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刘国钧 《成人教育》1993,(11):15-16
科技进步是推动农村经济增长的首要因素,教育又是科学技术转化为现实生产力的基础和关键。随着科教兴农的实施,农村教育综合改革,为社会主义农村全面发展和进步服务的作用日显卓著。为尽快实现科教兴农的战略目标,一些专家学者展开了理论上的研究和实践中的摸索,以新观念、新思想为先导,实现认识上的飞跃,实践上的进展,为农村教育改革和发展鸣锣开道。这项研究近况如何?末期推荐中央教育科研所副研究员刘国钧《论科教兴农》一文。围绕这一重大议题,作者对科教兴衣的内涵,农民教育与科教兴农的关系,在民教育的地位与作用作了全面分析,并就树立科教兴在政治先行的思想、农民教育工作者应尽职责、今后农民教育的发展目标提出见解。本刊将连载此文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

概括了民国乡村教育运动的乡村生活教育模式、乡村平民教育模式、乡农学校教育模式。分析了民国乡村教育运动的历史局限性和历史贡献,认为"乡村教育运动"对当前农村教育改革有着重要的启示,要求我们在发展农村教育时,强调教育服务于新农村建设,注重立足农村,树立系统观和全局观,坚持开拓创新、理性借鉴国际经验,并强化对农村教育发展的财政支持。  相似文献   

刘国钧 《成人教育》1993,(12):12-13
<正> 三、科教兴农、“科教”序列,不是对教育为本的否定党的第十三次全国代表大会报告指出,从根本上说,科技的发展,经济的振兴,乃至整个社会的进步,都取决于劳动者素质的提高和大量合格人才的培养。百年大计,教育为本。必须坚持把发展教育事业放在突出的战略位置,加强智力开发。这里明白说明,教育为科技之本。为什么在“科教兴农”中把“科”放在首位,  相似文献   

二十世纪二、三十年代,乡村教育派主张乡村教育是立国之本,积极开展了旨在从教育农民着手、改进乡村经济、推进乡村社会整体建设的乡村教育运动,这是中国近现代教育重心由城市向乡村转移的一次重大变革,其经验对当前我国农村教育的发展仍有切实意义。  相似文献   

本世纪二三十年代,以晏阳初、黄炎培、陶行知、梁漱溟等为代表的一批资产阶级知识分子,怀着赤诚的爱国之心,救亡图存的良好愿望,从城市步人乡村,不仅创造了各具特色的乡村教育理论,而且开展了独具匠心的乡村教育实验。这在当时虽然因存在只求改良不图革命的致命弱点而不能达到救民于水火的目的,但是他们关于乡村教育的理论探索和实际运作仍具有重要的历史价值和现实意义,对今日的科教兴农不乏启迪。现仅就以下几点加以论述。  相似文献   

试析科教兴农的行为特征赵学文改革开放十几年来,越来越多的同志认识到科学与教育的战略意义,懂得了科学和教育具有重大的经济作用。但是,在我们的队伍中,只注重物力、财力资源的开发,不注重科学技术和智力开发的人仍然不少。科学技术转化率不高即是佐证之一。据调查...  相似文献   

The need for science and agriculture education in developing countries is at least as great as that in industrially advanced nations. To determine whether or not developing countries are devoting adequate resources to university level science and agriculture studies, a number of developed and developing nations were examined. Both student enrolments and awarded degrees in science, agriculture and non-science fields of study were used as criteria for determining the extent of resources being devoted to tertiary science and agriculture education. Generally, the developing countries showed similar enrolment patterns by area of study to the developed ones, although some countries clearly emphasize science and agriculture more than others. Similarly, the pattern for awarded degrees showed that developing countries produced equal or higher percentages of science and agriculture degrees relative to total degrees when compared with developed countries. Nevertheless, when evaluating science and agriculture study on a per capita basis, developing countries produce far fewer graduates than developed countries, due to the relatively restricted access to university study found in underdeveloped nations. It was concluded that the need for more science-based graduates cannot be met alone by greater percentages of students studying science but rather by large increases in the total numbers of students studying at the university level.  相似文献   

