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Financial literacy education (FLE) continues to gain momentum on a global scale. FLE is often described as essential learning for all citizens, despite the bulk of initiatives outside the compulsory school classrooms focussed on educating economically disadvantaged individuals. Informed by Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing a critical discourse analysis of FLE facilitators resources used in train-the-trainer workshops in/for a Canadian Aboriginal community was conducted to identify dominant discourses. An uncomfortable space was uncovered as the ubiquitous focus on individual wealth accumulation contradicted Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, underscoring the challenges of embedding Indigenous epistemologies in highly institutionalised charitable organisations’ attempts to help Indigenous (and non-Indigenous) peoples in poverty. Although this research is based on a Canadian program, the explosion of FLE as a “solution” to collective problems such as poverty lends itself to other—including Australian—contexts.  相似文献   

Towards a framework for financial literacy in the context of democracy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper contrasts the prevailing individualistic approach of financial literacy measurement and financial education with an educational framework that seeks to equip young people to play an active democratic role and to develop a broader understanding of the financial world. In particular, the framework suggests how important dimensions of financial literacy may be addressed in terms of the individual, the financial industry and government.  相似文献   

This paper examines the elements essential to effective teacher professional development (TPD) in financial literacy education by means of a systematic literature review. We provide a theoretical underpinning for the literature review by proposing a revised presentation of an existing general TPD model. Our results provide insight into the student learning goals in financial literacy education, the desirable teaching behaviour, the required teacher quality and the contextual factors that play a role. However, our findings also suggest a lack of studies that systematically investigate whether and how TPD initiatives enhance the effect of financial education on students' financial literacy. Furthermore, existing literature fails to provide insight in how the six key features of TPD should be implemented to optimize its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Adrianna Kezar and Hannah Yang argue that financial literacy is both an important life skill and a critical intellectual competency.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):365-385

Are South Africans financially literate, and how can this be measured? Until 2009 there was no South African financial literacy measure and, therefore, the aim was to develop a South African measurement instrument that is scientific, socially acceptable, valid and reliable. To achieve this aim a contextual and conceptual analysis of financial literacy that indicated the importance of financial literacy, the scope and impact of financial literacy education, and uncovered an acceptable financial literacy definition and its constituent concepts, was applied. A rigorous five-step process was then followed in developing a questionnaire that measures financial literacy knowledge, behaviour and attitude. This draft questionnaire was applied at the South African Military Academy (SAMA) to firstly determine and improve its validity and reliability, and secondly to measure the financial literacy levels of school leavers. Experts and users found this measurement instrument to be valid, and internal consistency levels of above .7 registered its reliability. On average the first-year SAMA students achieved scores of 55.55%, 69.85%, and 77.11% for financial literacy knowledge, behaviour and attitude. As a result it is postulated that there is now a scientific and socially relevant, valid and reliable South African financial literacy measurement instrument available.  相似文献   

"校园贷"以及其他各种套路贷能够得以生存,究其原因,还是因为财经素养教育的缺位.帮助大学生形成正确的劳动观、工作观、生活观、财富观,做好财经知识的普及,真实全面地了解金融产品,合理评估风险承受能力,提高决策水平,是财经素养教育的重要任务.因此,大学生财经素养教育不能以一个标准来开展,应根据学生实际情况实施分层分类教学....  相似文献   

This paper evaluates if the excitement about school-based financial education is warranted. First, relying on recent experimental evidence, the paper takes stock of the impact of financial education programs aimed at reaching children and youth. Second, it complements existing studies by focusing on the potentially negative unintended effects of these programs. Relying on data from a large-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT) in Peru, this paper investigates whether financial education programs have spillover effects on academic outcomes or if they widen initial inequalities due to heterogeneous treatment impacts. While delivery models that incorporate a mandatory course requirement yield large and robust impacts on financial literacy, voluntary after-school programs yield meager effects. These gains do not come at the cost of pervasive effects on the probability to pass a grade. Moreover, the impact of school-based financial education seems to be very inclusive, as treatment effects tend to be uniform across different sub-samples.  相似文献   

