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近几年的研究发现,大学生成就动机整体水平有很大的提高,男大学生成就动机强于女大学生,理科大学生成就动机高于文科大学生的趋势。影响成就动机的因素有很多,除了社会、家庭、学校还有自身的因素。提高大学生成就动机的关键在于培养和训练大学生良好的个性品质、提高其心理素质,从而强化成就动机的形成。  相似文献   

Past studies have shown that distinct yet highly correlated sub-constructs of three broad mathematics affective variables: (a) motivation, (b) attitudes and (c) anxiety, have varying degree of correlation with mathematics achievement. The sub-constructs of these three affective constructs are as follows: (a) (i) amotivation, (ii) external regulation, (iii) introjection, (iv) identification, (v) intrinsic motivation; (b) (i) enjoyment of mathematics, (ii) self-confidence in mathematics, (iii) perceived value of mathematics; (c) (i) anxiety with mathematics and (ii) ease with mathematics. This study identifies, both within and across these three affective variables, the key sub-constructs that educators should focus upon when selecting learning process variables for mathematics achievement. Results were analysed using a series of stepwise regression analyses using data from 1018 Grade 12 students enrolled in a top pre-tertiary institution in Singapore, both for concurrent and predictive relationships, and also for both genders. Results of this study showed that after taking into account self-confidence in mathematics and ease with mathematics, all other sub-constructs of mathematics motivation, attitudes and anxiety were not significantly correlated with mathematics achievement. This is true for both concurrent and predictive relationships, and for both genders. Implications of the results of this study are twofold. First, results of this study provide educators with priority affective variables to focus upon in their efforts to enhance performance in mathematics via the affective domain. Second, in situations where administration time is limited, it may be possible to consider only self-confidence and ease with mathematics when investigating relationships between affect and mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the public discourse surrounding the representation of cultural and ethnic groups in U.S. entertainment media by examining movie reviews of a specific film. It examines the types of arguments and support that popular film critics used in their evaluations of the 1998 action film The Siege. The film was publicly criticized by activist groups before its release and reviewers found it necessary to address the issue of whether the film contained stereotypes or could contribute to prejudicial understandings in their evaluations of the film. Three types of arguments that consistently appeared in the reviews’ evaluations of the film are described and explored: the film's relationship to real‐world events, the intentions of the film's creators, and the constraints of the genre. Implications of the consistent use of these criteria for audiences’ decisions to see the film, their evaluations of the film, and their understanding of the role of the media in maintaining or challenging racism and ethnocentrism are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing questions for those who study intellectually gifted students is why some of them reach peak performances at school and others don’t. Moderator theories of giftedness assume that domain-specific gifts are transformed into achievement in a process influenced by non-cognitive and environmental variables. Thus, the current study investigates differences in the non-cognitive construct motivation (achievement goals, interest, self-concept, self-efficacy, implicit theories) and perception of classroom environment (classroom structure, class climate) between mathematically gifted high achievers (n = 66) and mathematically gifted students with non-high achievement (n = 144) using a latent variable approach. Gifted high achievers expressed higher levels of motivation than non-high achievers. Furthermore, they perceived a classroom structure that provides more tasks with a focus on learning and more autonomy.  相似文献   

该研究以师范类女大学生作为研究对象,采用叶仁敏和Hegtvet,K.A.合作译制的中文版本成就动机量表(AMS),对236名在校女大学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:大学生成就动机没有显著的学科差异和年级差异。进而针对研究结果进行分析,阐明了作者对出现这一结果的原因的看法。在此基础上,提出培养和提高师范大学女大学生成就动机的建议,分别从帮助师范大学女大学生树立正确目标和形成正确的自我认识等多个维度来提高师范大学女大学生成就动机水平,以期能够寻求一条适合师范大学女大学生提升成就动机水平的途径,为其以后的发展创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

Background: Horizontal gender inequalities appear to be rather stable, with girls more often choosing ‘female’ service professions, and boys choosing career paths related to science, technology, engineering or Mathematics.

Purpose: Non-egalitarian patriarchal gender-role orientations and gender associations (perceived femininity) of the school subjects German Language Arts and Mathematics are theorised – triangulating different theoretical backgrounds – and empirically analysed as a major predictor of gender-typical vocational aspirations, considering interest in these school subjects as a mediating factor. Furthermore, we focus on a patriarchal relation of father’s and mother’s workforce participation as a root of gender-role orientations, and teacher gender in regard to its impact on gendered images of subjects.

