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中小学心理健康教育的组织实施要加强领导和管理。采取各种切实可行的措施,建立健全各级心理健康教育的组织机构,加强心理健康教育师资队伍建设,大力开展心理健康教育教师的继续教育培训,重视教师的心理健康教育,提高教师的心理健康水平和开展心理健康教育的能力。一、建立健全心理健康教育组织机构中小学心理健康教育工作需要一定的组织领导机构作为保证,以进一步加强宏观协调和指  相似文献   

杨建飞 《教育探索》2005,(11):75-76
为保证中小学心理健康教育有序、健康、顺利地开展,必须加强心理健康教育队伍的建设。构建起心理健康教育的组织机构体系,加强对心理健康教育师资的培养和培训工作。  相似文献   

贾腊生 《教师》2012,(19):9-11
我国中小学教师培训实行国家教育部宏观管理,省级教育行政部门主管,市、县级教育行政部门负责,各级教师培’洲机构具体实施。中小学校安排教师参训并组织开展校内多种形式培训。高等院校、其他教育机构经教育行政部门批准参与的组织管理体制(教育部《中小学教师继续教育规定》)。  相似文献   

中小学环境教育发展现状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境教育,实质上就是对民众所进行的旨在保护环境、协调人与自然关系的教育。随着环境问题的日益严重,中小学阶段的环境教育也越来越被人们所重视。文章借鉴了国外环境教育的一些成功经验,结合我国中小学环境教育发展现状进行了探讨,希望对我国中小学环境教育的开展有所帮助。  相似文献   

为进一步做好北京市中小学心理健康教育工作,加强全市信息沟通和经验分享,2009年9月18日~19日,北京教育科学研究院德育研究中心在回龙观昆泰酒店组织召开北京市中小学心理健康教育研讨会,《中小学心理健康教育》杂志社、北京市19个区县中小学德育和心理健康教育研究机构负责同志、承担2009年市教委委托项目任务的老师30余人出席会议。  相似文献   

中小学心理健康教育师资队伍建设的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课改背景下如何保证中小学心理健康教育正常、有序地开展,加强中小学心理健康教育师资队伍建设,强化中小学心理健康教师队伍的职前培训、任用管理以及职后培训等环节,完善心理健康教育组织机构体系,提高我国中小学心理健康教育整体水平。  相似文献   

近年来,虽然中小学教师教育研究方兴未艾,但是现有中小学教育科研基本上是参照上学或专业研究机构的做法,还没有形成自身独特的应有的运作方式。中小学教育研究有其不同于大学和专业研究机构教育研究的特点,中小学教师的教育研究范式也不同于专业教育理论工作者的研究范式。那么,中小学应该形成怎样的教育研究动作方式,中小学教师应该怎样开展教育研究呢?  相似文献   

一、建立中小学教育科研保障机制,为教师科研创造良好的条件和环境中小学教师参加教育科研不仅是必要的,也是可能的。这已为教育理论与实践所证明。但是,我们不能忽略的一个基本的事实是,由于中小学教育工作的特点,中小学教师参加教育科研必然受到诸如科研能力、资料、时间、经费等因素的影响。建立中小学教育科研保障机制的目的就是为教师进行教育科研提供必要的物质资源、信息资源、时间资源等,保证教师教育科研活动有一个良好的条件和环境。1、组织保障组织是管理的基本要素,没有一定的组织,任何管理都是一句空话。“建立教育科研组织是…  相似文献   

一、调查结果 2005年课题组对江南W市68所学校进行了调查。如果如下:(一)学校教育科研组织机构及教科室负责人情况 1.W市各类学校教育科研机构组织比较健全,1990年单独建制成立市教科室后,中小学纷纷建立教科室。  相似文献   

中小学环境教育是我国环境基础教育的一个重要组成部分。中小学环境教育的课程内容包括三个方面:环境知识技能、环境意识、环境规范,并且中学和小学环境教育内容应该各有侧重,形成系统性和层次性。  相似文献   

西班牙环境教育的政策与实践探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西班牙是西欧环境教育发展较有特色的一个国家,在近十几年里,在政府的直接干预下,西班牙确定了环境教育发展战略,并将环境教育纳入相关教育法规之中,确保中小学环境教育的有效实施。文章从政策入手,分析了西班牙中小学环境教育的课程开发与实施,并针对该国出现的问题分析其应对之策,从而有助于我国在环境教育实践中进行深入反思  相似文献   

The Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) is the largest grassroots environmental education organization for youth in Africa. Despite three decades of environmental education involving more than one million youth, no documented history exists of the organization or its role in environmental education in Kenya. The objective of this study was to develop a historical perspective of WCK and provide lessons learned for other environmental education programs for youth. This study used document review, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with 50 respondents. Key success factors revealed by the study include partnerships between motivated individuals and conservation organizations, involvement in high-profile environmental issues, student trips to national parks, impacts on career choices of student, and decentralization of the organization. Critical recommendations for the future include the need to adapt to changing environmental issues and instructional strategies, enhance networking and public relations, incorporate strategic planning into programming, and capitalize on support of former WCK members. This study reflects the importance of documenting the history of environmental education organizations in order to build on past successes and improve program effectiveness for the future.  相似文献   

