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In this paper I propose a contrast between learning as the acquisition of theories and learning as the development of insight. I then suggest that, in a great many cases, the cognitive achievement by which we come to organise behaviour rationally is the development of insight, where this is independent of the acquisition of knowledge regimented in theories. The distinction is between a model in which a subject rationalises behaviour by appeal to knowledge of particulars rather than general theoretical knowledge. By ‘insight’ I mean a capacity for cognitive states with a singular content by which the subject fits, or couples with, the environment. This is achieved by attention. The contrast is between two answers to the question, ‘What is it to act rationally in the light of learning?’. One answer is to see the learning that shapes rational behaviour as grasp of the theories that articulate the conceptual patterns of word use and the patterns of that word use that figure in the giving and taking of reasons for what we do. My preferred answer is that the character of learning is the subject with capacities for attention that shape the patterns of concepts and of the things we trade as reasons. The subject with attentional capacities that couple them to the world is a subject who is a responsible author of the patterns of concept use and thereby what counts as acceptable reasons for acting.  相似文献   

《易经》是一部卜以决疑的筮书。然而,其中有关"阴阳"即二分与对立的观念、思想却是俯拾皆是。文章通过对"—""--"符号与卦象中的"阴阳"、卦爻辞中的"阴阳"以及同一卦六爻辞之间的"阴阳"的考察,旨在对《易经》中的阴阳观念与思想有一基本的认知与把握,这对于思考《易经》在日后为何由卜筮之书上升为哲学之书等问题有重要意义。  相似文献   

从女性主义视角分析《海的女儿》,会发现安徒生实际上在讨论妇女如何寻找自身价值的问题。《海的女儿》体现了安徒生对女性命运的关注与思考。但他无法摆脱传统的男性中心主义的制约,在同情女性的同时也存在着对女性的歧视。作为男性,他也无法真正为女性指出一条明确的寻找自身价值的道路。  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of investigations planned with a view to studying the effects of the financial aid reform which was introduced in Sweden in the mid-1960s. The group studied is a nationally representative sample of those born in 1948. It is shown that social background is a strongly influential factor in the selection for higher education. However, this class bias would have been far greater if it had not been for the national financial aid system. The aid is not only important for recruitment but also to enable the students to complete a degree program and this is particularly true for those from lower socio-economic strata.  相似文献   

抗日战争胜利后,根据内战危机十分严重,解放区广大农民强烈要求进行土地改革的新形势,中共中央制订了《关于清算减租及土地问题的指示》(即《五四指示》),将党在抗日战争以来实行的"减租减息"政策,改变为实现"耕者有其田"的土地政策。它是党在农民土地问题上由削弱封建剥削向变革封建土地关系、废除封建剥削制度转变的一个过渡性政策,具有不彻底性。但在当时特殊的历史条件下,这种不彻底性具有一定的合理性和必要性。对这一问题的重新认识,有利于我们进一步客观评价《五四指示》的历史作用,深化对党土地改革政策的理解。  相似文献   

法律权利是权利体系中的核心组成部分。对于主体的应有权利来说,只有经过国家意志的中介,才能上升为法律权利体系,才能成为人的实际权利,即成为现实的有法律根据的权利。法律权利除具有权利共性的特征外,还有其自身的基本特征。法律权利的价值所在:它体现了一个国家对人之所以成为人的基本利益需求的尊重和基本人格独立的高度重视,体现了对人性之深层次的理解和关怀。在一个为民众谋福利的国度里,它是个人与集体、国家与社会之间的一个平衡点,它带来了自由、秩序与正义。  相似文献   

演绎是用一般原理证明个别性论断的一种方法 ,演绎主义科学哲学认为 ,演绎逻辑是获得科学理论的根据。因此 ,同其它学科一样 ,演绎法在国际政治研究中也得以广泛应用。然而 ,要保证演绎推理的正确 ,必须具备两个条件 ,一是前提真实 ,二是论证正当。正确使用演绎推理对国际政治研究是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

《论语》是我国古代著名思想家、教育家孔子的著作,封建时代被列为十三经之一。中学教材经常选用《论语》中的篇章,对学生学习古文与传统思想十分有益。教材中的注释,有些不够准确,现在作些辨证工作,供教师们参考。  相似文献   

实训教学是计算机程序教学体系的重要组成部分,其教学目标是综合程序设计语言、数据结构、操作系统等各门课程的基本理论与技术,培养学生实际编程能力.实训案例的策划与实施过程,关系着实训教学目标的实现.  相似文献   

"兴"在中国文论史上向来是被看作是一种最具有代表意义的文学创作手法和修辞手法。人们习惯于把"兴"看作是文艺创作的概念,将其归于"赋、比、兴"的艺术创作手法的系列中。但在孔子看来,"兴"并非是文艺创作的手法,而是《诗》具有修身成仁作用的高度提炼。当我们回归到《论语》文本中可发现,"兴"首先是指荡涤浊心的净化,其次则是一种更高层次上的回归,是一个否定之否定的阶段。"兴"就是要把人们心中有利于达到仁的境界的"真性情"彰显出来,把仁的基础建立在人的内在的"真性情"上,唤起每一个个体的向善成仁的主动与自觉的意识,而不是使之成为一种外在的强加于人之上的强制规范。换言之,"兴"必有所兴之物,而这种在学《诗》的基础上所兴起的,应该是人所都应当具备的一种真性情,真情感。而这种所谓的真性情和真实情感具体到孔子的修身成仁的教化当中就是指有利于成仁的"诚"和"直"等品质。  相似文献   

