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李新 《教育导刊》2023,(5):44-52
科学探究教学是发展学生科学素养的重要教学方式。研究基于PISA2015数据,考察科学探究教学过程的相关变量对学生的科学素养和科学非认知发展的影响。在控制其他因素的情况下,教师课堂上开展“提出问题”“形成结论”探究环节的频率越高,学生的科学素养整体表现及各维度指标得分越低;“开展活动”探究环节频率越高,学生的科学素养整体表现及各维度指标得分越高;“提出问题”“设计探究”“开展活动”探究环节能显著提升学生的科学学习乐趣、科学自我效能感、科学认知信念和科学相关职业期待。为此,需要合理设计科学探究教学过程的各个环节,将科学探究教学与其他科学教学方式相整合。  相似文献   

作为极具国际影响力的基础教育质量评估项目,PISA2018在测试内容、方式与规模方面都呈现出新的特点。如对学生阅读素养进行了新的诠释,采用了基于计算机的测试和计算机自适应测试等。PISA2018结果显示,我国四省市学生阅读、数学、科学素养表现卓越,教育公平有所改善但仍有待提升,同时四省市教育发展中也存在一些亟待关注的问题。我们需要客观看待PISA测试结果,明确PISA的作用及其限度,并且通过对PISA数据进行深入分析与科学解读,为推动我国基础教育改革提供更为科学的证据支持。  相似文献   

教育大数据的发展离不开信息与通信技术(ICT)的广泛应用。基于PISA 2015学生ICT问卷和科学素养得分,通过对基础教育阶段学生个体科学素养表现的综合测评,可以详细探究包含中国在内的10个发展中国家的学生ICT水平与其科学素养得分之间的潜在关系。研究发现,以上发展中国家的学生如果在6岁及以前第一次接触电脑从一定程度上将对学生的科学素养产生积极影响;学生在学校或校外使用网络的时间如果超过4个小时或继续增加,科学素养则会出现显著下降趋势;允许学生在可控的时间范围内(如1~2小时)高效合理地使用网络,能在一定程度上提高学生的科学素养。对于中国学生,家校首先应鼓励并倡导其在"6岁及以前"接触诸如电脑等ICT设备,从而促进学生科学素养的形塑与提升;其次,工作日期间,无论是校内还是校外,家校都应严格监督并限制学生ICT电子产品以及网络的使用;再者,周末期间,家校应倡导学生在可控的时间范围内高效合理使用网络,"一刀切"或者肆无忌惮的放纵都将产生难以估量的恶性影响。  相似文献   

以PISA2018中国四省市样本数据为例,应用结构方程方法,研究信息定位、文本理解、评价与反思三个PISA2018阅读素养子能力对数学与科学表现的影响。结果表明,阅读素养的子能力之间高度相关,对科学表现和数学表现有较大的影响;信息定位对文本理解具有决定性的影响,文本理解在阅读对数学与科学的影响中起承上启下的关键作用,评价与反思对数学、科学的影响中很大一部分是通过文本理解间接影响的,阅读三个子能力对科学的影响中,很大一部分可以通过数学路径来解释。  相似文献   

本文从PISA2015科学素养测评科学地解释现象、设计与评估科学探究实验、科学地解释数据和证据三个方面分析数学素养在科学领域的应用,并给出在学校教育中综合提升学生科学素养与数学素养的一些建议。  相似文献   

占小红  杨润  杨笑 《中学教育》2021,18(1):92-103
随着知识经济时代的到来,教育竞争越来越激烈,影子教育系统也不断扩张,尤其是在中国、 韩国等东亚国家,但其时间投入如何影响学生的核心素养却不明晰,尤其是针对我国基础教育阶段影子教育的实证研究比较缺乏,科学领域的影子教育研究更是鲜见,导致政府干预科学影子教育缺乏指导依据.基于中国与韩国PISA2015的测评数据,在充分考虑...  相似文献   

