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对英国、德国、加拿大三国在新世纪出台或更新的国家资格框架的分析表明,高等教育人才培养的目标在三个国家表现出一定的共性:除了创新能力、独立思考与工作的能力、批判思维能力、团队合作能力等关键能力之外,新世纪的人才还应该能够认识到并善于应对知识的不确定性、模糊性和局限性,能够在复杂的和信息不完备的情况下作出合理的判断,能够和专业内外的人士进行有效的沟通,善于进行跨学科的思考和合作,掌握终身学习的能力。这些能力在一定程度上反映出21世纪知识经济社会对高等教育人才培养所提出的特定要求和期待。  相似文献   

建立终身教育资历框架是我国目前一项重要的教育举措,构建基于资历框架的教师行业资历等级和标准是其中重要的组成部分,有助于促进教师专业发展、推动教师终身学习。本研究采用文献研究法和专家访谈法,提出了由4个等级、4个维度和10个要素组成的教师行业资历等和标准,能够与国际及国内已有的资历框架有效对接,构建了我国基于资历框架的教师行业资历等级和标准。教师行业资历等级和标准既是针对教师专业发展的评价框架,又是认证和转化学习成果的工具,是一套系统的方法和工具。期望本研究的成果能够为教师专业发展项目提供评价与认证框架,为贯通教师职前培养与职后培训、构建教师终身学习体系提供参考框架。  相似文献   

无论是在博洛尼亚进程还是在哥本哈根进程中,学习成果都被视为将各种政策与实践举措融合的“粘合剂”,并被各国运用以构建本国资历框架。当前越来越多的国家正在致力于建立国家资历框架,但由于文化传统等方面的不同,各国在运用学习成果的实践过程中也存在诸多差异,例如欧洲、德国、澳大利亚、爱尔兰这几个区域和国家的资历框架在成果框架、概念理解、维度划分与描述、资格类型、等级数量上均有不同并各具自身特色,尤其对于资历框架的维度划分与描述,各国在“知识”“技能”“能力”的基础上,根据本国国情,融入自身特色并进行合理化描述,从而制定了符合自身发展的资历框架。通过对这几个区域和国家的成果框架及其描述维度的分析与比较,可得出资历框架构建与发展一般规律,并希望借鉴其相关经验最终为我国未来建立资历框架提供思想导向及应用规律方面的启示。  相似文献   

Vocational qualifications in England are undergoing another round of reform. This paper starts by reviewing the alleged weaknesses of English vocational qualifications, but argues that these do not necessarily establish a case for radical reform. The issue is not so much whether the system needs to be changed as the nature of the change that is needed. The paper argues for a more deliberative and incremental approach and proposes five principles upon which this should be based. These are the following: that the process of change is as important as the content of change; that institutions matter; that the purposes of reform need to be clear, consistent and realistic; that reforms should help to create a more unified qualifications system; and that the interests of the UK’s other home countries should be considered.  相似文献   

This article aims at providing a check list of possible mechanisms to trigger more and better lifelong learning from within the national qualifications system. It analyses the existing policy responses to the lifelong learning agenda in the countries under study and identifies possible mechanisms within the qualifications system that could impact on the behaviour of the many stakeholders. There are many other ways to impact on lifelong learning but they are not addressed in this article which focuses on the role of national qualifications systems.
Two mechanisms in particular are studied in more detail because they seem to be at the top of the research and policy agenda of many countries: qualifications frameworks and recognition of non-formal and informal learning systems.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom is gradually moving to develop national frameworks of qualifications, with the aim of identifying all publicly-funded qualifications according to level, focus and, where appropriate, size or credit volume. Existing frameworks designed for use in higher education and occupational contexts reflect assumptions concerning things such as the nature of knowledge, the academic or occupational context of the learner, and the nature of access and progression within education and training. These assumptions do not hold for the full spectrum of qualifications, and need to be challenged if a fully inclusive framework is to emerge that is coherent while supporting requisite variety.  相似文献   

