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在阅读素养培育与测评方面,PISA与PIRLS为我们提供了参照,为我国大陆的阅读课程改革指明了方向。依据PISA与PIRLS,我们需要更加重视阅读的社会性、阅读乐趣和终身阅读能力的培养,要联系学生生活实际进行阅读材料选择,构建全面科学的阅读素养评价指标体系并完善阅读课程标准,加强开放题的编制与评分指导,综合考虑各种影响因素,系统进行阅读素养培育。  相似文献   

The declining trend in the positive reading attitude of students' has concerned scholars. This paper aims to apply a 3-level hierarchical linear model to analyse how inductive instruction and resources influence both students' positive and negative attitudes towards reading. Approximately 470,000 15-year-old students, and their school principals, from 65 countries completed a questionnaire, which was designed by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In line with previous research, gender, the student–teacher relationship, online academic searches, and reading habits are correlated with both positive and negative reading attitudes. Multilevel results show that reading attitudes improved when a school provides a context in which inductive instruction has been enforced. The natural log value of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in a country is statistically significantly negative when associated with a student's positive and negative reading attitudes. Further, in a country with largely unqualified teachers, school-level inductive teaching lowers the negative attitude.  相似文献   

PISA阅读历程包括“获取与检索”“理解与解释”以及“反思与评价”,由此反映出PISA阅读素养的价值取向,即“接码能力”“解码能力”以及“语用能力”。PISA 阅读素养的价值取向在教学策略的启示,转向阅读素养的教学目标、言语实践的教学内容、阅读历程的教学过程及标准体系的教学评价。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explain the difference between the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 reading results for Finland and Estonia using characteristics of teaching and learning, and characteristics of the overall development of these countries. PISA data were collected via a reading test and student questionnaires from 4,729 students in Estonia and 5,810 students in Finland. Regression analysis made it possible to identify the speed of the rise in PISA scores in relation to the selected variables. The speed was multiplied by the value of the variable to calculate the effect of the variable. The effects of the joy of reading and the diversity of reading materials were greater in Finland, but the effects of metacognition and online reading activities were greater in Estonia. The countries had different values for several indices of development, and this was concordant with the difference in the PISA scores.  相似文献   

PISA2009上海测试的考务实施及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从测试的实施角度看,不同的测试可以有不同的实施规定和办法,但是这些规定和办法的目的都是为了使学生在相等的条件和情境下参加考试或测试,从而减少测量误差,保持测量结果的客观、公正和准确.从这一角度来看,HSA带给我们的不仅是国际化的测试理念,在测试具体实施层面也为国内的教育质量监测提供了很多值得借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

Kaycheng Soh 《Compare》2014,44(3):455-471
In PISA 2009, Finland and Singapore were both ranked high among the participating nations and have caught much attention internationally. However, a secondary analysis of the means for Reading achievement show that the differences are rather small and are attributable to spurious precision. Hence, the two nations should be considered as being on par with each other in achievements and be assigned the same rank. Spurious precision as a problem of interpreting and reporting research findings has caught the attention of researchers in several other disciplines, though not in the field of education, and this needs to be rectified. In spite of the finding of no differences in PISA Reading achievement, principals in Finland and Singapore differ somewhat in school management and involvement in school matters. It is suggested that some intervening variables (e.g., teachers’ quality and instruction) are needed to explain the correlation (or the lack of it) between principals’ management styles and student Reading achievement. It is also suggested that school principals’ management styles might have been influenced by the cultural milieus of the countries and have influenced students’ social-emotional development, which is not measured by PISA.  相似文献   

批判性思维是语文素养的重要能力,而阅读是语文教学的核心。国际能力测试PISA显示,我国学生阅读总体水平世界第一,但与批判性思维相关的部分成绩较低。这种现象引起了学界的广泛重视。我国教材在自然描写、情感道德、历史文化传统、爱国主义、生活知识与技能等方面的比例与美国的教材显著不同;在连续性文本和非连续性文本比例上也与美国差异巨大。阅读内容及其文本形式关乎我国学生阅读能力中批判性思维的培养。建议教材中增加与学生生活、社会现实问题联系密切的以非连续性文本形式呈现的内容。  相似文献   

