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P H Kahn 《Child development》1992,63(2):416-430
This study examined children's obligatory moral judgments (which reflect a moral requirement) and discretionary moral judgments (which reflect moral worthiness, but not a requirement). 72 children participated across grades 2, 5, and 8 (mean ages, 8-3, 11-0, and 13-11). Children were interviewed in response to stimulus stories that controlled for the degree of agent's cost (low and high) for performing positive moral acts (giving money for food to an impoverished, hungry person) and negative moral acts (not stealing money for food). Results showed that negative moral acts were more often conceived as obligatory than positive moral acts. In addition, the results support the proposition that children's concepts of obligation underlie judgments to codify law, that justice reasoning builds on concepts of welfare, and that with increasing age discretionary moral reasoning incorporates such character traits as benevolence, sacrifice, and supererogation. Discussion includes consideration of how the study's conceptualization and analysis can provide guidance to a moral-developmental research program.  相似文献   

Dimensional adjectives are inherently relative in meaning, and so provide a test of children's ability to apply nonegocentric standards. The present research investigates children's ability to apply one kind of relative standard assessing the size of an object with regard to its intended use (a functional interpretation). In 3 experiments, children 3-5 years of age were asked to judge objects as "big" or "little" according to their function (e.g., a hat for a doll; a key for a door). Contrary to previous claims, the ability to use nonegocentric functional standards was present by age 3. However, 3-year-olds performed above chance only when their attention was directed to the relevant function, either by means of action (when actually shown how the objects fit together) or by means of language. In contrast, 4-year-olds performed well without additional action-based or linguistic cues. It is suggested that children have an implicit ordering in their interpretations of big and little, such that functional judgments are lower in priority than 2 other standards: normative (the size of an object is compared to a stored mental standard, e.g., a chihuahua is small for a dog) and perceptual (the size of an object is compared to another physically present object of the same type, e.g., a chihuahua 6 inches tall is big compared to a chihuahua 4 inches tall). Even 3-year-olds can make nonegocentric functional judgments of relative size, but the basis of the judgment must be unambiguous.  相似文献   

<正>有一个人在沙滩上散步,突然,他看到远处好像是有小孩在跳舞。他们到底在沙滩上跳舞干什么呢?他边想边迅速地朝他们走过去。他惊奇地发现,一个男孩和一个女孩并不是在跳舞,而是捡起被海水冲上岸来的海星,并把它们扔回大海。请问,你们为什么把海星扔回大海呢?他问道。孩子们没有理会他的话,继续捡海星扔回大海。  相似文献   

人类善的意义自古就是伦理学界争论与探讨的核心问题,经不起推敲的善不是真正的善,有一种善是人类的公义,或许存在普世性,还需要探究。功利主义下的善往往是经不起思考分析的,往往会变得狭隘。理性下的善至少是真正合理的善,而更深的意义还在争论与探究之中。本文主要窥探了关于人类之善的一些观点与理论,以期为善之意义问题的探究提供思考。  相似文献   

The developmental model of subjective group dynamics hypothesizes that peer exclusion during middle childhood involves inferences about group dynamics. To test the generality of this prediction, children judged, within minimal groups, peers whose behavior was loyal versus disloyal (Study 1: n = 46, mean age = 113 months) or morally acceptable versus unacceptable (Study 2: n = 121, mean age = 90 months). As hypothesized, in Study 1, children used their understanding of loyalty norms as a basis for evaluating peers. In both studies, higher commitment to the in-group increased use of group-based criteria for judging peers. In Study 2, children employed moral- and group-based criteria independently for judging peers. Multiple classification skill was associated with lower intergroup bias and greater use of morality-based judgment.  相似文献   

Waxer M  Morton JB 《Child development》2011,82(5):1648-1660
Six-year-old children can judge a speaker's feelings either from content or paralanguage but have difficulty switching the basis of their judgments when these cues conflict. This inflexibility may relate to a lexical bias in 6-year-olds' judgments. Two experiments tested this claim. In Experiment 1, 6-year-olds (n = 40) were as inflexible when switching from paralanguage to content as when switching from content to paralanguage. In Experiment 2, 6-year-olds (n = 32) and adults (n = 32) had more difficulty when switching between conflicting emotion cues than conflicting nonemotional cues. Thus, 6-year-olds' inflexibility appears to be tied to the presence of conflicting emotion cues in speech rather than a bias to judge a speaker's feelings from content.  相似文献   

汉代赋家具有浓厚的仁政观念。他们重视国家的统一,反对分裂,反对外族入侵,希望国民有一个良好的安定详和的生活环境。他们反对暴政和扰民的行为,希望人民休养生息、发展生产。他们反对奢侈浪费,注重勤俭节约。而这一切都是有益于广大的人民群众的。  相似文献   

