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在竞争日益激烈,社会环境变化难以预测的背景下,一向被视为组织稳定性较高的学校,危机爆发也日趋频繁。危机一旦处理不善,将对学校产生巨大的破坏作用,使学校的信誉、形象受到严重损害,使危机事件的利益相关者(教师、学生、家长及社区等)饱受精神的创伤[1]。然而,我国大部分学校管理者危机意识缺乏,危机决策能力低下。在危机决策中,存在过于依  相似文献   

西方危机传播理论植根于危机管理的背景中,全面整合公共关系学、政治学、舆论学等多学科知识,目前已成为较为成熟的理论。西方学界日益转向以媒体为本位,在危机传播的理论框架中探讨大众传媒的作用与功能,探索在危机事件中传媒本身如何进行议题设置,这对在我国现实语境中建立危机传播中传媒的良性反应机制有较强的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

在2009年初的“躲猫猫”事件中,以网络舆论为代表的公众议程、以传统媒体为代表的媒介议程,以及以政府为代表的政策议程三者的互动促成了该事件的强大影响力。公众议程在三者中占据主导地位,传统媒体与网络的并存、互补推动事件向前发展,政策议程的主动干预则有效地影响了媒介议程和公众议程。  相似文献   

公共危机是当今世界面临的共同问题,提升政府危机决策能力、制定积极有效公共政策应对各种危机,极具重要意义.目前我国危机决策中存在信息匮乏、滞后、失真,危机决策缺乏协调性,决策方法单一陈旧、工具缺乏创新等问题,有必要从建立反应迅速、运作高效的危机决策信息系统,提高危机决策的协调性,加强决策技术创新能力等方面加以完善.  相似文献   

文章结合我国危机决策的实际运作情况,剖析其中存在的种种困境及其导致这些困境产生的各方面的原因,对我国危机管理体系建设过程中如何提高危机决策的效能提供相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告明确指出,要发展基层民主,扩大社会主义民主,更好地保障人民权益和社会公平正义。但由于客观和主观的诱因,我国政府决策过程中存在大量的"草根性隐蔽议程"。草根性隐蔽议程具有双向影响,对公民、对政府都会造成极大危害。因此,有必要对草根性隐蔽议程的诱因作出诊断,以便为寻找相应对策打下基础,从而使社会主义新农村建设能有一个良好的政策环境。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告明确指出,要发展基层民主,扩大社会主义民主,更好地保障人民权益和社会公平正义。但由于客观和主观的诱因,我国政府决策过程中存在大量的“草根性隐蔽议程“。草根性隐蔽议程具有双向影响,对公民、对政府都会造成极大危害。因此,有必要对草根性隐蔽议程的诱因作出诊断,以便为寻找相应对策打下基础,从而使社会主义新农村建设能有一个良好的政策环境。  相似文献   

汶川大地震发生后,作为灾区接收信息的唯一大众媒体--广播,利用先天的危机传播优势,在救援中建立起独特的媒介议程,以快捷的行动力承担起连通灾区内外信息渠道的功能,有效地推进了危机的解决。  相似文献   

官蕊  郑刚 《湖北教育》2010,(5):49-51
当前,我国正处在经济体制深刻变革,社会结构深刻变动,利益格局深刻调整,思想观念深刻变化的改革开放关键时期,突发性公共危机事件由非常态变为常态、南偶发变为多发。从2008年汶川地震到今年玉树地震,从湖北石首事件、吉林通钢事件到近期全国各地多起针对儿童的袭击事件等,都对我国政府的公共危机管理能力提出了严峻挑战。  相似文献   

以多源流理论为政策分析工具,对国家安全教育政策形成的内在逻辑进行阐释,结果表明:国家安全教育决策议程是党和政府在“政策之窗”开启时推动问题源流、政策源流和政治源流汇合的结果。其中,国家安全长期面临挑战、学生国家安全素养测评普遍较低、国家安全教育实践工作运行困难构成了问题源流;政府官员的指导性建议、各人大代表及专家学者的建言献策构成了政策源流;党和政府对国家安全教育理念的转变及国民在重要节点对国家安全更加关注构成了政治源流。为进一步优化决策议程,应从多源流理论视角出发提升问题能见度,保证决策合理性;扩大“政策共同体”,优化备选方案;把握政治方向,引导国民情绪。  相似文献   

