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基于疫情期间上海39所本科院校在校生线上提供的64949份有效问卷,本研究设计了《本科生在线自我调节学习量表》并进行信效度检验。回归统计结果表明:家庭第一代大学生在线自我调节学习的自评得分均值显著低于非家庭第一代大学生,在控制学习动机与就业焦虑这两个潜在影响机制之后,这种差距明显缩小乃至不再显著;学习动机的解释力度最大,尤其是“努力解决学习中的问题”与“喜欢阅读与专业相关的书籍”这两项与内在动机相关的行为表征;就业焦虑对本科生在线自我调节学习有显著的负面效应;加入交互项之后的回归结果支持学习动机这一潜在变量的调节作用,进而揭示未来对家庭第一代大学生在线学习的有效干预可侧重于内在动机的激发。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of living–learning (L/L) programs in facilitating first-generation students’ perceived academic and social transition to college. Using a sample of 1,335 first-generation students from 33 4-year institutions who participated in the National Study of Living–Learning Programs during Spring 2004, the results of the study show that first-generation students in L/L programs reported a more successful academic and social transition to college than their first-generation counterparts living in a traditional residence hall setting. In addition, interactions with faculty members and using residence hall resources facilitated an easier academic transition for first-generation students in L/L programs, and supportive residence hall climates were related to an easier social transition. A preliminary interpretation of this study’s results is that structured activities, such as faculty interaction and residence hall programming, are more influential for this population than informal peer groups. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

长期以来,中国大学生群体中绝大多数是家庭第一代大学生。随着2019年中国迈入高等教育普及化阶段,将会有越来越多的大学生父母培养出下一代大学生。未来第一代大学生数量将逐渐减少,不再是校园中的主体人群。目前在中国顶尖大学中,家庭非第一代(第二、三代)大学生已形成一定规模,他们受惠于家庭教育,在大学中显现出学习优势。美国比中国提早半个世纪进入高等教育普及化阶段。美国第一代大学生已经呈现相当大的学业困境,种族、移民和贫困问题叠加的复杂社会背景加剧了教育弱势的代际再生产。综述一系列实证研究结果,中国第一代大学生受益于高考的学力筛选和价值导向,加之普惠公办教育和传统文化信念的赋能,短期内有可能不至于陷入美国第一代大学生的绝对弱势,有机会实现学业追赶和社会地位的跃升。但长期来看,来自体制、政策与文化的有利因素很可能逐渐削弱,需要前瞻性的学术研究和政策支持。  相似文献   

Although going to college may be viewed as a rite of passage for many students, some groups of students often face unique challenges in their pursuit of a college degree. One group of students that we are trying to gain a better understanding of is first-generation students, those whose parents did not graduate from college. This article presents the results of a study that investigated longitudinal effects of being a first-generation student on attrition. Results indicated that first-generation students were more likely to depart than their counterparts over time. After controlling for factors such as race, gender, high school grade point average (GPA), and family income, the risk of attrition in the first year among first-generation students was 71% higher than that of students with two college-educated parents.  相似文献   

Banks (2002) stated that to implement multicultural education successfully, we must think of the school as a social system. Therefore, if educational equity and excellence are to be provided to all students, a systemic Total School Environment [Banks (2001) Cultural diversity and education: Foundations curriculum and teaching, 4th ed. Allyn and Boston p.51] has to be structured and permeate every aspect of the schooling enterprise, i.e. (1) content integration, (2) the knowledge construction process, (3) prejudice reduction, (4) equity pedagogy, and (5) an empowering school culture and social structure. The Total School Environment is consistent with the educational change literatures discussed by Senge [(1990) The fifth discipline. Currency doubleday, NY]. This article is framed conceptually on a review of literature and the discussion is drawn from the case studies of innovative pedagogical practices using technology collected in the two research projects of the Center for Information Technology in Education (CITE), The University of Hong Kong during 2004–2006. With referencing to multiple school leadership literature and practices, the readers have an opportunity to explore the possible formation of the “total school environment” from one of the cases, but why not in another school? At the end of this article, it is concluded that school innovation requires a moral, systemic, integrative and emergent distributed leadership to build a scalable, sustainable learning community in a multicultural school environment.  相似文献   

“学生支持服务”项目是一项美国于20世纪60年代设立的联邦教育项目,旨在通过对第一代大学生等处境不利的学生提供支持服务,有效提高其高等教育成就。在设置理念与性质方面,该项目重视高等教育中的文化因素,采用非经济化的项目准入标准和服务内容,强调形成支持性的文化氛围,以促进处境不利学生的学业成就。在具体设置和运营方面,该项目在国家层面以法律保障项目的地位来运营,由教育部分配项目基金,而具体运作由高校开展,便于为学生提供有针对性的支持服务,三者结合构建了健全的支持体系。“学生支持服务”项目促进了美国高等教育的公平发展与质量提升,其实施经验对于完善我国普及化时代的高等教育学生支持体系有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Self-regulation is generally accepted as an important construct in student success within environments that allow learner choice, such as online courses. The purpose of the current study was to investigate differences between first- and second-generation college students' ability to self-regulate their online learning. An ANCOVA, with comfort level using the computer as a control, provided evidence that first-generation students report significantly lower levels of self-regulation for online learning than their second-generation counterparts.  相似文献   

