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The negative effects of low temperature can readily induce a variety of diseases. We sought to understand the reasons why cold stress induces disease by studying the mechanisms of fine-tuning in macrophages following cold exposure. We found that cold stress triggers increased macrophage activation accompanied by metabolic reprogramming of aerobic glycolysis. The discovery, by genome-wide RNA sequencing, of defective mitochondria in mice macrophages following cold exposure indicated that mitochondrial defects may contribute to this process. In addition, changes in metabolism drive the differentiation of macrophages by affecting histone modifications. Finally, we showed that histone acetylation and lactylation are modulators of macrophage differentiation following cold exposure. Collectively, metabolism-related epigenetic modifications are essential for the differentiation of macrophages in cold-stressed mice, and the regulation of metabolism may be crucial for alleviating the harm induced by cold stress.  相似文献   

湖北地处我国中部。是一个农业大省。也是一个教育大省。近年来。我省坚持把发展职业教育作为“使湖北成为促进中部地区崛起的重要战略支点”的先导性工作来抓,出实招扩大中职招生。2004年,全省中职招生达到25.7万人,比2003年增长31.1%;2005年完成中职招生33.4万人。较2004年增长30%,超额完成了教育部下达我省31万人的中职招生计划。全省高中阶段教育普通教育与职业教育招生比由2004年的6.3:3.7提高到2005年的5.8:4.2。在校生普职比达到6.4:3.6。我省的主要做法是:  相似文献   

扶困助学工作关系到社会公平和社会安定,是一项复杂而艰巨的工作。无锡职业技术学院通过开设"绿色通道"、"奖、贷、勤、减、助"、对优秀贫困生毕业时优先推荐就业等多种帮扶措施,确保每一位贫困学生不因家庭经济困难而辍学,积极有效地开展了扶困助学工作。  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to describe the performance of deaf and hearing people while speechreading Spanish, a language with transparent orthography, and to relate this skill to reading efficiency. Three groups of 27 participants each were recruited: a group of deaf participants, a chronological age‐matched hearing group and a reading age‐matched hearing group. All three were tested on vocabulary, phonological awareness, reading speed, speechreading and, only in the group of deaf people, speech intelligibility. The results indicate that deaf people are better speechreaders than younger hearing people, but they are no better than their age‐matched peers, and that speechreading is related to reading only in deaf people.  相似文献   

扶贫开发是全面建设小康社会的一项重大举措,是全社会共同的责任和义务。高校作为推动社会进步的重要力量,对扶贫开发工作也有义不容辞的责任。因此,高校应该积极响应党中央的扶贫开发战略号召,充分发挥高校自身的教育资源优势、专业技术优势、人才资源优势、科研优势参与到农村扶贫工作中去,这不仅能为农村扶贫攻坚尽绵薄之力,还能充分体现高校服务社会的功能和目标,凝聚各方力量形成社会合力共同为全面建成小康社会目标而奋斗。  相似文献   

Cultural Historical Activity Theory served as the analytical framework for the study of a professional development event for a zoo’s education department, specifically designed to build understandings of “Affective Transformation,” an element pertinent to the organization’s strategic plan. Three key products—an Affective Transformation model, scaffolding schematic, and definition, “providing emotional experiences for visitors which increase caring for animals and nature that may lead to zoo-related nature-protective behaviors”—emerged as a result of ongoing deliberation among professional development community members over two days. Participants, including both management- and non-management-level staff, as well as an expert facilitator, contributed complementary expertise to the process. The discussions, therefore, crossed both vertical and horizontal layers of authority. Moreover, leadership was distributed across these levels in the development of these products. Members used pre-existing resources, as well as tools created in the course of the professional development event. Interactions among participants and resources were instrumental in Affective Transformation product development. Examination of one zoo’s construction of understanding of affective goals, therefore, may offer insights to other organizations with similar aspirations.  相似文献   

一、改革开放以来,特别是近几年职业教育师资培训基地建设工作的简要回顾 (一)职业教育师资培养培训工作的前期探索 20世纪70年代末至80年代,参照普通中小学教师培养和培训的模式,原教育部和国家教委先后在全国批准建立了10多所独立设置的高等职业技术师范学院,由这些学校来培养培训职业学校的专业课教师和实习指导教师.但这种做法在后来的实践中证明,并不能从根本上解决职业学校师资的培养和培训问题,有其明显的局限性:一是投入大,二是专业少.  相似文献   

