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企业管理会计变革理论模型研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对当前国外有关企业管理会计变革的理论模型进行了回顾,并将这些理论模型概括为过程模型、要素模型和路径模型三类,它们从不同的角度揭示了企业管理会计变革的本质和过程。在回顾的基础上还进行了评述,指出了研究中的一致性结论及当前研究受到的局限。  相似文献   

无论从人类社会的进步、企业管理的发展趋势,还是从社会主义制度对公有制企业的要求来看,人本管理都将成为国企改革进一步深化的必然选择。改革过程中,对劳动者权利的忽视导致国有企业从初级人本管理退回到人力资源管理和人力资本管理。现代企业制度的建立不能作为国企改革的终极目标,党中央"以人为本,科学发展"的要求使国企改革必须重新构建权利体系,新的权利体系要保证劳动者劳动力所有权和生产资料所有权的落实。  相似文献   

扁平化管理是管理学家在企业内部推行的一种管理模式,其特点是管理层次减少、信息传递快而真实。多少年来高等学校的学生管理一直沿用传统的管理模式,将企业的这种较先进的扁平化管理模式引进高校学生管理中来,通过试验、对比、分析,目的是探索出一种新的学生管理新路子。  相似文献   

This study focusses on an investigation of the patterns of institutional change influenced by the TEMPUS I (European Community/European Union) assistance programme in Bulgaria during 1990‐1994, specifically at the Technical University of Sofia. The theoretical model of the research has used as its point of departure Burton Clark's concept (1983) of institutional relations and has examined the roles of state, government, market, and academic oligarchy in the dynamics of university administration and management during the transition period. The data collected demonstrate that the role of TEMPUS I JEP grants was a major factor in favour of change in the process of development and the implementation of new institutional policies and organizational structures. The study opens for discussion a number of issues related to the role and the policies of multinational funding agencies in a national university setting undergoing institutional change, forms of academic governance, and the conditions and requirements related to the implementation of market‐oriented approaches in academe.  相似文献   

美国高校学生事务管理的工作理念在于学生的学习和发展,强调以学生为本,以人格辅导、学习指导和生涯辅导为基本内容,促进学生全面发展。对于我国高校学生事务管理工作而言,此工作理念所具有的参考意义在于从管理到服务的理念转变,并以此健全工作制度,改革工作方式,不断提高服务与管理的实践水平。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,顾客需求的不断变化,传统的战略思维已经不能适应企业生存与发展的要求。本文基于顾客价值创新的战略意义和基本模式,提出了对顾客价值创新进行动态管理的具体举措,以求实现持续的顾客价值创新。  相似文献   

高校扩招后,高校管理工作面临着管理日益复杂、办学经费短缺、亟需提升内涵建设水平的新态势。因而高校管理应改变传统的“金字塔”式管理模式为“扁平化”的管理模式,高校财务管理模式也应由“集权式”转变为“分级式”的财务管理模式。  相似文献   

精细化管理是一种创新的管理理念和模式,把精细化管理理念引入图书馆管理工作是有必要的.图书馆实施精细化管理的途径有业务流程精细化、服务实施精细化、人本管理精细化,实施过程要防止走进误区,以促进图书馆事业的全面发展.  相似文献   

Beliefs related to classroom management vary among teachers and play an important role in classrooms. Despite the importance of this construct, valid measures have proven difficult to develop. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Behavior and Instructional Management Scale (BIMS), a short but valid measure of teachers' approaches to behavioral and instructional management. Results revealed a two-factor solution that possessed a good model fit, with large estimated factor loadings using confirmatory factor analysis. Evidence of validity was obtained with the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale. Internal consistency for both subscales was adequate. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

传统观念认为,财务部门是不直接创造利润的部门,但经济环境的变化和现代信息技术的发展,推动了财务部门职能的发展和变化。有效的财务管理成为提升企业价值的重要途径。财务管理提升企业价值的途径与方式主要体现在支持企业价值的活动、保持企业价值的活动以及创造企业价值的活动几个方面。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外许多大企业多元化经营道路坎坷,其主要原因是许多企业盲目开展多元化经营,忽视了主业的发展,选择不当的经营模式和资金筹措方式,过早过快地实施多元化经营。要使多元化经营能给企业带来更多的机遇,必须树立由“强”变“大”的意识,选择正确的经营模式和资金筹措方式。优先发展主导产业,适度进行多元化经营。  相似文献   

