combination of words including reading, learning and the less pejorative term difficulty as opposed to disability. As the term dyslexia is commonly used by Australian educators, policy-makers, support organisation and parents to make decisions about the support individuals receive, an understanding of what is currently understood by this label is critical.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍和探讨阅读模式的相关理论研究,对几种交互性阅读模式进行了综述和评价,提出交互性阅读模式对阅读活动更具解释力,对指导英语学习者阅读更加科学有效的观点。英语教师在阅读教学中应科学运用交互性阅读模式,合理安排教学内容和组织教学活动,重视"自下而上"和"自上而下"这两个过程在阅读中的交互作用,既要引导学生读懂课文文字意义,又要激活学生的图式知识,最终达到对文本的深度理解和对相关主题知识的主动建构,提高阅读理解能力,同时增长知识,开拓视野。  相似文献   

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