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This article aims to demonstrate how to objectively select the best children's librarian from all children's librarian candidates by using OWA (Ordered Weighted Averaging) technique as a new model. Firstly, we described 14 professional criteria that must be met by 4 different candidates (c1, c2, c3, and c4). Secondly, we determined ‘the importance weights of professional criteria (u)’ and ‘the extent to which the children's librarian candidates meet these criteria (b)’. In order to determine the values of u and b, we changed the linguistic values such as good, bad, or important into the numerical values. Thirdly, we calculated the final performance scores of all children's librarian candidates by using the formula OWA. Finally, we selected the candidate 4 (c4) who earned the highest score (0,645) in total as the best children's librarian.  相似文献   

近些年,在一些地方续修家谱之风颇盛。本文在回顾总结作者搜寻家谱、研究家谱到主修家谱经历的基础上,以山东长白山马氏第六次续修家谱为例,围绕在新的历史条件下,如何适应时代要求,体现时代精神,推陈出新,创新修谱,弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,服务中华民族伟大复兴事业这一课题,进行了理论探索。  相似文献   

新时期中年女性馆员的心理困惑与调适   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新时期中年女性馆员是影响图书馆事业发展的重要群体。步入中年,她们面临着各种压力与挑战,不免会产生困扰,这些困扰又构成中年女性馆员进步的障碍。本文浅析了她们的心理困惑,指出管理者应如何帮助她们面对生活的挑战,但解决问题的关键是靠自己。  相似文献   

美国国家档案馆为纪念宪法《第十九条修正案》100周年,发起一项为期18个月的全国性倡议,带动各州庆祝妇女选举权。本文分析指出美国妇女选举权档案开发利用的内容特色——主题集中、关注个体和突出人物;方式特色——多媒介、数字化和关联式开发并行,最后总结出对我国的启示——档案开发利用宜主题集中、方式多样、把握时机的持续性。  相似文献   

李文  张樱子 《新闻春秋》2020,(1):34-42,57
本文结合《陕西民报》的办报背景,运用文本分析的方法,从内容、业务两个方面对《陕西民报》的“要政府的意见趋于民众化、要民众的意见趋于政治化”的办报方针的践行进行探析。由此得出,“民众的意见”与“民众化”只是西北军“反蒋”的“幌子”,该报归根到底是为政治权力服务的。但该报对“民众”的关注,重视政府与民众之间的互动、联系,在同时期的国民党报纸中具有开创性和领先性。  相似文献   

试论早期妇女报刊对新女性身份的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究二十世纪初的早期妇女报刊如何通过示范式传播,为广大女性进行了新女性的身份建构,使传统女界逐渐认同新时代的女性身份.文章认为,二十世纪初妇女报刊建构新女性身份的主要方法是示范,表现形式有三种:话语示范、实例示范、直观示范.  相似文献   

对嘉兴府志所载明清文献著者的洛特卡分布分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洛特卡定律反映了科研论文数量与作者数量之间的统计规律,本文通过对清道光二十(1840)年刻本《嘉兴府志》所载的文献著者分布进行统计分析,引入洛特卡定律计算参数,并最终通过了k-s检验。因此可以尝试将洛特卡定律引入古典目录学研究领域,指导现实工作。  相似文献   

文章描述了福建师范大学图书馆民国文献阅览厅馆藏文献的特点:一是类型多样,二是学科丰富,三是地方特色明显。该图书馆民国文献馆的建立为研究、查找民国时期(特别是福建的)历史人物和事件、为海外华侨、港澳台福建籍人士回乡寻祖、追根溯源发挥了很大作用,民国文献的历史价值和现实意义也日益凸显,因此应进一步加大民国文献的整理和保护力度。  相似文献   

李素兰 《晋图学刊》2003,(5):54-56,66
本文结合形势的变化,概括提出并论述了图书馆在新世纪变化发展的趋势,主要是正在成为全民学习终身教育的大课堂,知识创新科学发展的新基地,社区民众休闲文化的"绿书房",增智益寿疗疾强身的保健所,民主平等政治文明的助推器。  相似文献   

叶建 《出版科学》2016,24(2):118-122
19世纪末,随着西学知识的大规模传播,国粹与欧化之辩始见于一些私人信函、日记和报刊言论之中。由于其相关言论或为私密之语,或为零碎杂言,遂不为时人重视。20世纪初,近代学人借助于国学期刊这一新期刊类型,借助其出版平台和发行网络,集中回应了当时的众多文化问题,展现了学术同人以在野身份坚守国学传统,提倡古学复兴的文化图景,进而获得上至精英知识分子、下至青年学子的积极响应。  相似文献   