信息素养是学生生存和发展的基本素养,对信息通信技术(ICT)的胜任力是反映学生信息素养的重要指标。基于PISA 2015中的ICT精熟度问卷数据,对中国四省市学生的ICT胜任力表现进行分析,考查中国学生的ICT资源、ICT使用情况以及ICT兴趣对其ICT胜任力的影响。结果发现:中国四省市学生的ICT胜任力在参测的48个国家和地区中排名靠后;不同性别、不同年级学生的ICT胜任力存在显著差异;家庭ICT资源对学生ICT胜任力有显著的正向预测作用;学生在学校使用ICT越多、在家使用ICT做作业越多,学生的ICT胜任力越高;学生的ICT兴趣越高,他们的ICT胜任力越高,学生的ICT兴趣对他们的ICT胜任力影响最大。为了提高我国学生的ICT胜任力,教育行政部门、学校、教师应充分重视ICT教育,完善ICT素养测评体系;扩大对ICT资源的投入,为学生更多地接触电子设备提供条件;加大ICT和电子设备的使用频率,在教育实践中逐步融入信息素养教育;着力培养学生对信息技术的兴趣,提高他们的ICT胜任力。  相似文献   

本文从PISA的科学素养测评、PISA2015科学试题特点、阅卷编码人性化等几个层面进行分析,了解PISA中的科学素养测评和国内教育有关科学考试的不同之处,在比较中找到中外科学教育的不同理念,明确我国科学教育的方向。  相似文献   

在PISA2015科学素养的测试中,我国学生在科学整体认知、科学能力、科学知识、科学内容等认知维度多个层面的表现上,男生整体优于女生。同时,在与科学相关的非认知背景调查中,男生在乐意学习科学、科学学习兴趣以及科学活动三个变量上的表现亦明显优于女生。基于我国学生在科学学习中认知和非认知层面上的性别差异,为缩小或消除中学生科学学习的性别差异,在科学课程编制中,需要凸显科学知识选择的公正性以消除课程内容的性别偏见;在学校课程建设中,需要彰显学校课程的适应性以增强学校课程的性别适应;在教师课程实施中,需要尊重学生的差异性以保持课程实施的性别敏感。  相似文献   

This study uses hierarchical linear modeling to examine the influence of a range of factors on the science performances of Hong Kong students in PISA 2006. Hong Kong has been consistently ranked highly in international science assessments, such as Programme for International Student Assessment and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study; therefore, an exploration of the factors that affect science performances of Hong Kong students can give a lens to examine how science education can be improved in Hong Kong and other countries. The analyses reveal that student backgrounds as male, at higher grade levels, and born in mainland (when in the same grade) are associated with better science performance. Among the attitudinal factors, enjoyment of science and self-efficacy in science play important roles in scientific achievements. Most of the parental factors, on the other hand, are not having significant impacts on achievement after student attitudes are taken into account, with only parents’ value of science having a small effect. School student intake is found to be a strong predictor of school average achievement, as well as a major mediator of the effects of school enrollment size and school socio-economic status. The findings differ from recently reported results, which suggested that school enrollment size was associated with achievement. This study also points out the problems of the use of science instruction time as a school-level variable to explain science achievement in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

PISA在中国:教育评价新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对当前国际上颇具影响力的大规模教育评价项目——"学生能力国际评价("PISA)的评价理念和技术的解析,结合教育部考试中心开展PISA2006中国试测研究实践收获的启示,阐述了作者对我国教育评价研究与发展的思考和建议。  相似文献   

The 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has drawn a substantial amount of attention from science educators and educational policymakers because it marked the first time that PISA assessed students' ability to evaluate and design scientific inquiry using computer-based simulations. We undertook a secondary analysis of the PISA 2015 Taiwan dataset of 7,973 students from 214 schools to identify critical issues of student learning and potentially reshape our educational system and policies. Thus, this study sought to identify potential latent clusters of students' scientific literacy performance according to a set of focus variables selected from the PISA student questionnaires. In addition, significant determinants of students' scientific literacy and resiliency were analyzed. Cluster analysis results demonstrated the presence of four clusters of high, medium, low, and inferior scientific literacy/epistemology/affective dispositions. Specifically, students in cluster 1 compared with other clusters showed that the higher the scientific literacy scores are, the more positive epistemic beliefs about science, achievement motivation, enjoyment of science, interests in broad science, science self-efficacy, information and communications technology (ICT) interest, ICT autonomy, more learning time, more teacher supports and teacher-directed instructions are. Regression results indicated that the most robust predictor of students' scientific literacy performance is epistemic beliefs about science, followed by learning time, interest in broad science topics, achievement motivation, inquiry-based science teaching and learning practice, and science self-efficacy. Decision tree model results showed that the descending order of the variables in terms of their importance in differentiating students as high- versus low-performing were epistemic beliefs about science, learning time, self-efficacy, interest in broad science, and scientific inquiry, respectively. A similar decision tree model to determine students as resilient versus non-resilient also was found. Various interpretations of these results are discussed, as are their implications for science education research, science teaching, and science education policy.  相似文献   

