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Since changes in job characteristics in areas such as Industry 4.0 are rapid, fast tool for analysis of job advertisements is needed. Current knowledge about competencies required in Industry 4.0 is scarce. The goal of this paper is to develop a profile of Industry 4.0 job advertisements, using text mining on publicly available job advertisements, which are often used as a channel for collecting relevant information about the required knowledge and skills in rapid-changing industries. We searched website, which publishes job advertisements, related to Industry 4.0, and performed text mining analysis on the data collected from those job advertisements. Analysis of the job advertisements revealed that most of them were for full time entry; associate and mid-senior level management positions and mainly came from the United States and Germany. Text mining analysis resulted in two groups of job profiles. The first group of job profiles was focused solely on the knowledge related to Industry 4.0: cyberphysical systems and the Internet of things for robotized production; and smart production design and production control. The second group of job profiles was focused on more general knowledge areas, which are adapted to Industry 4.0: supply change management, customer satisfaction, and enterprise software. Topic mining was conducted on the extracted phrases generating various multidisciplinary job profiles. Higher educational institutions, human resources professionals, as well as experts that are already employed or aspire to be employed in Industry 4.0 organizations, would benefit from the results of our analysis.  相似文献   

基于盐湖产业发展需求,构建中国盐湖产业大数据平台,形成数据共享与分析决策体系,实现中国盐湖产业数据链全覆盖,辅助科学决策。从盐湖产业生态链闭环角度整合九大数据资源,展开中国盐湖产业大数据平台的设计与实施,打造了基础设施层、数据中心层和平台应用层3个层次的总体架构,并针对盐湖产业数据中心和平台功能建设过程中关键技术及问题难点,提出切实可行的建设方案。平台提供了智能检索、统计分析、专题报告和知识产权导航等服务,为中国盐湖产业转型升级发展提供有价值的参考,是大数据环境下产业大数据平台建设的重要应用示范。  相似文献   

Over recent years, organizations have started to capitalize on the significant use of Big Data and emerging technologies to analyze, and gain valuable insights linked to, decision-making processes. The process of Competitive Intelligence (CI) includes monitoring competitors with a view to delivering both actionable and meaningful intelligence to organizations. In this regard, the capacity to leverage and unleash the potential of big data tools and techniques is one of various significant components of successfully steering CI and ultimately infusing such valuable knowledge into CI strategies. In this paper, the authors aim to examine Big Data applications in CI processes within organizations by exploring how organizations deal with Big Data analytics, and this study provides a context for developing Big Data frameworks and process models for CI in organizations. Overall, research findings have indicated a preference for a rather centralized informal process as opposed to a clear formal structure for CI; the use of basic tools for queries, as opposed to reliance on dedicated methods such as advanced machine learning; and the existence of multiple challenges that companies currently face regarding the use of big data analytics in building organizational CI.  相似文献   

庞路静  张目 《科技管理研究》2020,40(15):209-216
基于大数据产业发展与金融集聚的现状和特点,选取2013—2017年中国31个省域的指标原始数据,运用犹豫模糊语言TOPSIS灰色关联投影法对31个省域的大数据产业发展水平和金融集聚水平进行测度;并采用耦合协调度模型计算大数据产业-金融集聚的耦合协调度。实证结果表明,总体上,31个省域的大数据产业-金融集聚的耦合协调类型跨越了初级协调发展、勉强协调发展、濒临失衡衰退、轻度失衡衰退和中级失衡衰退等5个等级;空间上,大数据产业-金融集聚的协调发展程度呈现出东部地区高于中部地区、中部地区又高于西部地区和东北地区的总体特征;时间上,2013—2017年广东、安徽、湖北、湖南的耦合协调类型上升一个等级,而辽宁则下降一个等级,31个省域的系统耦合协调度呈现升多降少的总体趋势。  相似文献   

大数据正时刻发生在人们的身边,大数据时代已经到来。本文通过对大数据特点的描述,分析了大数据在国内外的研究现状以及未来的应用方向,只有重新认识大数据,从思维上变革对大数据的认识,从商业模式上适应大数据的变化,创新大数据管理模式,加强制度建设,增强法律意识,保证个人和国家的安全,才能不断推动大数据的健康发展。  相似文献   

大数据治理的概念与要素探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息、连接和计算能力这三大要素变得更加经济和便利,大数据应用将会变得越来越普及,如何发挥大数据应用的作用正是大数据治理关注的问题。从目的、权利层次、对象和解决的实际问题4个方面深入探析大数据治理的内涵,分析大数据治理应重点关注的领域,构建大数据治理框架,并进一步讨论大数据治理面临的挑战。论文在大数据治理内涵剖析和大数据要素框架构建方面作出新的尝试,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从大数据的角度入手,简要叙述大数据的含义以及它的产生与发展,并概括它在发展中逐渐形成的特征。本文第二部分简述大数据发挥的巨大影响力,使得图书馆传统职能与地位受到极大冲击,同时也给图书馆带来巨大转变。第三部分主要论述大数据在数字图书馆的服务中的应用。文章最后对未来新型智慧图书馆的产生以及服务模式进行展望。  相似文献   

文章以工业4.0技术体系为背景,从学院立方体角度探讨工业4.0需要人力资源所必需的基本素质与能力,提出员工任职资格、培训与职业发展方面可供选择的实施方案,建议增加以太网、管理科学、工业管理、大数据、物联网、移动互联和云技术等课程。  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate how the huge amount of Social Big Data available from tourists can nurture the value creation process for a Smart Tourism Destination. Applying a multiple-case study analysis, the paper explores a set of regional tourist experiences related to a Southern European region and destination, to derive patterns and opportunities of value creation generated by Big Data in tourism. Findings present and discuss evidence in terms of improving decision-making, creating marketing strategies with more personalized offerings, transparency and trust in dialogue with customers and stakeholders, and emergence of new business models. Finally, implications are presented for researchers and practitioners interested in the managerial exploitation of Big Data in the context of information-intensive industries and mainly in Tourism.  相似文献   

