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The London Daily Express proclaimed the maxim ‘No War this Year’ on its front pages as late as 7 August 1939. Newspaper historian Stephen Koss has suggested that the ‘no war’ slogan was a ‘delusion’ on the part of the proprietor, Lord Beaverbrook. Berlin chief correspondent, R. Selkirk Panton, was instrumental in ensuring that the policy line was observed through both his news stories and opinion pieces throughout 1938 and 1939. This paper aims to explore the extent to which Panton shared his employer's views, as well as tracing the divergent path of the Express from the rest of Fleet Street and Panton's position as a political outsider within the ‘foreign press colony’ of Berlin. Through the examination of several key stories during the last year before the outbreak of war, in his copy and personal correspondence, a critical evaluation of how Panton negotiated the space between the policy of the paper and the European crises on which he reported can be achieved.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study investigating the effectiveness of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) in university libraries, focusing specifically on the extent to which the requirement to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ influences disability provision. The research aimed to evaluate the current provision for disabled students and to analyse the factors that influenced the current state. The results indicated that all libraries were aware of SENDA and had made significant implementations, including assigning a disability representative, making physical adjustments to the building and purchasing assistive technology. However, the quality of provision was inconsistent across the sector, resulting in disabled students enjoying equal opportunities within one library, but not within another. Reasons for this included a lack of institutional financial support requiring a library to fund adjustments itself, an inability to find the time to carry out the work involved, and the physical state of the building prohibiting certain adjustments being made. Recommendations to improve this situation include: improving guidance by advertising examples of best practice and forming support networks; instigating a programme of monitoring by authority personnel to ensure compliance and consistency; and assigning an assistive technology officer who is equipped to deal with this growing area.  相似文献   

Yi Guo 《Media History》2013,19(2):145-162
This article examines the American-mediated myth of ‘new China’ spanning from the Chinese Revolution in 1911 to the American recognition of the Chinese Republic in 1913, in an effort to understand the complicated relations between news discourse, cultural issues and foreign relations in this particular historical context. The Chinese Revolution, overthrowing a deep-rooted feudalism and establishing an Americanized republican government, appealed to American sentiments of religious sympathy and ethnocentrism during the Progressive Era. The media myth of ‘new China’ was not only a significant part of discourses which enhanced American identity and nationalism, but also acted as the cognitive context and a determinant reason in the political discourse towards recognizing China.  相似文献   

前几年,有几部揭露“四人帮”罪行的电影,剧中人讲“记者给某某写了内参,结果,某某就挨了整”,还有一部中篇小说,篇名就叫《公开的内参》.这是向群众披露内参仅有的信息。那么在现实生  相似文献   

Established during the Sudeten crisis in September 1938, the BBC German Service played an important role in Chamberlain's appeasement policy and warfare towards Nazi Germany. Yet the BBC's employment for official propaganda, especially in peacetime, raised delicate issues of its independence from government control and of the objectivity and credibility of its broadcasts. This paper discusses, first, the origins of the BBC German Service and its role within Chamberlain's policy. Second, it analyses the relationship between the BBC and Whitehall. Third, it traces the evolution and development of the British propaganda strategy towards Germany and investigates how the concepts of ‘truthfulness’ and ‘objectivity’ were internally understood and employed by the BBC and Whitehall in their propaganda campaign. Finally, the paper argues that Chamberlain's propaganda strategy towards Germany collapsed during the Allied campaign in Norway in April 1940 precisely because it no longer conformed to its self-proclaimed principles of ‘truth’ and ‘objectivity’. As a result, the credibility of the BBC German Service suffered a significant, if ultimately temporary, setback.  相似文献   

Through an analysis of the first British television ‘trailers’, this article explores an intersection within media history where the film industry attempted to reach out and utilise the new dissemination medium of television. Whilst this moment could be read as an attempt to control the promotion of film on British commercial television, and impose American film trailer aesthetics on the ‘rival screen’, I explore the television trailer as an early cross-media text that offered a challenge to existing trailer structure and style. By focusing on the recreation of these lost texts through trade press commentary, the article provides a new perspective on industry attitudes, media technology and media relationships in this transitional moment.  相似文献   

常听到广播里和报纸上刊载,在叙述主人公感激、喜悦的心情时,就是“他(她)逢人就说……”果真是“逢人就说”吗?依我看来是完全不会的。在此,我试析两倒:去年十一月份有家电台播出这样一篇通讯,说某老汉家不慎起火,烧毁全部家当,这老汉也被烧伤。在老汉伤愈出院回到家中,看到被大火焚毁的家园又在政府和人们的关怀下,重新建好时,写道:他“看到家里的情案,流下了热泪。他和老伴逢人就说:‘我们一辈子忘不了党的恩情,一辈子忘不了人民的恩情。”’这双老夫老妻真会“逢人就说”吗?不会的。或许,在他刚出院回到家时,他激动地对老伴说;或许,当领导和群众未看望他们的时候,他们激动地说;或  相似文献   


Up till now, knowledge of the history of gilt leather is still inadequate. It is little known that there was a huge production outside Spain in different centres in various European countries. This was particularly the case during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the period when the Spanish industry declined severely. This is also the period from which large quantities of gilt leather survive. This paper is intended to give an insight into the role of Spain in this international situation.  相似文献   

目前,在许多同志的头脑中,认为图书馆出纳工作就是“借借还还,跑跑颠颠”,根本不需要什么科学文化知识,是连一个目不识丁的“老粗”都能胜任有余的工作。这样不仅严重地贻误了图书馆工作,也打击了出纳工作人员学习科学文化知识的积极性。  相似文献   