Summary There are already a number of important criteria upon which topics for inclusion in science curricula should be selected and sequenced. We have recommended two additional criteria: the topic's potential for effecting conceptual change, and its potential for generating metacognitive training. Among other things, Science curricula should foster intellectual development. Such development is often a slow process of change, where new experiences, skills and understandings build on, modify and extend existing ones. Thus, topics should be evaluated in terms of their relation to existing Children's Science and to the students' metacognitive abilities. Evaluation of the appropriateness of a particular topic in a curriculum sequence should be based on such factors as its conceptual concreteness, the number and breadth of models which can be invoked, the concreteness of corroboration of results, and its predictive power. Conjointly, evaluation should take into account the nature, scope and complexity of the associated metacognitive demands. If selected carefully, topics in the science curriculum will do more than progressively sample the universe of content areas. They will develop each students ability and desire to engage in effective, independent learning.  相似文献   

本文从宏观方面入手,对不同时期的作品风格与内涵充分概括、分析和描述巴洛克风格、维也纳时期的音乐风格特点。具体论述了在钢琴教学中如何运用相关音乐科学来指导钢琴教育,以达到正确诠释音乐作品,准确把握钢琴作品风格与内涵的目的。  相似文献   

上海市生命科学课程标准强调教学目标的达成必须满足三个维度,其中第三维目标(又称情感、态度、价值观目标,以下简称情感目标)教师们普遍认为难以预设和具体把握,或者说是颇感“迷茫”。作为教研员,笔者担任本区的中学生命科学教学比赛的指导。其中“神经调节”一课,主要的教学内容是:神经系统的组成(中枢神经系统和周围神经系统);脊髓的功能;反射弧的结构;多种感觉器官共同参与完成的复杂反射活动。其中教学重点是神经系统的组成;脊髓的功能;反射弧的结构。历经多次课堂观摩、反思、改进,对其中情感目标的内容预设和课堂落实中的一些共性问…  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of efficacy, job satisfaction, job stress and their influence on the occupational commitment of English-medium content teachers. A total of 109 practicing English-medium and Spanish-medium content teachers from the Dominican Republic volunteered to participate in the study. Findings suggest both teacher self-efficacy and collective efficacy measures were inversely but significantly correlated with occupational commitment and positively correlated with job satisfaction. The results also showed significant differences between English-medium and Spanish-medium content teachers’ self-efficacy, job satisfaction, job stress and occupational commitment. These findings have significant implications for advancing theory and practice. Recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical reflection on how we, instructors of a graduate-level course in higher education administration, sought to integrate theoretical and subject-matter content and research methodology. Our reflection, guided by autoethnography and teacher reflection, challenged both our assumptions about curriculum design and our process of designing and teaching the redesigned course. We found that our efforts to integrate course content and methodology differed from students’ prior experiences and resulted in a disconnection between their experience and the intended course learning objectives. Recommendations include understanding the degree program culture and students’ course expectations, using assignments that facilitate learning of both theory and methods, and balancing classroom discussion among theory, methodology, and the integration of the two.  相似文献   

注重人文关怀是改变我国高校当前思政工作疲软状态的关键。马克主义的“人文关怀”是建立在“人的发现”和“以人为本”基础之上的科学理念。“人文关怀”的基本内容和实现途径应以马克思主义的“人学”理念为基础,在实践中切实关怀青年大学生的“自然性需要”、“社会性需要”和“自我实现需要”。  相似文献   


There has been little research on how a content-based teacher education course can embed effective training in the use of the World Wide Web to search for information and present learning outcomes. To address this gap, the present study documents the experience of 64 pre-service and inservice teachers who completed a web-based group project in an applied linguistics course. Participants expressed general appreciation of the experience but also felt tension between technology and content learning. The study raises questions about the role of technology in knowledge construction, teachers' beliefs regarding what constitutes learning in a content-based course, and how new technology can be used to enhance the learning of content knowledge.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s in the US, teacher education has undergone consistent scrutiny and faces frequent attack by politicians and policy makers concerned with the quality of education. Responses to these attacks have varied, but most often they have centered on the need to professionalize teaching. Doubts about the value of teacher education have resulted in efforts to make a case for teaching as a unique intellectual enterprise involving special forms of knowledge and skill. The concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has been central to this argument. The author explores PCK against the backdrop of efforts in the early part of the 20th century to professionalize teaching and considers problems with the concept that have limited its influence.  相似文献   

国务院召开这次职业教育工作会议和发布的<关于大力发展职业教育的决定>,十分重要,下一步的扶贫工作要深入贯彻执行. 一、提高对贫困地区开展职业教育和劳动力转移培训工作重大意义的认识  相似文献   

本文介绍了无机化学课程体系和教学内容改革的现状,从课程体系、教学方法和手段等几个方面提出了一些对无机化学课程改革的思想和措施.  相似文献   

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