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由于教学成效的显现是一个相当缓慢的长期过程,且不容易量化,因此,长期以来教学评价只是作为职称评价中的“陪衬品”,高校和教师都存在着重科研轻教学的倾向,导致了学校体育的实践与学校体育目标相背离。本文通过调查、访谈等方法,提出了构成教师教学评价的10个方面,其主要包括教学任务、学生评教、教学检查、教学监督、教学听课等方面;意在构建我国公共体育课教师教学评价模型,以促进我国高校公共体育课教师教学评价的科学发展。  相似文献   

公办高校法人治理结构及其建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国大多数高校创新能力不足的主要原因是没有建立现代高校法人制度。目前公办高校法人制度建设的主要任务,首先是依法规范政府与高校的所有权与管理权的关系,建立现代法律契约或委托代理关系;其次是健全高校内部的决策、执行与监督机制,确保高校中政治权利、行政权利和学术权利的平衡和制约,为高校的科研创新、人才培养创新和社会服务创新服务。  相似文献   

我国公立高校董事会制度研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国公立高校董事会制度研究的兴起有其特定的社会背景和现实要求.当前,校董会制度研究主要以产权、治理理论为视角,对校董会类型、校董会定位、校董会运行机制以及校董会存在的问题和对策五个大主题进行分析和考察,但研究中也存在一些不足,有待进一步拓展其内涵与视域.  相似文献   

尼日利亚私立大学的发展和困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在非洲各国高等教育体制变革的历程中,鼓励和促进私立大学的发展是一个共同的趋势。尼日利亚私立大学的发展,使其高等教育规模迅速扩大,也对改变尼日利亚高等教育财政体制产生了积极的影响。但由于尼日利亚没有形成与高等教育私有化相适应的体制和机制,私立大学的扩展和高等教育发展之间还没有形成良性互动,出现了一系列值得关注的现象。  相似文献   

英国大学治理结构的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国大学治理结构的演变表现为"牛桥"的"学者自治"、城市大学的"学者主导"、联合大学的"联邦制"、新大学的"共同治理"以及"92后大学"的"双会制"等五种模式。英国大学治理结构模式的变迁反映了特定历史阶段的社会需要、政治权威集团自身的需求以及大学自身的逻辑,大学治理结构的变革在实践上主要是从政府与大学两个方面进行。  相似文献   

本认为,目前高师院校所设置的新专业“公共事业管理”,不仅关系到该专业培养目标的定位问题,而见还关系到该专业今后的发展问题。为此,作主要从三个方面进行了讨论,并针对这一论题提出了一些建设性的意见,供决策部门参考。  相似文献   

以现代大学所面临环境的变化为切入点,根据委托代理理论和信息不对称理论,参照公司治理和现代大学研究的相关理论,系统探讨了现代大学治理的内涵、主体、客体、边界及模式,以为研究现代大学治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Presidential debate questions and the public agenda   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Presidential debates have become an institutionalized component of presidential campaigns. Debates have been shown to create learning in voters and are capable of influencing vote choices. Although candidates have some control over their utterances, questions, usually asked by journalists, have a strong influence on the topics candidates can address. It is fashionable to criticize the questions posed by journalists in these “joint press conferences.” This study adds a new twist to media agenda‐setting, providing empirical evidence on the question of whether voters’ issue interests influence the topics of journalists’ questions. Results show that the questions asked by journalists in debates do not reflect the public interest. We recommend that future debates eschew the use of journalists as sources of questions for presidential debates.  相似文献   

Although rectors of Mexican public universities play an important role in their institutions, we know very little about them. This article first describes the different election processes in Mexican public universities for selecting a rector. These varied processes reveal the ambiguity of the concept of “autonomy” as applied to rectors, focusing on the role and possible influence of public authorities despite the formal prohibition of such interference in the law. Second, the article presents a typology of four typical career trajectories for rectors before they are elected, analyzing their educational, academic, professional, administrative, and political backgrounds. These different paths to the position of rectors in different types of institutions have implications for public policy and university autonomy.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了我国高校住房制度改革的目标、方式、原则和形式,并将我国高校住房制度改革历程划分为提出、探索及建设、过渡、加速发展与转型阶段。随着经济的发展,我国高校住房制度矛盾逐渐由计划与市场的制度冲突转变为管理与治理的冲突;改革的政策工具经历由行政指令到产权界定、货币工具到金融工具、信息管理工具到多维的治理工具的综合运用;我国高校住房制度改革的目标由住房商品化向追求住房及相关资源的合理利用为目标,以“善治”的原则为指导,开掘改革的多元动力,拓宽改革的多层模式,运用治理理念进行我国高校的住房制度改革工具的创新,推动改革的不断发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of a study of faculty and university staff at two major universities in the Netherlands: the University of Amsterdam and the Free University of Amsterdam. I sought to understand how faculty viewed the role of the university in relationship to national and European goals promoting social cohesion and the integration of Islamic minorities in Dutch society. To a person, my informants were convinced that European universities did not, and should not, play a major role in promoting social cohesion. Some faculty members were merely indifferent to the problem and the university’s role; others were actively hostile to the idea that the university should address what was clearly, in their minds, a state political problem. The paper discusses the governance implications of promoting social cohesion within these challenging institutional contexts, by building social networks among students and reinterpreting traditional policies of pillarization.
Michael N. BastedoEmail:

