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Based on a 2009 national survey on college graduate employment in China, this article analyzes the relationship of college graduates’ place of work to their birthplace and where they attend college, using a conditional logit model. The findings indicate that graduates tend to stay to work in their birthplaces or places of study, controlling for economic, higher education, and personal characteristics. Graduates from Project 211 key universities and those with graduate degrees are more likely than non-211 graduates or bachelor or associate graduates to leave their birthplaces but stay to work in their places of study. To balance the distribution of college graduates and improve the efficiency of human resources, existing labor market segmentation should be broken down and more emphasis placed on the distribution of higher education.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题调查与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以经济发达的浙江地区大学生的就业状况为例,深入分析了其中存在的问题及其原因。笔者提出了解决这些问题的四条措施:一是引导大学生进一步转变就业观念;二是提高大学生的综合素质和就业能力;三是积极为大学生就业提供各种服务;四是齐抓共管,优化大学生就业环境。  相似文献   

试论高校开展职业指导的内容和方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着我国就业制度的改革,高校开展职业指导工作成为必然。高校要以择业指导、就业指导、创业指导以及就业后的跟踪指导与服务等为内容,开设职业指导课程,开展职业咨询,建立学生个人职业档案,进行学科职业指导渗透.组织职业体验。要利用多种途径强化职业指导,并构建学校职业指导网络,为毕业生顺利就业,实现人——职匹配创造有利条件。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article addresses the impact of social capital on college graduate employment. After reviewing the literature, the authors analyze data collected by Peking University from 34 universities in 2005 and use statistical analysis to clarify the impact of social capital on students’ choice of employment or further study, job placement rate, starting salary and job satisfaction. The study concludes that social capital differs for students from different social backgrounds; personal social capital affects students’ choice to seek employment, but family social capital impacts their choice of further study; both family and personal social capital have a significant positive impact on graduates’ placement rate, starting salary, and job satisfaction; and social capital has a more significant and positive impact on job placement rates for graduates at the associate’s and undergraduate degree levels than for those at the master’s level and above.  相似文献   

略论大学生就业核心竞争力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,大学生就业已成为社会广泛关注的问题,解决这一难题的关键在于提升大学生的核心竞争力。高校培养大学生就业核心竞争力应当坚持以学生为中心、以市场为导向,有针对性的革新人才培养方式。本文从大学生就业核心竞争力的含义和特征分析入手,详细论述了如何构建大学生就业核心竞争力培养体系,并就提升大学生就业核心竞争力的等几个方面进行...  相似文献   

Given continued confusion about the Ed.D.degree, universities affiliated with the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) have re-envisioned it using a set of guiding principles and design features. In this study, we investigated why students and graduates chose to pursue the Ed.D., what and how they learned, how they viewed themselves, and whether they perceived their programs to be aligned with CPED’s principles. Data were collected from 296 participants at 14 CPED institutions using an online survey. Results indicated respondents agreed that their programs were aligned with CPED principles, helped them meet their professional and personal goals, and developed them as scholarly practitioners.  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业问题是目前社会各界关注的焦点。就业指导课是高校就业工作的重要一环,教学质量的好坏,直接影响到学生能否顺利就业。从对加强高校就业指导课程的角度来分析其对促进毕业生就业工作的重要作用及现实意义。  相似文献   

当前,大学毕业生就业已经成为一个备受社会各界关注的热点问题。严峻的就业形势使得当今大学生面临着巨大的就业压力。作为高校要充分考虑并利用各种资源来为毕业生就业创造条件,而校友资源就是高校资源中的一笔重要无形财富。本文试图对校友资源在高校毕业生工作中的作用进行探讨,并就如何利用校友资源促进高校毕业生就业工作提出建议。  相似文献   

对比实验表明,传统体育项目和拓展训练均能提高毕业生的个人素质、情绪调控能力、思维能力、社会实践能力和应聘能力,拓展训练的影响大于传统体育项目的影响,说明拓展训练相较传统体育项目更能促进毕业生就业能力的提高。  相似文献   

This paper advances theorising around student geographies in higher education (HE). It extends recent work, which has problematised the primacy of social class and binary thinking about student mobilities, and presents local/non‐local experiences and im/mobility as a defining dualism. Drawing on a qualitative longitudinal study of women's experiences during and on completion of HE, the following explores the ways in which a more diverse and constantly negotiated set of mobility practices emerge relationally, in the stratified field of HE, and through shifting personal and emotional attachments. Theoretically, the paper develops a new approach to student mobilities, synthesising dominant Bourdieusian notions of field with relational theories pertaining to mobilities (e.g. Adey, 2009), emotion (e.g. Holmes, 2010) and personal life (e.g. Mason, 2004; Smart, 2007). Such an approach makes it possible to move beyond the binary thinking that has become entrenched in policy and academic debates about student mobilities, and recognise a broader range of movements, flows, stops and starts that emerge relationally, emotionally and temporally as students and graduates move into and through HE. It is argued here that, given the policy emphasis on accelerated and flexible HE provision (BIS, 2016), a gradational view of student mobilities is more important than ever.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of engineering graduates identified as high performers by their work supervisors. The study involved 20 graduates from different universities working in seven companies covering electrical, civil, mechanical, telecommunications and environmental engineering. The aim of the study was to identify the capabilities that were seen to be most important for successful engineering practice during the first few years after graduation, and to evaluate the extent to which universities were typically developing these capabilities. The reported study is a pilot for a larger scale study of a number of professional disciplines which will be used to shape the ongoing evolution of the undergraduate programmes in these disciplines at UTS. The results reaffirm the fact that while technical expertise is a necessary capability for successful practice it is certainly not sufficient. A range of 'emotional intelligence' capabilities appears to be judged by graduates and their supervisors alike as being very significant success factors. By focusing on the entire undergraduate experience rather than just what is taught, course designers can do much to provide learning opportunities to develop the capabilities identified.  相似文献   