研究者的生活阅历、人生观、社会环境和文化背景等因素都会极大地影响他们思考问题、解决问题的方式方法,反过来,研究的问题和建构的知识也体现了研究者的成长历程和人生观。多元文化教育是一个比较宽泛的概念,多元文化公民教育包含在多元文化教育中,是多元文化教育中的一个分支,多元文化公民教育也适用于多元文化教育的五个维度,是实现多元文化教育的路径之一。  相似文献   

This article addresses the underlying beliefs needed by teachers of young children if their learning communities are to be successful and self-sustaining. The relationships of language arts and social studies content to specific academic, social and literary rituals are discussed in the context of classroom examples in the United States. Trust and respect are treated as critical components supported by the work of Parker Palmer, Alfie Kohn and others. Relevant resources are also provided.  相似文献   

网上学习社区技术的发展,为我国高等教育自学考试改善助学薄弱状况、建设学习支持系统以及提高自考生的学习效率和效果提供了可行性.本文先对网上学习社区的概念、理论和研究现状做了简要概述,接着回顾了全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会办公室(简称全国考办)在利用信息技术开展网络助学方面的一些初步探索,最后对如何构建面向广大自考生的网上学习社区提出了几点原则性建议.  相似文献   

This review examines the impact of future goals on motivation and learning in multicultural classrooms. Across cultures, schooling is a future-oriented investment. Studies of minority students' school achievement have advanced future goals as a crucial protective factor in the face of frequent school failure. At the same time, cultural discontinuities and limited opportunities in minority students' school careers may weaken the motivational force of the future. Our review of the seemingly contradictory evidence on the role of the future in minority students' school achievement calls for a more fine-grained motivational theory of the future. Specifically, converging findings support conceptual distinctions (a) between positive and negative perceptions of the instrumentality of school tasks for future goals, and (b) between internal and external regulation of classroom behaviour by future goals. Thus, positive instrumentality and internal regulation enhance intrinsic motivation and adaptive learning in multicultural classrooms. We conclude that the motivational force of future goals can be generalized to minority students and that it depends crucially on perceived instrumentality and internal regulation.  相似文献   

动机是影响外语学习者的一个重要因素,同时也是制约外语学习者成绩的变量之一的。因此,探讨激发和培养少数民族大学生学习动机有助于他们英语水平的搞高。  相似文献   

We conducted an interpretative phenomenological analysis of five counseling students' experiences collaborating with American Sign Language–interpreting students during counseling practice sessions. Themes were identified in developmental domains of counselor self-awareness, counseling relationship, and advocacy interventions. Interdisciplinary collaboration led students to address cultural deficiency models and increase multicultural competency and efforts in social justice.  相似文献   

大学新生由于受高中应试教育的影响,在学习习惯上存在较多问题。因此,教师要在化学课程教学中,培养学生预习、记笔记、课后总结、自主学习等良好学习习惯和方法。  相似文献   

Thirty‐two master’s students of color reported critical incidents of multicultural learning resistances. Qualitative findings suggest that students attributed resistances to limited program diversity and attention to cultural dynamics. Quantitative analyses indicate a racial difference in how students’ perceptions of peers influenced resistances. Recommendations include increasing educator cultural dialogue facilitation skills.  相似文献   

高职院校建设公共学习社区是正向处理高校四大职能后的位移,在U型理论指导下建设区域协同创新中心是高职院校的制度安排。制度设计过程中,要关注三大力量,适应发展的新环境;要着眼于培育四大特性,应对发展的新要求;要着力于建设三大共同体,协同社区幸福美好发展。  相似文献   

语文学力即语文学习力,指的是学习语文的能力。本文借鉴著名特级教师李庾南老师的"学力说",以新课改为背景,探求培养学生语文学习能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

基于网络的自主学习模式是大学英语改革的重要方向和目标,而如何提高学生大学英语自主学习能力成为事关改革成败的关键因素之一。本文首先从自主学习的概念界定及基本内涵出发,对影响自主学习的要素进行了综述和总结。在综合各家所言的基础上,明确提出培养学生基于网络的大学英语自主学习能力应从外部要素和内部要素两个方面入手,具体措施包括:确立有利于学生自主学习的教学模式;转变教师的教学观念;改变传统的评估方式;构建良好的大学英语自主学习环境;培养学生的自我效能感;加强对学生语言学习观和学习策略的指导和培训等。  相似文献   

The author conducted a grounded theory study to examine multicultural training as experienced by 20 master's‐level students of color enrolled in multicultural counseling courses. Findings revealed an emergent theory of student of color learning experiences and multicultural course pedagogy. Implications for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenge of diversity in an increasingly multicultural world, and adopts the position that the valuing of diversity can be taught – especially within the context of teacher training and education in general. It gives an overview of major components of diversity training within the context of multicultural counseling, and stresses what counseling can offer teacher training in regard to diversity issues and competencies for the Greek educational setting. Finally, it examines key notions of difference and ‘otherness’ in Greek thought, which can inform contemporary discourse on diversity and multicultural counseling theory and practice.  相似文献   

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