Sample: Empirical analyses are based on survey data from eighth-graders (around the ages of 14 and 15 at the time of data gathering) in the Swiss canton of Bern. The sample only encompasses children from two-parent families, as patriarchality in terms of differences in workforce participation between father and mother is taken into account.

Design and methods: The research issues are analysed employing structural equation models. The statistical package Mplus allows for an analysis of the two dependent dichotomous variables ‘gender-typical vocational aspiration’ and ‘gender-atypical vocational aspiration’. The hierarchic structure of the sample (school class clusters) is taken into account.

Results: Findings reveal different patterns for boys and girls; for boys, gender-typical (male) vocational aspiration could be explained to a small extent via gender-role orientations, interest in Mathematics and gender associations of school subjects; for girls, the factors under consideration could be empirically linked to ‘atypical vocational aspiration’. Teacher gender only has an impact among girls: if girls are taught by a female Mathematics teacher, they perceive the subject as a bit more female and show a higher interest in this subject. Their likelihood of having a gender-atypical vocational aspiration is a bit higher than among girls with a male Mathematics teacher who perceive the subject as a bit less female and, thus, show somewhat lower interest in this subject.

Conclusions: There are still links – although weak – between gender stereotypes and vocational aspirations. Gender-role orientations are rooted in the family. A sensitisation towards gender stereotypes and their impact on aspirations and career would appear to be meaningful in broadening the vocational perspectives of men and women.  相似文献   

东南亚留学生汉语学习态度和动机实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章采取实证定量问卷调查的方法,考察了东南亚留学生汉语学习的态度和动机以及与汉语水平的关系。受试者为在云南某高校学习汉语的44位来自越南、泰国、缅甸和老挝的留学生。问卷包括66个有关为什么学习汉语的问题,主要根据Gardner/Lambert的二语习得量表编制而成。用SPSS统计软件对数据进行了描写性分析,以探索14种态度和动机的类型的重要程度,得分最高的7个态度/动机依次是教学因素动机、合作/竞争学习动机、家长支持动机、融合型动机、对外国语言/文化的态度、社会责任动机和学习愿望。皮尔逊相关系数表明,受试者的汉语成绩与学习汉语的态度、对本民族认同的态度和学习努力程度呈显著正相关关系。多元回归分析显示,影响东南亚留学生汉语学习成绩的前4个最重要的因子指标是:学习努力程度、学习汉语的态度、对本民族认同的态度以及家长支持的动机。  相似文献   

The most significant aspects within this taking place in the educational system regarding to paper are overcoming the stereotypes and prejudices that are Roma children. In addition to this, there are couples of explorations which explain the way of how the Roma children are integrated and socialized within the school borders and more concrete within a class. In that context, it gives the marks, at the same time, the visions of the Roma students in creating a comfortable atmosphere where they would find themselves to be motivated and show their best optimal school results, as well as support and encouragement for their increased activity, motivation and initiative within the school. Also, the author presented some project experiences from Sweden and Macedonia. As a pattern of an informal education from Faculty of Pedagogy in Skopje, which is very interesting, offers possibilities for development of capabilities and awareness of unity, mutual respect, tolerance ethnic harmony and building up of the consciousness of the existence of the other, especially for Roma students. The human ideas like being the first to love and taking initiative without wanting to be loved are accessible to everyone and are especially useful for youngsters.  相似文献   


In recent years, China and Germany have become invaluable partners in business, politics, and science. However, psychological research indicates that the countries’ large-scale affinity does not translate onto the individual level, with many Germans expressing more reservations towards China than vice versa. Previous content analyses have connected this effect to imbalances in media tonality, as German media mostly criticise Chinese politics, contrasting with idealised portrayals from the other direction. Acknowledging the particularly high number of Chinese exchange students in Germany, we investigate mutual stereotypes (both explicit and implicit) in the context of a German university, while also exploring students’ perceptions of media tonality. Despite observing mostly positive explicit stereotypes, we find that both groups strongly prefer their country of origin on an implicit level, matching their generally sparse contact in university life. Based on our results, we discuss implications for students, educators, and decision-makers in the media.  相似文献   

