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马润 《大众科技》2014,(10):13-15
随着国家电网公司"三集五大"工作的全面推进,各级电力通信传输系统融合趋势明显。在分析宁夏电力通信系统三级网、四级网现状后,提出三、四级传输网络融合方案,并分析电力系统传输业务的流向等特点,指出融合网络的注意事项,给出网络融合后的具体应用例子。宁夏电力通信系统三、四级网络融合,将有效解决业务的保护配置问题,提高电力传输网的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

李京辉  徐东升 《科教文汇》2008,(22):277-277
本文阐述了基于SDH技术的自愈保护当中最长常用的二纤单向通道保护环和二纤双向复用段保护环的组网构成、故障判断及两者的分析比较。  相似文献   

目前,移动IPV6协议解决了移动节点在移动过程中的通信持续性问题,但还无法为时间敏感的语音和视频业务提供满意的支持。本文对WLAN环境下移动IPv6的切换时延机制进行分析和研究。  相似文献   

根据电力系统通信的特点,与通道自愈环相比,对同步数字传输体制中自愈环及其生存性和网络互通进行了阐述.自愈环分通道保护环和复用段共享保护环,SDH自愈环保护是现代大容量光纤网络具有很高安全性和生存性的手段之一.  相似文献   

文章研究了单向光复用段保护环、双向光复用段保护环、单向光通道保护环、双向光通道保护环等四种波分复用(WDM)环网保护方法,对四种环网保护方法进行了性能分析和比较,所得结论对根据不同的网络环境设计WDM环网保护方式有一定的理论参考意义。  相似文献   

寄存器传输级(RTL)测试产生及时延测试是当今集成电路(IC)测试技术中亟待解决的问题和研究的热点.首先从IC逻辑测试的测试产生和IC时延测试方法这两个方面系统地综述了测试产生和时延测试领域迄今为止的主要研究成果.在RTL行为描述的测试产生方面,提出了新的RTL行为模型的描述方法行为阶段聚类描述,并提出了基于聚类的测试产生技术.将这些技术集成到RTL级ATPG系统ATCLUB中,在提高测试产生效率及缩短测试长度方面效果显著.在IC时延测试方面,提出了一种新的可变双观测点的时延测试方法.基于该方法提出了新的时延故障诊断方法,实现和完善了可变双观测点的时延测试系统DTwDO.DTwDO提供了从时延测试到故障诊断等一系列测试工具,有效减少了测试通路数,提高了故障覆盖率,并有很高的故障定位成功率.  相似文献   

文章介绍了变压器差动保护工作原理,结合现场实践工作经验,分析了变压器差动保护带负荷测试的内容及方法。  相似文献   

寄存器传输级(RTL)测试产生及时延测试是当今集成电路(IC)测试技术中亟待解决的问题和研究的热点.首先从IC逻辑测试的测试产生和IC时延测试方法这两个方面系统地综述了测试产生和时延测试领域迄今为止的主要研究成果.在RTL行为描述的测试产生方面,提出了新的RTL行为模型的描述方法:行为阶段聚类描述,并提出了基于聚类的测试产生技术.将这些技术集成到RTL级ATPG系统ATCLUB中,在提高测试产生效率及缩短测试长度方面效果显著.在IC时延测试方面,提出了一种新的可变双观测点的时延测试方法。基于该方法提出了新的时延故障诊断方法,实现和完善了可变双观测点的时延测试系统DTwDO.DTwDO提供了从时延测试到故障诊断等一系列测试工具,有效减少了测试通路数,提高了故障覆盖率,并有很高的故障定位成功率.  相似文献   

根据母差保护的基本原理,针对母差保护在设计、安装、整定过程中可能出现的各种问题,介绍了在带负荷测试母差保护时应测试的主要数据。探讨应如何通过对所测试数据的进行科学、合理的分析,来判断母差保护的整定和二次接线是否正确。  相似文献   

在电信业务IP化趋势推动下,SDH传输网技术已不能很好地支撑数据IP业务的传送需求,基于OTN的智能光网络技术陆续得到广泛的开发与研究。然而,在现实中,传统的基于SDH多业务传送平台MSTP技术的传送网依然大量存在。SDH以其可靠的传送承载能力、灵活的分插复用技术、强大的保护恢复功能,特别在一些专网用户中,仍然有一定的生命力。对SDH传输的保护方式作了大体的综述与探讨。  相似文献   