In the context of globalisation and hegemonic neoliberalism, the state's ability to legitimate the economic system and its own policies cannot be assumed as a positive automatic effect. The economic and political conditions that once framed state action have changed, and it is reasonable to think that the emergence of a new accumulation regime implies also a shift in the traditional strategies used by the nation-state to legitimate its policy-making. This paper reviews how the neoliberal educational agenda develops a new political rationality that changes the traditional forms in which the state has managed its legitimation crisis. In addition, the paper argues that context-based factors, nationally specific, show that this political rationality may not be uniformly applied among different nation-states. The case of semiperipheral countries provides some evidence on the necessary combination of old and new strategies developed by the state to legitimate a neoliberal agenda.  相似文献   

Franz Riffert 《Interchange》2005,36(1-2):231-252
First an overview is given about the actual national and international situation concerning standardized testing. Then two major reasons are presented why accountability systems based on standardized testing have become so widespread: (a) the missing validity and reliability of teachers’ assessment of students’ achievement, and (b) the important role standardized testing plays for out-put management in educational systems.On the basis of these considerations Alfred North Whitehead’s critical remarks on external standardized testing are presented. Whitehead’s main point is that external standardized testing limits the freedom of teachers to adapt to the complex, situation specific circumstances in order to obtain a maximum of the creative learning process for students who are conceived as specialists. Instead external testings lead to “teaching to the test.” As a consequence, the attitude of creative, adventurous exploration is undermined and substituted by simple pattern recognition, narrow visions, and even boredom. Finally, the question is raised whether there is any possibility of developing a measurement tool which on the one side meets scientific test criteria, and on the other side is still flexible enough to do justice to needs of individual schools – which according to Whitehead are the essential educational unit – and not vice versa, as it is the case at present with external standardized testing. That such a flexible approach to evaluation is possible is demonstrated by the presentation of the basic ideas of the MSS (Module Approach to Self-Evaluation of School Development Projects) which has been developed and examined in ten schools by the author and his collaborators.  相似文献   

论《外婆的日用家当》中迪依的象征意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《外婆的日用家当》通过刻画一个家庭中三个女人在面对文化遗产时的不同态度,反映了作家艾利斯.沃克对待美国黑人遗产的看法。作家赋予主要人物之一的迪依身上的象征意蕴对于揭示文章主题起到了关键的作用。  相似文献   

庞大的外债数额对非洲国家来说已是天数字,外债负担几乎压垮了非洲大陆,债权国和债务国共同努力解决非洲严峻的债务问题。  相似文献   

The article considers the ways in which cultural and ethnic traits can be utilized in dealing with post-traumatic stress in Russia, with reference to the terrorist act committed in Beslan in 2004.  相似文献   

能力培养中的文化缺失:医学教育中文化的运用与误用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化能力培养对改善卫生保健质量、消除种族不平等的重要性已渐为人们所重视.本文作者讨论了文化与健康及卫生保健的相关性,尤其是其不调和性,审视了文化的概念,尤其关注在文化能力培养中文化的运用与误用,并分析了相关论点对卫生专业教育的影响意义.  相似文献   

虽然当代意识形态建设的基础是马克思主义理论,但西方思想在对马克思主义意识形态的本质进行了丰富之后,其在生活和政治领域的影响力日益明显。而现代经济和信息的发展使得国人更多地注意到西方先进国家在意识形态话语权上的强势,致使中国马克思主义意识形态呈现边缘化危机。因此,保护和继续确立马克思主义意识形态的社会发展和经济建设中的指导地位,就需要充分了解马克思主义意识形态对于现代社会的意义,从而针对现状对其进行有效地维护。  相似文献   

建筑企业危机管理现状及应对的组织模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济高速发展、竞争日益激烈的条件下,建筑企业面临着市场环境、主体需求、技术创新等不断变化,都会给企业发展带来危机。本文力图通过对建筑企业危机管理现状的分析,建立了危机管理动态循环模型和危机管理Partnering组织模式,为建筑企业有效避免危机,增强应对危机能力,提供了有效的危机管理应对方法。  相似文献   

This paper aims to draw the attention of teachers of basic university physics courses towards students' problems concerning the interpretation of the symbolic language used in the discipline. Specific difficulties found in the first course of physics, related to different kinds of statements expressed in mathematical language, are pointed out and analysed, and some suggestions are made to cope with them during instruction. It could be concluded that teachers may need only to reflect and comment on the virtues of making explicit the semantic and syntactic aspects of formal languages as they teach physics.  相似文献   

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