Although self-initiative is recognized as instrumental to success in college, some students do not take responsibility for their academic development and fail to make the transition from high school to college. This problem is exacerbated when bright, highly skilled students drop courses or quit college entirely. Research into this paradox of failure reveals that, although high academic control benefits learning-related emotions, cognitions, motivation, and performance, it is not sufficient to ensure optimal success. Along with academic control other factors are implicated in the paradox. In this 3-year longitudinal study, four groups of students who differed in academic control (low, high) and failure preoccupation (low, high) were tracked using broad indices of scholastic development. Overall, students higher in academic control obtained better 3-year GPAs and withdrew from fewer courses. More notable, however, high-academic-control students who were concerned about failure had better 3-year GPAs and also were less likely to withdraw from courses or quit university than the other three groups. Paradoxically, high-academic-control students who were less concerned about failure did poorly. In qualifying the assumption that more perceived control is always better, these results are interpreted following social cognition theory.  相似文献   

通过对一体化大专生和普通本科生的对比,发现其成就动机存在差异;本文还探讨了家庭环境的某些因素对五年制一体化大专生这一特殊群体的成就动机产生的不同程度的影响,并提出了建设性的意见.  相似文献   

The results of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS 2001) were published in 2003. In addition to data about the reading achievements of 10‐year‐olds in 35 countries, PIRLS 2001 also collected questionnaire information from children, their teachers, headteachers and parents. The results showed not just how well students can perform in various reading tasks, but also the relationship between reading abilities and other characteristics, including the characteristics of their homes and schools, the students' attitudes to reading, reading enjoyment, self‐confidence, engagement and perceptions of their reading abilities. Surprisingly enough, children in England were reported as having poor attitudes to reading, compared to children in many other countries, despite high achievement on the reading tests. This paper raises some concerns about the interpretation of results from the study, suggesting a more complex picture than that presented in the summary index published in 2003. Our secondary analysis of the attitude and achievement data from PIRLS shows that pupils with low ability levels have misunderstood the questions which tested their attitudes towards reading. The authors point out that caution is needed when making cross‐country comparisons to avoid naïve approaches to interpretation.  相似文献   

The study was designed to assess the development of Family Independence (FI), Peer Independence (PI), Liberalism (L), Social Conscience (SC), and Cultural Sophistication (CS) among students attending three predominantly black colleges. Responses to the Attitudes section of the College Student Questionnaires were obtained from 334 students when they were entering freshmen, end-of-year freshmen, and graduating seniors. The data were analyzed with a repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance design. College, Sex, and Time were the independent variables, and the five attitude scales were the dependent variables. The tests for the main effects of time revealed overall gains on all five scales. A significant Sex × Time interaction indicated that PI scores for males increased, while females' PI scores decreased, during the freshman year; the females' PI scores increased during the subsequent three year period. Significant College × Time interactions were found for FI and CS. College × Sex × Time interactions were significant for L and CS. The results indicated that students who attended these predominantly black colleges developed greater self-reliance and autonomy and broadened interests in political, social, and cultural affairs. The extent of change in these attitudes varied, however, according to the college attended and/or sex of the student.  相似文献   

We tested the effectiveness of the intervention program designed to enhance children's math motivation by simultaneously strengthening their growth mindsets and weakening their gender stereotypes. Both the intervention and control programs consisted of six bi-weekly 40-min sessions that were evenly distributed over three months and administered during regular school hours. Repeated measures analyses of variance with group (between-subject factor: intervention vs. control) and time (within-subject factor: pretest vs. posttest) revealed significant Group × Time interactions for all outcomes but test anxiety. Growth mindset, perceived competence, persistence, and achievement of the intervention group increased, while those of the control group decreased. Gender stereotypic beliefs exhibited the opposite pattern. Also, growth mindset and gender stereotypes correlated negatively only for the intervention group. Path analysis demonstrated that the growth mindset of students after the intervention predicted their math persistence and achievement directly and indirectly via their perceived competence in math.  相似文献   

Singaporean elementary-school students (N = 299) completed Child Implicit Association Tests (Child IAT) as well as explicit measures of gender identity, math–gender stereotypes, and math self-concepts. Students also completed a standardized math achievement test. Three new findings emerged. First, implicit, but not explicit, math self-concepts (math = me) were positively related to math achievement on a standardized test. Second, as expected, stronger math–gender stereotypes (math = boys) significantly correlated with stronger math self-concepts for boys and weaker math self-concepts for girls, on both implicit and explicit measures. Third, implicit math–gender stereotypes were significantly related to math achievement. These findings show that non-academic factors such as implicit math self-concepts and stereotypes are linked to students' actual math achievement. The findings suggest that measuring individual differences in non-academic factors may be a useful tool for educators in assessing students' academic outcomes.  相似文献   

