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运用现代理性预期理论,分析我国消费行为的预期对我国消费需求的影响,提出改善消费预期的对策。  相似文献   

我国目前消费不足的原因探析及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通佛紧缩的发生,主要原因在于投资需求、出口需求及消费需求趋于萎缩。在我国的三大需求中,最终消费所占的比重一直在60%左右,消费增长对经济增长有十分重要的贡献。因此,在消费需求不足的情况下,政府应及时制定符合我国现阶段的国民消费政策。这对于提高我国经济增长的速度和质量有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

国内消费需求不旺已成为制约我国经济发展的主要障碍。造成消费需求不旺的原因既有收入方面的因素,也有消费心理、消费环境、消费政策等方面的因素。开拓消费市场,就应从清理不合理的消费政策入手,整治消费环境,发展消费信用,提高居民收入水平。  相似文献   

新闻媒体对绿色消费需求可能产生双向效应,新闻报道在传播低碳理念、绿色消费时所传递的高涨或低落的传媒情绪,影响着社会大众的绿色消费需求可能偏离正常的水平。在我国经济转型期的当下,扩大绿色消费具有重要意义。然而,我国保守谨慎的消费文化和居民低水平的消费率制约着我国扩大内需政策效果的发挥。采用媒介传播效果的经典理论"沉默的螺旋",探索双向传媒效应下影响绿色需求和扩大绿色消费需求的传媒对策,为扩大内需的政策创新提供了一个新的视角与思路。  相似文献   

为了实现经济的快速增长,我国将继续实行扩大内需的方针。在目前情况下,消费需求应成为我国扩大内需的政策着力点。因为从消费需求与投资需求的关系上看,消费需求决定着投资需求;从投资支出的双重效应看,投资难以扩大内需;从我国投资需求转化为消费需求的现实状况看,投资需求引发的消费需求比例较低。  相似文献   

消费需求不足是制约国民经济快速增长的症结之一,文中借鉴弗里德曼持久收入消费函数理论,通过对我国不同周期消费状况的对比分析,认为增加居民持久收入在我国社会主义市场经济体制下具有突出地位和作用。  相似文献   

根据凯恩斯的就业理论,在封闭的二部门经济中,社会需求由消费和投资构成。本文通过对1992年以来我国经济运行的考察,发现这时期中国经济运行的总特征就是:投资成了支撑中国经济的决定力量,结果造成了经济的大起大落。通过理论的探讨发现消费需求才是社会需求中的最终决定力量,并通过消费调节投资需求,进而支撑中国经济的增长。  相似文献   

消费需求是影响经济增长的重要因素。分析我国消费需求走出低迷、曲折回升的原因,展望我国“十五”后半期消费需求的发展趋势,提出推动我国消费需求增长的相应对策。  相似文献   

行为消费理论是行为经济学的重要组成部分,是西方消费理论的最新研究成果.行为消费理论的主要内容包括行为生命周期消费理论、时间偏好递减理论和延迟消费理论三大理论.这对我国的消费经济的研究和教学具有重要的参考价值,对于扩大国内消费需求亦有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

在我国加入WTO、对外开放向着全方位、多层次、宽领域推进的情况下,扩大内需已成为我国经济发展的基本立足点。通过对影响扩大内需的因素进行分析,我们可以认识到内需不足的主要原因在于消费需求不足,并可找出扩大消费需求的办法。  相似文献   

创建文明、健康、科学的消费方式,是提高国民生活质量的一项重要内容,是全面建设小康社会的一项重要任务。在科学发展观指导下,培育文明、健康、科学的消费方式正在成为越来越多的人们的强烈呼声和共同愿望。  相似文献   

In schools, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) could be considered a key policy implementer of special educational needs and inclusive policy. Issues related to time, status and the effective facilitation of the SENCO role have been reported on extensively, yet literature has predominantly focused on the role prior to the introduction of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms in 2014. This paper reports on research which explored the SENCO role post-reform. The research aimed to understand how widely the role varied across differing educational settings and phases, whilst also exploring the breadth and depth of the role, post-SEND reform. The research design was mixed methods and had two phases: online focus groups (n = 15), followed by a national online survey (n = 1903). The findings suggest that the facilitation of the SENCO role remains problematic post-reform. Constraints include the time to undertake responsibilities, the increasing breadth of the role and how the role is understood by others. This combined with increased external bureaucracy, budgetary constraints and a lack of consistency nationally has led to a situation where only approximately one-third of SENCOs intend to remain in the role in five years’ time.  相似文献   