Israeli students ranked in the bottom third of the countries surveyed by PISA 2012 in mathematical literacy, while the gap between the highest and lowest scores was the second largest in the OECD. This paper explores which variables led to disparities in mathematical literacy between different socioeconomic levels and between Israeli Arabs and Jews as well as in comparison with Australian students. Different instructional approaches that are known in the literature to have a positive impact on students’ achievement are not observed in the relationship between teachers and students in Israel. In Israel, schools contribute to the perpetuation of socioeconomically driven educational inequality by using tracks that are characterised by different teaching pedagogies and different content, with little or no upward mobility between tracks, leading to structural exclusion. By comparison, in Australia, ability tracking is less rigid and mathematical literacy far higher than in Israel. The policy implication is that either teachers must work differently in a track-based system to overcome the process of exclusion dictated by the structure itself or the system must reduce the use of tracking.  相似文献   

场馆科学学习:本质特征与影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近20年来,随着建构主义学习观的兴起,国外兴起了研究以各种类型场馆为代表的非正式环境中的科学学习热潮。目前研究的焦点集中在场馆科学学习的基本特征与影响因素等方面。场馆科学学习是基于真实问题、强调探究过程,其学习结果往往是多元的;影响场馆科学学习的因素包括个人经验、物理环境和社会因素三个方面。随着我国《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》的推广和实施,科学学习成为教育中的热点话题。在今后的研究中,应在深入了解国外该领域进展的基础上,采用质性和量化相结合的方法,探讨影响场馆学习效果的关键变量,重点关注场馆学习长期效果的研究,以便为充分利用我国场馆资源、提高公众的科学素养提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

侯琳 《成人教育》2012,32(6):52-53
文章通过对我国公民科学素质水平和对社区科普教育活动的分析,探究社区科普教育对培养公民科学素质的意义和作用,并在此基础上提出促进社区科普教育发展的建议和策略,希望能对广大社区科普教育工作者有些许帮助。  相似文献   

高中生是我国科技后备人才的主力军,其科学素质直接关系到我国未来科技水平,因此探讨我国高中生科学素质的影响因素,对于提高我国科技后备人才科学素质进而提升我国科技水平具有重要意义。本文利用我国高中生大规模基线调查数据,基于教育生产函数模型,分析了我国高中生科学素质的影响因素,结果表明:竞赛因素对高中生科学素质有显著影响,班级同伴因素有较大影响,学校因素有很大影响,而家庭因素有重要影响。为此,首先,应重视不断增强科技竞赛和学科竞赛活动对高中生科学素质的提升作用,缩小班级规模、加强合作学习,从而更好地发挥班级同伴效应对于促进高中生科学素质提升的作用;其次,要引导家长形成科学的教育方式,促进高中生科学素质的提高。此外,需要加强中小学科学教育过程中对学生科学素质培养的渗透,重点关注提高西部地区和非重点校高中生科学素质问题。  相似文献   

The declining trend in the positive reading attitude of students' has concerned scholars. This paper aims to apply a 3-level hierarchical linear model to analyse how inductive instruction and resources influence both students' positive and negative attitudes towards reading. Approximately 470,000 15-year-old students, and their school principals, from 65 countries completed a questionnaire, which was designed by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In line with previous research, gender, the student–teacher relationship, online academic searches, and reading habits are correlated with both positive and negative reading attitudes. Multilevel results show that reading attitudes improved when a school provides a context in which inductive instruction has been enforced. The natural log value of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in a country is statistically significantly negative when associated with a student's positive and negative reading attitudes. Further, in a country with largely unqualified teachers, school-level inductive teaching lowers the negative attitude.  相似文献   

The impact of the PISA study on Polish education policy has been significant, but probably different from any other country. Poland has not experienced the so‐called ‘PISA shock’, but its education system has been benefiting considerably from PISA. For experts and policy makers, it has been a useful and reliable instrument that has made it possible to measure the effects of consecutive reforms of the school education system. Moreover, PISA and other international studies have influenced the perception of education policy in Poland. The latter has shifted from an ideology‐driven, centralised policy to an evidence‐informed policy, developed with the involvement of multiple stakeholders, although this has mostly affected the thinking of experts and policy makers rather than the general public. The new government (in power from 2015), following public opinion polls, has reversed most of the previous education reforms, eliminating lower secondary schools introduced in 1999.  相似文献   

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