我国终身教育学分银行试点建设以来,各地区相关教育部门积极参与,大胆实践。目前,上海、广东、江苏、浙江等省市的终身教育学分银行建设实践取得了突破性的进展。但是仍然存在相关法律不健全、投入不足、标准体系不完善、各级各类教育机构间沟通不畅以及学分银行分部覆盖不广等问题。因此,今后的终身教育学分银行建设需要加快终身教育立法进程,健全终身教育学分银行保障机制;采取政府主导的方式保障终身教育学分银行建设的投入;同时制定和完善区域终身教育学分银行资历框架;不断优化终身教育学分银行的组织框架,以实现终身教育学分银行的有效运行。  相似文献   

终身教育资历框架的建立为各级各类教育的纵向衔接和横向沟通提供了可能,为保证资历衔接的公平、公正和透明,严格的质量保证机制是基础。欧盟建立了基于资历框架下的高等教育质量保证标准和职业教育与培训质量保证参照框架,东盟构建了资历参照框架下的东盟质量保证框架并推动了东盟国家的资历衔接,通过对欧盟和东盟资历框架下的质量保证机制进行剖析,提出我国资历框架质量保证体系建立的策略性建议,以期为我国终身教育资历框架和配套质量保证体系的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

欧洲资历框架(EQF)是一项联结欧洲各个国家资格体系,促使资格在欧洲不同国家和体系之间互认的共同参考框架和转换器.EQF经过十年多的发展与持续改进,在促进各国交流、建立终身学习型社会、加强各类教育与培训体系之间的联系以及推动劳动力市场发展等方面产生重要影响.同时,EQF在发展过程中也不可避免地面临着诸多挑战,如在质量保障、与其他框架协调、利益相关者参与、等级维度划分、发展更新、术语描述等方面,需要在问题反思的基础上进一步发展和完善,通过建立贯通全过程、连接全要素的质量保障体系,加强与各类教育及其资历框架间的兼容性,提高利益相关者参与程度,多角度、深层次规范框架横纵结构划分以夯实基础,及时发展更新各类要素以提高适应性,统一能力维度的核心要义,从而为发展终身学习型社会与增进国际理解与流动作出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

This research explores links between tertiary education institutions and between tertiary education and the labour market as determinants of provincial and national transition patterns in Canada. The study consists of a provincial analysis that maps the typology of transition systems across Canada’s devolved federated tertiary education structure. The results show that, nationally: the links between education and work are relatively loose aside from regulated occupations; there is an emphasis on general education; and qualifications are used as a screen for entry to the labour market. However, while Canada can be broadly understood as a liberal market economy, there is provincial diversity within the nation; and there are varying logics for the development of skill, deployment of labour, and relations between institutions. The institutional and policy frameworks, structure of jobs, and formation of skill in Canada’s largest provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec reveal diverse characteristics of transition systems. However, despite internal differentiation in the value of vocational education, variations at the provincial level have not been enough to shift the federal pattern as a whole. Instead, in Canada vocational education is generally stigmatised and viewed as signalling low ability and motivation.  相似文献   

This article explores how globalisation has impacted on the demand and nature of qualifications and livelihoods in Zimbabwe. It argues that while economic globalisation has had an influence on the labour market, particularly through economic reforms such as the Economic Structural Adjustment Programmes, colonial legacies continue to influence education and training in Zimbabwe. The article observes that although access to education has increased phenomenally since the attainment of political independence, this has not significantly solved unemployment and the reduction of poverty as new challenges have surfaced. The information and communications technology revolution that characterises globalisation has changed the skill and knowledge requirements for most jobs, leading to the need for continuous retraining and the improvement of one's qualifications. Yet qualifications have no impact on the availability of employment opportunities since these depend on the prevailing economic situation. The article comes to the conclusion that while globalisation has created new opportunities through liberalised economic systems, it has mainly benefited industrialised countries with more stable economies. For developing countries such as Zimbabwe, it has had a negative impact since it has led to retrenchments, weakening of the informal sector, increased consumer prices and a general decline in living standards.  相似文献   

