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Previous research suggests that the ongoing educational expansion is a negative development for early school leavers (ESLrs) in the European labour market, since it increases the level and educational attainment of their competition, and in the worst case creates credential inflation. Findings from the 2005 cross-sectional EU-SILC data show, however, that the negative effect of early school leaving on income is reduced by educational inclusiveness at the country level. The explanation, it is said, is that educational expansion decreases the influence of a disadvantaged family background, which accounts for the net interacting effect of educational inclusiveness itself. Results from two-level hierarchical analyses indicate that the influence of family background is indeed conditional upon the level of educational inclusiveness at country level. This is true for all but one of the indicators of family background included in this article.  相似文献   

There are gender differences in educational attainment amongst British children and there is evidence that these differences emerge early in life. In this study we investigate whether boys’ and girls’ early educational attainment levels are similarly related to disadvantage in the family environment. This study uses survey data from the Millennium Cohort Study linked with the teachers Foundation Stage Profile assessment for children in the primary year of school in England between 2005 and 2006. The study finds lower attainment in communication, language and literacy and mathematical development for both boys and girls in families experiencing socio‐economic disadvantage. Early motherhood, low maternal qualifications, low family income and unemployment most strongly predict lower scores. Tests for gender interaction shows boys in families where mothers are young, where they lack qualifications or if they are living in poor quality areas are more disadvantaged compared to girls in similar circumstances.  相似文献   

2005年末,国家提出农村义务教育经费保障新机制,以促进义务教育资源配置均衡本研究使用三个省区的校级和县级数据,基于准实验研究设计,以小学为例,构建倾向分数配对模型对新机制的影响进行实证研究。研究发现,该政策有利于编小生均公用经费、生均预算内公用经费的县域内支出差异,一定程度上促进了义务教育均衡发展,同时生均支出水平、教师平均工资在县域内还存在一定差异。  相似文献   

There is considerable disagreement in the academic literature about whether raising school expenditure improves educational outcomes. Yet changing the level of resources is one of the key policy levers open to governments. In England, school expenditure has increased by about 40% since 2000. Thus assessing whether such spending has had an impact on educational outcomes is of paramount importance. We address this issue using data of better quality than what are often available in similar studies and test our identification assumption by use of a falsification test. We find that the increase in school expenditure over recent years has had a consistently positive effect on outcomes at the end of primary school. Back-of-envelope calculations suggest that the investment may well be cost-effective. There is also some evidence of heterogeneity in the effect of expenditure, with higher effects for students who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   

Since the controversial finding of the Coleman Report (1966), which was that school resources had little effect on educational outcomes comparing to family background, huge literature has emerged in order to verify the above finding in countries other than the United States. The Heyneman–Loxley work (1983) presented for the first time clear evidence that variation in school resource quality could matter more than variation in family inputs in low and middle income countries. Following this literature, and using TIMSS 2007 data, we attempt in this study to revisit the Heyneman–Loxley hypothesis and the related debate regarding the overall importance of schools in explaining variations in student achievement across Middle East and North African countries. Survey Jackknife regression technique and quantile regressions have been used for the purpose of this study. Our results are in line with those of Baker et al. (2002) showing that the Heyneman–Loxley effect had declined over time.  相似文献   

提高教师资源配置效率对学校降低教育成本、优化教育教学质量、建设高素质教师队伍具有重要意义。对西北民族地区农村义务教育学校教师资源配置状况进行实证调查,从教师结构、生师比、教师编制等方面分析了样本学校在教师资源配置方面存在的问题。在此基础上,从合理核定教师编制标准,深化学校人事制度改革,全面实施教师聘任制,建立适应民族地区学校需求的教师培训机制,保障教师工资福利收入,改善医疗、保险、住房待遇,继续推进学校布局调整,发展寄宿制学校等方面提出优化西北民族地区农村义务教育学校教师资源的建议。  相似文献   

There is persistent evidence showing that care leavers tend to have lower educational outcomes compared to their peers. There is, however, less knowledge of whether this educational disadvantage transfers to the second generation. This study adopts a developmental contextual life-course approach to examine: (a) the extent of educational inequality of children of care leavers from school entry to public examinations at age 16; (b) the relative role of different psychosocial family resources as predictors of educational attainment; and (c) the role of early school readiness assessments as predictors of later educational attainment. Drawing on data collected from families living in England at the first sweep of the nationally representative UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) (n = 11,514), the findings suggest intergenerational transmission of educational disadvantage among children of care leavers (n = 287), which is manifest in a direct assessment of school readiness (age 3), at the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (age 5) and in General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) attainment (age 16). However, once inequalities in family socio-economic background or area deprivation and housing are controlled for, children of care leavers perform comparably in their educational progression to those whose mothers had no experience of being in care (n = 11,227). Moreover, the findings highlight the significance of early school readiness assessments in predicting later educational attainment for the whole sample. Findings are discussed regarding their implications for policy, in particular the need to address educational inequality for children in care, area allocation and housing that is offered to care leavers, and the general importance of early interventions.  相似文献   

