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Coherence of national education and training systems is increasingly tabled in European policy debates. Leaning on literature about the emergence and consolidation of national education systems, this article explores the rationale for VET reforms in Norway and Spain by scrutinising attempts to strengthen the coherence of their VET systems. Coherence has been sought through the unification of different strands of vocational education; initial, continuing and active labour market policies (what we call ‘horizontal coherence’) and the mainstreaming of VET curricular elements; plus the systematisation of VET practices across educational levels (‘vertical coherence’). While both countries looked for coherence, their motivations, how they operationalised the term and the emphasis of their actions differed substantially. Spain has experienced a move from the three largely unrelated strands into a more unified system; Norway from a fragile VET system to the availability of more VET courses and apprenticeship arrangements at all educational levels.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来,为科技的迅速发展提供了重要契机,职业教育对于促进科技进步和经济发展负有重要使命.从澳大利亚信息技术的发展及对职业教育课程的影响,探讨科技进步对课程开发和实施影响的经验,为我国提供借鉴.  相似文献   

In the research on education, the field roughly covered by the concept of Bildung has seen a wide-ranging discussion philosophically but less has been said and done from an empirical and vocational perspective. Bildung includes matters such as: formation of character, ethical and aesthetic knowledge/capability, capacity for wise deliberation and reflection as well as the development of personal autonomy. The focus here is on how narratives about teaching and curricula, both enacted and experienced, can be used to articulate significant aspects of Bildung-related practical knowledge. The empirical basis for this draws on a variety of narrative sources. By presenting, comparing and discussing narratives, it will be argued that there is a number of Bildung-related educational matters, not least in vocational education and training, where a narrative articulation can contribute. These can be differentiated in at least five groups: enriching knowledge of vocational tasks; conceptual development and critical reflection; advancement of practice; development of ‘practice fields’ and the articulation of patterns of vocational Bildung affordances. In distinguishing these different ways in which vocational Bildung as a form of practical knowledge can be enriched through narrative studies, the article contributes to our capacity for doing systematic research in the subject area.  相似文献   

职业技术教育创新已经成为国际职业技术教育教学和学习加工关注的焦点。尽管各类专家、学者以及政策制定者依然是职业技术教育创新实践的主角,但是职业技术教育的广大从业者却日益成为职业技术教育创新实践的主体,他们在实践中所孕育的创新模式在教学和学习加工过程中起到更为重要的作用,可以检测职业技术教育业已存在的创新理论,从根本上提升职业技术教育的变革品质。为此,职业技术教育的创新实践必须充分发挥从业者的主观能动性和聪敏才智,克服创新变革过程中对于理论家和管理者的依赖心理,在职业技术教育体系内部培育有益于从业者开展创新实践的学习加工文化。  相似文献   

This paper looks critically at partnerships in education and training by presenting a case study of a community-level partnership aimed at promoting high school apprenticeships in Ontario Canada. The analysis maps the field of social relations within this partnership in order to reveal institutionally-based struggles and their implications for youth training and employment. The assumptions within policy that employers are actively engaged as partners and that they and other stakeholders share a unitary vision for education and training are challenged. Rather, partnerships reflect tensions among partners that must be addressed in order to improve the learning affordances for youth.
Alison TaylorEmail:

Alison Taylor   is a Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta. Her current research focuses on school-to-work transition and high school apprenticeship programs.  相似文献   

The article examines the ways students in the school-based part of the vocational education and training (VET) in Sales begin to make sense of the world of work they are about to enter. Drawing on a qualitative study of upper-secondary Sales VET students in Norway, a four-fold typology of orientations to retail work is analysed: first, the disoriented Drifter who is restless and eager to move on to other activities or drifts on to retail apprenticeship without developing any substantial interest; second, the product-oriented Consumer is driven by a strong personal interest in the line of products, for example fashion, music, cars or electronics, and the sense of lifestyle they convey; third, the service-oriented Professional reasons on the basis of satisfaction deriving from the act of providing service to customers; and fourth, the career-oriented Aspirer who is motivated by career advancement opportunities within the retail sector. The article aimed to extend understandings of the initial process of becoming by elucidating the students’ subjective accounts of their diverse paths into retail work within the weakly established Sales education, approaching a labour market sector depicted in terms of low-skill and high turnover.  相似文献   