惩罚性赔偿是一个较为特殊的责任制度。在我国的立法中有若干关于惩罚性赔偿的规定,但其具体适用还存在不少争议和缺陷。在分析惩罚性赔偿的性质、适用前提、赔偿数额以及与其他相关法律制度衔接当中所存在的问题的基础上,就惩罚性赔偿制度在我国的适用提出了一些具有可行的建议。  相似文献   

引进公共关系是发展高校成教工作的必然 ,高校成教工作者要认真研究公共关系的几个重要职能 ,并将其运用到实际工作中去 ,使高校成教工作有个新的发展。  相似文献   

公安高等院校实验教学环节是公安教育教学中的一个非常重要的组成部分,它直接关系到能否实现公安专业人才培养目标。目前,大多数公安高等院校对实验教学环节开始重视,但仍有部分公安高等院校并未构建相应的实验教学体系。本文立足公安高等院校教育的人才培养目标,阐述公安高等院校实验教学体系的构建,通过完善公安高等院校实验验学体系的构建,确保公安教育的实验教学质量。  相似文献   

The expansion and transformation of Malaysian universities have generated major changes in the nature of academic employment and the structure of academic promotion in higher education institutions. These changes have considerable implications, in particular for the policy and practice of academic promotion in the public universities. We argue that despite sharing one common grade and salary system, distinct and significant differences exist in the academic promotion systems of the public universities. Drawing on one recent study on the academic promotion process in Malaysian public universities to contextualise our discussion, this paper highlights the complexity in the promotion process in these institutions. It also discusses and articulates the attendant issues and challenging aspects of the academic promotion process. We argue that the interrelated issues and challenges, and certain academic practices and habits stemming from the pressure to gain a promotion are pervasive, and that they affect the academic value system and work culture. We conclude by asserting the importance of applying a consistent standard for promotion within a single salary system and that the academic promotion system in the public universities should ultimately affirm and communicate core academic values, and also aim at obtaining evidence of excellent accomplishments.  相似文献   

公共财政是以满足社会公共需要为目的的财政。目前财政存在的越位和缺位现象,严重影响了公共财政的建立。在市场经济迅猛发展的今天,构建公共财政基本框架已成为当务之急。必须遵循市场经济的一般原则,重塑财政支出结构,体现有所为有所不为,按照“比重适当,集散有度,收支合理,使用得当”的原则,建立起财政支出明显优化,国家财政和社会公共需要的保障能力明显增强,预算约束机制日趋完善,支出行为进一步规范,财政监督力度全面加强,资金使用效益不断提高的公共财政基本框架。  相似文献   

教授治校是一种源自于西方的大学内部管理模式,中国的大学教育在向西方学习的过程中,移植、借鉴了教授治校制度。它先是由北大开始,后来在清华大学被发扬光大,清华大学的教授治校制度能够长期延续和维持,是有其特定的历史情境和内在原因的。教授治校制度直到今天仍然是大学改革的方向。  相似文献   

Where members of governing bodies of universities stand in relation to their institution’s annual reports is discussed in the broader context of trends in university governance. Data were collected from members of the governing councils of New Zealand’s eight universities using questionnaire surveys in 1993 and 2001. During this interval, a marked improvement in the quality of these institutions’ reports occurred (Coy, D. and Dixon, K. (2004). British Accounting Review 3, 679–106). Issues explored include information used to govern and the equivocal roles of council members juxtaposed as they are between university participants and stakeholders. They are cast as strategic decision makers, holders of university senior management and other participants to account, and annual report publishers, and so publicly accountable persons. Findings include that annual reports provide valuable information for members to make decisions and hold their universities accountable; and that some shortcomings discerned by members in report qualitative characteristics and contents persist, despite seeming to be within the discretion of councils to address. Speculations about why this might be so are advanced, including for further investigation; and other suggestions for further research are put forward.  相似文献   

本文以分析总结世界公关事业的发展为背景,论述我国公关事业的发展。作者根据市场经济中也有计划的理论,对市场经济作了深层次的探讨,从而确立了中心论点;公关事业的发展虽始于市场自由经济,但不应局限于市场自由经济,需引入市场计划经济,引入非经济性质的社会组织。文中不仅指出发展公共关系事业并非资本主义的专利,而且对进一步发展我国社会主义公共关系事业,提出了较为具体的见解。  相似文献   

现阶段我国正处于社会发展的转型期、加速期,人民内部矛盾也进入高发期,群体性事件时有发生,传统社会管理模式不能适应新时期社会发展的特点是重要原因,因此,推进社会治理创新势在必行。完善市场经济体制、大力推进民主政治建设、培育具有批判精神和公共理性为特征的公民文化,促进我国公共领域建设,对于推进社会治理创新,建设社会主义和谐社会,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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