Communication delays in networked control systems (NCSs) has been shown to have non-uniform distribution and multifractal nature. This paper proposes a delay distribution based stability analysis and synthesis approach for NCSs with non-uniform distribution characteristics of network communication delays. A stochastic control model related with the characteristics of communication networks is established to describe the NCSs. Then, delay distribution-dependent NCS stability criteria are derived in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Also, the maximum allowable upper delay bound and controller feedback gain can be obtained simultaneously from the developed approach by solving a constrained convex optimization problem. Numerical examples showed that the results derived from the proposed method are less conservativeness than those derived from the existing methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study stability of a class of stochastic differential delay equations with nonlinear impulsive effects. First, we establish the equivalent relation between the stability of this class of stochastic differential delay equations with impulsive effects and that of a corresponding stochastic differential delay equations without impulses. Then, some sufficient conditions ensuring various stabilities of the stochastic differential delay equations with impulsive effects are obtained. Finally, two examples are also discussed to illustrate the efficiency of the obtained results.  相似文献   

We consider the stability and L2-gain analysis problem for a class of switched linear systems. We study the effects of the presences of input delay and switched delay in the feedback channels of the switched linear systems with an external disturbance. By contrast with the most of the contributions available in literatures, we do not require that all the modes of the switched system are stable when input delay appears in the feedback input. By reaching a compromise among the matched-stable period, the matched-unstable period, and the unmatched period and permitting the increasing of the multiple Lyapunov functionals on all the switching times, the solvable conditions of exponential stability and weighted L2-gain are developed for the switched system under mode-dependent average dwell time scheme (MDADT). Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theory.  相似文献   

A method for finding the optimal control of a linear time varying delay system with quadratic performance index is discussed. The properties of the hybrid functions which consists of block-pulse functions plus Legendre polynomials are presented. The operational matrices of integration, delay and product are utilized to reduce the solution of optimal control to the solution of algebraic equations. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the technique.  相似文献   

文章中故障分析主要集中在故障点的判断、变压器运行参数整定及一起比较罕见的过电压保护器故障,还有后面对于过电压保护器故障的进一步试验证实,旨在对电气维修经验的总结和交流提供帮助。  相似文献   

吴建军 《大众科技》2013,(1):43-44,95
信号设备是指挥铁路行车安全的重要设备,设备本身属于低压电气联锁系统或微电子网络控制设备,其绝缘耐压程度较低,容易因雷电的影响受到损坏,影响行车安全。文章从设备受雷电影响的原因,剖析了防雷系统、设备、管理、测试、施工、验收等方面的原因,提出了具体的整改措施和巩固措施,使设备可以防御雷电的影响,保证行车安全,充分体现了信号防雷系统的重要性。  相似文献   

对变电站中由开关操作引起的瞬态电磁骚扰实测数据的时域特征和频域特征进行了统计分析.时域特征分析提出了2种方法,一是统计直方图,二是正态性检验,重点针对正态性检验提出了适合的处理方法和流程,并进行了软件实现;频域特征分析采用了总体求取包络的方法.针对实测瞬态骚扰样本的统计结果,分析了文中特征分析方法的意义和应用价值.  相似文献   

本文主要关于泄漏电流测量仪的检测结果不确定度的分析评定方法进行研究。家电、电线电缆、电力、医疗器械等行业普遍使用泄漏电流测量仪进行泄电的安全测量,在计量管理中泄漏电流测量仪用于安全防护用的强检计量器具,使用单位要求提供其测量结果不确定评定。现提供在工作中总结的不确定度分评定方法析与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

林碧娟 《大众科技》2013,(11):126-129
采用文献资料法等方法对福建省各地市体育中考项目和计分方法进行分析。结果显示:福建省各地市都是以发展学生的爆发力/耐力以及心肺功能的运动项目作为考试项目,得分是以最后的平均分计算,实现学生在各项成绩上的互补,对身体残疾或丧失运动能力、有严重疾病的学生提供优惠政策。通过福建省各地市体育中考项目和计分方法的初步分析,提出不断完善考试措施,发挥其正确导向,提高学生身体健康水平,使体育中考发挥应有的功能与价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines how personal investment influence the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for securing online accounts. We draw from the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) that accounts for intrapersonal factors that increase one’s understanding of their threat and coping mechanisms and, subsequently, their motivation to protect such investments. We integrate size of investment – the amount of time, effort, and other personal resources that an individual has put into their online account. Based on PMT’s framework, we develop a research model that examines the influence of investment size as an information source that initiates and builds threat and coping appraisals. The model is tested with a survey of 263 responses, and the result shows that investment size influences threat and coping appraisals, which in turn increases MFA protection motivation and use. These results highlight the importance of eliciting individuals’ personal investments in order to improve their protective security behaviors.  相似文献   

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