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The proportion of U.S. high school students working during the school year ranges from 23% in the freshman year to 75% in the senior year. This study estimates how cumulative work histories during the high school years affect probability of dropout, high school academic performance, and the probability of attending college. Variations in individual date of birth and in state truancy laws along with the strength of local demand for low-skill labor are used as instruments for endogenous work hours during the high school career. Working more hours during the academic year does not affect high school academic performance. However, increased high school work intensity raises the likelihood of completing high school but lowers the probability of going to college. These results are similar for boys and girls, and so working during high school does not explain the widening gap in college entry between men and women.  相似文献   

双主体教学是我国素质教育的核心问题.教师和学生在教学过程中都是主体,在教学过程中双主体作用充分而协同的发挥、发展就能促进师生共同发展,全面提高学生整体素质的良好育人效果.  相似文献   

本文以深圳市高考模拟命题比赛的命题实践经历为例,从试题的情境材料、问题设计及试题评价角度,阐述了基于高考评价体系的情境化试命制策略。  相似文献   

Joe Russell Whitaker. Geography in School and College, Bureau of Publications. George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee, 1948 pp. 116 $1.80  相似文献   

This essay describes how in the 1890s the Committee of Ten arrived at their recommendations about the organization of the high school biological sciences and seeks to correct the frequently held, but erroneous view that the Committee of Ten was the initiator of the Biology-Chemistry-Physics order of teaching sciences prevalent in high schools today. The essay details the factors underlying the changing views of high school biology from its “natural history” origins, through its “zoology, botany, physiology” disciplinary phase to its eventual integration into a “general biology” course. The simultaneous parallel development of the “Carnegie Unit” for measuring coursework is highlighted as a significant contributor in the evolution of the present day high school biology course. The essay concludes with a discussion of the implications of the grade placement of the sciences for the future development of high school biology.  相似文献   

浅谈高中生物实验的备考策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物学是一门实验性很强的学科,无论是生物单科考试还是理科综合考试,生物实验一直是高考热点而且分数比例逐年增加。纵观近几年的高考生物实验题的特点有:(1)基础实验的考查不断加强。(2)对科学探究能力的考查逐步完善。(3)实验设计和研究性课题的考查有所增加。为使高三学生在复习备考中逐步提高实验能力,在高中生物实验复习时要加强对课本的重视尤其是以下几点。  相似文献   

生物学是整个自然科学的基础学科,因此,中学生物学这门课学的好坏将直接影响学生以后更深层次的学习。有趣味才能使学生乐学,教师尽力地找出隐含在平淡枯燥知识中的“兴趣点”,才能激发学生学习的内在动机,从而使学生呈现积极活跃的状态。  相似文献   

综观近几年的高考和模拟考试,可以发现生物课本中的特殊知识一直是考试的重点。因此,适当地总结归纳生物的特殊知识有利于学生成绩的提高。  相似文献   

This is a study of teaching about the human body. It is based on transcribed material from interviews with 15-year-old students and teachers about their experiences of sex education and from recordings of classroom interactions during a dissection. The analysis is focused on the relationship between what students are supposed to learn about the biological body and their expressed experiences and meaning making of bodies in the schoolwork. The results indicate that the negotiations associated with the encounters between the bodies of the classroom (student, teacher, and animal bodies) are important for what directions meaning making takes and what students are afforded to learn about bodies, biologically as well as in terms of values. We suggest that these negotiations should be taken into account at schools, be regarded as an important part of the learning processes in science education and in that way open up for new possibilities for students’ meaning making.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the characteristics of women discipline supervisors in the Arab education system in Israel, through their professional development to their attainment of senior supervisory posts. It examines how they attain supervision posts and perform various managerial functions in what is considered a male role, in a patriarchal society, highlighting changes they introduce. In-depth interviews elucidated the life stories of four women supervisors in the Arab education system in Israel. Findings point up the need for a policy of gender equality in role appointments, and the need for mentoring and support to encourage women to undertake senior roles in education.  相似文献   

The female advantage in college enrollment and completion has generated concern among university officials and sparked debate about gender-conscious college admissions. There are a number of explanations for this increasing gender imbalance on college campuses. This paper focuses on the role played by admissions policies that base decisions solely on applicants’ high school grades. Given that females earn higher grades than males, such policies can contribute to growing female shares in admissions. To exemplify this trend, I use publicly-available data from Texas to show that the Texas Top 10% plan, which guarantees public university admission to students who graduate in the top decile of their high school class, led to an increase in the female share of accepted students. The increase was particularly large among black students, where the female share of admitted students was already highest among the major racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

A specially designed questionnaire and a modification of the “Science Classroom Activity Checklist” by L. H. Krockendorfer were used to categorize 299 life science students at the University of Iowa into two groups; those with high school biology backgrounds founded in the BSCS philosophy and those with traditionally oriented backgrounds. These groups were compared with respect to grade achievement in a college life science course, ratings of their background for the college course, and their attitude toward biology as established by their high school experience. With respect to inquiry and student-centered methods, texts were revealed as poor indicators of types of programs offered.  相似文献   

Students enrolled in a non-majors college biology course were pretested to determine their level of intellectual development, degree of field independence, mental capacity, amount of prior genetics knowledge, and amount of fluid intelligence. They were then taught a unit on Mendelian genetics. The only student variables found to not account for a significant amount of variance on a test of reading comprehension and/or a test of genetics achievement was amount of prior genetics knowledge. Developmental level was found to be the most consistent predictor of performance, suggesting that a lack of general hypothetico-deductive reasoning ability is a major factor limiting achievement among these students.  相似文献   

杨芳 《生物学教学》2007,32(1):13-15
学生有无进步或发展是教学有没有效益的唯一指标,实施有效教学是教育工作者不断追求并为之奋斗的目标。在多年的生物学教学中,笔者不断探索实施有效教学的策略,本文就最为实用有效的几种策略做一简单介绍。1知识系统化策略知识组织的好坏,对运用知识解决问题的思维过程有很大的  相似文献   

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