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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):407-420
Determining whether or not to publish controversial photographs is a challenge for any editor, particularly when questions arise regarding invasion of privacy. Further complications occur when these images involve members of the British Royal Family, given the longstanding tension between the British press and the Royal Family. Within weeks of the 15th anniversary of Princess Diana's death, British newspaper editors faced two separate ethical dilemmas of whether or not to publish nude photos of Prince Harry and of Prince William's wife, Kate Middleton. This study uses qualitative textual analysis of 111 editorials and opinion columns in Britain's national newspapers to determine why the British press made these decisions. We found that editors and commentators offered conflicted explanations over whether Harry and Kate had an expectation of privacy in their respective contexts and whether or not the images were in the public interest. Prior good or bad behavior, the legacy of Princess Diana and her treatment by the press, the situational factors involved in each case, and their respective marital statuses were all used as reasons behind whether or not privacy won over the appeal to the public interest. We argue the restraint used by the British press in publishing these private royal photos and the somewhat robust discussion of press ethics captured in this discourse may be evidence of a tentative shift in how newspapers address privacy and the Royal Family.  相似文献   

近代早期英国集权主义报业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢征 《新闻大学》2005,(1):48-51
集权主义报业理论是《报刊的四种理论》中提到的基本的报业理论之一,它揭示出在近代早期,也就是新闻行业发端的初期,社会对于新闻传播事业的组织和控制方式。这些组织和控制方式深切体现了在作为社会子系统这一层面上,新闻与政治、与社会发展之间的密切联系。本文希望通过对资产阶级革命前后英国的分析,剖析集权主义报业的历史特征。  相似文献   

媒体自律与社会监督--英、美新闻界的经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国新闻媒体的舆论监督,对于反腐倡廉、建设高度政治文明,对于完善市场体系、保护公共利益,对于针砭时弊、提高社会道德水准,发挥着日益重要的作用;而且,为了加速推进我国社会的全面进步,媒体的舆论监督功能还必须进一步大大加强。这两点已成为学界、政界和大众的共识。  相似文献   

印度早期报刊的诞生和发展是与英属东印度公司联系在一起的。本文从印度早期报刊的诞生、发展和新阶段各个时期中,东印度公司对报刊的恐慌、反扑和退场三方面进行研究,从而发现东印度公司经历了初期的被动反应,中期的积极应对和后期的无奈隐退的角色转型,因而认为东印度公司在早期印度报刊的发展中具有双重性质。即东印度公司虽然主观上不乐见报刊业,但为了利用报刊业达到其目的,不自觉地推动了印度报刊业的发展。  相似文献   

英国殖民统治香港一个半世纪,在香港颁布了大量新闻法规。香港新闻法制的演变大致分成四个阶段,第一阶段是起步期,从1841年到1900年英国奠定殖民统治香港基本格局后,建立了以注册监管为主体的新闻法律制度。第二阶段是发展期,从1900年到1945年二次世界大战结束,制订了有关以内容监管为主体的新闻法规。第三阶段是延续期,从1945年英国恢复对香港殖民统治到1985年《中英联合声明》正式生效前,进一步延续了有关新闻内容监管法规的制订。第四阶段是调整期,从1985年到1997年香港回归祖国前,港英当局为掩盖殖民专制本质,为香港平稳过渡设置障碍,调整和放松了有关新闻媒体管制的法令法规。港英政府的新闻法制建设始终是其殖民统治体制的延伸,但客观上也表现出了积极性的一面。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):72-76
Objective and Course: To break down defensive barriers in the Gender Communication class so as to facilitate an open learning environment  相似文献   

Although intimate heterosexual couples often exhibit power imbalances in gender role behaviors, with one partner more dominant and the other more submissive, it is unclear whether the same is true for homosexual relationships. Anecdotal evidence, however, suggests that television portrays both heterosexual and homosexual couples as gendered. This content analysis of intimate relationships on television examined whether heterosexual and homosexual couples are portrayed as gendered, finding evidence of gendering for both homosexual couples and heterosexual couples. Possible implications of these gendered portrayals for viewers' perceptions and behaviors include cultivation of negative stereotypes and modeling of gender-typed behaviors.  相似文献   

本文通过对五部有代表性的韩国偶像剧的内容分析,认为类型化的韩国偶像剧之所以取得这么大的成功跟它运用性属化的手段,从主题、线索、人物和故事四个维度进行叙事,从而表征出消费社会大众理想化的男性气质的意义有非常大的关系。电视偶像剧对男性气质的表征是在时尚炫目的符号包装之下古老的性属陈规的消费社会再生产。  相似文献   

Abstract This article explores the act of collecting from a postmodern perspective by examining the influences of changing times, places, and persons. Considering the British Museum's stages of development and progress, it discusses the life of Sir Hans Sloane and how his actions helped determine the museum's original goals for its collection. The early days of the British Museum provide a clear view into the values of seventeenth‐ and eighteenth‐century British society. The focus of the museum's collection has changed over the years with the changing views of academics and society. The museum today still strives to hold knowledge of all things, yet tempers this goal under the pressures of modern theorists and politics. While still desiring to communicate information about the world from vast and complex collections, the museum has shifted its focus to answer questions of ownership and entitlement. Explaining national and world heritage views, the article concludes with a discussion of the ethics of collecting as a primary factor in today's British Museum collection.  相似文献   