My Classroom Economy is a simulated economy where students have the opportunity to engage in financial decisions on a daily basis. It provides financial literacy instruction without requiring significant classroom time, and is relatively simple for teachers to implement. Compared to schools where My Classroom Economy was delayed or never implemented, students showed strong improvements in financial knowledge. Compared to a traditional lecture-based curriculum, students showed similar gains in learning. Based on standardized math test scores, there was no substitution away from core school curriculum after the program began. Experiential financial education appears to be an effective strategy to teach financial literacy, even at lower grade levels. It is also a relatively low-cost approach that does not require extensive teacher preparation.  相似文献   

理财教育是美国学校课程的一项重要内容,文章把美国中小学理财教育的实施路径归纳为立法、理论研究、课程模式、社会组织参与等方面,以期为美国中小学理财教育的后续研究做好铺垫。  相似文献   

Using a US nationally representative sample of over 6000 adults from 26 countries of ancestry, we find a strong association between their financial literacy in the US and the financial literacy level in their self-reported country of ancestry. More specifically, if an individual from a country of ancestry with ‘average’ financial literacy had instead come from a country with financial literacy one-standard deviation above the mean, his or her likelihood of answering correctly basic financial literacy questions regarding inflation, risk diversification, and interest rate in the US would have increased by 4 percentage points, a 9% increase relative to the average financial literacy in our sample of 43%. The cultural components behind this observed association include a strong emphasis on patience, long-term orientation and risk-aversion in the country of ancestry. We also find that the association is driven by financial literacy on risk diversification and interest compounding.  相似文献   

财贸高职人才面向的是服务业岗位,其岗位特点是工作对象和工作环境的多变性,因此要求财贸人才具备责任感、严谨的作风、创新的能力等多方面的素养。财贸文书写作课程是一门培养综合素养的课程,改变传统的教学模式,建立符合财贸高职人才定位的项目教学新体系,是课程改革大方向。  相似文献   

Marxian education scholars have successfully established critical media literacy as a specific response to concerns about contemporary media's problems and possibilities with regard to youth. This development has made a significant contribution to the intersection of media, critical theory, and pedagogy. Yet, the theoretical foundations of critical media literacy limit its capacity to confront the trajectory of contemporary media and communication technologies. Here, Kip Kline offers Jean Baudrillard's media theory as a possible corrective to the undertheorization of media at the level of form that contributes to the inefficacy of critical media literacy.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,财经素养已成为我们每个人必备的素质要求,而大学生的财经素养决定了我国未来经济发展的高度,因此研究当代大学生的财经素养现状及特征具有重要的意义.我们通过对江苏地区4个城市的高校进行调研,分析当代大学生收入与消费、财务认知、理财行为、理财渠道与学校教育、家庭教育的关系,探索大学生的财经素养现状和特征,寻求大学生财经素养教育方式及引导路径,为大学生财经素养的教育提供支持.  相似文献   

Public education in post-industrial societies has been restructured based on a human capital model that prioritizes the economic value of citizens for the benefit of globally competitive national economies. In a policy-as-numbers climate [Lingard, B. (2011). Policy as numbers: Ac/counting for educational research. The Australian Educational Researcher, 38(4), 355–382], school administrators and teachers struggle to ‘produce results’ and ‘close gaps’ within accountability systems built on standardized measures of learning. What possibilities exist for critical literacy as viable classroom pedagogy in such an environment? This article offers a contextual–empirical analysis of efforts to implement critical literacy in mainstream secondary classes in Singapore. Drawing on Freire’s notion of generative themes, it identifies key political-policy constraints, showing how they impacted the pedagogical enactment of critical literacy tenets and pinpointing a focal direction for critical literacy in Singapore’s English education. More generally, the article argues that critical literacy, more than ever, must be a localized practice responding to exigencies emerging at the global–local nexus.  相似文献   

