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论信息工作者的信息素养   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Requirements for information workers are discussed from their background knowledge, curiosity and the art of information selection and utilization. Background knowledge is the guarantee for information workers' skills and also the base of information collection and analysis. Curiosity is the starting point of the training of information workers, its role in information collection is discussed. Finally, the art of information selection and utilization are analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

学术期刊文献信息的传播与编辑   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The characteristics and functions of academic journals and the new demand for documentary information in academic journals in the information age are expounded. By introducing the characteristics of edition and dissemination of printed journals, secondary documents and academic journals (CD), the paper emphasizes the importance of large-scale integration and secondary edition of documentary information in journals for enhancing information dissemination and availability ratio of academic journals.  相似文献   

管窥微观信息经济学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay examines the origin and development of micro-economics of information from the perspective of the development history of western economies. It considers the emergence and development of micro-economies of information as a challenge to the traditional economics. Based on this, the essay expounds the focal point of the research on micro-economics of information and its significance to China' s reform of economic system and the informatization of economy.  相似文献   

信息伦理学研究中若干问题的思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The further development of information ethics needs to solve some important ethic problems involved with disciplinary construction. These problems include the cause of the formation of information ethics; the research method,attribution and features of information ethics; the connotation and systematic structure of information ethics; the enlightenment we gain from the studies of the guiding principles of information ethics in foreign countries. The scientific analysis and exposition of these problems are helpful to the prosperity and perfection of information ethics and to the construction of social information ethics.  相似文献   

The activities of the government can be described as reporting the feelings of the people (receiving infor-mation), making policies (processing information) and issuing government orders (sending out information). This is a typical course of information processing. If we can successively trail and scientifically measure this information course, we will be able to appraise the performance of the government in a scientific way. The development of government informatiza-tion and e-government is providing such a kind of appraisement for the government. The paper mainly discusses the possi-bilities of informetric analysis of the e-government. Methods for such analysis are also described.  相似文献   

大众传播信息合理使用原则分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle of the rational use of the copyright of mass communication is an importamt legal system to protect the right of the social public and individuals to use information. However, this system is facing severe challenges both in technology and in benefit. This paper attempts to analyzes the problems in the principle of rational use, such as the principle of judgement, abuse restriction and the principle of rational use under the network communication conditions.  相似文献   

Based on a definition of information analysis, an explanation of its use and a comparison between informa-tion analysis and information forecast, this article analyzes the enterprise's macro-environment and information efficiency synthetically from the influence and role of the requirement for information.  相似文献   

信息集成服务管理论要   总被引:25,自引:9,他引:25  
Beginning with the thought on the development of scientific and technical information in the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, the paper briefly discusses the concept, task, management and systematic structure of information integrated service from the viewpoint of information management.  相似文献   

论网络载体环境下科学信息交流过程的基本特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方卿 《情报理论与实践》2002,25(2):95-98,114
The paper indicates that the scientific information communication process in the network environment has lots of new characters compared with the traditional paper-based communication process. In this paper, the author dissertates 4 of these characters, that is, shortening of the communication process; quickening of communication speed and increasing of information quantity; virtualization of information organization and weakening of the door-keeper.  相似文献   

从图书馆学五定律到信息资源建设五原则的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹作华 《情报理论与实践》2003,26(6):534-536,527
With an exploration of the correlations of the five laws of library science with the five principles of information resources construction, this paper discusses the embodiment of Ranganathan‘s eternal thought of taking the user as the center in the five principles, and analyzes the connotations and characteristics of the principles of information resources constmcfion so as to understand and grasp the practice of inforamtion resources construction at a higher level.  相似文献   

三江源草地多功能性及其调控途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵亮  李奇  赵新全 《资源科学》2020,42(1):78-86
三江源区是地球第三极典型代表区域之一,具有世界上独一无二的生物物种及其组成的生态系统,发育和保持着世界上大面积原始的高寒生态系统,是中国和亚洲重要的淡水供给地,也是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的源头和重点区。生态系统服务、自然景观、生物多样性具有全国乃至全球意义的保护价值。草地是三江源的主要植被类型,由草地管理引起的诸多生态、环境、社会问题,其管理和治理不仅是牧区的问题,也是包括黄河、长江、澜沧江等江河流域的问题。本文综述了三江源草地管理的现状、问题和需求;提出了基于草地生态系统服务和人类对草地“生产—生态—生活”多目标需求的多重管理目标及管理框架,建立三江源区域草地进行多重目标管理的调控途径及技术支撑;以期对三江源生态可持续发展、国家公园建设和黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展及后续相关政策的制定提供一定的启示。  相似文献   

尹君  谭清美 《科研管理》2020,41(1):90-97
本文基于军民融合程度内涵,从军民融合广度和深度层面研究其结构,然后从微观、中观和宏观视角对军民融合程度进行评价,最后提出军民融合程度优化对策。研究表明:军民融合程度是由军民融合广度和军民融合深度构成的“二位一体”的综合系统。广度上,覆盖产品军民一体化、规范军民一体化以及宏观调控体系军民一体化。深度上,军工企业与民用企业向研发、试验、生产和服务等若干环节全面渗透。微观、中观和宏观军民融合程度的值域均为[0,1]。通过构建自上而下的军民融合程度优化对策体系,可为形成军民融合深度发展格局提供保障。  相似文献   