管理就是交换。因为生活中的每个人都有需要,社会中的每个组织都有目标,在个人需要的满足与组织目标的实现之间就要进行交换。作为个人,要获取满足基本需要的工资报酬,同时追求精神上的满足和自我实现;作为组织,则要满足员工合理需要,帮助员工成长,并最终实现组织目标。因此,所谓优秀的企业,就是既能实现组织目标,又能满足员工的合理需要,实现员工与组织的共同成长。马斯洛需要层次论与交换。马斯洛认为:人有五个层次的需要暨生理、安全、社交、尊重以及自我实现的需要。这是管理者交换时应把握的重点。赫茨伯格双因素理论与交换。赫茨伯格把能够带来满意的因素叫做激励因素,而把那些仅仅能够消除不满意的因素叫做保健因素。情感管理与交换。所谓情感管理,就是管理者用自己的真心、真意和真情换得下属的感动和发自内心的追随。作为一名管理者仅仅实现下属员工满意还不够,真正让下属发自内心的愿意追随你,产生一种“士为知己者死”的想法,靠的是超越需要、感动下属。因为超越需要,所以想不到,因为想不到,所以特别感动。综观古今中外,历数先贤今人,无数的事例表明:管理的实质就是交换。  相似文献   

关于当前大学生消费状况的调查分析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对当前大学生消费状况的抽样调查,用统计数据描述了当前大学生的经济采源与家庭经济状况、消费水平与消费结构,消费认知与消费习惯,进而讨论分析了当前天学生的消费特点,并对高校在当前大学生消费的教育与引导方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

现代社会的浪费型消费是造成生态危机的主要原因之一 ,人类对现代消费进行了反思和修正 ,提出了可持续的消费方式。  相似文献   

对1978-2008年间中国消费率及其变动的实证分析表明,中国消费率整体上呈下降趋势,且这一趋势由居民消费率下降所主导。影响消费率变动的因素主要有最终消费支出增长率、经济增长模式、居民收入水平、住宅销售价格等,并在此基础上提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The four studies on support teacher roles from the UK, The Netherlands, Spain and Australia, in this issue of the journal, are considered via a comparative analysis. Two perspectives, namely categorical and relational, are applied to identify the main continuities and discontinuities related to basic understandings of special need support in inclusive education development. Within-country differences were found more decisive for support teacher roles than those between countries. Conditions for support teacher roles being reactive or proactive are discussed with reference to mandates; status of power and priorities; and time allocated for coordinating tasks. ‘Scapegoat’ roles for support teachers are also considered. Fostering the concept of inclusive education requires a commitment to whole-school reform. This is also seen as a prerequisite for support coordinators' roles to develop in a more proactive way.  相似文献   

消费社会语境下,教师权威旁落表现为:教师职业市场化、教师知识商品化、教师德性庸俗化三个方面。教师权威的重构可以从如下三条路径入手:加强制度约束和引导,唤醒教师的公共精神,提升教师的制度权威;重视知识的精神内涵,引导学生转识成智,提升教师的知识权威;建构以责任为基础的教师伦理,促进教师德性的养成,提升教师的个人权威。  相似文献   

ESP作为有效的高职专业英语教学途径,应基于学生需求分析,进行以内容为基础、以实用为体例、以交际为目的的教学和教材创新,把专业英语纳入改革、完善高职专业教学与教材体系中。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and compare from a systems perspective the perceived needs of parents and teachers of school-age children with intellectual impairments. The relationship between type and degree of impairment to perceived needs was analysed. Comparisons revealed that while the parents and teachers differed regarding their respective needs, they agreed on specific informational needs. It was found that certain child characteristics in interaction with contextual factors evoked specific needs within microsystem settings. Motor impairments tended to correlate with needs regarding family routines, and impairments in communication and behaviour tended to correlate with family informational needs. Teachers expressed significantly more and stronger needs than parents, and teachers who instructed according to a reading based curriculum expressed more and stronger needs than teachers who instructed according to a life-skills based curriculum. These findings are discussed, together with their implications for future research and changes in teacher education.  相似文献   

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