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This study used a phenomenological approach to investigate the recollections of participants of an environmental education (EE) residential program. Ten students who participated in a residential EE program in the fall of 2001 were interviewed in the fall of 2002. Three major themes relating to the participants’ long‐term memory of the residential EE program were identified: (a) recollections were highly influenced by actions taken by the students; (b) program content/subject matter was retained by all of the students to varying degrees; and (c) emotional reactions to the experience were present. The results seem to support the notion that active experiences have an important role in episodic recall. Results also suggest semantic memory was achieved. The authors offer a potential model of learning for residential EE programs that is structured on episodic/semantic memory systems and is reflective of the results of this study as well as current research in cognitive sciences.  相似文献   

Although more academic summer programs are developing for the gifted population, little attention has been paid to the psychosocial needs and adjustment of gifted students attending such programs. Duke University's Talent Identification Program has developed a strong counseling and consultation component within its Summer Residential Program in an attempt to deal with the normal developmental problems and emotional difficulties experienced by academically gifted adolescents. The personnel who administer this component, the methods they employ, and the presenting problems of students in Duke University's TIP Summer Residential Program are described. Future directions for counseling and consultation are discussed.  相似文献   

Both parents and children need a high potency nurturing program to develop trust. They must experience a dependent, close relationship to form basic trust. There is no other way to heal the scars of past abuse and insure healthy relationships with others. With proper nurturing, self-esteem is raised and feelings of power, self-control and long-needed security follow. Nurturing can be done successfully in residential treatment for children and out-patient treatment of parents. Selection of academically qualified, emotionally mature and caring staff members is the major factor affecting success. Myriad therapies fail for abused children and families when the vital basic need for nurturance is not filled. Without forming basic trust, the completion of this early developmental task, behavior gains will be short-lived and subsequent emotional problems result. Emotional involvement and commitment from therapists is necessary for the kind of nurturing process that promotes growth and healing. This involvement brings rich rewards to both client and therapist. The younger the children and parents are at the time of treatment, the greater is the potential for success. The program described in this paper illustrates how children can be reunited successfully with their families after a period of residential treatment for the children if the families are similiariy treated.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of residential treatment plus short-term follow-up of 31 deprived infants. Also discussed are the effects of abuse and socioeconomic status (SES) on the outcome measures. Two matched comparison groups were utilized: infants with similar problems, not admitted to the Center; and infants with no history of maltreatment. All had anthropometric measures, tests on the Bayley scales, and measures of mother-baby interaction three times during the first year of life. The Time Two results were considered the best indicator of the value of treatment because Time Two marked the end of Center residence. At Time Two the experimental children had gained more in height for age. They had lost some ground on the psychomotor scale but stayed relatively equal with the others on the mental scale. On the interaction scales they clearly surpassed the comparison groups. By Time Three the living arrangements had worsened for a number of the experimental babies. Physical measurements were similar among the groups. The experimental group maintained its standing on the Bayley scales, had lost ground on the interaction scales, but still surpassed the problem comparison group. The Time Three results are discussed with respect to the gravity of infant abuse. Effects of SES were more apparent throughout than the effects of abuse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The number of youth in residential care programs who have been abused is high. The relationship between childhood abuse victimization and adult intimate partner violence (IPV) is well documented. This study compared the rates of IPV 16 years after individuals had participated in a long-term residential care program with individuals accepted to the program who did not participate. The IPV rates for these two groups were also compared to national normative data. METHOD: Information on adult functional outcomes was obtained from former residential care and comparison youth via a confidential survey that was administered either by telephone or by mail. Analysis was limited to respondents who were currently married or involved in a marriage-like relationship (n=131; 92% male). RESULTS: The IPV rates for the sample were 9.3% for those who stayed in the residential program less than 18 months and 6.5% for those who stayed more than 18 months, neither of which were significantly different from the national norm of 8.4%. The IPV rate for the comparison group was 26.1%, which was significantly higher than the national norm. Regardless of length of program stay, respondents who were maltreated in childhood had a 14.5% IPV rate, which was significantly lower than the estimated 36-42% rate projected for individuals with similar backgrounds. CONCLUSION: We conclude that time spent in a treatment-oriented residential care program was associated with lower adult IPV rates. Specifically, the skills taught in a long-term, treatment-based residential program (e.g., healthy interpersonal relationships, self-government) may have a long-term beneficial impact for adolescents at high risk of adult IPV.  相似文献   

当他说“你只有一次初恋”的时候,我很清楚他所指何意。事实上,那是我的初恋在上周我们一起吃午餐庆祝他60岁生日的时候说的。  相似文献   

A cradle on the gate of an Italian convent gives desperate mothers a safe place to abandon a baby.意大利女修道院大门上的摇篮为绝望的妈妈们而设,给她们抛弃的婴儿们提供了一个安全的庇护所.……  相似文献   

The number of families troubled by parent-child incest in the typical community is much larger than suspected by professional helpers. If left unattended, the victim(s) and the family as a whole will be critically traumatized. Parental incest in the nuclear family can be likened to terminal cancer in the individual. The community must encourage the incestuous families to seek treatment and must provide comprehensive in-depth therapy to all members of the family. The etiology and dynamics of parental incest and the treatment method developed by the Directors of the Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program of Santa Clara County (CSATP), California, are discussed. Over the past ten years the CSATP has provided therapy to over 4,000 children and their families (about 14,000 individuals), by far the largest number so treated by any single organization. About 90% of the children have been returned to their families; and the recidivism rate in the families who have completed the treatment program remains at less than 1%.  相似文献   

万喜人 《中等数学》2005,(10):20-20
命题圆内任意两条弦AC与BD相交点E,联结AB、CD,任意直线l交圆于M、,分别交AB、AC、BD、DC(或它们的延长)于点R、Q、P、S.则PM.QMPN.QN=RRNM..SSNM.图1证明:如图,联结AM、AN、M、BN、CM、N、DM、DN.由意有PMPN.QQNM2=SS△△NMBBDD.SS△△NMAACC2=NMBB..NMDD.NMAA..NMCC2=NMAB2.N  相似文献   

你会怎样完成下面这个圆圈呢?发挥你的想象力吧,按照自己的想法画完这个圆圈后,在给出的三个选项中找出与你所画的最相似的那个,然后看看它所代表的含义吧!  相似文献   

当前中国经济主要由以上海为龙头的长江三角洲城市带,以北京、天津为双核的大北京城市圈以及以粤港为中心所圈定的大珠三角地区华南经济圈带动。其中华南经济圈是距离梧州最近的经济发展极。梧州可以通过参照长江三角洲城市圈中苏州与长江三角洲主要经济体上海的经济良性互动的发展经验,从城市定位角度出发,结合自身城市特点,加快融入珠三角经济圈的步伐,以获得经济的持续性发展。  相似文献   

通过圆与科学、人文以及生活的联系,审视圆的文化现象,揭示圆的文化内涵、挖掘圆的社会功能,对于开展数学素质教育、数学文化教育都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

利用三点定圆原理设计了一种测量工具,用以测量齿轮(奇数齿或偶数齿均可)齿顶圆直径和齿根圆直径,以便确定齿轮的各主要参数。使用方法简单、方便、精度适中、成本低,便于推广使用。  相似文献   

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