PISA考试与我国普通高等院校招生考试虽然在性质上具有明显区别,在对象上也不尽相同,但由于两类考试都以检测学生"是否具有持续终身的学习能力"为基本追求,相关性非常明显。PISA考试在阅读能力检测方面,对阅读素养界定、阅读能力等级划分等都对建构符合中小学素质教育要求的我国普通高考语文阅读能力检测的理论与实践具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用PISA2018跨国学生测评数据,通过多层次模型方法系统刻画与评估个体-学校-国家层级的ICT水平对数字化阅读素养的影响路径及其效应。实证研究发现,不仅各层ICT水平对学生数字化阅读素养具有显著正向效应,且不同层级间存在显著的跨层交互调节效应;同时,“一带一路”国家与发达经济体在ICT水平上的发展差距在短期具有拉大数字化阅读素养差距的“马太效应”,但长期来看“一带一路”国家更快的ICT发展速率又将“平抑”技术分层导致的差异固化问题。中国应积极利用自身ICT发展优势,参与全球教育治理,引领“一带一路”沿线国家ICT水平与国民数字化阅读素养的协同发展,为全球教育发展开辟新的发展道路,贡献中国力量。  相似文献   

教师的课堂教学行为对学生学习有着重要作用。基于课堂教学的三维理论模型,采用中国4省市PISA2018测试数据,使用潜在剖面分析,探索中国4省市阅读教学的典型模式,并就不同模式对学生学习的影响开展研究。结果发现:1)学生感知到的教师教学模式主要有综合发展型、普通支持型和纪律导向型;2)感知到综合发展型教学模式的学生在学科知识与理解、动机、情感与注意力和学习时间维度上均表现最佳,纪律导向型教学模式的学生在各指标上表现较弱;3)不同家庭社会经济地位和不同学校类型的学生对不同教学模式的感知存在显著差异,家庭社会经济地位中等及以下的学生、城镇和农村学校的学生更容易感知到纪律导向型教学模式,更难感知到综合发展型教学模式,男女生对不同教学模式的感知不存在显著差异。在此基础上,提出要为教师采用综合发展型教学模式创造条件、教师要强化元认知教学并关注课堂教学的群体差异与区域差异等建议。  相似文献   

中考语文阅读开放题与PISA阅读开放题例析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文以PISA2009阅读试题、2009年上海中考语文试题为样本,从试题数量、问题和指导语、试题难度和评分标准等方面比较了PISA阅读开放题和中考语文现代文阅读开放题的异同,为中考语文开放题的设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

PISA is one of the most widely used instruments to assess student performance in the world. This paper investigates how changes in testing dates and students’ dates of birth (eligibility) between 2000 and 2018 have affected results in Brazil. Controlling for changes in students’ grade distribution over time, we show that changes in grade composition are correlated with increases in average score. We estimate that about 60 % of improvements in math are unrelated to student improvement. Since changes in testing date and eligibility are unrelated to the school system, performance increases over time might not be a result of a country’s educational policy.  相似文献   

本文通过对PISA2000阅读素养测验的不同语言组的DIF检测,发现中文版出现DIF标记的项目较之其他语种版本而言,数量较多,在反思评价认知过程中尤其突出。日语与英语、芬兰语版本的DIF项目数量只有中文版本的二分之一左右。本文最后对DIF产生原因与检测方法的局限性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate, in a large-scale assessment, the prevalence of enquiry-based teaching, as defined by PISA, implemented in science lessons, and the extent to which it is related to students from different socioeconomic status (SES) family backgrounds in the U.S. The Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 data including 5,146 students in the U.S. were used. A Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was conducted to classify students into different science teaching subgroups. Mixture regression analysis was conducted to examine whether there the association between SES and achievement varied across science teaching subgroups. Four science teaching subgroups were identified, varying in the frequency of and type of teaching practices used. Students’ attitudes, gender, science instruction time, and reading achievement are significant predictors of the subgroup membership. SES-achievement gap also varied across the science teaching subgroups. Discussions for the results and suggestions for future study were presented.  相似文献   