This article investigates the course literature in the curricula of 12 major journalism schools at Northern European universities. This analysis of the course literature listed in documentation of bachelor programmes traces how journalism education institutions constitute their knowledge base on journalism. It is found that Nordic journalism students are required to read almost four books per study credit on average. Undergraduate academic journalism programmes are professionally oriented, and professional literature by non-scientific publishers occupies a major place in the course literature. A strong emphasis is placed on professional books written in the domestic language, with an average age of seven years. Though the Scandinavian languages show high degrees of similarities with each other, there is very little circulation of literature across the countries within the Nordic area. This analysis of the literature points to a relatively homogeneous educational culture with small differences and raises questions about the qualitative dimensions of instructional design.  相似文献   

首次提出“政府服务补救”概念,借鉴“企业服务补救”理论,运用访谈方法进行案例实证,探讨虚拟电子政府服务补救的影响因素。研究表明影响因素为谨慎、关注、及时性、简易性、补偿、道歉、解释等维度,其中谨慎维度是研究发现的新维度。  相似文献   

建设服务型政府,是我们党在新的历史条件下从建设中国特色社会主义全局出发提出的一项重要任务,对于深入贯彻落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大意义.档案工作作为政府工作的重要组成部分,在建设服务型政府的背景下,应扮演好新的角色、完成好新的使命.本文的主体内容分三个部分分别系统阐述了服务型政府的内涵、档案工作的新角色...  相似文献   

付翔  徐剑 《新闻界》2020,(2):80-87
本文以框架理论为方法,通过对2010-2017年《纽约时报》和《泰晤士报》上海新闻报道的话语和框架进行分析发现,上海形象塑造中所凸显的要素处于一种矛盾复杂的境地:上海既前景广阔又充满考验,在政府调控与各种不成熟不完善的市场环境中迅速崛起;上海作为一个现代开放的国际重量级文化中心,又存在市民群体规则意识薄弱,城市公共安全管理隐患不断的媒体形象。文章还探讨样本框架建构特征表现为政治化倾向的归因定势和完整性叙述缺乏。  相似文献   

The news media industry has changed dramatically into a global business with ever-increasing attention being devoted to entertainment and celebrity across the last 10–20 years. There has also been a growing reliance on images produced by citizens (citizen photojournalism), by media outlets and publishers. It is widely acknowledged that in tandem these changes have shrunk publication opportunities for professional photographers undertaking editorial projects. As a result, photographers are increasingly relying on non-government organisations (NGOs) to gain access to photographing issues and events in developing countries and to expand their economic and portfolio opportunities. This increase in photographers working for and alongside NGOs has given rise to a new genre of editorial photography which I call NGO Reportage. By way of a case study, an exploration of this new genre reveals important issues for photographers working with NGOs and examines the constructed narratives of images contained within these emerging practices.  相似文献   

Using the issue of genetically modified foods, this study examines how the Internet may affect the spiral of silence phenomenon in South Korea. More specifically, we explore whether the Internet has created a social environment, where people can exchange opinions more freely without being fearful of social isolation. Analyzing data from an online survey, we first examine whether the Internet can play a role as a source of information, from which people assess the climates of public opinion. Also examined is whether the opinions of netizens can comprise another form of opinion climate, exerting pressure on one's willingness to speak out. Finally, we explore whether expressing an opinion on the Internet is subject to the pressure of opinion climates. Findings suggest that the Internet may play an important role in shaping people's perceptions of opinion climates. Perceived opinion congruence with other people were significantly associated with one's willingness to participate in an online forum, indicating that expressing an opinion on the Internet may be subject to the spiral of silence effect. We conclude that the Internet in South Korea may not have helped to diminish the social pressure that keeps citizens from expressing a minority view.  相似文献   

通过访问图书馆主页和走访相关工作人员的方式,调查了5所图书馆利用《中国图书馆分类法》(第五版)H31英语类文献增加类目进行文献分类标引的情况。结合工作实践,分析了英语类文献分类标引的现状和存在的问题,提出了解决问题的办法和英语类文献分类修改建议。  相似文献   

为进一步发挥社区图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的作用,通过对社区读者阅读行为及需求调研,实地走访馆店融合发展案例,提出社区图书馆进行文化性转型打造文化品牌、引店入馆提供多元服务,打造社区公共文化新形态等发展策略。  相似文献   

《普通高等学校图书馆规程(修订)》为新时期高校图书馆建设与发展指明了方向。联系工作实际学习新《规程》,提出高校图书馆要进一步转变观念:向开放型发展,走务实的道路;积极建立虚实结合、有主有从、有特色的馆藏资源体系;加强读者信息素质教育,形成以读者为中心的多媒体、多层次、多方式的信息服务体系,努力开创高校图书馆工作的新局面。  相似文献   

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