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The goal of this article is to demonstrate and analyse how two public broadcasters with cultural and technical mandates to foster identity formation, the BBC in Britain and the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) in Canada, came to terms with the fact that the British and Canadian identities were different, and growing more so, in the 1930s. The focus is on how two BBC officials, Malcolm Frost and Felix Greene, assessed the public broadcasting experiment in Canada and gradually came to understand that the CRBC, while a Dominion broadcaster and potential distributor of the Empire Service, was also a North American broadcaster striving to gain legitimacy and credibility with Canadian listeners accustomed to the popular commercial programming of the large American networks. It concludes with a discussion of Greene's role in the creation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the appointment of Canadian-born BBC official Gladstone Murray as its first general manager.  相似文献   

This essay analyses late-Victorian understandings of the relationship between the press, imperial diplomacy, and popular enthusiasm for empire, and examines how newspapers explained their own role in the imperial rivalries of the 1890s. During imperial disputes between Britain and France (particularly the Fashoda crisis) and between Britain and the USA (the Venezuela boundary dispute) contemporaries claimed that self-interested ‘jingo’ elements of the political elite had sought to foment conflict by manipulating ‘public opinion’, but had been defeated by statesmen (who had used the press for legitimate diplomatic purposes) and by ‘the people’ (who were averse to war). This contrasted with contemporary comments about the role played by the press in provoking wars between the USA and Spain and between Britain and the Transvaal: both the press and the people seemed to succumb to an irrational popular ‘jingoism’, and to sweep statesmen along in their wake. However, this essay argues that these contemporary verdicts about the role of newspapers in focusing popular imperialism have been too easily accepted by historians. During the imperial rivalries of the 1890s the press played an important role as a medium of transnational communication, but did not push statesmen into expansionism.  相似文献   

The author answers a reference question on bibliographic sources for the Ukrainian periodical press 1840–1850. Helpful publications include bibliographies, guides, and library catalogs. These potentially make mention of revolutionary developments in Hungary (such as the Twelve Points paragraph of the Demands of the Hungarian Nation in March 1848, the subsequent April Laws, and Hungary's declaration of independence in April 1949), and elsewhere in the Hapsburg Empire.  相似文献   

R.E. Collins 《Media History》2013,19(2):191-205
The end of the Second World War saw global telecommunications governance renegotiated. The dominant British Imperial (later Commonwealth) network experienced multiple changes: the tightly integrated and collaborative imperial governance system fell away as the governing partners increasingly pursued their own, rather than a collective agendas and as the ‘imperial’ company, Cable and Wireless', dominance gave way to a competition and interconnection based regime as American firms and their networks entered markets hitherto closed to them. Though key elements of the Bermuda Telecommunications Agreement 1945 were soon to be renegotiated, the Bermuda Conference, at which the imperial partners and the new hegemonic power, the USA, bargained, was the fulcrum transitional event. Drawing on archival sources (notably in Canada and the UK) the author tells of the tensions within the fragmenting Imperial partnership, of an American mix of interest and idealism and of this episode in telecommunications liberalisation foreshadowing later changes.  相似文献   

阿拉伯帝国图书馆的兴起有其政治、经济、文化和技术背景。它是阿拉伯民族对图书的重视,对知识的追求的表现。阿拉伯帝国的图书馆分为皇家图书馆、清真寺图书馆、公共图书馆和私人图书馆四种类型,它与科学研究和文献翻译高度结合,在建筑和内部设计上具备图书馆的一切要素,向读者免费提供服务。阿拉伯帝国的图书馆代表了当时世界图书馆发展的最高水平,它促进了阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的繁荣,推动了东西方的科学发展,在世界图书馆历史上占有极其重要的地位。参考文献11。  相似文献   

王韬与富兰克林的报刊活动,首先基于谋生获利的需要,因此,他们的报刊实践有其商业逻辑。但由于不同的社会场域,王韬办报有其干预政治的现实考量,富兰克林则力图在商业与政治之间保持微妙的平衡,这也是中美早期新闻业的基本写照。以此为出发点,本文试图从源头上分析,中国的新闻业缘何素来与政治亦步亦趋,而美国的新闻传统虽然诸多反复,但商业化作为一个基本的线索始终存在。  相似文献   

This article surveys a sample of sources of the information about Romania available to British readers in nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals. It traces first contacts between the Romanian lands and Britain after the union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia in 1859, then after their independence from the Ottoman Empire. The article highlights an increased Romanian interest in British periodicals, which reported and reviewed Romanian literature and scholarship. The article concludes that nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals offer a great variety and wealth of new material previously unavailable or unknown to researchers. It also states that only a portion of a large quantity of this material has been indexed and is therefore available via the bibliographic sources mentioned in the article. The author argues for the need of a new and updated British-Romanian bibliography, which can draw on new online resources offering access to thousands of new newspapers and periodical records.  相似文献   

清末民初,是中国从传统王朝国家的向现代民族国家转型时期,各界人士传统的天下观逐渐转向现代民族国家观.本尼迪克特·安德森指出了印刷媒体对民族主义具有建构作用,本文以《申报》《大公报》等慈禧葬礼相关报纸文本为分析对象,以安德森“想象的共同体”的理论为框架,通过慈禧葬礼报道来探讨读者与朝廷、国家之间的想象性联系.研究发现:国...  相似文献   

