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We investigated the searching behaviors of twenty-four children in grades 6, 7, and 8 (ages 11–13) in finding information on three types of search tasks in Google. Children conducted 72 search sessions and issued 150 queries. Children's phrase- and question-like queries combined were much more prevalent than keyword queries (70% vs. 30%, respectively). Fifty two percent of the queries were reformulations (33 sessions). We classified children's query reformulation types into five classes based on the taxonomy by Liu et al. (2010). We found that most query reformulations were by Substitution and Specialization, and that children hardly repeated queries. We categorized children's queries by task facets and examined the way they expressed these facets in their query formulations and reformulations. Oldest children tended to target the general topic of search tasks in their queries most frequently, whereas younger children expressed one of the two facets more often. We assessed children's achieved task outcomes using the search task outcomes measure we developed. Children were mostly more successful on the fact-finding and fully self-generated task and partially successful on the research-oriented task. Query type, reformulation type, achieved task outcomes, and expressing task facets varied by task type and grade level. There was no significant effect of query length in words or of the number of queries issued on search task outcomes. The study findings have implications for human intervention, digital literacy, search task literacy, as well as for system intervention to support children's query formulation and reformulation during interaction with Google.  相似文献   

The methods of information queries building in the SDI systems on the basis of the user's publications are presented in this paper. In most cases the users of the SDI system are scientists whose work is marked by publications resulting from the research they do. It was found that the users' publications may constitute input data for information queries building.The examination of the possible compatibility between the user's information queries and his publications consisted of determining the similarity between of a set of keywords indexed from the information query and a set of keywords indexed from the user's publications.Two methods of information query constructions determined by logical operators AND, OR, NOT and a set of weighted keywords are described.  相似文献   

以生产经济理论为基础,利用扩展的生产函数,构建了区域经济要素波动与区域经济增长的分析模型,并利用我国省市区的经济产出、投资、出口与消费需求数据及其派生数据,计算分析了1981-2003年区域经济要素投入波动与区域经济增长的数量关系。分析模型估计结果显示,区域投资、出口、消费需求等经济要素波动对中国区域经济增长产生显著影响,且这种影响是负面的,其中以出口波动的负面影响最大,消费需求波动的影响次之,投资波动影响最小。这在一定程度上说明,不仅增加区域投资、劳动力投入和出口可以促进区域经济增长,而且减少区域出口、消费需求和投资的波动也会促进区域经济增长。  相似文献   

Web queries in question format are becoming a common element of a user's interaction with Web search engines. Web search services such as Ask Jeeves – a publicly accessible question and answer (Q&A) search engine – request users to enter question format queries. This paper provides results from a study examining queries in question format submitted to two different Web search engines – Ask Jeeves that explicitly encourages queries in question format and the Excite search service that does not explicitly encourage queries in question format. We identify the characteristics of queries in question format in two different data sets: (1) 30,000 Ask Jeeves queries and 15,575 Excite queries, including the nature, length, and structure of queries in question format. Findings include: (1) 50% of Ask Jeeves queries and less than 1% of Excite were in question format, (2) most users entered only one query in question format with little query reformulation, (3) limited range of formats for queries in question format – mainly “where”, “what”, or “how” questions, (4) most common question query format was “Where can I find………” for general information on a topic, and (5) non-question queries may be in request format. Overall, four types of user Web queries were identified: keyword, Boolean, question, and request. These findings provide an initial mapping of the structure and content of queries in question and request format. Implications for Web search services are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the neural adaptive control design for robotic systems with uncertain dynamics under the existence of velocity constraints and input saturation. The control objective is achieved by choosing a control Lyapunov function using joint error variables that are restricted to linear growth and furthermore by introducing a secant type barrier Lyapunov function for constraining the joint rate variables. The former is exploited to bind the forward propagation of the position errors, and the latter is utilized to impose hard bounds on the velocity. Effective input saturation is expressed, and neural networks are employed to tackle the uncertainty problem in the system dynamics. Feasibility conditions are formulated, and the optimal design parameters are obtained by solving the constrained optimization problem. We prove that under the proposed method, semi-global uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed. Tracking errors meanwhile converge to small neighborhoods of the origin, and violations of predefined velocity constraints are avoided. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical developments.  相似文献   

Assessing the similarity of scientific outputs based on an indicator has not been addressed much so far. The topic, however, may find several potential applications which can help enrich procedures of ranking, research monitoring, and scientific policy-making. The present study offers a new method to quantify such similarities based on keyword co-occurrence matrices. In the proposed method, first, the keyword co-occurrence networks are transformed into their associated newly defined fuzzy sets, named as scientosemantic domains. Then, a fuzzy distance between the two domains is found based on an arbitrary indicator. In this paper, the three indicators of frequency, development and investment appeal are used. The proposed method is implemented for five types of concept comparison. For each type, concepts are represented by a canonical keyword with different field codes. Scientosemantic domains of concepts are sourced out of bibliometric data obtained from appropriate queries on SCOPUS. Number of keywords used to define scientosemantic domains ranges from about 30 to 800. Since indicator-based comparison of scientosemantic domains are not dealt with in the literature, the obtained distances between concepts are verified by qualitative and expert evaluations. For all cases, frequency- and development-based distances are less than those for investment appeal; while crisp distances for the latter extend beyond 0.6, the former does not exceed 0.3. The greatest distances are observed for investment appeal in technology-related keywords.  相似文献   