As more Teacher Assistants (TAs) take on the responsibility of supporting students with disability and learning difficulties questions arise as to the appropriate qualifications for such work, the adequacy of training, and the policy and practice of schools employing TAs. A qualitative study, informed by multiple perspectives, was conducted in four mainstream primary schools in an Australian capital city to examine the actual qualifications of the TAs as opposed to those required by their employer. Despite role changes since the 1990s, TA qualifications remained unchanged and TAs could be employed with no post-school qualifications. Little training was provided, no training policy existed and access to training across schools differed. Participants' perspectives on the qualifications and training required by TAs also varied. While this paper examines qualifications and training of TAs in Australia, findings are relevant to educators internationally where TAs support students with disability and learning difficulties. Tying TA qualifications to salary incentives and a career structure in which TAs are responsible for supplemental instruction only, is recommended. A Certificate IV in Education Support or School Age Education and Care, complemented by literacy and numeracy tests, are recommended minimum requirements. Finally, teachers should be included in TA recruitment and supervision.  相似文献   

This article takes up the issue of the internationalisation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) reforms, expressed in the way policy instruments such as National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) are introduced in the European Training Foundation's (ETF) partner countries. There is an international debate and different perspectives regarding NQFs. These perspectives have largely talked past each other. The article brings together these perspectives and highlights the issues at stake in this field. Through the analysis of ETF interventions in different regions, the article makes a case for new approaches of intervention, namely policy learning, that aim at enabling national stakeholders and that are conducive for home-grown VET policies. The discussion is broad in scope, not only because the article reviews developments in qualifications frameworks across-regions, but also because it highlights the complex interaction of the global and local development when introducing NQFs and the impact of such reforms on VET systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of university and vocational education, and other influences on a variety of labour market outcomes for Australian youths aged between 16 and 25. The six labour market outcomes investigated are: occupational status, hourly and weekly earnings, employment, unemployment and full-time work. The study finds that a bachelor’s degree has clear positive effects on each of these youth labour market outcomes, in contrast to vocational qualifications. Among men, vocational qualifications show no sizable positive effects on these outcomes. Among women, the higher-level vocational diploma is beneficial for employment and unemployment. In no instance are the positive effects of vocational education stronger than that for a bachelor’s degree. Many of these labour market outcomes are strongly associated with prior experiences of employment and unemployment. The findings suggest that policies, rather than focusing on expanding and reforming vocational education, should aim to ensure that young people quickly secure employment, preferably full-time, and avoid unemployment.  相似文献   

应用型人才评价具有重要的时代意义和特殊性,其重要性体现为对个体发展的认可激励作用和对社会发展的服务支撑作用两个方面;其特殊性体现在评价主体多元性,评价方式双重性,评价客体多样化,评价等级和指标体系不健全不统一。基于应用型人才评价的国家资历框架构建重点主要包括四个方面,即坚持国家资历框架构建主体多元化,关注资历认证的过程与结果,重视非正规非正式学习成果的认证转化,建设能力等级评价标准及其指标体系。需要通过促进多元利益主体沟通合作,丰富资历认证维度,扩大国家资历框架服务对象,建立国家资历框架的等级评价体系和保障体系等途径构架国家资历框架。  相似文献   

Credits, Qualifications and the Fluttering Standard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary function of credit is to help assess the equivalence of learning and to facilitate student transfer within and between institutions. Recently, attention has focused on the role credit may have in defining the academic standards of qualifications. Some recently proposed qualifications frameworks are one-dimensional in that they have levels as the only measurable parameter. Such 'frameworks' are not true frameworks because there is no basis for differentiating the qualifications at each level. Other frameworks are two-dimensional, using credits and levels as the two parameters. Where the award of credit for a module reflects the satisfactory completion of all the designated learning outcomes at a specified level, there is a clear basis for relating credit to academic standards. In this situation, plotting the credit requirements for qualifications onto a framework that comprises levels and credits makes an important contribution towards understanding the relative standards of the qualifications.  相似文献   

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