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Pillars of open science are often included within the editorial policies of scholarly journals, including policies on open access publication, availability of underlying research data, preprints and open peer review. The aim of this paper is to examine and analyse perceptions and editorial practices related to open access, preprints, open research data and open peer review, from the perspective of editors of scientific journals published in Spain, to gain an insight into editorial policies related to open science. Results and data were obtained by a combined method of online interviews and an online questionnaire. The online survey was sent to editors from journals indexed in the Dulcinea directory, which at the time of the study included 1875 academic journals. A total of 420 responses (22.4%) were obtained. The results indicated that 92% of the journals were open access journals, 2% of the journals conducted open peer review, 15% of the journals had instructions to allow archiving preprints, and out of 375 responses, only 59 journals (16%) reported having a policy on underlying research data. Based on these results, there is a trend in favour of open access, but the perceived barriers to open peer review outweighed the advantages. There is also some reluctance to allow preprints to be made available. This concern might be because editors want authors and readers to read and cite the contents published in their journals, rather than their preprint versions.  相似文献   

PurposeThis paper aims to examine whether Altmetric data can be used as an indicator for identifying predatory journals.Design/methodology/approachThis is an applied study which uses citation and Altmetrics methods. The study selected 21 predatory journals from the Beall's list and Kscien's list, as well as 18 non-predatory open access journals from the DOAJ's list, in the field of Library and Information Science. The Altmetric score for articles published in these journals was obtained from the Altmetric Explorer, a service provided by Altmetric.com. Web of Science was used to search for citation data of articles published in these journals.FindingsThe predatory journals almost have no presence in social media, with poor Altmetric score. In contrast, non-predatory open access journals have a high presence rate and Altmetric score. There is a significant positive correlation between the number of articles cited and the number of articles having Altmetric score among non-predatory open-access journals, but not among predatory journals. Poor Altmetric score may be viewed as a potential characteristic of predatory journals, but other indicators would also need to be considered to determine whether a journal is predatory.Originality/valueDistinct from the traditional research methods, this study combined citation analysis and Altmetrics analysis. By comparing the characteristics of predatory journals and non-predatory open access journals, the findings contribute to the identification of predatory journals.  相似文献   

  • Scientific publication has been a key part of the scientific method since the inception of Philosophical Transactions in 1665.
  • The scientific publications industry has grown exponentially along with science, incorporating technological innovations along the way, and adapting journal processes and practices to changing needs of science as it matured.
  • Of all the technological innovations over more than 300 years, the move to online journals may be the most significant, making open access to content practical for the first time.
  • The open‐access movement is disrupting the economics of journal publishing, which is hoped will make the industry more competitive: the ability of the publications industry to adapt to open access will be a measure of its resilience.
  • The demand for articles published in reputable journals continues to grow as readers trust the credibility of peer reviewed journal articles, and good authors value the prestige of publishing in the best journals.
  • It is difficult to predict what new functionalities may be included in articles of the future or what additional services publishers and editors will provide, but there is every reason to believe that scientific journal articles are here to stay.

Using data from Web of Science, this research investigates how physical science researchers funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research complied with its open access policy, and compares the citation counts of articles published through gold and green models.It was found that, for articles published between 2008 and 2015, 9% were available through gold open access routes and 13% were available through green routes; most were not openly accessible. Citation rates were comparable for green open access and non-open access articles, but citation rates for gold open access articles were lower. After controlling for publication year, citation rates of gold, green, and non-open access articles were comparable. Among gold open access articles, citation rates were highest for open access journals with article processing charges, but after controlling for publication year, articles published in hybrid journals, followed by those in open access journals with article processing charges, achieved the highest citation rates. Articles published in free open access journals had the lowest citation rates. The results suggest that green open access is the most economical approach to comply with open access policies, and that it provides researchers with at least as much research impact as gold open access.  相似文献   

以图书馆学情报学的97份开放存取期刊为样本,采用基于引文的评价方法和基于网络链接的评价方法对开放存取期刊的学术影响力进行评价。结果表明图书馆学情报学开放存取期刊已经成为该领域学术交流的重要组成部分,Journal of Medical Library Association、D-Lib Magazine、Information Research、Ariadne、Cybermetrics和First Monday是图书馆学情报学最重要的6份开放存取期刊,基于引文的评价方法和基于网络链接的评价方法之间存在着一定的相关性。  相似文献   