工业机器人是涉及众多技术领域的复杂性产品,技术多样性加速了其技术融合与产业发展。本文基于技术传递系统(TDS)理论提供的技术机会理论分析框架,通过专利文献的数据分析从技术、竞争者、潜在市场三个方面来探索技术机会。通过技术主题词的共现分析发掘工业机器人领域的技术融合模式,并识别出核心技术;通过专利权人的信息分析来识别出具备竞争力的国家和机构;通过同族专利的信息分析海外专利布局态势,进而明晰各国在工业机器人领域的潜在市场战略定位。本文研究结果对于我国工业机器人技术及产业发展提供有益的政策依据。  相似文献   

In contrast with their monolingual counterparts, little attention has been paid to the effects that misspelled queries have on the performance of Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) systems. The present work makes a first attempt to fill this gap by extending our previous work on monolingual retrieval in order to study the impact that the progressive addition of misspellings to input queries has, this time, on the output of CLIR systems. Two approaches for dealing with this problem are analyzed in this paper. Firstly, the use of automatic spelling correction techniques for which, in turn, we consider two algorithms: the first one for the correction of isolated words and the second one for a correction based on the linguistic context of the misspelled word. The second approach to be studied is the use of character n-grams both as index terms and translation units, seeking to take advantage of their inherent robustness and language-independence. All these approaches have been tested on a from-Spanish-to-English CLIR system, that is, Spanish queries on English documents. Real, user-generated spelling errors have been used under a methodology that allows us to study the effectiveness of the different approaches to be tested and their behavior when confronted with different error rates. The results obtained show the great sensitiveness of classic word-based approaches to misspelled queries, although spelling correction techniques can mitigate such negative effects. On the other hand, the use of character n-grams provides great robustness against misspellings.  相似文献   

山东、广东、江苏、浙江四省的企业自主创新能力有何异同?在构建企业自主创新能力测度指标的基础上,从规模以上企业、大中型企业和高新技术企业三种类型对四省企业自主创新能力进行了比较分析,可发现:四省的整体创新能力都位于全国先进水平,但是不管是规模以上企业,还是大中小企业,或者是高科技企业都缺乏创新投入以及创新产出能力,而过分看重于创新活动以及创新资源。创新投入方面,广东以及江苏占有大部分的优势;创新产出方面,广东和江苏还是比另外两省高;创新活动方面,江苏略好于广东,这两省均超过山东和浙江两省;而在创新资源方面,江苏优势显著,远超其余三省。总体而言,山东省在这四方面都不突出。  相似文献   

Principles for determining the profile of a system user have been presented. These principles are based on the analysis of co-occurrence of index terms in queries and pertinent documents. Moreover, a procedure for determining index term weights on the basis of user profiles has been introduced. The information value of the index term weights depends on the degree of homogeneity of the system users.  相似文献   

黄芳  刘友华  张克状  李寅 《现代情报》2009,29(8):125-127
同义词自动识别在信息检索、知识挖掘等方面起着重要作用,一直以来都是业界的关注焦点。本文结合网上词典链接分析方法和共现分析方法来自动提取同义词,分别通过分析页面的后向链接信息、重定向页面和对网页内容利用共现分析方法来识别同义词,和传统的同义词识别方法比较有更好的覆盖率和准确性。  相似文献   

In the web environment, most of the queries issued by users are implicit by nature. Inferring the different temporal intents of this type of query enhances the overall temporal part of the web search results. Previous works tackling this problem usually focused on news queries, where the retrieval of the most recent results related to the query are usually sufficient to meet the user's information needs. However, few works have studied the importance of time in queries such as “Philip Seymour Hoffman” where the results may require no recency at all. In this work, we focus on this type of queries named “time-sensitive queries” where the results are preferably from a diversified time span, not necessarily the most recent one. Unlike related work, we follow a content-based approach to identify the most important time periods of the query and integrate time into a re-ranking model to boost the retrieval of documents whose contents match the query time period. For that purpose, we define a linear combination of topical and temporal scores, which reflects the relevance of any web document both in the topical and temporal dimensions, thus contributing to improve the effectiveness of the ranked results across different types of queries. Our approach relies on a novel temporal similarity measure that is capable of determining the most important dates for a query, while filtering out the non-relevant ones. Through extensive experimental evaluation over web corpora, we show that our model offers promising results compared to baseline approaches. As a result of our investigation, we publicly provide a set of web services and a web search interface so that the system can be graphically explored by the research community.  相似文献   