The social desirability of characteristics associated with creativity and cultural stereotypes was examined across Polish and Chinese cultures. Polish responses were compared with those from an earlier Chinese study (n = 451). First, we carried out an initial study among 116 Polish students to determine what traits are parts of the national stereotype. Then we sought answers from another set of Poles (n = 610) as to what traits were, first, creative and, secondly, desirable. To analyze the responses we first ranked the traits that both Polish and Chinese students found desirable and then compared the desirable traits across cultures with traits known to be trademarks of creativity. As expected, we found differences between the two samples arising from underlying social origins in that: (a) Poles desired more creative traits and more western traits, whereas Chinese desired more Confucianism based traits and less creative traits; and (b) both Poles and Chinese found creativity traits are desirable albeit Poles found them more desirable than Chinese. An interesting side note is that Poles, unlike Chinese, do not take a positive view of their cultural traits.  相似文献   

Drawing on the expectation state theory, this paper seeks to analyse the social cognitive process of the impacts of gender stereotypes along with their culturally derived schemas of status belief, status characteristics and emotion at the early stage of women's endeavour to emerge as leaders in academia. Employing a convenience sampling and interviews held with five women academic participants from three public and private universities in the western region of Indonesia, this research reveals that two social cognitive practices affect women's endeavour to emerge as leaders; (1) the incongruities of cultural and cognitive expected status belief and status characteristics about females with the expected performance of leadership. The pervasive effect of these can be mitigated when women adopt a strategy of neglection, coupled with a strategy of networking both via their own networks and their husband's networks; (2) the incongruities of cultural and cognitive expected ways of emotional expression on women with the expected performance of leadership. This impacts the status conferral that shapes the worthiness of females to emerge as leaders, leading female leaders in our study to build a protective shield of emotion display to keep them perceived as worthy individuals for leadership roles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the gender stereotypes endorsed by elementary and high school students regarding mathematics and language. We developed a questionnaire allowing students to rate mathematics and language as either male or female domains and administered it to a sample of 984 elementary and high school French‐speaking Canadian students (Grades 6, 8, and 10). Results showed that, with the exception of Grade 6 boys, students did not believe that mathematics was a male domain, or even conceived of mathematics as a predominantly female domain, suggesting that the traditional stereotype favouring boys in mathematics might have changed over the past few years. Moreover, language was clearly viewed as a female domain. Overall, our findings suggest that boys seem to be in need of encouragement in school, especially regarding language, where the advantage given to girls is particularly salient.  相似文献   

We examined associations between the explicit mathematics-related gender stereotypes of students, parents, teachers, and classmates and students’ motivational-affective outcomes in mathematics (self-concept, interest, anxiety) at the end of Grade 9. Based on representative data from the German Trends in Student Achievement 2018 study (N = 30,019), results of latent multilevel mixture models show that boys’ and girls’ explicit beliefs in the stereotype favoring their own gender in-group (i.e., boys’/girls’ belief that boys/girls do better at mathematics) were related to higher levels of self-concept and interest and to lower anxiety. Parents’ gender stereotypes showed an incremental association with all three outcomes for girls but only with mathematics self-concept for boys. Gender stereotypes of teachers were not related to students’ outcomes. However, classmates’ stereotypes favoring girls or boys in mathematics were negatively associated with outcomes of the positively stereotyped group. Thus, a male student in a classroom with classmates who share the traditional stereotype that boys do better at mathematics than girls would hold a lower self-concept and interest and higher anxiety level after controlling for the beneficial individual association of himself having the same belief and his motivational and affective outcomes. Similarly, a girl’s motivational-affective outcomes would be more favorable in the same environment characterized by the shared traditional stereotype of mathematics as a male domain after controlling for the negative individual association. Shared stereotypes in the classroom could thus trigger social comparison processes to which students are more susceptible than to stereotypes of their teachers.  相似文献   

采用威廉斯创造力倾向量表(CAP)、成就动机量表(AMS)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对大学生进行测查结论表明:大学生成就动机、人格特征对创造力倾向有显著影响。  相似文献   

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