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Why Don't More Students Major in IS?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The large increases in the number of information systems (IS) majors about 10 years ago have been matched by equally large decreases in IS enrollments over the last few years. This article addresses the question of why students choose any major in general, and why students no longer choose to become an IS major in particular. We used a validated survey instrument and the responses from 163 students to examine this question in detail. Not surprisingly, we found that "genuine interest" in the subject was the most salient factor affecting the decision to major in IS. More surprising were what factors did not appear to influence this decision—for example, the promise of good job salaries, job security, the advice of others, or even the image of those who become IS professionals. Students seem aware that information technology employment opportunities exist; if job and salary issues contribute to choosing majors  other than IS , it is due to the perception of an unfavorable work/salary ratio for our field rather than one of job security or availability. That is, the amount of work to get an IS degree (the perception of harder-than-average courses) combined with (for many students) the perception of an undesirable amount of continuous training to keep an IS career just do not seem to balance with salary levels. These findings have important implications for the recruiting efforts of IS faculty seeking to attract more IS majors.  相似文献   

I once had an experience, which taught me something about the ways people make a bad situation worse by blaming themselves. One January, I officiatedat two funerals for two elderly women. Both died a natural death. At the first home, the son of the deceas…  相似文献   

Nowadays, it seems completely natural for us to shake hands when we meet someone or say goodbye to others. However, why do we do so?In the olden days, the hand was a symbol of power and strength. Then, there was no machinery or weapon. The hand was very important. It was used to catch or kill animals, fight enemies, make tools and weapons. So, when a person extended his hand to someone, it showed that he was not armed. This could mean goodwill or friendship.  相似文献   

"It is better to have loft(阁楼) and lost than to never have loft at all."—Groucho Marx Everyone does it at one time or another but why? We"re talking about falling in love. Let's explore the dynamics (动力学) of what exactly happens when two people are falling in love:  相似文献   

Simon Doonan 《考试》2013,(2):35-37
A theory. It is the first morning of our vacation.I wake up bright and early and trot down to the 0cean where I make a shocking and bone-chilling discovery:I am the only personae on the beach whose epidermis is unadorned with tattoos.Everyone is inked up except moi.According to the FDA,more than 45 million Americans are now tatted up.This past weekend,they all hit  相似文献   

David Hay discusses the ways that spirituality might be defined and its relationship to morality. He notes the well-intentioned documents produced by the SCAA Values Forum but argues that they have failed to get to grips with the 'motivating reality of spiritual insight'. Perhaps spiritual awareness cannot be taught as it is part of the biological inheritance that makes us human. If this is the case, and he believes it is, then what the teacher must do is help children become aware of this and reflect on it in the light of the culture of which they are a part. He identifies a number of significant difficulties that have to be overcome before this can be done. In the remainder of the paper he considers the implications of creating such an awareness in children, and details the responsibilities of schools and teachers in this process.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):259-277
This study investigated the extent and nature of preparation for the Pre-Professional Skills Tests (PPST), and the reasons for preparing or not preparing. The PPST, a high-stakes test with a high failure rate, is used for admission to teacher education programs and for teacher licensing. Recent test takers were surveyed. Preparation was limited and mainly involved activities that were free or inexpensive, such as taking a sample test. The reported reasons for not preparing and the empirical correlates of measures of preparation were primarily attitudinal.  相似文献   

This article is focused on building interdependence among diverse learners through four specific engagements in the art room: Friend/Family Involvement, Team-Building, Leadership Habits, and Service Learning. These strategies have been beneficial to the author in creating a sustainable model for high-quality visual arts instruction.  相似文献   

TodaywewilltalkaboutaninterestingtopicwhywelearnEnglish.AsweknowthatnowadayssomanypeopleinChinaandevenintheworldarelearningandspeakingEnglish.WhydopeoplelearnEnglish?Ithinkthatitisaquitecomplicatedquestiontoanswer.First,Englishisabeautiful,usefullanguage.Itisoneofthethreemainlanguagesintheworld.Ithasbeenwidelyusedinmanyforeigncountries.AlotofcountriesuseEnglishastheirnativelanguage,suchasCanada,America,NewZealand,AustraliaandEngland,etc.AndeventheUnitedNationsalsotakesit…  相似文献   