近来,大数据引起了产业界、科技界和政府部门的高度关注。本文简要阐述了大数据的研究现状与重大意义,探讨了大数据的科学问题,介绍了大数据应用与研究所面临的问题与挑战。最后,对大数据发展战略提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

为探析大数据分析能力与协同效应之间关系的影响机理,建立二者间关系的理论模型,并基于210家制造业企业的样本数据对模型进行实证检验。研究发现,大数据有形资源对大数据人力资源、无形资源具有显著的正向影响;互补效应、整合效应对学习效应具有显著的正向影响;大数据有形资源通过大数据人力资源、无形资源对互补效应和整合效应产生间接影响;大数据人力资源、无形资源均通过互补效应和整合效应对学习效应产生间接影响。  相似文献   

2015年,联合国通过17项可持续发展目标(SDGs),涵盖经济、社会、环境三大领域,其为各国全面转向可持续发展指明方向。然而,数据缺失、发展不均衡、目标间关联且相互制约等问题对于SDGs落实造成制约,2020年全球新冠肺炎疫情的暴发更加剧了各国实现SDGs面临的挑战。文章重点介绍中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)"地球大数据科学工程"(CASEarth)开展的可持续发展科学卫星、可持续发展大数据信息平台系统、SDG指标监测与评估等研究工作,并对可持续发展大数据国际研究中心的科学定位、核心任务及研究内容等进行介绍。文章提出了需提升SDGs数据服务能力,加强SDG指标监测与评估科学研究,研发SDGs科学系列卫星,建设科技创新促进可持续发展智库,以及提供面向发展中国家的教育和培训等发展建议。  相似文献   

实验室研究在大数据背景下,其研究的思维方法和方式都会产生重大变革。用现象学方法中的先验、解释以及体验等研究方法看待大数据下的实验室研究,以及探明实验室研究在大数据背景下的具体作用机理,具有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命正引发全球制造业转型升级浪潮,各国提出了不同的应对战略,其中以德国的工业4.0最引人瞩目。将工业4.0所追求的智能制造体系与精益思想进行了深入解读和对比,指出精益思想体现制造业的核心诉求,智能制造体系仍需落实精益思想,新科技手段为实现更高程度的精益提供可能。未来智能制造体系将为中小企业带来巨大机遇,但对于技术基础不足的中国中小企业也是巨大挑战。为此,建议中国中小企业秉承精益思想,踏踏实实"补课",认真练好基本功,全方位提升竞争力,以融入智能制造体系,支撑中国制造业转型升级。  相似文献   

共享物流信息平台是大数据时代物流行业实现信息化、高效化、智能化的基础。将大数据思维与共享理念融入共享物流中,并结合共享物流信息的特点分析大数据共享物流信息平台的运行机理,构建共享物流信息平台理论模型与应用模型,以促进实现信息资源共享价值最大化,加快物流行业转型升级。  相似文献   

Big data analytics associated with database searching, mining, and analysis can be seen as an innovative IT capability that can improve firm performance. Even though some leading companies are actively adopting big data analytics to strengthen market competition and to open up new business opportunities, many firms are still in the early stage of the adoption curve due to lack of understanding of and experience with big data. Hence, it is interesting and timely to understand issues relevant to big data adoption. In this study, a research model is proposed to explain the acquisition intention of big data analytics mainly from the theoretical perspectives of data quality management and data usage experience. Our empirical investigation reveals that a firm's intention for big data analytics can be positively affected by its competence in maintaining the quality of corporate data. Moreover, a firm's favorable experience (i.e., benefit perceptions) in utilizing external source data could encourage future acquisition of big data analytics. Surprisingly, a firm's favorable experience (i.e., benefit perceptions) in utilizing internal source data could hamper its adoption intention for big data analytics.  相似文献   

结合大数据时代网络信息资源成为竞争情报新型信息源的背景,分析构建网络竞争情报服务系统的动因与可行性,构建网络竞争情报服务系统,提出网络竞争情报服务系统的技术实现条件,探讨网络竞争情报服务系统的应用前景,拟为情报工作者和战略管理者提供决策参考。  相似文献   

结合数据库技术发展的方向和趋势,从数据库的建、管、用的角度,提出了在大数据背景下,应从完善数据库系统外部环境、运用技术手段、落实管理机制、加强审计追踪和全面备份数据等方面建立数据库安全保障体系,以此来提高数据库安全保障水平。  相似文献   

本文以近年中国高端女性科技人才群体的基础数据为依据,对其基本情况与发展状况等进行计量分析,借鉴相关国际女性科技人才管理政策的先进经验,尝试提出了运用大数据技术手段建立女性管理监测体系、制定女性人才培养规划、重构女性人才培养建制三大对策,以此改进完善中国高端女性科技人才管理状况。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统的健康和安全,直接关系到全人类的健康和福祉。有效监测数据不足、科学决策信息缺失等因素一定程度上影响了海洋可持续发展目标(SDG 14)的顺利实施。地球大数据具备宏观、动态、客观监测能力,可在支撑SDG 14实现中起到重要作用。在中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)的支持下,基于地球大数据相关技术和方法,我国已有效开展了海洋缺失数据集生产、目标本地化模型构建等具体实践。在以上分析基础上,文章提出了积极参与国际社会地球大数据共享,加强科技创新对SDG 14实现的驱动,深度参与联合国海洋治理计划等建议。  相似文献   

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