英国大学教育历史悠久,其特点决定了英国大学通过对学生进行自主式管理,从而培养学生正确的学习动机并推进学风建设。通过分析英国大学对学生自主式管理的特点和手段措施,并与当前中国大学学风建设的特点进行对比,提出中国高校应当建立"以学生为中心"的管理模式,改变学生的学习动机并形成良好的学风。  相似文献   

浅论新形势下高职院校计算机实验室管理创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对大众化教育新形势下高职院校计算机实验室管理上亟待解决的问题,从分析管理现状入手,提出创新计算机实验室管理的必要性,并结合具体实践探索管理创新的一些具体途径。  相似文献   

The corporate approaches introduced in the late 1980s and now prevalent in universities in Australia have led to irrevocable changes in the way universities are managed and academics work. The management approaches widely applied in Australian universities are largely based on a top‐down corporate management model, with central control over policy and budget driven by the need to meet stringent external accountability requirements. This form of management rewards compliance and predictability. The economic environment over this period has changed drastically, becoming more global and uncertain. The prevailing management processes are not suited to the modern economic environment. A modern university is expected to operate more as an enterprise, but to do so effectively it needs flexible and responsive forms of management that are more inclusive of academics in the decision making process. This paper explores the organisational management literature and links it to the context in which universities operate. It considers the implications for managers and academics, as key stakeholders in a modern university, in this changeable environment.  相似文献   

高校的公共安全管理工作在新的形势下必须由管理型向服务型转变,其服务的理念、特定的对象、原则途径、机制保障等也应不断创新,以体现服务的功能,完成服务的使命。  相似文献   

学生管理是高等学校管理工作的重要组成部分,随着时代的发展变化,原有的学生管理模式已日益凸显其弊端。在高校学生管理工作中,应深入研究与把握大学生的心理与行为规律,注重实施柔性管理,把组织意志变为大学生自觉的行为,从而促进高校精神文明建设和学生管理工作水平的不断提升。  相似文献   

顶岗实习是高职教育中培养学生良好职业素养的重要教学环节,是学生由在校生到准员工再到合格员工的社会角色转换的过渡期,对提升学生职业能力起着关键作用,是高职教育人才培养不可缺少的重要组成部分.为适应时代发展新需要,满足实习管理新要求,实践和探索多年的校企合作工作站管理模式,亟待引入精细化管理理念,依托信息化管理手段,不断优...  相似文献   

基于网络的教师知识管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息时代人类对知识的处理方式发生了变化。本文在分析教师知识类型的基础上,提出了网络环境下教师知识管理的模型,在实践中探索了知识管理的过程和方法。通过分析提出了建立个人门户,与自主专业发展相结合,创建知识共享的单位文化的建议。  相似文献   

During the last decade, the higher education sector has experienced many pressures and changes (Hanna, Educause Review, 38(4), 25–34, 2003; Scott, Educause Review, 38, 64–80, 2003; Waterhouse, The power of e-learning: The essential guide for teaching in the digital age, 2005). Universities around the world are facing the need to adapt to a rapidly changing educational and social landscape, in which technology is both the main cause of change and a tool for dealing with the change. This study examines the organization-wide technological changes that have infiltrated every aspects of life at all universities that are part of the higher education system in Israel during the last 7 years: the introduction of on-line instruction, e-learning and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology for university work processes The research findings show that there is a mechanism for managing organization-wide technological changes at Israeli universities but it is not a rational one. This study proposes a model for managing organization-wide technological changes in universities on the basis of the existing mechanism, using knowledge management strategies for the purpose of change management: KM-M-CM (Knowledge Management as a Mechanism for Change Management) Implementation of this model will make it possible to realize the challenge of transforming the university from a "knowledge institution" to a "learning institution." It will come life to the extent that the higher education system in Israel, its leaders and decision-makers understand the need for a permanent mechanism to manage change and adopt this rational model in order to establish it.  相似文献   

周富强 《教育学报》2006,2(4):74-81
地方大学转型期的显著特点是经费紧张却急剧扩张。文章认为战略变革管理是地方大学实现跨越式发展必须重视的一个重要方面,强调地方大学战略变革管理的重要性;认为地方大学应强调战略思维、注重战略管理、灵活制定适应战略变化的战略规划、强调战略变革管理的有效执行。通过研究广东外语外贸大学的战略变革管理,发现该大学战略变革中既有优势也有薄弱环节,既有难得的机遇也面临严峻的挑战;总体上,该大学的战略变革管理是卓有成效的。建议战略变革管理中应注重学校文化的革新从而确保大学的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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