The most significant expansion of population education in the U.S. has occurred over the past 5-year period. The environmental movement of the 1960 decade established a foundation on which population education quickly developed in the 1970 decade and gained acceptance in the population establishment and among funding agencies. During the years 1970-1976, several private organizations became actively involved in the population education field. Several viewpoints and population education approaches are now evident in the U.S. These approaches stress different aspects of the issue: extension of family planning, individual and social awareness, demography, behavioral objectives, value analysis, environmental strategy, and inquiry. Although these approaches are diverse, the U.S. has provided a basic framework for population education. Research in population education has consisted of little more than review studies, knowledge and attitude surveys, and several studies on the appropriateness of population education in the formal college school setting. Further research is needed to identify the goals, objectives, and strategy of population education, and these studies would have to be linked to the cognitive and moral development of the student.  相似文献   

我国生态教育的推进需要政府部门、各级各类学校和环境非政府组织等多元主体的参与.政府部门可以在生态教育的宏观规划、资源投入和监督评价等方面加强作为;各级各类学校可以在专业设置、课程开发、科学研究、人才培养和服务社会等方面不断完善;环境非政府组织可以在营造大众生态文化、倡导民众参与和弥补政府缺位等方面大显身手.  相似文献   

Following Scott (this issue), this paper examines how environmental education researchers might intervene to greater effect in the policies and practices of our governments and local and international organizations through individual and collective programmes of research. Suggesting that public scholarship or academic activism can engage a wide spectrum of genres and outcomes of research activity, the paper proposes that what stands out are not the methods employed in seeking to have research ‘be of use’, but instead what can be termed modes of engagement. These can be described as including interpretive critique or ‘speaking truth to power’, public space and collaboration, and the role of research imagination in social life. These three modes are discussed with the hope that researchers will consider their possibilities and implications in working towards more powerful public scholarship in environmental education.  相似文献   

After decades of growth in environmental education (EE) in the US, the number of practitioners in the field remains unknown. A national study was conducted to estimate the field’s size through an online consumer survey panel stratified by race, ethnicity, and geographic region representing the US adult population. In addition to demographic data, three categorical questions assessed self-perceptions as environmental educators, the paid/unpaid nature of their work, and educational background in EE. Near one-fifth of the sample identified as environmental educators. Sample estimates of the overlap of environmental educators in formal education, non-formal, and unpaid (volunteer) work and their population numbers were used to calculate a conservative estimate of approximately 3.9 million environmental educators in the US Racial minority groups comprised 47% of the total number of environmental educators, indicating they were over-represented among those who consider themselves environmental educators compared to the general population. These results counter traditional assumptions that EE itself is not diverse, suggesting that inclusive practices may require more attention to who is currently excluded in organizations with low representation of minority communities.  相似文献   

社会组织是研究教育治理的重要组成部分。纵观美英两国的研究生教育治理体系可以发现,两国社会组织在参与本国研究生教育治理的具体方式和方法上虽有所差异,但在实施研究生教育质量评估、开展研究生教育咨询服务和多途径参与政策制定等方面存在诸多共性。借鉴美英两国社会组织参与研究生教育治理的方式,加快研究生教育治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,实现我国研究生教育的高质量、内涵式发展,既需要多元主体以协调思路助推社会组织长久发展,政府充分发挥自身的"元治理"作用,培养单位吸纳社会组织参与内部质量保障,更需要社会组织主动作为。  相似文献   

作为国际型大都市的上海,面向企事业基层管理人员的高等教育的需求已越来越迫切,由于各方面的原因,面向企事业基层在职管理人员的高等教育滞后于社会经济的发展。本文结合上海电视大学近几年面向企事业基层管理人员开展岗位培训与高等学历教育相结合办学项目的实践与探索,分析了上海市企事业基层管理人员高等教育的需求、现状与特点,总结了上海电大面向企事业基层管理人员开展远程教育的实践成果,并提出了利用现代远程开放教育开展面向企事业基层管理人员高等教育的对策。  相似文献   

在我国近代职业教育发展过程中 ,教育社团起了不可估量的作用。正是通过它们的积极倡导、实践示范、改进普通教育 ,以及走向社会开展职业指导 ,才直接推进了近代职业教育的发展。  相似文献   

Determining the factors that influence young adults’ engagement in environmental action is critical to further developing their active and important participation in environmental issues. In this paper, we designed two studies to identify life experiences of Chinese college students that foster environmental action. In Study 1, we used an open-ended survey to ask 34 young environmentally active citizens about the life experiences influencing their current engagement in environmental protection. In Study 2, we developed a significant life experience scale based on the results of Study 1 and recruited junior and senior students from seven universities to participate in an online questionnaire. We analyzed 606 valid questionnaires to understand whether the significant life experiences identified in Study 1 can distinguish environmentally committed students from other students and to what extent the significant life experiences can predict environmental action. Our results suggest that environmental organizations, college education, natural experiences and life principles could be important factors influencing the formation of environmental action, while other life experiences may also contribute to this process.  相似文献   

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