随着分权化与框架管理趋势的加强,欧洲各国日益关注职业教育质量的保障。丹麦自20世纪90年代以来逐步形成的确保职业教育质量的十项举措颇为引人注目。它们涵盖了共同质量保障框架的不同阶段,提供了不同阶段问题的解决方案。文章介绍了这十项举措,并在共同质量保障框架参考模式下对这些举措进行了政策分析和效果评价。  相似文献   

Competency-based training (CBT) is a curriculum model employed in educational sectors, professions and industries around the world. A significant feature of the model is its permeability to control by interests outside education. In this article, a ‘Neoliberal’ version of CBT is described and analysed in the context of Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET). In this version of the model, a division of curriculum labour is instituted that, from the perspective of Neoliberal theory, allows the interests of educators to be limited in accordance with the belief that they will neglect the interests of students and other stakeholders if they have control over the whole curriculum construction process. But this version of CBT denigrates the expertise of educators by forcing them to set aside their own judgement about what is important to teach and implement a pre-existing picture of an occupation that may or may not be an effective representation. Empirical evidence is reviewed that suggests curriculum work in VET is indeed alienating for educators. Existing critiques of CBT are considered and found to have overlooked the specifically Neoliberal form of CBT in VET analysed in the article.  相似文献   

Much had been written over the past few years on the intersections of work and learning. This article suggests that the analysis of the intersections of work and learning can benefit greatly from understanding the ways in which governing workers as individuals and populations has changed in Western liberal democracies in the latter part of the twentieth century. Through the use of an analytics of government perspective based on the later governmentality work of Foucault and others, the article analyses the shifts in ways of governing paid workers through the programmes of reforms in industry, industrial relations and vocational education and training in Australia. These shifts can be understood, it is suggested, as shifts in the mentalities of governing – from social liberal regimes to advanced liberal regimes of government. The article foregrounds the assembling of a new subjectivity and character of the post-industrial paid worker – the ‘worker as learner’ as the lifelong learner who is continually required to reskill to maintain paid work in economic life in order to sustain desirable and normal lifestyles. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for researching work and learning.  相似文献   

随着社会不断发展以及师范教育体制改革的不断深入,学前教育教师职前培养层次的提升成为必然。然而,在提升幼教师资职前培养层次过程出现了一些问题,这些问题严重制约着我国幼儿园教师培养与发展。本文浅谈学前教育教师职前培养层次提升过程中存在的问题及对策,以期为我国幼儿教育健康发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the notion of ‘competence’ in the VET systems of France and England. While both countries have developed ‘competence-based’ approaches, underlying the similar terminology are distinct meanings, rooted in the countries’ institutional structures and labour processes. A key distinction is identified between a knowledge-based model in France and a skills-based model in England. Competence in the French sense is multi-dimensional and relies on the integration of practical and theoretical knowledge, as well as personal and social qualities within a broadly defined occupational field. By contrast, in England, competence refers to the performance of fragmented and narrowly defined tasks, with minimal underpinning knowledge. Thus, whereas ‘competence’ in the English VET system usually denotes functional employability for what may be relatively low-skilled employment, in France, it encapsulates the multi-dimensional development of the individual as a citizen as well as an employee.
Michaela BrockmannEmail:

本科层次职业教育的试点核心任务是专业人才培养目标的准确定位。通过分析本科层次职业教育老年服务与管理专业人才培养的现实与机遇,遵循职业教育总目标、人才全面发展、以职业岗位能力为导向和突出技术应用特色等四个原则,以人才知识、能力和素质结构为依据,尝试提出本科层次职业教育老年服务与管理专业的人才培养目标和内涵。  相似文献   