This paper explores the significance of designing online learning led by the principle of direct and meaningful participant engagement. It considers the notion of kindness as a crucial value contributing to pedagogy and the development of meaningful learning relationships. The paper challenges the ‘delivery’ approach to online learning, suggesting that the flexible and explicit design of engagement opportunities from a sociocultural perspective is a more meaningful and human approach to learning online. The paper clarifies the term Digitally Mediated Learning (DML) to establish connections to important pedagogic positions. The research approach is based around a qualitative professional reflective enquiry. It considers the experiences of learners on a Masters in Education online module and concludes that design, engagement nurturing, community cohesion and kindness can become crucial aspects of successful DML, if institutions learn to value the life projects of others more fully.  相似文献   

试论高职院校学生的人性化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校对学生实施人性化管理是当代高等教育改革的要求。针对高职学生的个性特点,提出增强教师的服务意识、制定合理规范的管理制度、实施人性化的教学管理体系、为学生营造人性化的生活和发展空间等人性化的学生管理措施。  相似文献   

张小灵 《高中生》2011,(28):40-42
陈赓与彭德怀,同是湖南人,同是功勋卓著的开国元勋。不同的是他们的性格:陈赓幽默风趣,爱开玩笑;彭德怀则表情严肃,不苟言笑。而陈赓与彭德怀这两个性格迥然不同的人,却有着深厚的革命友谊。陈赓"骗"彭德怀,"骗"出的是亲密战友之间的无私关心和真挚情怀。彭德怀被"骗",被"骗"出的是革命家的磊落品质和高尚情怀。  相似文献   

Children's thinking about diversity of belief in 4 realms--morality, taste, facts, and ambiguous facts--was examined. Ninety-six participants (ages 5, 7, and 9) were interviewed about beliefs different from their own that were endorsed by characters with different status; their judgments of relativism, tolerance, and disagreeing persons were assessed. Five-year-olds made fewer relative and tolerant judgments than 7- and 9-year-olds. Nevertheless, participants of all ages organized their judgments according to the realm of diversity, thought that some beliefs are relative and some are nonrelative, and made tolerant judgments of some divergent beliefs (and their proponents) but not of others. The findings suggest that, in the early school years, children have multiple and well-differentiated perspectives on belief diversity.  相似文献   

The Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT), developed by Amabile [Amabile, T.M. (1982). Social psychology of creativity: A consensual assessment technique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43, 997–1013], is frequently used to evaluate the creativity of productions. Judgments obtained with CAT are usually reliable and valid. However, notable individual differences in judgment exist. This empirical study shows that creativity judgments for advertisements vary, depending on (1) the level of two underlying components of creativity — originality and appropriateness, (2) the creative ability of the judges, i.e. variations in their ability to be original, and finally, (3) instructions or training that they received about the topic of creativity assessment. Effects of advertisements' appropriateness and judges' ability to be original on individual differences in creativity judgments are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以儿童发展的视角,首先阐述了儿童剧教育活动的由来;其次,依据多种发展心理学理论,分析了儿童剧在幼儿心智发展中的重要作用;再次,讨论了儿童剧在不同年龄段所产生的不同作用,指出这种特殊的教育活动对于幼儿认知发展的教育价值尤为重要。针对儿童剧的特点,文章进一步阐述了儿童剧对儿童心智发展及关键经验获得的作用机制,并以莺莺艺术幼儿园多年儿童剧探索的案例,说明了如何在幼儿园进行儿童剧教育活动的实践。  相似文献   

论会计职业判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济条件下,企业的经营类型,规模各不相同,企业发展中充满着不确定性,会计制度和准则不可能为各种类型的企业及它们各种情况下所可能发生的各种业务的会计处理方法都做出详尽的,具体的规定,而只能做出原则性的规定。会计制度对会计处理留有选择空间的目的是为了使企业各项经济业务的会计处理更符合实际,  相似文献   

This article provides a brief review of current large-scale, longitudinal data collection initiatives focusing on children. These studies will be available for secondary data analyses in the twenty-first century. In addition to child outcome data, process-oriented information is being collected on child-parent interactions, quality of child care, elementary school teacher reports and classroom observations, accessibility and use of health, educational and social services, parental mental health, family violence, fathering, parental residence patterns, income and income sources, child support, employment patterns, and community characteristics. Several of these studies are randomized trials of the efficacy of early childhood intervention services and housing mobility programs. The usefulness of these efforts for exploring policy-relevant issues (child support enforcement, work requirements for welfare recipients, antipoverty strategies, housing subsidies and relocation, availability of child care, child-care subsidies) are discussed.  相似文献   

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