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职场冷暴力是人际冷暴力的一种,即指职场中人际之间用非武力的方式进行伤害,造成人们精神痛苦以及环境窘迫。其常见的类型有:同事之间的漠视和冷言、领导的重压或架空、遭遇心理疾病患者、绯闻和谣言等。它危害集体事业,伤害个人身心健康。消除和纠正这种现象应该成为单位文化建设的一个重要方面,也是建设和谐社会的重要内容。  相似文献   

什么是教育冷暴力?目前关于教育冷暴力定义的讨论,据初步统计国内外有30多种。通过分析,笔者认为,教育冷暴力是指在基础教育学校活动中,教育者和受教育者之间有意和无意的不公平对待方式,致使对方的精神上感受到侵犯和伤害的行为。笔者把教育冷暴力分为四类:语言冷暴力、制度冷暴力、行为冷暴力、网络冷暴力。  相似文献   

“冷暴力”的概念最先出现在婚姻家庭中,但现在这一概念已经蔓延到职场,被称之为“职场遇到冷暴力,大多是有苦说不出来的冷暴力”。职场中总是有人会受到冷暴力的对待,怎样让自己脱身,轻松做主自己的工作?我们一起来看看安妮和表姐是怎样做的吧!  相似文献   

教育行为冷暴力是教育教学过程中出现的非肢体接触的非法侵犯与伤害行为,包括用孤立、冷漠、隔离、置之不理、言语伤害等作为或不作为的手段伤害对方的行为.按教育行为冷暴力发生的途径,可以分为教育言语行为冷暴力、教育肢体语言行为冷暴力、教育网络行为冷暴力和教育制度行为冷暴力.要防控教育行为冷暴力的产生需构建优良的校园文化、培养教师精湛的教育艺术、发挥家长为人楷模的示范作用以及共同促使学生卓越发展.  相似文献   

家庭、校园和职场3个场域中的冷暴力已经成为人生常态,危害程度深,波及范围广。本文通过探究得出,主体人因分别心产生的自卑是导致冷暴力的本体因素;因执著心产生的虚妄知见是冷暴力的关键因素。冷暴力是把双刃剑,施暴者和受暴者二者两败俱伤。冷暴力具有弥散性、迁移性和遗传性。治愈冷暴力的最佳途径是主体自身内心意识觉醒、思想更新、行为转化。  相似文献   

"校园冷暴力"是通过语言嘲讽、故意忽视、躲避、冷漠、轻视、疏远和漠不关心等方式致使他人精神和心理受到侵犯和伤害。冷暴力不仅造成学生之间的差距和疏远,而且会给他们带来终身的负面影响,是亟待解决的校园精神与心理伤害问题之一。微观解决策略主要有科学运用教育冷暴力,教师自我成长发展,家庭、社会和学校"三位一体"办学等。  相似文献   

随着我国学生权利意识觉醒与教育法律体系的健全,教师体罚等显性暴力受到有效约束,但是教师冷暴力问题凸显。通过对典型案例的分析,教师冷暴力可分为语言冷暴力、行为冷暴力和态度冷暴力三种类型。教师冷暴力有其自身形成机理,对教师冷暴力的态度是教师冷暴力产生的认知因素,规范的缺失是教师冷暴力产生制度原因,不平等的师生关系是教师冷暴力产生的基础。教师冷暴力基于教师教育权而产生,其实质是教师教育权行使的异化,其法律治理的指向是教师教育权的规范行使。对教师冷暴力界定的莫衷一是、教师冷暴力隐蔽性强、与教育冷处理之间的界限不清楚、伤害取证困难等,给教师冷暴力法律治理带来了困难。规范教师教育权的行使,防范教师冷暴力的产生,需要构建教师冷暴力的多元法律治理机制,包括实施教师法治教育,提高教师的法治素养;构建教师冷暴力规范体系,完善教师冷暴力约束机制;强化教师冷暴力责任追究,增强教师的责任意识;构建社会参与冷暴力治理格局,形成对教师冷暴力的价值共识;赋权增能,提升教师教育权行使控制能力。  相似文献   

教育者如何正确处理与被教育者之间的关系 ,向来受到人们的高度重视。但是 ,人们重视得更多的是直接伤害受教育者身体或生命这种校园暴力现象 ,却忽视了另外一种教育“冷暴力”现象。所谓“冷暴力” ,实质上就是精神惩罚 ,它往往采用不直接对抗的方式 ,打着团结或帮助的旗号 ,通过伤害受教育者的人格、心灵和精神 ,来维持双方表面的“和平共处” ,以达到“教育”的目的。“冷暴力”游离于法与非法、道德与非道德之间 ,行为带有极大的欺骗性和隐蔽性 ,其存在范围之广泛、性质之恶劣以及造成的伤害 ,在一定程度上丝毫不亚于校园暴力 ,甚至有过…  相似文献   

运用调查和概念分析法,以晋城市为例探求职场冷暴力的特性及其原因,行为排斥、言语冷漠、造谣中伤等这些职场冷暴力是病态人际关系的直接表现,杀伤力强大无比。对此文章从企事业单位和提升自身修养、完善自我二个维度有针对性提出构建企业向心文化、养成主动交流沟通习惯等六项解决问题的对治策略。  相似文献   

试论象牙塔里的导师冷暴力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象牙塔里的导师冷暴力尽管出发点各异、表现形式多样、并有一定的隐蔽性,但其具有普遍性。其原因可以用人际交换理论、人际冲突理论、文化认可理论来分析。导师冷暴力是对研究生精神与心理的摧残,同时也会影响导师自身的教学效能感。为此,学校、导师、研究生要采取各种积极的措施予以化解。  相似文献   