儒学能在中国两千年的社会里产生重要影响,当然是源于它博大精深的思想,但与孔子本人的人格魅力也有莫大的关系。细读《论语》,我们就会发现,孔子是一位多姿多彩的人,而不同时代的人根据自己的理解对孔子的形象进行了一些改变或塑造。  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief résumé of three selected texts which have, in different ways, been influential in setting the agenda for thinking about the long‐term future of English. Discussions held at the 1999 NATE conference in a ‘Future of English’ commission were a response to a challenge by Gunther Kress (1995) to try to say what English is for. The working definitions which were achieved are used as a basis for beginning to consider, rather more briefly and tentatively, how the content of English should be defined, what progression would look like in the proposed curriculum, how it should be assessed and what the implications would be for teachers. Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions for a strategy which would aim to ensure that the challenge for a radical review of the English curriculum is addressed in time for 2005.  相似文献   

《寂静的房子》出版于1983年,是奥尔罕.帕慕克的第二部小说作品。小说创作在传统的内聚焦叙事上有所创新。既采用了多个角色均以第一人称视角切入叙事盲点,突破叙事限知的方式,又运用多种技术手法点明频繁变换的第一人称所指,引领读者阅读,显得颇为"超现代化"。是作家创作由现实主义向现代主义转换的一部重要阶段性作品。  相似文献   

王丽娜 《海外英语》2014,(19):188-190
The End of the Road is John Barth’s second novel, and it is the first novel that brought abortion to the focus of public attention, which proves to be a huge success. This paper intends to study the alienation in The End of the Road based on the alienation as a literary style and the alienation embodied in the literary context. Through the analysis of the alienated plot, the paper aims to emphasize the internal cause for the end of the different character’s road.  相似文献   

The Formation of Identity: The importance of ideals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the formation and composition of what might be termed personal identity a key but often neglected aspect is ideal identity. While comprising aspirations rather than realities, it makes a major contribution to the definition of self-identity. It does this as a result of: (a) clarifying what kind of person the individual wishes to be; and (b) an interrogation of how she sets about achieving her ideal identity, intimating what kind of person she is at a particular moment by virtue of the way in which she strives to achieve her ideal. The article argues for a re-appraisal of the notion of ideals in education and for its reinstatement as a significant feature of education. Indeed, we argue, children cannot avoid ideals--they are presented to them everyday from a wide variety of sources. But these sources or the ideals that they promote are not necessarily good for the child's well-being or for her fellow citizens. Consequently, teachers as moral agents have an important role in assisting children to acquire ideals that do meet such a criterion of goodness in addition to helping them reflect critically on the range of ideals they may encounter in their communities and society.  相似文献   

广播电视语言在很大程度上接近日常口语,应定位于“说话”的形式上。这是多元化社会发展的需求,也是广播电视自身发展规律的需求。但是要“说好话”必须受众的语言需求及电视节目主持人,用意员自身素质两个方面加以要求。  相似文献   

浅析沥青路面的质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沥青路面质量控制是一个综合性控制过程,从沥青路面结构组成设计,原材料的质量要求,沥青混合料配合比的设计及施工工序几个方面进行了阐述,并提出一些参考建议。  相似文献   

信息化时代高校教师教育技术意识的培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育技术能力是信息化时代高校教师专业能力的重要组成部份,直接影响、决定着高等教育信息化建设的进程。教育技术意识是教育技术能力形成的前提和基础,使高校教师具备良好的教育技术意识是提高高校教师教育技术能力的切入点。通过探讨高校教师教育技术意识的内涵,提出了培养和提高高校教师教育技术意识的几条有效途径。  相似文献   

《厄舍古屋的倒塌》是爱伦·坡著名的恐怖小说之一,是其创作理论的集中体现,他用细腻的笔触渲染了令人窒息的恐怖气氛。为了达到恐怖效果他在遣词造句等方面都别具匠心,使小说中的每一字、每一句都为其要达到的特定效果服务。从词汇、句子、修辞格及叙事角度等层面对该小说进行文体分析是探索其恐怖效果创造的有效手段。  相似文献   

This article describes the situation in the field of ethnic minorities and education in The Netherlands and other Western countries. The policy that has been and is being pursued in The Netherlands is central to this article, as well as the way in which this policy has been translated into practice. The most important aim of the policy is to combat educational disadvantages among minorities. Attention is paid to the evaluation of the various aspects related to the education offered to minorities. These evaluations show that even though a great deal has been brought about, policies have up until now hardly succeeded in improving the relative position of the minorities. On the basis of these findings, a number of changes have recently come about in the policy, that are likely to have far-reaching consequences for educational practice. To conclude this article attention is paid to this new policy.  相似文献   

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