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为视力残疾学生提供合乎需要的教育,是提高我国视障教育质量应重点探索与研究的问题。在盲校内实施按需施教,主要是针对视力残疾学生个体差异实行分类教育,针对个体内的差异开展分组教学与个别教学,以使他们获得发展  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of information about children's disabilities on preschool teachers' responses toward integrating children with disabilities in their classroom. Of particular interest was whether the severity of the child's educational needs and information about diagnosis were related to teachers' responses. Data were collected from 155 preschool teachers in two Midwest states in the United States to examine their responses in terms of levels of comfort, classroom adaptation, and need for support. Results showed that teachers responded differently to the types of disability regardless of the diagnostic labels; that is, teachers responded more positively to children with mild disabilities (e.g., children with Down syndrome) and those with physical disabilities (e.g., cerebral palsy). In addition, compared with children with diagnostic labels, teachers responded more positively to those with no diagnostic labels. Teachers' education and experience working with children with disabilities were associated with their levels of comfort. Implications and recommendations for service delivery and teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is set against the backdrop of new policies and legislation regarding the health, welfare and education of children and young people in England. In response to these policies, the Department for Education and Skills has developed an increasing number of strategies to support the psychological health and well-being of children and young people and thereby signalled greater recognition of the value of improving mental health in relation to children's learning, achievement, attendance and behaviour. Counselling is increasingly seen as an effective strategy for addressing the psychological needs of children and young people with social, emotional, behavioural and academic problems. The aim of this paper is to explore the inclusion of children and young people with learning disabilities (13–19 years) in mainstream counselling services. The nature of learning disabilities is examined in relation to accessing counselling services and a model for inclusive counselling practice is developed from the research findings. Findings are based on data collected from a quantitative survey ( n =396) of 3000 counsellors and analysed using SPSS, along with qualitative data from the survey, which was analysed using a thematic approach.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童可以概括为发展性学习不良、学业性学习不良与行为-情绪性学习不良等主要类型。通过对三个不同的典型案例的分析诊断,提出了具体切实可行的教育干预措施。  相似文献   

The theory of the multiple intelligences are discussed in relation to working with young children and young children with disabilities. A rationale for the use of the multiple intelligences is discussed as well as practical suggestions on how they can be incorporated into early childhood programs.  相似文献   

随着我国特殊教育事业发展步伐的大大加快 ,残疾儿童少年接受教育的权利进一步得到尊重和保障。但目前我国特殊教育还存在着许多困难和问题 ,制约和影响着残疾儿童少年接受平等的和适当的教育。为此 ,需要采取特殊措施发展特殊教育事业 ,依法保障残疾儿童少年受教育权的实现 :大力普及义务教育 ,保障残疾少儿平等接受教育的权利 ;完善特殊教育体系 ,满足残疾少儿日益增长的教育需求 ;提高教育教学质量 ,保障残疾少儿接受适当教育的权利 ;加大特殊教育的投入 ,为残疾少儿提供良好的教育环境 ;完善和落实特殊教育政策 ,保障残疾少儿受教育权的实现。  相似文献   

本文基于8年盲多重残疾儿童实验研究的成果,从盲多重残疾儿童的教育教学实践出发,阐述了盲多重残疾儿童教育安置的原则、策略和形式、课程设置的模式、课程设置的内容及教学策略等,期望能为我国盲校发展盲多重残疾儿童教育事业提供经验和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

学前智障儿童与普通儿童一样,也有游戏的需要与权力。手指游戏是伴随儿歌或口令节奏,通过手部动作、言语去构造游戏情境而开展的游戏活动,对学前智障儿童具有以下几方面的价值:矫治其不良的情绪与行为、发展其精细动作和语言、开发其大脑、培养其交往合作能力。基于此,本研究根据学前智障儿童的身心特点、教学规律等,开发了学前智障儿童的手指游戏课程,并将其应用到一日生活中。  相似文献   

本研究在生活质量理念、支持性教育理念的指导下,以就业安置为目标,构建培智学校职业教育校本课程体系.通过近四年的校本研究,初步构建了智力残疾人职业高中课程体系,并对智力残疾人的专业训练、支持性就业等问题进行了重点研究,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

Early involvement in literacy activities can provide many benefits for at-risk and exceptional children and their fathers. These benefits include development of children's reading and writing skills, increased bonding, and positive self-esteem of fathers. Early childhood professionals can foster male involvement by describing benefits, suggesting appropriate activities, materials and expectations, and by providing ongoing feedback. A model for getting fathers involved in literacy activities with their young at risk and exceptional children is described. The four major approaches in this model are early social interaction, reading books, incidental preliteracy activities, and school involvement.  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative study on young Korean immigrant children’s interpretation of American popular culture, this paper reflects on the researchers’ role by examining the research challenges faced. Prior to discussing the research obstacles in conducting the study, we begin with briefly describing its methodology and design. Next, we discuss the various obstacles we encountered when conducting our study and howwe attempted to overcome these dilemmas by discussing two major struggles during the research process: a) the relationships between the researchers and our young participants, and b) the cultural sensitivity that was needed in initially gaining permission from and working with the parents of our informants. It then illuminates how the researchers attempted to cope with such difficulties by rethinking a researchers’s role emphasizing the importance of cultural context in research. Finally, the paper provides some discussions and implications based on our research experiences.  相似文献   