Interest in vocational education and training (VET) is growing. This can be attributed to global socio-economic developments requiring continuously changing knowledge and skills. Adult education and training, particularly in non-formal education (NFE) contributes to provide these skills and knowledge for youth and adults. This puts pressure not only on programmes and facilities, but also on the educators. How do they cope with the changing demands? This paper focuses on educators in non-formal vocational education and training (NFVET) in Mozambique. It explores the perceptions, experiences and reflections of educators in NFVET working in training centres on the outskirts of Maputo. Semi-structured interviews and observations were used to get insight into the educators’ understandings and into the conditions in which their educational activities took place. The findings point to the need for the professionalisation of NFVET educators. This would contribute to the quality of their activities and to their status as professionals.  相似文献   

The re-shaping of the Australian senior secondary landscape in recent years and the emergence of a new space for vocational knowledge within Australian senior secondary certificates of education have been underpinned by a national focus on raising retention rates and achieving Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates in the context of a diversifying senior secondary cohort, and on delivering effective training to meet the skills needs of the growing economy. Absent from this policy agenda is a focus on the efficacy of the expanding vocational education and training (VET) in Schools. At the core of this discussion are the impacts of ongoing tensions between the instrumentalist labour market role of VET in Schools programmes and the expectation that an equitable senior secondary landscape should respond to the education and training needs of all students. Despite rapid growth, low achievers and socioeconomically disadvantaged learners remain the dominant participants in VET in Schools programmes, and pathways for these students into post-school education and training or full-time employment remain weak. This paper draws on the views of students, teachers, and policy-makers to examine the ways in which vocational programmes are delivered within the different curricular contexts of VET in Schools across Australian senior secondary education systems.  相似文献   

职业技术培训属于广义的职业教育,与职业学校教育同属于职业教育体系,在社会发展和个人完善提高中发挥着巨大的功能.当前的职业技术培训虽表面一片繁荣,发展迅猛,但是发展中却存在着乱收费、质量参差不齐、监管不力等问题.要积极发展职业技术培训,应当更新教育观念,明确职业技术培训的定位;政府部门要积极引导,完善监管体系;培训机构自...  相似文献   

运用先进的职业教育人才培养理念,通过理论与实践相结合的方法,论述校内化工实训基地的功能定位,探索"四位一体"多功能化工实训基地建设模式以及教育培训特征等,为实训基地的建设和运行提供理论依据和保证。  相似文献   

企业参与职业教育对职业教育发展和企业发展的双重重要作用己成国际上的共识。本文从政府重视并引导企业参与、提供经费支持、参与人才培养全过程、与学校互动培养师资、以及构建终身职业教育和培训方面对国外企业参与职业教育经验进行介绍。结合我国现实,提出通过政府政策支持、需求激励、改革职教课程以及强化实施校企合作和构建开放性职教实训中心,来增强我国企业参与职业教育的积极性。  相似文献   

There is a great need in many countries for extended and new teacher competence to meet the challenges of inclusive education. This paper presents a national programme for developing new teacher competence in secondary schools in Norway. The programme was developed and implemented during the 1990s, its aim being to start a continuing process in schools directed at promoting inclusive education and improving the quality of education for pupils with special educational needs. Further, the paper presents some findings from a national survey of 2240 teachers and school administrators in 104 schools one year after the implementation of the programme. The survey partially replicated a survey carried out before the programme started. The purpose was to give an overall picture of the situation with respect to teacher competence in special needs and inclusive education, and the impact of the competence building programme on teacher practice, and to identify possible system changes in schools.  相似文献   

深圳职业技术学院举办大专课程班的实践证明:大专课程班是高职院校服务社会的一种有效的职业培训模式。本文在对大专课程班办学实践总结的基础上,就大专课程班的内涵、特征、特色进行了总结归纳,并提出大专课程班在教育分类中属4B级。本文还对大专课程班的发展趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

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