现阶段的中国金融模式是指在完善我国社会主义市场经济体制的新阶段,建立既符合中国国情又适合国际金融发展规律要求的金融模式。它是中国进一步扩大对世界开放和国内金融发展的必然趋势及结果。必须从中国金融发展的定位、金融体系的构建、金融模式的形成、信用制度的完善以及金融立法等方面入手,处理好中国金融业对内搞活与对外开放、本国实践与借鉴西方经验、现实条件与未来发展、金融理论与金融监管等诸多方面的关系。  相似文献   

近年来,财经素养教育成为美国重点关注的教育领域之一。大学生群体所处的特殊阶段与面临 的多种财经压力凸显了高校财经素养教育的特殊性与紧迫性。美国高校将财经素养教育融入学校教学和 管理工作,形成了交互式网络课程、课堂本位、项目本位、个体咨询、游戏本位教育、财经素养教育月专项活 动和财经报告卡项目等实践模式,呈现出重视顶层设计、坚持学校为本、强化伙伴合作等特征。  相似文献   

对财经信息进行理性分析和决策成为当今社会个体生存和发展必不可少的核心能力。以培养该能力为核心的财经素养教育已成为当前国际教育发展的热点之一。本文从发展核心素养的实践创新素养出发,对发展核心素养框架下的财经素养教育定位进行了深入分析,指出财经素养教育是发展实践创新素养的有效载体,同时,实践创新素养的培养要求也为财经素养教育提供了发展方向。本文归纳总结了财经素养的发展沿革、基本内涵和特征,提出了系统的财经素养整合理论框架。并结合我国学生发展核心素养的教育改革方向,提出财经素养教育的实施建议。  相似文献   

农村人口文化素质低是制约我国农业结构调整、农业产业化及农业竞争力的瓶颈问题,新世纪必须大力发展农村成人教育。发展农村成人教育应注意教学内容实用、教学方法的多样化、现代化,要实施素质教育,政府要加强规划管理、多渠道筹措办学经费。  相似文献   

Financial literacy education (FLE) typically focuses on teaching skills and capabilities that promote individual wealth accumulation—for example, the importance of working, budgeting and saving. In this article, we argue the need to move from an individual wealth accumulation focus in FLE to a praxis approach to FLE. We outline the shortcomings of the conventional approach to FLE and develop a conceptual framework for a praxis approach to FLE. We view praxis as the moral, ethical and caring aspect of teaching. Using the conceptual framework, we argue that a praxis approach to FLE includes full attention to: how financial decision-making affects others and self; acknowledging that some life decisions are not financially rewarding; understanding that improving financial mathematics skills and capabilities may not equate to an increase in income; how SES affects an individual’s ability to save and maintain long-term saving; and the ways in which gender, culture, values, psychological state, socioeconomic class and ethics shape identity and their impact on financial decision-making.  相似文献   

The unwillingness of the Somali community to finance higher education has largely gone unnoticed within the academic literature and government policy documents. This study explores the role of religion and the influence of Shari'ah scholars on the use of interest-bearing student loans within the Somali community. In the absence of any theoretical framework on this topic, we explore the multiple socioeconomic factors that may influence the attitude, perception of need, motivation and action of using student loans for higher education, by proposing the UK Somali Muslims Acceptance of Interest-bearing Student Loan Model. This is also a community-based participatory study that actively involved Somali community members in exploring and interpreting the results. This was achieved through regular consultations with the sampled Somali Muslim communities within the UK. Our results contribute to the broader debate on the effect of cultural, religious and social values of marginalised communities on inclusion and widening access policies for higher education. The findings reemphasise that people sharing the same location do not necessarily share the same level of opportunities for higher education because of the intersectionality of race, religion, gender and class. The results also show the complexity of the issue of exclusion and the atheoretical nature of student loans as a financial instrument for improving financial inclusion and widening access to higher education among Somali residents in England.  相似文献   

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