IsItaGoodWay?“Tom,Ihearyou’vebeenfightingwithoneofthoseboysnextdoorandhavegivenhimablackeye.”“Yeah,Youare.TheyaretwinsandIwantsaewaytotellthemapart.”这是好办法吗?“汤姆,听说你一直在和隔壁家的一个小男孩打架,还把他的眼睛打黑了。”“对呀,他们是双胞胎,我想找个办法把他们区别开来。”TheBiggestintheWorldPeterdozedoffwhilehisteacherwastalking.Teacher:Peter!Tellus,what’sthebiggestthingintheworld?Peter:Well,well…eyelids…Teacher:What?Eyelids?Peter:Yessir.BecauseassoonasIshutmyeyes,theeye…  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is threefold. First, we bring to the attention of the European and international research community the research evidence concerning within-class grouping. In a previous quantitative review, we computed 103 independent effect sizes from studies comparing within-class instruction and whole class instruction. The mean weighted effect size (ES) of within-class versus no grouping on student achievement was 0.17, which was significantly greater than zero (p < .05). We also reported that the findings were statistically heterogeneous and explored which of 26 study features accounted for the variability. Second, we address the issues related to our research integration raised by Prais (1998, 1999). We argue that our review focused only on grouping effects on students, not other features of classroom organization or teacher outcomes. We also believe that our data suggest that Continental Education would be further enhanced by the use of small group instruction. In particular, our findings are: useful; not so variable as to be meaningless; provide evidence of beneficial effects for students of all relative abilities; are thorough and detailed; and provide a rather complete picture of the available evidence. Third, we elaborate further on the pedagogical techniques which encourage effective small group instruction. We describe cooperative learning in general, the important elements of positive interdependence and individual accountability in particular, and summarize reviews of research on its effectiveness. We remain convinced that educators should group students within-class for learning and rely on the research evidence for guidance in doing so.  相似文献   

写了一年的编辑部故事,也不知道究竟能给大家带去多少快乐,但是无论如何我都要感谢每个故事的主角——我的同事们,若不是他们能够舍弃个人形象、能够不在意将自己的缺点啊、隐私啊暴露给大家,我们的故事也就不会有那么多的真实感和幽默感了。新年到了,我们的故事还在继续,不过,此时此刻,大家都来许个愿吧……  相似文献   

Described by General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) Geoff Barton as ‘beyond repugnant’ (TES, 2017), ‘off-rolling’ is the removal of pupils from the school roll via various unofficial means. This study positions a plethora of triggers for this form of exclusion, its prevalence and wider social implications. These perspectives will be evaluated alongside current national data and media perspectives, integrated with the outcomes of narrative accounts from practitioners in schools across England in 2018. The study concludes by commenting on the impact of performance-driven school cultures on limiting the choices parents and pupils are able to make when confronted by the prospect of exclusion from education. The longer-term social dangers presented by labelling a cohort of young people as marginal to education and society are considered, as is the fitness for purpose of the current education system in the meeting of pupil needs.  相似文献   

Today we have the challenge and theopportunity to provide all students with themathematical knowledge,skills,and confidence theywill need in a highly technical world.There isconsiderable nationwide interest in improvingstudents' understanding of mathematics,combined  相似文献   

Today we have the challenge and the opportunity to provide all students with the mathematical knowledge, skills, and confidence they will need in a highly technical world. There is considerable nationwide interest in improving students' understanding of mathematics, combined with an emerging consensus about the essential elements of mathematics instruction; in addition, research has provided valuable insights into how children learn. Together these factors are opening the way to substantial and enduring progress in school mathematics.  相似文献   

Mamba: Y m glad I' m not poisonous.Snake: Why?Mamba: I just bit my tongue.  相似文献   

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