Newly available survey data allow the investigation of the educational and employment opportunities open to Roman Catholics in Scotland in the mid-20th century. Previous research has shown that Catholic disadvantage in education and the labour market in the early 20th century had weakened or vanished by the end of the century, and that the main change in that respect had come with the advent of comprehensive secondary schooling in the 1960s. However, the extension of Catholic secondary schooling started in the 1920s. The data used here allow an investigation of whether the Catholic disadvantage was mitigated by these earlier reforms, and thus allow an assessment of whether a selective school system was able to overcome an important dimension of social disadvantage. The data come from a cohort study of a representative sample of people born in 1936 (first surveyed in 1947 and followed up annually to 1963). Evidence is available on social background, on cognitive ability measured at age 11, on secondary school courses, on educational achievement after leaving school, and on social-class status at age 27. The conclusions are that the continued social disadvantage of Catholics was not due to any aspect of the school education which they had received.  相似文献   

In this study the authors start from the observed fact that equality of opportunities of educational achievement is higher in integrated school systems than in differentiated school systems. In other words, in integrated school systems, a pupil’s school achievement depends less than elsewhere on the social and cultural resources of his or her family. However, before concluding that school structure has a significant influence on inequalities at school, it is important to distinguish between the influence of the socio‐economic context underlying each school system, and the specific influence of the structure or organisation of the school system itself. The fact is that not only do the most egalitarian countries with regard to schooling have in common an integrated structure, but also these schools are set within the context of countries which are more egalitarian in other ways, particularly with regard to income distribution. To distinguish between the influence of this social environment and that of school structure, the authors offer three analyses based on a comparative analysis of international databases measuring educational achievement. The results of these three analyses lend credence to the hypothesis that the structure of the school system has a specific effect on the extent of inequalities.  相似文献   

社会资本对美国少数民族参与高等教育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国高等教育入学机会中存在明显的种族差异 ,白人的中学毕业生比黑人和西班牙裔的中学毕业生更容易进入大学。对于影响高等教育入学机会的因素 ,教育经济学集中研究家庭收入和政府财政支持对入学机会的影响 ,把高等教育看作一种投资来分析投资回报率、大学学位的收入等对学生入学选择的影响。本文以社会资本理论为框架 ,提出家庭内部及家庭与学校之间的社会关系和社会网所产生的资源 ,对美国少数民族学生高等教育入学机会产生显著影响。笔者以长期跟踪调查研究的美国两万多名学生为样本 ,运用因素分析法测定社会资本的各个指标 ,同时分别从学生和学校两个维度进行多层次分析。多层次分析结果表明 :在学生水平上 ,家庭的社会经济地位、中学的专业成绩和中学选修的课程对美国少数民族学生的高等教育入学机会产生显著影响。在学校方面 ,学校社会经济地位的平均水平、教会学校以及家庭的教育期望也深刻影响着美国少数民族学生的高等教育入学机会。  相似文献   

Age based school entry laws force parents and educators to consider an important tradeoff: though students who are the youngest in their school cohort typically have poorer academic performance, on average, they have slightly higher educational attainment. In this paper we document that for a large cohort of California and Texas natives the school entry laws increased educational attainment of students who enter school early, but also lowered their academic performance while in school. However, we find no evidence that the age at which children enter school effects job market outcomes, such as wages or the probability of employment. This suggests that the net effect on adult labor market outcomes of the increased educational attainment and poorer academic performance is close to zero.  相似文献   

中外合作办学中优质高等教育资源的合理引进与有效利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林金辉  刘志平 《教育研究》2007,28(5):36-39,50
合理引进与有效利用国外优质高等教育资源是提高高等教育中外合作办学水平与质量的关键,不仅能在一定程度上缓解高等教育大众化过程中国内优质教育资源不足的问题,促进中国高等教育的改革,而且有利于提高中国高等教育的国际竞争力。为此,要加强国外高等教育资源资质认证,完善政策法规,发挥政府宏观调控与引导作用,建立健全中外合作办学的监管体制和质量保障机制等,以在更高层次上促进优质高等教育资源的合理引进与有效利用。  相似文献   

学龄人口年龄结构的变化对整个学龄人口的平均受教育年数会产生重要的影响.以与学制和年龄相对应的“标准(或适龄)受教育年数”为基本参数,以受教育程度构成的年龄变化为依据考虑学龄段内的错龄上学,对学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数的探索性研究结果显示,我国学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数普遍提高,总体受教育程度高移化趋势显...  相似文献   