The article considers the concept and significance of bestsellers in British publishing. There is a brief historical summary, noting the trade's objections to the idea. This was overcome in 1979, whenThe Sunday Times started to publish a weekly list. The methods used to compile it are described. The successive improvements to the methods, and their limitations, are analyzed. The authoritative lists published inThe Bookseller since 1979 are analyzed in terms of format, authorship and subject. It is concluded that paperback is the principal medium for popular fiction, but that hardback is still more important for nonfiction. It is further concluded that the range of subjects of bestsellers is limited, and predictable, leading to the creation of formula books. A link between popular television programs and media personalities and successful books is noted.  相似文献   

档案和报刊,同为研究中国近代史的重要资料。“文革”前,档案资料整理出版较少,也没有象《历史档案》、《民国档案》那样的专业性期刊。就“戊戌变法”来说,1953年出版的“中国近代史资料丛刊”《戊戌变法),仅辑录了少量奏稿和附上《故宫博物院所藏有关戊戌变法的奏折原稿目录》45件,1958年,中央档案馆明清档案部编有《戊戌变法档案史料》②,分综合、荐举新政人才等项目,载有大量奏折,  相似文献   

大学和大学出版,其目的都是为了传递知识。大学出版社以出版学术著作为己任。大学与大学出版的互动,有助于出版业的发展。近年来,中国大学出版社发展迅速,但在学术出版上有待继续努力。  相似文献   

"Small" presses are those which, because of the nature of their operations, put out short runs (250 to over one or two thousand copies) of the best efforts of regional poets and writers. There are a number of these adventitious industries alive and well in the Northwest. Regional and academic librarians should know of and support their efforts because they perform a vital function culturally speaking. They help to set the parameters of a genuine regional literature clearly and advantageously because they can and do foster a certain professional competition at their level.  相似文献   

British Parliamentary Debate (BP) has grown in popularity in recent years and may be an appropriate debate for contemporary college students or Millennials. We argue that BP debate offers Millennials two distinct advantages: (a) BP is an accessible format, amenable to the demands of busy students; and (b) BP confers global argumentation skills required to be competitive in a globalized society.  相似文献   

This essay examines the gendered explanations for the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. Specifically, I examine how mainstream news media's selective focus on Lynndie England encouraged the public to read Abu Ghraib primarily as a gender crisis rather than as a crisis in US military culture. This framing not only deflected attention away from the other soldiers involved in the scandal (particularly the men who were involved) but also diverted criticism away from more comprehensive discussions regarding the US military's use of abuse and torture, the unlawful detainment of suspected terrorists, and the erosion of civil liberties in the post-9/11 era. Moreover, these representations of Abu Ghraib as a gender crisis prompted new criticism regarding gender integration in the military and constructed feminism as the new villain in the American melodrama.  相似文献   

Graham Cleverley's The Fleet Street Disaster: British National Newspapers as a Case Study in Mismanagement (London: Constable [Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications] , 1976—4.50 [$12.95])

Recent Books on Mass Media with British Imprints, January 1975-September 1976 (41 pp.)

Current British Research on Mass Media and Mass Communication: Register of Ongoing and Recently Completed Research (74 pp.)

Television and Radio 1977 (Independent Broadcasting Authority, 70 Brompton Road, London SW3 I EY, England–L1.40, or about $2.50, paper)

Davis, Anthony. Television: The First Forty Years (159 pp.)

Fairley, Peter. Television: Behind the Screen (160 pp.)

Davis, Anthony. Television: Here is the News (144 pp.)

Ian K. MacKay, Broadcasting in Papua New Guinea (Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press [ISBS Inc., P.O. Box 555, Forest Grove, Ore. 971161, 1976—$22.50 in the U.S.)  相似文献   

本文主要探讨报纸发展过程中,从政党报刊到大众报刊的阅读空间的变化情况及其对报刊的影响,认为政党报刊的阅读空间主要为公共空间,其内容必然具有公共性特点;大众报刊则走八家庭空间,报刊开始表现出个人媒体的特性,而且这一趋势愈演愈烈.  相似文献   

Outside Interference: The Politics of Australian Broadcasting (South Melbourne: Macmillan Co. of Australia, 1979—A$6.95, paper)

Susan Kippax and John P. Murray's Small Screen, Big Business: The Great Australian TV Robbe (Angus & Robertson Publishers, P.O. Box 290, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113—A$1.95, paper)

Comparing Theatre and Film: A Contemporary:View, by Jeff Peck (22 pp., A$2.00, paper)

Newspaper Circulation in Australia, 1932-1977, by Murray Coot (33 pp., A$2.50, paper)

Patricia Edgar and Ursula Callus' The Unknown Audience: A Study of Children's Responses to Television Programmes (Media Centre, School of Education, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic. 3083, Australia—A$4.00 1 paper)

Children's Television Behaviour by Kevin Sharman (Australian Council for Educational Research, Frederick St., Hawthorn 3122—A$5.00)

Cinema Papers No. 20 and 21 (bimonthly from 664 Victoria St., North Melbourne 3051—A$19.80 per year by air)

The Social and Cultural im acts of Transnational Enter rises by Krishna Kumar (Transnational Corporations Project, Department of Economics, Yniversity of Sydney, Sydney 2006—A$10.00)  相似文献   

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