省略是英汉语中共有的语言现象,它是语篇衔接和连贯的重要手段之一。本文结合系列语料实例,就英汉语中的省略现象进行了对比分析与探讨,为学习者在语言交际活动中正确理解和恰当运用省略提供一定的参考和启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors affecting the performance of global query expansion based on term co-occurrence data and suggests a way to maximize the retrieval effectiveness. Major parameters to be optimized through experiments are term similarity measure and the weighting scheme of additional terms. The evaluation of four similarity measures tested in query expansion reveal that mutual information and Yule's Y, which emphasize low frequency terms, achieve better performance than cosine and Jaccard coefficients that have the reverse tendency. In the evaluation of three weighting schemes, similarity weight performs well only with short queries, whereas fixed weights of approximately 0.5 and similarity rank weights were effective with queries of any length. Furthermore, the optimal similarity rank weight achieving the best overall performance seems to be the least affected by test collections and the number of additional terms. For the efficiency of retrieval, the number of additional terms needs not exceed 70 in our test collections, but the optimal number may vary according to the characteristics of the similarity measure employed.  相似文献   

邹金浪  杨子生 《资源科学》2013,35(2):370-379
本文提出从利用投入和产出效应2个方面测度耕地集约利用,并构建耕地集约利用评价的3种基本类型:粗放化型、集约化型和过度化型.以处于不同城市化水平下的江西省和江苏省两个粮食主产区为例,剖析两省2001年-2010年耕地(水稻种植)集约利用的差异及其政策启示.结果表明:①近10a来,城市化水平低的江西省单位耕地面积水稻种植总投入、省工性投入和增产性投入与城市化水平高的江苏省的差距明显缩小,其中省工性投入的差距最小,而江西省的水稻单产,尤其是水稻净利润在2010年进一步低于江苏省;②尽管江西省和江苏省耕地利用属于集约化型的年份均最多,但属于过度化型的年份比例偏高,分别为33.33%和22.22%,这说明两省尤其是江西省耕地产出效应没有同步跟进或者需要进一步跟进耕地利用投入;③江苏省应凭借自身优势推行农业现代化,江西省需增加以增产性投入为核心的农业投入和推行以加大种粮补贴、提高粮食收购价格为重点的惠农政策.  相似文献   

基于多重共现的视角,提出可适用于研究领域主题发展趋势的分析模型,并对Morris的交叉图技术进行改进,使其适用于研究领域主题发展趋势的多重共现可视化分析,选取了竞争情报研究领域作为实证分析。通过分析该研究领域中的年份—关键词—机构、年份—关键词—发表期刊这两个多重共现关系,发现竞争情报研究领域中研究主题在年份、研究机构、发表期刊之间的发展趋势与变化情况。  相似文献   

Communication and information processes are vital in any company. The use of lean manufacturing concepts applied to the communication and information process aims to reduce waste and make the flows leaner and simpler. Lean information is a new strand of lean concepts and applications. The purpose of this study was to analyze quantitatively the publications concerning the subject, outlining an overview for the new research field of lean communication. Aiming for a deeper understanding, the concepts of lean information were applied in a real process. The quantitative analysis was carried out to find the main authors and works, as well as the main terms used in related works. We used the methods of citations works, co-citation references, and co-occurrence of words using the VOSviewer software. This software was primarily designed to analyze bibliometric networks in order to create, visualize, and assess maps based on network data generated from queries in journals. We found a lack of a methodology for the development and implementation of lean information concepts. We observed a gap which had not been addressed yet, that is, mapping communication flows and developing and implementing lean information. Moreover, there was no method for improvement, implementation, and control.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize the information requirements of cancer researchers who were specifically interested in human biological specimens at a comprehensive cancer center, and to determine if existing information systems could meet those needs. Information required by the cancer center researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI, Pittsburgh, PA) was identified through interviews, query analysis, and analysis of publications. For topical matters, the study found that the most frequent types of questions were the following: clinical (50.18%), prognosis (17.87%), diagnosis/disorder-based (50.72%), and research-oriented (51.9%) queries. In terms of the required data elements, pathology data (17.32%) was the most frequently required, followed by clinical history and outcomes (15.18%). In addition, the study identified the 10 main questions, concerning human biological samples, and the majority of the questions were represented in a fairly discrete set of information spaces that could be well mapped into the conceptual data model created through the study. The results found in this study can be used for an initial data modeling, when creating a biomedical research data warehouse that would support the majority of the transitional research requirements of the UPCI.  相似文献   

在我国宏观低碳经济背景下,控制碳排放量首要任务是降低碳排放强度。本文首次将中间投入强度及投入结构引入到碳排放强度影响因素研究中,选用2000年、2002年、2005年、2007年及2010年的数据,运用LMDI因素分解方法将我国碳排放强度的影响因素分解为能源结构效应、能源投入替代率效应、投入结构效应和中间投入强度效应。结果表明:能源投入替代率加快碳排放强度的降低,中间投入强度和投入结构抑制碳排放强度的降低,能源结构对碳排放强度的降低作用不明显。从因素总效应来看,除了2002年至2005年间各影响因素整体抑制了碳强度的降低外,其他各区段间因素效应之和加速碳强度的降低。因此,调整投入结构、提高能源效率成为碳减排的当务之急。  相似文献   

吴建香 《科教文汇》2013,(23):72-73
对2006—2012年"年度十大语文差错"进行分析归类,明确错误原因,寻找减少差错之法。  相似文献   

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