Peter Putnis 《Media History》2013,19(3):284-304
This paper examines the role of the London-based international news agency, Reuters, in transmitting propaganda-inspired news to Australia during the First World War as well as the take-up of such news by the Australian press. It explores how the propaganda function was understood within Reuters and how this function changed during the course of the war. It focuses on Reuters’ establishment, in March 1917, of a special British Empire ‘supplementary’ news service designed to unite the Empire behind the war effort. The paper explains Reuters’ success in Australia which arose, in large part, from its partnership with the United Cable Service, an Australian agency managed by Keith Murdoch.  相似文献   

The age of information has made university presses more important than ever before. The Internet has placed knowledge at our fingertips, but limited budgets and reluctance to embrace digital technologies have left many university publishers struggling to prove their worth rather than gathering and disseminating that knowledge. To demonstrate how a university publishing house can make it in this changing climate, this report will analyze the industry by using a specific publisher as an example, however this analysis can be applied to any small press. Pace University Press, an extremely small press, but one with the potential to survive and grow, can do so by implementing new practices in marketing, distribution, and digital content that will not only bring it into the twenty-first century, but ensure its continued role in the communication of scholars for years to come. These strategies can be beneficial to any university press.  相似文献   

This column will focus on recent developments at the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Of course, the major issue on the Bureau's plate at the moment is Census 2000. However, there are other developments of interest to the government information community, including new information management systems and services.  相似文献   

香港的报纸煽情味越来越浓烈 ,逐渐弱化了“社会公器”的功能 ,更多的是为商业利益所驱动 ,这种功能与利益的冲突产生的原因在于固守产生于自由主义哲学观基础上的新闻自由观、一味迎合读者的感官刺激需求、把报纸当作单纯的赚钱工具  相似文献   

In this article the author addresses the abandonment of the mid-list trade book market by commercial publishing houses and the development of that market niche by entrepreneurially oriented but beleagured university press directors in the 1970s. How many presses are issuing trade books? Hard statistical data is difficult to obtain. Yet a review of university press catalogues reveals a surge of interest in this book area. However, this niche does not belong exclusively to university presses. Intense competition is now surfacing from new, small but aggressive publishing houses interested in this market. This means that university press directors will be compelled to develop and utilize sophisticated marketing strategies if they plan to remain active and successful in this potentially lucrative but hotly contested market.  相似文献   

Harvard University Press developed from modest beginnings to its current status as one of the largest North American university presses. This article describes the operations of the Press and outlines some of the problems and questions facing the university press in the modern publishing environment.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a content analysis of five newspapers selected from the Chinese daily press. The research was conducted as part of an international project designed to explore the relationship between journalistic self-conceptions and journalistic practice. This paper reports only upon journalistic practice, in particular the extent to which different models of journalism are present. The results of the analysis demonstrate, firstly, that while the concept of a uniform ‘national media system’ is of some utility in comparative studies, there are, even in the highly structured Chinese case, very significant differences within a single country. Secondly, it demonstrates that the common division of the Chinese press into a politically oriented party press and a market-oriented commercial press is inadequate to explain the identifiable differences between titles in the sample. A four grouping solution fits the data much better and demonstrates that there are newspapers that combine strong evidence of indicators of the party press with strong evidence of indicators of the commercial press. As a consequence, the claim that marketization will necessarily lead to conflicts with the party appears to be mistaken.  相似文献   

卫匡国是明末清初来华的耶稣会士、十七世纪欧洲汉学的先驱、历史学家及地理学家.论文主要介绍其西文汉学名著<鞑靼战纪>的主要内容和学术价值,以及版本情况和福建师范大学图书馆馆藏英文本的版本价值.  相似文献   

法律信息增值利用的制度需求与对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章界定了法律信息增值利用的内涵和表现形式,指出了法律信息增值利用的原因和意义,分析了法律信息增值利用的技术需求和制度需求,论述了目前美国、欧盟和英国的法律信息增值利用的制度现状,提出了我国法律信息增值利用的基本对策。  相似文献   

晋察冀军区政治部晋察冀画报社出版的《晋察冀画报》对中国共产党领导下的抗日民主根据地和解放区的新闻摄影出版事业有较大影响。晋察冀画报社不仅是期刊社,也是一家出版机构。解放战争时期晋察冀画报社出版了四种类型的文献,分别是:报纸类、期刊类、图书类、海报传单和卡片类。这些文献发挥了宣传教育作用,为我们留下了宝贵财富。  相似文献   

Work on categorization of national press systems in the last 40 years has been grounded in the well-known Four Theories of the Press. Whereas this approach has been strongly criticized by international scholars for its idealism and its poverty of empiricism, it is still widely taught in introductory journalism courses across the country, and few theorists have engaged in grounding the theory with data in international settings. Although journalism is contextualized and constrained by press structure and state policies, it is also a relatively autonomous cultural production of journalists negotiating between their professionalism and state control. This article thus proposes a new model incorporating the autonomy of individual journalistic practices into political and social structural factors-the interaction of which might currently more accurately represent press practices in the new international order. With an understanding of the background of the journalistic practices and state policies of 4 countries/cities, the multinational media coverage of a specific event is explicated in the light of the new model. This new model explains the journalistic variations that cannot be clearly revealed using a state-policy press model alone.  相似文献   

刘俊  张昕  颜帅 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):561-564
针对出版单位的学术期刊集群模式发展特点,根据清华大学出版社的期刊集群化建设实践,总结出学术期刊集群建设具有的普遍优势,包括办刊资源共享、人员共用、集中管理、统一制度建设、统一宣传发布平台建设等,分析大学出版社开展学术期刊集群化建设的特殊优势,包括兼具学科优势和管理优势、书刊互动、“产学研”一体化等.提出了清华大学出版社学术期刊集群的未来发展建议.  相似文献   

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