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后现代是个价值多元时代,后现代主义艺术也具有多元性特征:不确定性、零乱性、非原则化、反讽性、参与性、无深度等等。  相似文献   

与前现代主义文学、现代主义文学相比,后现代主义文学的最大特征之一就是其不确定性,而这种不确定性又源于逻各斯中心主义的消解、深度模式的消解。后现代主义文学的不确定性特征体现在四个方面:主题的不确定、形象的不确定、情节的不确定和语言的不确定。正是这种不确定性又演绎出后现代主义文学的多元性、语言实验和话语游戏特征。  相似文献   

朱利安·巴恩斯的小说《终结的感觉》带有明显的后现代主义文学的不确定性特征。在后现代语境下,主要依据"后现代主义之父"伊哈布·哈桑(Ihab Hassan)的关于后现代主义文学根本特征的理论;从主题、人物、叙事和语言四个方面来解析小说中所具有的后现代主义特征之不确定性。最终,正是此种不确定性揭示出后现代主义的精神品质。  相似文献   

在21世纪初叶的今天,后现代主义以其蓬勃的姿态繁衍蔓延,进入文化的各个领域。基于对现代的反思和批评,后现代主义提出了反中心主义,反技术理性,反对单一思维,强调不确定性和差异性,推崇对话,强调多元化思维。  相似文献   

鲁迅历时十三年而创作的小说集《故事新编》以鲜明的反文化、反传统、反理性的激进方式,对中国的传统文化提出了深刻质疑和大胆反叛。反讽与戏仿是后现代主义文本常用的艺术手法,本文通过分析《故事新编》中大量运用的反讽与戏仿艺术,揭示其与后现代主义文本策略的惊人暗合,体现了文本的开放、多元、不确定性特征。进而阐释《故事新编》文本超越时代、跨越时空的后现代主义文化意义。  相似文献   

李瑞 《文教资料》2008,(33):35-37
本文以美国后现代主义作家唐纳德·巴塞尔姆的短篇小说<玻璃山>为例,通过分析其写作特点,即反传统的创新,重复、堆砌和拼贴等表现手法的运用以及文本意义不确定性,揭示了后现代主义文学特征和颠覆性,并展示了作家丰富的后现代主义艺术.  相似文献   

王小波小说叙事艺术的新颖独创未能得到理论界的足够重视。在对其早期文本与成熟之作的比照中,作者认为,其中的元小说模式,不确定性的写作原则以及由此衍生的互文,改写,情节增殖等特征已凸显出鲜明的后现代主义小说特征。但作家追求理性、智慧、有趣的一贯写作主张与后现代性的无主题、反本质特征不符。使其小说的后现代性最终未能完成。  相似文献   

后现代主义渗透在不同的领域和学科,后现代主义的思想家也形成了不同的流派,彼此的观点有些不同,甚至相去甚远。但是,后现代在反中心主义、反本质主义、反普遍主义、反基础主义、反深度意义和确定性等方面的思想,对当代中国文化产生了很大的影响。这体现在中国人的生活质量和品  相似文献   

美国文学理论家杰姆逊的《后现代主义与文化理论》中所提到的西方资本主义经历了三个阶段——现实主义、现代主义和后现代主义。后现代主义下的文化包罗万象,宗教、意识形态等为主的中心力量被消解,表现出多民族、无中心、反权威、碎片化、无深度的概念。基于后现代文化理论,分析了后现代文化语境对思想政治教育的冲击与挑战,结合后现代教育学、课程观、叙事话语理论,开拓、探索思想政治课堂叙事与话语体系的创新思路与方法。  相似文献   

纳博科夫的长篇小说《洛丽塔》对传统小说的写作从诸多层面进行了颠覆性的解构,可以视为美国后现代主义小说最具代表性的作品。主题的空灵、模糊、不确定性;使读者相信故事的真实性的同时,又不时地对自身语言的虚构进行暴露,使之成为"元小说";反体裁、文字游戏、戏仿、反讽等叙事技巧的运用,不仅为《洛丽塔》营造出了奇幻的美感,同时表现出了强烈的后现代主义色彩。本文将透过后现代主义的视域对《洛丽塔》进行分析。  相似文献   

Seizing the Opportunity to Create Uncertainty in Learning Mathematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper is a reflective account of the design and implementation of mathematical tasks that evoke uncertainty for the learner. Three types of uncertainty associated with mathematical tasks are discussed and illustrated: competing claims, unknown path or questionable conclusion, and non-readily verifiable outcomes. One task is presented in depth, pointing to the dynamic nature of task design, and the added value stimulated by the uncertainty component entailed in the task in terms of mathematical and pedagogical musing.  相似文献   

High school social studies students (N = 448) were each assigned to one of 16 groups defined by possible combinations of two teacher uncertainty conditions (uncertainty vs. no uncertainty), two teacher “bluffing” conditions (bluffing vs. no bluffing), two lesson discontinuity conditions (discontinuity vs. no discontinuity), and two lecture notes conditions (notes handouts vs. no notes handouts). Each group was presented a lesson about the geography, politics, history, and economy of Botswana. The lessons were the same except for variations in the four conditions stated above. After the lesson, each group was tested on comprehension of the material, and then each group completed a lesson evaluation. Teacher uncertainty negatively affected achievement, and notes handouts positively affected achievement. Both teacher bluffing and lesson discontinuity negatively affected student evaluation of the lesson. Several significant interactions were obtained. These findings are discussed in relation to previous research on low-inference behaviors related to teacher clarity.  相似文献   