开放存取期刊的影响力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从著名期刊影响力分析工具(JCR)、OA期刊目录、OA期刊出版者和著名的图书情报学OA期刊D-Lib Magazine的质量这四个角度分析开放存取期刊的影响力。具体来说,首先以JCR数据为依据绘制2004-2006年来ISI收录的生物学OA期刊的影响因子等指标随时间变化图。其次,利用著名OA期刊目录Open Science Directory统计最新版ISI收录的生物学期刊中OA期刊的种数。再次,根据著名生物医学OA期刊出版机构BioMed Central的统计数据分析其出版的OA期刊影响力。最后,以图书情报学领域著名的OA期刊D-Lib Magazine为例进行具体阐述。  相似文献   

肖湘  贺嫁姿 《编辑学报》2023,(3):347-351
高质量审稿意见不仅言之有据,对稿件全面客观评价,而且提出富有建设性的修改建议,具有很高的学术价值。从目前已刊发的情况看,高质量审稿意见按内容可分为珍贵史料型、学术争鸣型和学习借鉴型3种类型,按刊登载体模式可分为纸质刊物刊登型、纯网络版刊发型、审稿专家个人微信公众号推送型3种主要形式。选登高质量的审稿意见有利于培养稳定优秀审稿人队伍,有利于优质学术资源的共享与示范,有利于学术期刊的科研诚信建设。学术期刊可普及和推广高质量审稿意见选登,科研单位可将选登的高质量审稿意见纳入审稿人的工作业绩,全面推动学术期刊和科研工作的繁荣发展。  相似文献   

Publishing articles in a prestigious journal is a golden rule for university professors and researchers nowadays. Impact factor, journal rank, and citation count, included in Science Citation Index managed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science, are the most important indicators for evaluating the quality of academic journals. By listing the journals encompassed in the “Integrative and Complementary Medicine” category of Science Citation Index from 2003 to 2013, this paper examines the publication trends of journals in the category. The examination includes number, country of origin, ranking, and languages of journals. Moreover, newly listed or removed journals in the category, journal publishers, and open access strategies are examined. It is concluded that the role of journal publisher should not be undermined in the “Integrative and Complementary Medicine” category.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the indexing of open access art journals in four frequently utilized art indexes: Art Full Text, ARTBibliographies Modern, Art & Architecture Complete, and Bibliography of the History of Art/International Bibliography of Art. The authors also compare the indexing of open access journals in Google Scholar to that in the traditional indexes mentioned above and demonstrate that the commercial indexes currently lag behind Google Scholar in terms of content coverage. This article argues that increased indexing of open access art journals in the traditional, subject-specific indexes will be integral to their acceptance within the discipline of art history.  相似文献   

在开放存取蓬勃发展和高校图书馆馆藏电子化的大趋势下,高校图书馆的文献保障工作如何适应新的趋势,需要深入研究。本文以武汉大学2013年被SCIE、SSCI和A&HCI所收录文章的期刊类参考文献为研究样本,采用一种针对期刊类参考文献的以年为单位的引文检查方法,匹配世界主要开放存取期刊目录以及武汉大学图书馆馆藏电子和印本期刊目录,研究当前这三类期刊对样本参考文献及来源期刊的收藏和缺藏情况。以此探讨三类期刊在高校图书馆文献资源保障中的特征与趋势,以及开放存取期刊对馆藏资源建设的影响,为高校图书馆进一步优化期刊馆藏体系和提高文献保障率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

付国乐  汪旭婷  张昕  颜帅 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):612-616
基于ISMTE首届亚洲会议的召开,对会议议题——出版伦理、出版数据监测与研究成果评价指标、开放获取、行业协会资源、出版技术和平台、出版实践新标准、投审稿系统、作者服务、编辑部运作等进行综述.综述分为《学术出版的最佳实践:ISMTE首届亚洲会议综述》(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)2篇.本篇综述的内容对象为出版伦理、开放获取、出版数据监测和评价指标.通过此会议综述,期望对国内的学术出版会议的举办、议题的设置、编辑部的运作等提供参考和借鉴,从而使国内的学术期刊受益且更好地发展,为国家的创新建设提供专业服务.  相似文献   