本研究采用词汇联想及问卷调查等研究方法,了解武汉高职高专学生的求职心理、情绪体验和认知,力图通过研究对高职高专院校和普通本科院校在求职心理情绪体验上进行比较,同时对高职高专学生人口学变量数据进行分析比较,进一步揭示不同专业、年级、性别、家庭等,对学生求职心理情绪的不同影响。并对以往的研究中高职高专类学生求职的消极情绪体验,提出不同的假设,用词汇联想的方法对高职高专学生求职心态做探索性研究。  相似文献   

The case for integrating generic skills in university accounting programmes is well documented in the literature, but the implementation of strategies designed to teach generic skills in the context of accounting courses has posed ongoing challenges for academics and course administrators. The imperative for generic skills in accounting programmes derives from an economic view of the role of universities, reflecting the views of government and employers who perceive graduates as economic assets to business and the economy. It is argued that the role of universities extends beyond the economic imperative to encompass a greater social and cultural role. This paper traces the historical evolution of the generic skills discourse with an emphasis on accounting and places it in the broader context of the social and economic roles of universities in an era of transformation in the sector. The generic skills discourse, however, transcends disciplinary boundaries and international borders. The new knowledge economy, emerging as a result of technological advancement, needs graduates across disciplines with flexible mindsets and transferable skill sets, capable of innovating and adapting to a dynamic work environment. Consequently, universities must develop the transferable, generic skills required by graduates to advance their careers and contribute to economic innovation and social development. The generic skills debate must, therefore, be addressed from a systemic perspective, reaching beyond national and disciplinary borders. The lessons learned from the generic skills debate in accounting have wider interdisciplinary application for university policy-makers and educators facing the challenges of a new era in higher education.  相似文献   

The employment performance (including salaries, relevant to studies and job satisfaction) of college graduates from different school types and disciplines after the universalization of higher education in Taiwan was examined and a comparative analysis was conducted in this article. The findings were as follows: 1) "Medicine and health" and "industrial arts" were the best disciplines in terms of overall employment performance; however, "arts," "agriculture," "mass media," "physical education/other," "home economics," and "tourism services" performed poorly overall in terms of employment. 2) The graduates' employment performance in the school type of "public universities" was better than others for the most part in Taiwan; however, the graduates of "public universities" who majored in arts, agriculture, mass media, physical education/other, home economics, and tourism services did not do well in terms of their employment performance. Based on the analysis, from the viewpoint of employment, we suggested that Taiwan's colleges and universities restructure the disciplines within their institutions and we also offered some suggestions to high school graduates about how to choose higher education institutions and disciplines.  相似文献   

工作搜寻偏好是指工作搜寻者在面对几个或者多个工作搜寻方式或工作搜寻结果时,选择其中某一个方式或结果的倾向性。以江苏地方应用型本科高校2013届毕业生为对象,探讨工作搜寻偏好对工作搜寻绩效的影响,并分析心理资本在工作搜寻偏好和工作搜寻绩效间的调节作用。结果表明工作搜寻偏好对工作搜寻绩效存在不同程度的影响,心理资本在工作搜寻偏好和工作搜寻绩效间起着部分调节作用。  相似文献   

作者叙述了目前高校大学生就业现状,分析了大学生就业难的原因。从高校管理者的角度提出转变大学生就业观念是缓解大学生就业难的重要措施。高校可从低端行业就业、生源地就业、性别就业等方面引导毕业生转变就业观念,实现就业全方位覆盖,缓解就业压力。  相似文献   

民国时期,以培养研究生为主旨兼师生科研活动的研究所在我国高校悄然兴起,它不仅是我国研究生教育的培养机构,也是我国科研体制系统中不可或缺的研究机构,为我国现代学术创新及人才培养发挥了重要作用。阐述和分析民国时期我国高校研究所的数量变化、公私差异、地域分布和学科结构等情况及其成因。  相似文献   

This article examines university output and graduate employment prospects in Nigeria. Specifically, it describes the trends and patterns of graduate output of two regional universities and the extent of correspondence between the output of the university system and the demands of the labour market. The article further discusses the career choice(s) and degrees of success of graduates of these universities and the relevance of their areas of specialization to job acquisition. In order to contribute to an understanding of the transition from higher education to the world of work, it also considers the waiting period for these graduates in obtaining their first employment.  相似文献   

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