越王勾践卧薪尝胆,矢志复仇,是青少年熟悉的故事。“卧薪尝胆”后来就成为人们用以刻苦自励,发愤图强的成语. 但在中学历史课本中,讲吴越争霸时,只说勾戏舔尝苦胆,而不说卧薪尝胆这个成语。这是有道理的.吴越争霸,勾践“尝胆”,最早见于西汉司马迁写的《史记·越世家》,说勾践“置胆于坐,坐卧即仰胆,饮食亦尝胆电”.而“卧薪尝胆”这个成语直到宋朝才出现。此成语最早见于北宋苏轼的《拟孙权答曹操书》  相似文献   

编辑同志. 我的一篇新闻稿,自己认为还不错,但是,没能被采用。今来信让你们看一下,缺点在哪里。我知道你们人少,工作忙,但是我的心情,你们应该理解。今年只打扰一次,望能给予答复。此致敬礼河南省孟津县白鹤乡雷湾村秦占平秦占平同志; 《新闻与写作》编辑部把你的信转给了我,要我解答你提出的问题。鉴于我水平有限,回答得不一定使你满意,只是向你提出几个值得深入探讨的问题  相似文献   

Present study critically investigates the cinematic depiction of leading Chinese masculine figures in Hollywood film productions, with a specific focus on how the positioning of white female characters romantically involved with Chinese martial arts fighters serves to construct Chinese masculinity. In noted films such as The Tuxedo (2002), Kiss of the Dragon (2001), and Dragon: Bruce Lee Story (1993), Chinese martial arts fighters not only managed to fight off white antagonists but also succeeded in winning the ‘heart’ of white heroines. Drawing on Gestner's theoretical assertion that white women's falling for a man of color signifies the invasive movement of a new masculine discourse into the space traditionally bounded by the ideal of white masculinity, and grounded on Hall's conception of articulation, my critical examination of these three film texts revealed how the privileged cultural and racial position of whiteness was reformulated and rejustified via the strategic dramatic construction of romantic encounters between Chinese martial artists and their white partners. More importantly, the current study sheds light on an emerging form of cultural politics that transformed conventional mediated construction of interracial romance and yet perpetuated the racial hierarchy sustained through racist assumption and ideology.  相似文献   

扶贫大有文章可做。现在,这篇文章的主题,正由单一财物输入的“输血”式扶贫,向着以恢复与形成“造血功能”为目的的现代诸要素综合输入扶贫的方向深化。综合输入,就是动员各方面的力量,把财物输入与技术输八、人才输入、信息输入、良种良法输入等等配套起来,协调起来。单纯给钱给物,救得了急,救不了穷。综合输入经济系统内部构成诸要素,并与当地原有要  相似文献   

在新闻改革中,北京人民广播电台新创办了“北京人物”和“话说北京”等专题节目,现简介如下: “北京人物”“北京人物”节目坚持以社会主义、爱国主义、国际主义教育和革命传统教育为核心,热情地宣传首都各条战线的当代人物和历史人物.具体地说就是:1.在四化建设中各行各业涌现出来的先进人物.特别是在改革中勇于开拓的人物以及对社会有一定影响的各界知名人物.他们过去的成就和现在的贡献,他们的轶闻趣事均可成篇。2.在平凡岗位上干出成绩的“小人物”.他们中,有的人虽然“没名气”,  相似文献   

新闻失实能否杜绝呢?这又是一个头疼的问题,要想扯清楚,恐怕又是“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的问题。以我孔见,要杜绝新闻失实,做为编辑要善于识假货,不吃假。编辑是组织、审读、编选、加工稿件的人,因而,对防止和杜绝新闻失实有着不可推卸的责任。这就要求报刊编辑首先要弄清自己所承包“责任田”的底数,成为内行人。记得有一次,报社负责编发军事训练稿件的编辑让我替他审阅一篇军训的稿件,看了一遍,认为不错,便提起朱笔修改起来,改到中间,突然觉得不太对劲,文中讲某部用85加农炮打间瞄目标如何如何。尽管我不是加衣炮手出身,但我知道,  相似文献   

新近,在好几张报上读到“绌”、“拙”混用的现象。比如有张报纸在一篇短文中说:“一个人在生活中不可能集所有长处于一身。在某些方面相形见拙时,就有可能被某些世俗的小人看……”这里,把“相形见绌”的“绌”字,错成了“勤能补拙”的“拙”字。还有一张报纸在一篇文章中写“相形见绌”,而在另一篇文章中却写“相形见拙”。同一张报纸,两种写法,何错何对?还是“绌”、“拙”两字相通?“拙”是笨拙的意思,“勤能补拙”,意指勤奋能够弥补笨拙;“绌”是不足的意思,意指相比之下显得不足。类似这种容易混淆搞错的字、词,在报刊上屡见不鲜,如错把“偶而”当作“偶尔”,就是经常碰到的一个  相似文献   

“你给我们吹一吹,怎么样?”一些渴望被宣传的人经常对一些通讯员这么说。“吹”什么呢,挑出一点成绩,吹嘘捧场。还有另一种情形,即是我们的一些通讯员主动要为别人“吹”。常听到这样的话:“我  相似文献   

叫我“文摘专家”不敢当今年2月1日《南京日报》刊出题为《“文摘专家”徐有张》的文章。开头写道:“虽没人给荐稿者排座次,可凭他的成绩,称‘文摘专家’也不为过。”“文摘专家”这个头衔套在我头上,是不相称的。至于成绩是在爱人、孩子业余时间的共同努力下所取得的。去年一年发出荐稿信封12000个多封(1个信封里有时装有几篇荐稿),其中有886篇文摘稿被中央和各省、市、自治区以及地、市级200多家报刊电台采用。全年共获得《北京晚报》优秀社会新闻文摘优秀奖等28种奖  相似文献   

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