智障儿童青少年的健康问题越来越被社会所关注.采用针对性的干预措施,提高智障儿童青少年基本运动技能,对于促进其体力、心理、认知发展及提升其社会参与度等具有重要意义.研究利用Web of Science、EBSCO、Pub Med等8个数据库,搜索了国内外1990-2020年间发表的有关智障儿童青少年基本运动技能干预的文献...  相似文献   


Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities can face challenges during typical daily routines. Assistive technology can be used to address the problems encountered during typical routines, yet the competence of caregivers of children with these disabilities in using assistive technology varies. This study was designed to explore Saudi Arabian caregivers’ perceptions about problematic typical daily routines. Caregivers of children with these disabilities were surveyed about the problems they encountered with typical routines, the solutions they found to the problems, the assistive technology they used in the solutions, and their training in and feelings of competence about using assistive technology. Caregivers experienced problems in playing, bathing, and mealtime routines and some found solutions using assistive technology. Over one-third of the caregivers did not feel at all competent in using assistive technology. Suggestions for future research as well as training and development for caregivers are provided.  相似文献   

This research investigated rough and tumble (R&T) play in two early childhood settings. Participants included 11 educators and 17 children (5 years old). The study focused on gaining an understanding of how early childhood educators and young children interpret R&T play. The results indicate that while there is perceived value in R&T related to the development of young children, educators are uncertain of how to manage the play. The results of this study demonstrate the need for early childhood programs to develop policies to guide how R&T is managed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the consequences of transferring technical information on disability and inclusive education from the North to the South within the context of international development. Based on data from the author’s experiences as a US-trained Indian international consultant in Cambodia, it analyses how problems with translation and socio-cultural assumptions embedded in the terminology of disability can divert the intention of teacher training in inclusive education. The paper also examines the politics of inclusive education with regard to the disconnect between a donor-based agenda and local priorities, and discusses the complexities of the author’s own role within the context of increasing South/South cooperation.  相似文献   

This study explores barriers to and strategies for parental involvement (PI) in the education of children with disabilities, using a qualitative case study design. Using the purposive sampling technique, five parents and five teachers were selected for interviews. Data obtained through semi-structured interviews have been analysed thematically. The findings demonstrated that PI was hindered by various barriers related to parents (including parents’ low level of education, income and negative attitudes), schools (such as principals’ and teachers’ negative attitudes, the lack of invitations given to parents, and the lack of a welcoming environment) and children (including their unwillingness to pass school invitations on to their parents). In addition, the study identified strategies to increase PI, including effective communication and partnership, training, a welcoming environment, sending invitations, and establishing and utilising resource centres and individual education plans. Overall, the study highlighted the barriers to PI and tactics to increase PI. It is apparent that educative programmes should be designed by schools and other relevant bodies to address the barriers to PI.  相似文献   

地方学前教育条例中残疾儿童教育相关条款是残疾儿童学前教育政策体系的重要组成部分。分析发现,部分省份出台的学前教育条例在残疾儿童入园、资助、特殊教育教师津贴、生均经费、资源教室等方面对残疾儿童学前教育相关上位法进行了具体化,体现出一定的创新性,但也存在部分条款贯彻上位法不到位的情形。建议加快《学前教育法》出台进程,完善地方残疾儿童学前教育相关立法,为残疾儿童平等接受学前教育进一步提供法治保障。  相似文献   


In this study, Activity Theory (AT) is used to analyse general patterns for how cultural and historical factors interact with the shaping of science activities in preschools. Data was produced from field notes, video observations, video stimulated recall group discussions and individual interviews with preschool teachers at fourteen preschool units, where science activities were described as a common feature of the practice. Two factors were found to be particularly important for how and whether science learning opportunities were afforded the children: the structure of the preschool community and the type of educational culture within it. In communities characterised by weak mutual commitment and without joint understanding of the purpose of the activities, the science learning objects of the activity often became fragmented and thereby elusive. This was also true for strong communities, with a shared approach and a joint understanding of the purpose of the science activities, but with educational cultures where science learning was not actively supported. In contrast, a strong community combined with an educational culture that allowed teachers to lead and intentionally frame the science content, offered child-centred science activities with clear science learning objects.  相似文献   

本文作者发现,当今全世界的教师、教育管理者、及教师培训者都面临的一个挑战,就是要保证教育者能为学习困难学生提供能使他们达到国家为各州提出的学业标准而精心准备的教育服务。本文通过对两国特教教师培训现状的研究,提出了独特的五域教学法即在教学环境、教材选用、课堂演示、学生反应和知识评估这五个领域中运用适应、调整和顺应这三种步骤来满足特殊需要学生不同的学业要求,以使他们能达到国家或各州规定的学业要求。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this study, which aimed to compare the expressive language opportunities provided by shared book reading and facilitated play, the language of 22 young children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities and delayed language was examined. The children were videotaped while interacting with a facilitator during a session that included both book reading and play. Two different protocols were used to analyse the children's language in both conditions. The first protocol was used to document the number of intelligible, unintelligible and inaudible utterances and the second protocol was used to examine the intelligible utterances in relation to their complexity and function. The findings indicated that shared book reading elicited more language, more intelligible language and more complex language than the facilitated play condition. Results also suggested that shared book reading allowed for more conversational interaction between the children and the facilitators. The indications are that shared book reading may provide better opportunities than facilitated play for collecting a representative language sample from young children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

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