生态国土具有经济、社会、生态等多重属性和功能,是经济社会发展和生态文明建设的物质基础和空间载体。加强生态国土建设是生态文明建设的必然趋势和客观要求,是优化国土空间开发格局,实现人与自然和谐发展的必由之路。本文采用文献分析、实地调研和专家座谈咨询相结合的研究方法,对生态国土建设的科学内涵、基本框架、技术路径和政策措施进行了深入探讨和系统阐述。生态国土建设的根本目的是要发挥自然资源生态文明建设主力军作用,把党中央国务院关于生态文明建设的战略决策部署落实到自然资源领域的各个环节。基本框架是以源头保护、节约利用、整治修复为主线,优化国土空间开发格局,集中统一管理自然资源资产,集中统一监管自然生态,改革和完善自然资源管理制度,加强生态国土基础能力建设和科技创新支撑,完善相关法律制度和政策,加强规划和引导,加快开创生态国土建设的新局面。  相似文献   

漆苏  刘立春 《科研管理》2020,41(10):227-237
探寻新创企业专利对风险投资决策的影响机制,即专利能否成为风险投资机构评估新创企业价值的有效信号体系。运用创业板中427家企业的数据,检验新创企业专利与风险投资估值的关联度。实证研究结果证明,新创企业的专利对企业吸引风险投资时的价值评估具有提升效应,且上述提升效应在早期投资轮和实力强大的风险投资机构中表现得更为明显,但与创业者的创业经验之间无显著相关。研究为引导风险投资机构更有效的利用专利信号机制、优化其投资决策,促进风险投资行业的有效发展,为我国新一轮的创业热潮提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

This article critically assesses the policy orientation, social impacts, and linkages of telecommunications in the United States within a government deregulated policy environment and an increasingly globalized economy. Deregulation has been driven by both ideological and technological demands, stemming from several political and economic transformations in the world economy, the collapse of state socialism in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and greater oligopolistic competition among transnational corporations. An expanded infrastructure of new digital information and communications technology (ICT) is the foundation of a worldwide political economic regime of accumulation. ICT increases command and control capabilities of large corporations, together with the mobility and liquidity of capital, making it essential to the restructuring of the world economy, the new international division of labor, and the creation of global "information city" networks. At the same time, government deregulation and rapid technological change are associated with a number of spatial, economic, and social dualisms.  相似文献   

王飞绒  赵鑫  李正卫 《科研管理》2019,40(11):196-205
企业家情怀是否会影响企业的创新投入?本文主要依据计划行为理论,从企业家情怀与创新投入的关系入手,构建了企业家情怀经由风险承担与压力应对影响企业创新投入的概念模型,并提出了相应的假设。利用183份有效问卷进行了实证分析。研究結果表明,企业家情怀能够促进企业的创新投入,风险承担和压力应对在情怀到创新投入的影响路径中起到部分中介作用。论文将企业家情怀纳入创新研究,补充和完善了企业创新动机理论,对企业家情怀的研究也有效拓展了企业家精神理论的内容,论文同时也从企业家层面和政府层面提出了管理启示,最后对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Caller ID service continues to be a controversial issue in the U.S. because of its privacy implications. State and federal regulators, legislators, scholars, and the courts have examined and responded to the privacy issue from a policy perspective, but perhaps without a complete understanding of the meaning of privacy in the context of the debate. What types of privacy are involved, how significant are these interests, and how might privacy needs compare and be balanced? This article explores privacy in the context of the Caller ID debate from a social science perspective. It examines motives for seeking and preserving privacy and explores the dynamic relationship between the caller and called party positions. It then provides an analysis of current and proposed Caller ID features and policies with a view toward understanding how these proposals balance competing privacy needs. This article establishes an analytic framework and a foundation for further study of caller and called party privacy that should lead to a better understanding of the privacy debate and the privacy implications of Caller ID.  相似文献   

木材构造特征在裸子植物系统学中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据木材构造特征的进化趋势对裸子植物,特别是松杉纲内各目、科的系统位置和等级 进行了探讨。笔者认为:1.南洋杉科可从松杉目中独立出来成立南洋杉目。2.银杏更近于松杉目而与苏铁科有明显区别。3.罗汉松科、三尖杉科和红豆杉科应置于南洋杉科之后,松科之前,三尖杉科与红豆杉科亲缘关系更接近。4.建立金松科是合理的。5.为侧柏从崖柏属中分出成立侧柏属补充了木材方面的证据。6.进一步探讨了松科中一些属的系统位置,并建议松属可区分为三个亚属。7.穗花杉属置于红豆杉科中更为合适。 8. 同意郑万钧在铁杉属内建立长苞铁杉组。合并黄山松和台湾松。  相似文献   

从牛顿,爱因斯坦,量子力不到统论的不断发展的时空观说明了科学对时空本质的探索,关于无有的理论亦在不断升华。西方科学新的理论正逐步符合于东方传统文化的理论内核,测不准原理启示我们应对实践手段变革,量子力学所得出的统计因果论将导致引入超光速或更复杂的时空结构。  相似文献   

本文借鉴库恩科学范式的思想,界定了产业技术范式内涵,刻画了产业技术范式变革过程中技术标准的作用机理。运用专利计量方法定量化描述了传统汽车技术体系形成到新能源汽车技术范式变革的过程,研究表明,传统汽车技术已经经历了完整的范式周期,新能源汽车处于范式发展期且新的技术体系正在形成,进而展示了汽车产业技术变革期技术标准从技术规范到与知识产权相结合的标准体系的演进路径,揭示了技术标准在汽车产业范式演进过程中的规范、桥梁和转化作用,以期为我国新能源汽车产业尽快形成有竞争力的技术标准体系提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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