Today professionals have to deal with more uncertainties in their field than before. We live in complex and rapidly changing environments. The British philosopher Ronald Barnett adds the term ‘supercomplexity’ to highlight the fact that ‘we can no longer be sure how even to describe the world that faces us’ (Barnett, 2004). Uncertainty is, nevertheless, not a highly appreciated notion. An obvious response to uncertainty is to reduce it—or even better, to wipe it away. The assumption of this approach is that uncertainty has no advantages. This assumption is, however, not correct as several contemporary authors have argued. Rather than problematising uncertainty, I will investigate the pros and cons of embedding uncertainty in educational practice of professional higher education. In order to thoroughly explore the probabilities and challenges that uncertainty poses in education, I will dwell on the radical ideas on uncertainty of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. In The Birth of Tragedy (1872) he recognises two forces: the Apollinian, that is the pursuit of order and coherence, and the Dionysian, that is the human tendency to nullify all systematisation and idealisation. Uncertainty is part of the Dionysian. I will argue that when educators take Nietzsche's plea to make room for the Dionysian to heart, they can better prepare students for an uncertain world. If, and only if, students are encouraged to deploy both tendencies—the Apollinian and the Dionysian—they can become professionals who are able to stand their ground in an uncertain and changing (professional) world.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is a key variable in fostering curiosity, which, in turn, is associated with learning. Yet, research in educational contexts rarely takes uncertainty into account, and rarely explores uncertainty and curiosity in the context of complex instructional activities. One concern with uncertainty is that it can provoke negative affect. Providing learners with expectations of future uncertainty may attenuate their feelings of negative affect. In a study with 138 middle school students learning physics concepts, we examined the relationship between uncertainty, curiosity, learning, transfer, and affect. Some students were given an inherently uncertain form of instruction, called Invention, in which information on how to solve the problem was initially withheld, while others were given direct instruction with all the necessary information to solve similar problems beforehand (No Uncertainty condition). Some of the students receiving uncertain instruction were given expectations about feeling uncertain (Expected Uncertainty condition), and some were not (Unexpected Uncertainty condition). Students in the unexpected uncertainty condition were the most curious, while students in the no uncertainty condition were the least curious. However, giving expectations of uncertainty reduced students’ negative affect. All groups learned the content equally well, but the expected and unexpected uncertainty groups exhibited greater transfer. Further, positive affect predicted learning, above and beyond condition, and curiosity predicted transfer, but not above and beyond condition. This study extends existing research on uncertainty and curiosity by studying these constructs in real classrooms, in the context of an exploratory learning paradigm, and by considering curiosity’s effect on transfer, rather than just learning. This work also demonstrates a practical approach for educators to foster students’ curiosity and transfer.  相似文献   

海外华人文化模式体现了世界文化多样性发展趋势,其文化历史反复迂回的螺旋上升实践过程表征现实世界宽容与对话的重要性;主亚文化的内在关联与族群关系的不确定,不同文化心理层与族群交往的深度、广度,族群文化认同关键词的困扰与整体族群社会历史命运走向,外在批判性重构与内在创造性转化建构逻辑,都已成当前海外华人文化模式的重要论题。  相似文献   

This investigation assessed the relationship of the independent variables of perceived homophily to the dependent variables of: (1) level of uncertainty, (2) feeling good, and (3) safety. Also, the relationship of uncertainty level, feeling good, and safety was assessed to the dependent variables of self‐disclosure.

Results indicated that perceived attitude‐value homophily has moderately high independent predictive power concerning level of uncertainty, feeling good, and safety. Perceived background homophily and perceived appearance homophily have little or no independent predictive power to those dependent variables. Also, the independent predictive power of uncertainty level, feeling good, and safety was low for self‐disclosure variables. Feeling good was the single best predictor of self‐disclosive communication, accounting for five percent of the variance in a self‐disclosure variable.  相似文献   

This study uses an uncertainty framework to uncover the patterns of relationships between uncertainty, jealousy, maintenance, and trust in two types of long‐distance relationships (LDRs; both those without face‐to‐face contact and those with some face‐to‐face contact) and geographically close relationships (GCRs). Data were collected from 311 individuals. Results supported the hypothesized relationships, with relational uncertainty positively related to cognitive and emotional jealousy, negatively related to five maintenance behaviors, and negatively related to trust. Counter to predictions, individuals in GCRs did not experience less relational uncertainty than individuals in LDRs with some face‐to‐face contact, but those in LDRs with some face‐to‐face contact were significantly more certain of their relationships than were those in LDRs without face‐to‐face contact. Finally, individuals in long‐distance relationships with no face‐to‐face interaction were significantly less likely to use the maintenance behaviors of assurances or sharing tasks, and expressed significantly less trust than individuals in long‐distance relationships with some face‐to‐face interaction.  相似文献   

本文在问卷调查的基础上,总结出大学新生在入学后出现的问题,即努力方向不确定;就业难带来的心理压力;自由时间多引发的不知所措和多方面指导的需求等,提出在新生工作上加强入学教育、增强朋辈指导、开辟多渠道及时沟通等解决对策。  相似文献   

对131名高校贫困生及332名普通大学生的生涯不确定感进行调查,多因素方差分析的结果显示:贫困生的生涯不确定感显著高于普通大学生;贫困生的生涯规划意识比普通大学生低,在遇到生涯发展问题时不知如何求助等问题。高校和政府主管部门应该重视贫困生生涯教育,搭建贫困生生涯发展帮扶平台。  相似文献   

以英语专业二年级学生为受试,采用Laufer&Nation设计的产出性词汇等级量表,一份自制的词汇深度试卷和定时写作的方式考查了产出性词汇量和词汇深度与写作质量之间的关系。研究表明:产出性词汇量与词汇深度知识显著相关;产出性词汇量与写作整体成绩、T单位长度、文本长度呈显著正相关性,与词汇错误呈显著负相关性;词汇深度知识与写作整体成绩显著相关但是与写作词汇丰富性指标没有相关性。  相似文献   

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