国际学生评估项目(PISA)的研究发现,PISA经济社会文化地位指数不仅影响学生个人的学业成绩,同时也影响不同学校间的教育质量差异.本文以PISA2006为例,详细说明了PISA经济社会文化地位指数的具体测量方法,解释PISA报告中学生家庭背景因素通过个人和学校对教育公平影响的一些研究结果,最后提出对上海教育均衡化发展研究视角的一些思考.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the link between the language in which pupils take the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test and the scores they achieve in this assessment, focusing upon the case of Wales. Using five rounds of PISA data and an instrumental variable approach, we show how pupils who took the test in Welsh score around 0.3 standard deviations (30 PISA test points) lower in reading, mathematics and science than their peers who took the test in English. This finding is robust to different model specifications and statistical approaches. We argue that this may indicate that the academic performance of teenagers in Wales may be underestimated in PISA – particularly amongst those who take this test in Welsh.  相似文献   


This paper accepts that the OECD’s PISA has become influential in policy terms globally, but analyses the ways that the main PISA and PISA for Schools tests are positioned differently in Australia and the USA because of contrasting educational federalisms in the two nations. Our argument is that while PISA is undoubtedly influential, its effects are nonetheless mediated by the political structures – here, the different models of federalism – present within different nations, which in turn leads to quite distinct ‘PISA effects’. For instance, Australia oversamples on main PISA to make its data available for national and state-level policymaking, whereas the USA, with its focus on local governance in schooling, does not oversample, meaning that main PISA does not have a comparable policy salience as in Australia. Conversely, the newer PISA for Schools test originated in the USA with pressure from educators and philanthropic interests and has been implemented in a good number of schools, but it has not been taken up in the same way in Australia. Our analyses show how these differences reflect the idiosyncratic workings of federalism in the two nations, in which the federal government has a stronger policy and funding role in Australia than has hitherto been the case for the federal government in the USA.  相似文献   

基于现代阅读认知理论,国际学生评估项目(PISA)以读者、 文本和任务为核心要素构建阅读素养框架,PISA2018的最新修订更是充分彰显了其促进学生未来发展的主旨,顺应数字信息化时代的努力以及强调在真实场景下对学生运用阅读认知策略解决实际问题能力的考查等导向特征.以其为鉴,我国阅读教学需拓展国际视野,实现从关注"阅读技...  相似文献   

Despite the general consensus on the positive impact of formative assessment on student learning, researchers have not shown the underlying mechanisms between specific formative assessment strategies and academic performance on an international sample. This study examines the link between student and teacher reports of teachers’ formative assessment strategies (i.e. clarifying goals and monitoring progress, providing feedback, and instructional adjustments) and students’ reading achievement, based on data from 151,969 fifteen-year-olds in 5,225 schools in 19 countries/regions in PISA 2018 via multilevel analysis of plausible values. The results show that clarifying goals and monitoring progress, and instruction adjustments are positively linked to reading achievement, but providing feedback alone has no significant impact. These findings highlight the complexity of formative assessment as a multifaceted concept and the different impacts of formative assessment strategies on student learning. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

Modern educational theories emphasise effectiveness enhancing factors at the classroom level and differential effectiveness for sub-groups of students and across different learning contexts. Theoretical developments, however, are generally based on national evidence and have been criticised for lacking cross-cultural perspectives. This study used PISA 2012 data to examine how subject-specific teaching strategies related to mathematics performance of students across education systems whilst considering curvilinear associations and interactions with the socio-economic and instructional context. The results provide consistent evidence of a positive curvilinear relationship between cognitive activation strategies and mathematics performance. The association tends to be stronger in schools with a positive disciplinary climate and for students from advantaged socio-economic backgrounds, but not in every education system. Teacher-directed strategies are positively related to mathematics performance, but the association tends to become negative for high levels of teacher-directed instruction. Associations of student-oriented strategies with mathematics performance are inconsistent. The cross-national evidence contributes to the knowledge base of educational theory.  相似文献   

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