高等教育成本回收对公平的影响   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文简述了中国实行高等教育成本回收政策的发展历程 ,并讨论了这一政策对公平的影响。结果表明 :第一 ,招生并轨使社会经济地位低的学生获得了更公平的接受高等教育的机会 ,但成本回收在一定程度上抵消了并轨所带来的公平效应 ;第二 ,在实行成本回收的条件下 ,由于不同收入家庭学生选择高校与专业的倾向性不同 ,使低收入家庭学生在高等教育公共资助的分配中处于更为不利的地位 ;第三 ,实行高等教育成本回收能够促进整个教育系统中公共资源配置的结构公平  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of parental SES, school quality, and community factors on children's enrollment and achievement in rural areas in Viet Nam, using logistic regression and ordered logistic regression. Multivariate analysis reveals significant differences in educational enrollment and outcomes by level of household expenditures and parental education, especially mother's education. Mother's status is more important in determining school enrollment than educational outcome. In contrast, father's education increases the probability of learning. Once school quality is taken into account, differentials between the majority Kinh and ethnic minorities are not significant. Girls still do not have equal access to education, since girls doing badly in school drop out, while their male counterparts remain in school. The presence of a school in poor village does not override the effects of family background on educational enrollment. Controlling for school quality actually increases gap in educational enrollment by household expenditures and village income. Although educational costs consume, on average, one quarter of household expenditures per capita, school fees do not determine school enrollment, because many of the poor already receive exemption from or reduction in these fees.  相似文献   

This paper provides a methodological framework to measure and analyze educational resource allocation within and across systems and ascertain potential equity implications. The proposed approach employs an outputs-driven method to provide a snapshot of the equitable distribution of key educational resources available in relation to student populations that are most in need. Our approach standardizes educational resources into three broad dimensions including teacher quality, school physical environment, and school instructional environment while contrasting the allocation of these resources between low- and high-needs schools. We implement this approach using real world data from Brazil to demonstrate its adaptability to the context and available data while still maintaining a consistent framework across applications.  相似文献   

本文通过多元Logit回归模型对北京市中小学教师收入的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,中小学教师内部存在明显的收入差异;教师教龄、职称、荣誉称号、行政职务、班主任岗位、学校办学质量、学校所处地理位置以及办学层级对教师收入影响显著。在研究结果基础上提出:要提高中小学校班主任津贴补助;优化校内津贴分配制度,平衡学校中层干部与普通教师的工资差距;建立公平的教育资源分配制度,缩小教师收入的城乡差异和校际差异;调整工资结构,进一步强化国家和省(市)政府教师工资统筹的责任。  相似文献   

Evidence on the effectiveness of school inputs remains inconclusive, partly due to the challenge of identification as families sort themselves into school districts and resources are potentially allocated to compensate (or reinforce) differences in pupil abilities. Using variation in school resources induced by the location of waterfalls in Norway, we examine the effect of school expenditures on pupil performance at age 16. Higher school expenditures, triggered by higher revenues from local taxes on hydropower plants, have a significantly positive effect on pupil performance. This positive IV estimate contrasts a zero effect based on least squares. A downward biased estimate using a standard cross section estimator is expected in a context of compensating resource allocation across educational units.  相似文献   

采用自编的家庭环境调查问卷,对安徽省凤阳县1295名初三学生家庭环境状况与中考成绩进行调查,以考察家庭环境因素与学业成绩之间的关系,结果发现:家庭环境因素中家庭教育背景、家庭结构、家庭学习资源对学业成绩显著正相关;家庭教育态度中其父母参与度、支持度、亲子互动对学业成绩显著正相关,监管度对学业成绩显著负相关.家庭经济水平、家庭教育背景、家庭职业背景、家庭结构均可透过家庭学习资源间接影响学业成绩;而家庭经济水平、家庭教育背景、家庭结构又可透过家庭教育态度间接影响学业成绩,家庭学习资源和家庭教育态度是影响学业成绩的重要因素  相似文献   

Whether someone has ever had free school meal (FSM) eligibility over a six‐year period is the measure of socio‐economic disadvantage currently used in the English school system. It is used to monitor the socio‐economic gap in achievement in the education system, to identify particular children at risk of low achievement and to direct funding to particular children and schools. In this paper we assess how well this measure predicts pupil attainment in secondary school in comparison to other measures of socio‐economic background known to influence pupil attainment, such as parental education or income. We ask whether the FSM measure is an adequate proxy for a pupil's socio‐economic disadvantage in an educational context. To do this we draw on the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England and matched administrative data. We find that the FSM eligibility measure correlates highly with other measures of socio‐economic disadvantage, however it does not identify all children living in what would be deemed deprived households. We then compare the extent to which the FSM eligibility measure predicts educational achievement relative to other measures of deprivation and find that its predictive power is only marginally lower than many richer survey measures. This provides some reassurance on its use in policy.  相似文献   

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