To help the 50,000 people living in Saradidi improve their community, the Anglican Church of the Province of Kenya of originally organized a health project in 1979 as the cornerstone of an extensive rural development effort to reach people through parish and congregational committees. The Saradidi Health Program intended to reduce the high rates of infant and child mortality and morbidity by directly involving the community in the provision of its own health care and the improvement of its quality of life. Each village elected its own health and development commitee and later selected volunteers to work in the community. Training was given to those selected to organize teir communities for the health program--the Nyamrerwa or Village Health Helpers (VHHS). Their task was not simply to provide information about appropriate health practices, but the much more difficult 1 of spanning the 2 worlds of medical science and traditional beliefs and practices. Over the course of several years, the experience at Saradidi proved that these 2 worlds need not be in competition. They could be complementary provided that the VHHS were capable of integrating their newly-acquired knowledge with the common sense of centuries-old practice. An evaluation of the program has shown that the VHHS have now begun to accoomplish their task of influencing the practices and changing the attitudes of the people in Saradidi. The nonformal approach is effective because it involves the whole community in the process of promoting good health. The VHHS act as a catalyst, bringing together useful information and practices from the outside and making them part of the community's own information and practices.  相似文献   

“以县为主”的农村义务教育管理体制存在的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以县为主”的农村义务教育管理体制的实施意义极其重大。但是,在“税费改革”背景下开始实施这一管理体制却遇到了很多问题。深入研究这些问题,因地制宜、积极探讨解决问题的出路和对策,有望对这一体制的有效实施起到抛砖引玉之功。  相似文献   

论农村教育与农业发展的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农业是整个国民经济的基础,农业现代化关系到四个现代化的成败。农业依然存在着毁林开荒、滥垦山地和农业技术人员匮乏的问题,存在着“政策威力”代表“科技威力”的问题,而要解决目前农业存在的这些问题,很重要的这一点就是提高农民的素质。提高农民素质的惟一途径就是发展和改革农村教育,因而,农村教育在农业发展中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

The paper looks for common ground between cognitive science and science education starting from historical roots. Topics critically scrutinized are: representation of knowledge with applications of the schema and frame concept to physics education centering around the hierarchical structure of knowledge, the qualitative-quantitative distinction, the declarative-procedural distinction, and the semantic-episodic distinction; the uses of network versus production system representations, stressing the distinction between outward and inward representation which is often neglected; a short discussion of the likewise often forgotten index and reference issue.The paper has been presented to the ATEE Symposium on Implications of Cognitive Science for the Education of Science Teachers IPN (Kiel) 29.–30.08.1985.  相似文献   

分析了德国的职业教育体系,德国的技术员教育和我国的高等职业教育具有同样的地位。进而分析了德国巴伐利亚州的技术员教学计划和爱科特教育集团技术员的培养方式。对我国高等职业教育与德国巴伐利亚州的技术员教育进行比较,结合其可借鉴的经验,阐述了德国技术员教育对我国高职教育的启示。  相似文献   

本从邓小平科技教育思想出发,以科学技术是第一生产力为主线,就科教兴国战略的提出,我国科技实力现状与科教兴国的内涵及科教兴国的战略意义进行了较为详细的论述。  相似文献   

从科学之是到精神之在--对目前教学艺术的哲学反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
二十世纪二三十年代,渊源于柏拉图和亚里士多德逻辑学并在十八九世纪迅猛发展的科学技术促动下成型的逻辑经验主义(又称逻辑实证主义),以科学理性的对象化思维方式为武器,第一次从学理层面彻底消解了不合逻辑、不可实证的精神现象的存在价值。于是,逻辑经验世界变成了人类意义世界的全部。这即逻辑经验世界对精神世界的遮蔽,  相似文献   

德国的教育,特别是职业教育是德国经济跻身世界前列的重要原因。德国高等职业教育在教学模式、教学理念、专业设置、校企合作等方面独具特色,对我国发展高等职业教育,创新人才培养模式具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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