徐文娟 《编辑学报》2019,31(5):523-526, 530
S计划的提出将开放获取(Open Access, OA)提升到一个新的高度,对于中文学术期刊的OA必须深入思考。在OA2020的推进过程中,学术出版不同环节经历着长期的博弈和努力,而绝大多数中文学术期刊由于存在着主观和客观上的障碍,只在自建网站上实施了OA。为了推进高质量中文学术期刊金色OA并达到知识普惠社会发展的要求,笔者认为应该允许相关期刊收取合理的文章处理费,充分利用现有的OA平台,并探索在期刊集成平台上的OA。  相似文献   

国内外"开放存取"研究综述   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
“开放存取(OPEN ACESS)”基于“自由、开放与共享”的理念,依托网络技术,正在成为学术出版和科学信息交流的全新模式。本文着眼于学术信息交流障碍与网络技术两个方面,介绍了开放存取出现的背景;并结合已有的研究成果,分析了开放存取发展的历程,认为对开放存取的发展进行阶段划分为时尚早,至少是一种对“理念”与“模式”的概念不很清楚的表现;文章引证国际上权威机构的著名文献界定了开放存取的内容,并对开放存取的实现途径进行了探讨,认为开放存取期刊和开放存取仓储的创办具有发展前景,指出开放存取出版物的质量问题、运行经费问题、知识产权问题、合作建设与标准化问题等是开放存取中存在的主要问题;文章最后指出,作为传统学术出版模式的强有力的竞争对手,开放存取在国内外同行的关注下一定会取得长足进展。  相似文献   

基于出版流程的开放存取期刊学术质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从强化出版流程管理这一开放存取期刊学术质量控制的基本思路出发,按照组稿、审稿和编辑加工出版流程的三个主要环节分别论述开放存取期刊学术质量控制问题。指出基于出版流程控制开放存取期刊学术质量,主要应做好三个方面工作:加强主动约稿,提高稿源质量;创新审稿方式,严把质量关;强化编辑加工,提升形式与技术规范。  相似文献   

文章通过对中国科协205种所谓“开放获取”的期刊所做的专门调查,反映了中国科协“开放获取”期刊近来在开放获取的认识和实践上的可喜变化,也反映了OA期刊的发展还存在着一些问题,特别是资助与收费政策、知识产权政策、开放获取期刊的质量保障等。各期刊关于开放获取的建议,也值得我们深思。  相似文献   

Based on the 1,608 journals covered by the Chinese Science & Technology Journal Citation Reports (2005 edition), we analyzed the open access (OA) publishing situation of Chinese scientific journals. From this database we identified 91 journals offering full OA; a further 139 journals offered delayed OA. Data collected at three different time points (January 2006, July 2006, and January 2007) showed that the OA status of these journals is not stable; some OA journals subsequently became non‐OA. Most of the Chinese OA journals are not part of a larger aggregation, but are published independently. Relatively more OA journals are published in the fields of medicine and biology. Citation indicators of OA journals were found to be higher than those of non‐OA journals.  相似文献   

开放科学目录收录了迄今为止几乎所有的开放存取期刊。通过对该目录的调查发现,目前开放存取期刊的发展现状并不像人们宣传的那样好,有些期刊只向部分地区开放,有些则须经过一段时滞后用方能获取全文。开放存取期刊的发展尚处于起步阶段,并没有达到黄如花教授所讲的可以与传统期刊相抗衡的地步。本调查研究显示了目前开放存取期刊的整体状况是“部分开放存取期刊多,完全开放存取期刊少;延时开放存取期刊多,即时开放存取期刊少”。由于部分OA和延时OA存在着诸多缺陷,这给我们的启示是,图书馆在进行文献资源建设时既要利用免费的开放存取期刊以充实馆藏,又不能轻易放弃纸质传统期刊的订购。  相似文献   

Surveys were carried out to learn more about authors and open access publishing. Awareness of open access journals among those who had not published in them was quite high; awareness of ‘self‐archiving’ was less. For open access journal authors the most important reason for publishing in that way was the principle of free access; their main concerns were grants and impact. Authors who had not published in an open access journal attributed that to unfamiliarity with such journals. Forty per cent of authors have self‐archived their traditional journal articles and almost twice as many say they would do so if required to.  相似文献   

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