Sexual violence is a serious and prevalent violation that is experienced by as many as one in three people worldwide. Professionals working in areas of health, social work, law, policy-development and other fields engage with survivors of sexual violence. Their knowledge of this issue is an important determinant in how they react towards survivors and the quality of care they provide. It is essential that third-level students in the health and social sciences receive education on this topic; however, in Irish third-level education, instruction about sexual violence is often absent or minimal within these curricula. In this article the authors advocate for the inclusion of education about sexual violence within undergraduate and postgraduate social and health science programmes. They draw from their experience teaching about sexual violence in Irish third-level education to highlight the challenges and barriers in providing such instruction and provide practical pedagogical approaches and examples of how risks for students and lecturers can be mitigated and barriers reduced.  相似文献   

应激是心理科学中一个十分重要的概念,是广泛影响现代人身心健康的一种心理现象。应激是一个复杂的概念,英文中和我国不同学科对它有不同理解。全面阐释应激概念,对于理解应激及其对人的影响作用,有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

近年来,因大学生个体心理危机而引发的恶性校园暴力事件不断发生,使得人们将视线再次聚焦到高校心理危机管理的实效性问题,并对心理危机事件的早期预警和事前干预的呼声也越来越高。如何在心理危机演变成具体危害前对其进行识别和预警,运用科学的方法、手段和措施多途径化解危机发生,时大学生心理危机管理工作具有重大的现实意义,是当前高校心理健康管理的重要内容。  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(12):1955-1965
Evidence on the relationship of adolescent exposure to violence (AEV) with adult physical and mental health problems is limited, with studies often focusing on earlier childhood rather than adolescence, and also on short term rather than long term outcomes. Information specifically on the relationship of AEV to seeking help for mental health problems in adulthood from either formal sources such as mental health professionals or informal sources such as friends and clergy is even more difficult to find. The present study investigates how adolescent exposure to violence (AEV), in the form of parental physical abuse, witnessing parental violence, and exposure to violence in the neighborhood, are related to self-reported adult physical problems and seeking formal or informal assistance with mental health, controlling for more general adolescent violent victimization and for self-reports and parent reports of mental health problems in adolescence. This study adds to the literature on AEV and adult physical problems, and provides a rare look at the relationship of AEV to adult help-seeking for mental health problems. The results suggest that AEV is associated with mental health problems in adolescence for both females and males, that for females AEV is related to physical problems and to seeking help for mental health problems in adulthood, but for males the only significant relationship involves inconsistent reports of witnessing parental violence and adult physical problems.  相似文献   

美国社会情绪学习标准体系及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于科学研究和实践经验相结合的美国社会情绪学习项目有助于提高学生情商,改善学习和生活态度,降低问题行为,提高学习成绩。本文从社会情绪学习的发展历程、内容框架与标准体系、具体应用等几个方面来介绍美国社会情绪学习的基本模式,为促进我国教学改革、学生的情感教育以及良好公民的培养提供参考。  相似文献   

教育是师生双方沟通的过程,作为沟通的重要媒介——语言,在教育中的作用举足轻重。然而在现实的教育教学中,语言暴力已成为一个不容忽视的问题。有关语言暴力的话题,也引起越来越多人的关注。语言暴力现象折射出我国学校教育中存在的一些问题,其产生的原因可以说是多方面的。让语言暴力远离学生,应该成为人们的共识。  相似文献   

Youth violence is a topic of increasing global concern. Research has primarily focused on young people's responses to existing definitions of violence in seeking to understand how best to develop violence prevention. Little work has explored how young people themselves define violence and the factors which influence their acceptance, and use, of violent behaviour. The present study investigated young people's understandings of what constitutes violence, their acceptance of violence and justifications made for doing so. The study was distinct in its focus on young people's characterisations of violence. The findings revealed that gender norms mediate understandings of what constitutes violence and discourses around the perceived acceptability of violence. Particular forms of violence were clearly identified as being more acceptable and ‘deserved’ than others and young people's perceptions were shaped by their understandings of appropriate and normative gender behaviour.  相似文献   

随着互联网对人们思维方式和行为方式的影响逐渐强化,网络文化暴力将成为暴力谱系中日益醒目和重要的类型。在当下所提及的“网络暴力”本身是不存在的,而应该说的是“网络文化暴力”。网络文化暴力是在当前网络文化正负效应讨论之中表现出的一种必要的质疑形式。从某种程度来讲,网络文化暴力构成了理解和谐与秩序网络文化存在的前提。网络文化暴力策略的中心不是建立身份问题,而是通过逃避限制而实现限制的问题。网络文化暴力凭借其多向途径实现着自己的权力意志。  相似文献   

Whilst public awareness campaigns, interventions and legal reforms have done much to challenge gendered interpersonal violence, the incidence and prevalence of this violence is not decreasing. Furthermore, research with young people reveals significant acceptance and tolerance of interpersonal violence if perpetrated by men within the parameters of an intimate heterosexual relationship. Empirical data from a study with young people in Glasgow will be used in this article to explore young people’s attitudes about gendered interpersonal abuse and violence and young people’s perceptions of gender roles and specifically ‘masculinity’. It is argued that in order to understand the continued tolerance of male abuse/violence, it is necessary to appreciate how young people conceptualise the role of women and men within intimate heterosexual relationships.  相似文献   

《1984》这部作品主要是围绕男主人公的经历和心理变化来写的,但是作品中女性人物的描写也是很重要的,通过对她们的描写,不仅可以从一个侧面反映出书中的社会状况和人们的生活条件、精神状态等,同时也能通过男主人公对于她们的不同态度,看出主人公内心真正追寻的目标,从而更好地理解作品的主题和深层含义。  相似文献   

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